833 research outputs found

    Perception of Primary School Teachers Regarding Impact of Child Labour on Universalization of Education at Primary Level at District Bannu

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    Child labour has emerged as a serious, widespread and rapid growing problem in many parts of the world. Child labour is a socio-economic issue, which not only wrecks the social growth but also damages the moral fabrics of our society. The on hand paper not only highlights this very issue but also have a close look at its major inverse affect on Universalization of Primary Education (one of the MDGs) . The main reason for child labour in many countries, particularly in third world nations is lack of education which is mainly caused by poverty, location, child status, family status and teacher’s behaviour etc. This paper attempts to assess the causes and effects of child Labour and its impact on Universalization of primary education at district Bannu. This study was descriptive in nature. Population of this study was comprised of all the male (1688) and female teachers (1251) i.e. 2939 teachers teaching at primary level and all the parents/ guardians i.e.  992 of the child labourers at district Bannu KPK, Pakistan. The sample of the study in case of teachers was 147 @ 5% while that of parents/guardians of child labourers was 100 @ 10%. A self developed questionnaire for teachers from where children have dropout and preferred to labour/work and also a structured questionnaire for those parents/guardians whose children were engaged in some sort of work/labour from the very beginning and have not been enrolled in any educational institution/school was distributed to know their perceptions regarding child labour and Universalization of primary education. This study was guided by these objectives: to compare the views of teachers about students preferring to child labour due to non availability of Govt schools near to their homes in rural & urban areas of District Bannu. to compare the views of teachers about students preferring to child labour due to increasing mode of educational expenses working in rural & urban areas of District Bannu. to compare the views of teachers regarding students preferring to child labour due to family members pressure not to attend the school in rural & urban areas of District Bannu, to compare the teacher perceptions for students prefer to child labour due to physical disability problems in rural & urban areas of District Bannu. To compare the teacher’s perceptions regarding student preferences for child labour due to behavior of teachers in rural & urban areas of District Bannu and to suggest some measures to decrease Child Labour and to Universalize Primary Education at district Bannu in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. To obtain the most appropriate and accurate results from the collected data, the coded questionnaire was analyzed through SPSS (V-23) in terms of percentage, frequencies, descriptive analysis, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Regression, Correlation, chi square and t-test was used for the analysis by the researcher. Keywords: Child Labour, Universalization, Primary Educatio

    Exploring IoT in Smart Cities: Practices, Challenges and Way Forward

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    The rise of Internet of things (IoT) technology has revolutionized urban living, offering immense potential for smart cities in which smart home, smart infrastructure, and smart industry are essential aspects that contribute to the development of intelligent urban ecosystems. The integration of smart home technology raises concerns regarding data privacy and security, while smart infrastructure implementation demands robust networking and interoperability solutions. Simultaneously, deploying IoT in industrial settings faces challenges related to scalability, standardization, and data management. This research paper offers a systematic literature review of published research in the field of IoT in smart cities including 55 relevant primary studies that have been published in reputable journals and conferences. This extensive literature review explores and evaluates various aspects of smart home, smart infrastructure, and smart industry and the challenges like security and privacy, smart sensors, interoperability and standardization. We provide a unified perspective, as we seek to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of smart cities while overcoming security concerns. It then explores their potential for collective integration and impact on the development of smart cities. Furthermore, this study addresses the challenges associated with each component individually and explores their combined impact on enhancing urban efficiency and sustainability. Through a comprehensive analysis of security concerns, this research successfully integrates these IoT components in a unified approach, presenting a holistic framework for building smart cities of the future. Integrating smart home, smart infrastructure, and smart industry, this research highlights the significance of an integrated approach in developing smart cities


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    Okky Madasari is an Indonesian novelist who is popularly known as a critic who used to voice social criticism through her writings. However, such social criticism appears not only in her adult novels but also in her children’s novels. In 2018, she first published a children’s book entitled Mata di Tanah Melus, a novel that talks about the adventures of Matara, a 12-year-old girl in the land of Melus, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This novel receives appreciation both from readers and scholars, and some scholars have examined how social criticism is reflected in the novel. However, none have analysed the reason why Madasari urges social criticism in this children’s book. Therefore, this research aims to discuss the complexity of this children’s book and to uncover why social criticism is insisted in Mata di Tanah Melus. This is descriptive analysis research in which the researchers’ attention focuses on the structure of the novel through close reading. Close reading here means the researchers read the novel several times in the way which Perry Nodelman has suggested: “reading as an adult versus reading as a child” in reading children’s fiction. The result shows that Mata di Tanah Melus is too complex for children’s readers. The complexity can be seen from the high-level language as well as the complicated idea of the story. The complicated issues are clearly seen from the way in which the author insists on social criticism as her ideology, as she has always done in her adult novels. Thus, this research is in line with Nodelman’s theory that there is always a hidden adult in children’s novels.ABSTRAK Okky Madasari adalah novelis Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai kritikus yang biasa menyuarakan kritik sosial melalui tulisannya. Namun, kritik sosial tersebut tidak hanya muncul dalam novel dewasanya, tetapi juga dalam novel anaknya. Pada tahun 2018, ia pertama kali menerbitkan buku anak berjudul Mata di Tanah Melus, sebuah novel yang bercerita tentang petualangan Matara, seorang gadis berusia 12 tahun di tanah Melus, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Novel ini mendapat apresiasi baik dari pembaca maupun akademisi. Beberapa peneliti telah mengkaji bagaimana kritik sosial tercermin dalam novel tersebut. Namun, belum ada yang menganalisis alasan mengapa Madasari menekankan kritik sosial dalam buku anak ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas kompleksitas buku anak ini dan mengungkap mengapa kritik sosial ditegaskan dalam Mata di Tanah Melus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif dimana perhatian peneliti difokuskan pada struktur novel melalui pembacaan cermat. Membaca cermat disini berarti peneliti membaca novel tersebut beberapa kali sebagaimana cara Perry Nodelman menyarankan pembaca dalam membaca buku anak yaitu “membaca sebagai orang dewasa dan membaca sebagai seorang anak”. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Mata di Tanah Melus terlalu kompleks untuk pembaca anak-anak. Kompleksitas yang terlihat dari bahasa tingkat tinggi serta ide cerita yang rumit. Rumitnya persoalan terlihat jelas dari cara pengarangnya menegaskan kritik sosial sebagai ideologinya, seperti yang selalu dilakukannya dalam novel-novel dewasanya. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini sejalan dengan teori Nodelman bahwa selalu ada orang dewasa yang tersembunyi dalam novel anak

    Papillon–Lefevre syndrome: Reporting consanguinity as a risk factor

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    AbstractPapillon–Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by palmoplantar hyperkeratosis associated with severe early-onset periodontitis and premature loss of primary and permanent teeth. This report describes two cases of PLS in 28-year-old female and 16-year-old male siblings with consanguineously married parents. The patients presented to the Department of Public Health Dentistry of a dental education and research institute in India with thickening, flaking, and scaling of the skin on the palms and soles of the feet. On oral examination, the female patient presented completely resorbed maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges with retention of only the third molars. The male patient retained only teeth 18, 13, 28, 38, and 45. Based on complete histories and clinical examination findings, a final diagnosis of PLS was made and treatment was initiated using an interdisciplinary dental approach in both cases

    Peripartum hysterectomy: prospective observational study in a tertiary care centre of north India

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    Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy is a vital surgical procedure performed at the time of vaginal or caesarean delivery or in the immediate postpartum period in cases of intractable postpartum haemorrhage unresponsive to other conservative measures. Such hemorrhage may be due to atonic uterus, uterine trauma, coagulation disorders, abnormal placentation, not treatable by conservative measures. Methods: This study was conducted for a time period of 1.5 years from March 2016 to September 2017, in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, GMC Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. All such patients in our hospital were included in this study. The incidence, risk factors, age, parity, gestational age, indications for performing hystrectomy, pre and post-operative complications were studied. Results: The incidence was 3.2/1000 deliveries. The average age of the patients in our study was 31.18±2.80 years. Most patients were delivered at gestation of 37-38 weeks (61.17%). Among the patients undergoing peripartum hysterectomy 87.38% had caesarean delivery and 12.62% had vaginal delivery. The commonest indication of peripartum hystrectomy in our study was abnormal placentation (67.96%) with accreta accounting for most of these cases (53.40%). Conclusions: The incidence of peripartum hystrectomy in our centre has increased with time, which can be accounted by increase in the rate of caesarean sections over time which has led to the emergence of morbidly adherent placentation as the commonest risk factor for peripartum hysterectomy

    Poverty Status and Factors Affecting Household Poverty in Southern Punjab: An Empirical Analysis

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    The strategies expected to mitigate poverty tend to identify factors that are closely related to poverty and that could have influenced the policy implications. A household level data was collected to examine the poverty status and factors affecting poverty in Southern Punjab. A logistic regression technique was employed for the present analyses. The findings show that age and education of the household head, own house, spouse participation, remittances, number of earners in the household and physical assets reduces the probability of being poor in Southern Punjab. However, large household size, occupation in the primary sector, high dependency ratio and mental disability are associated with an increased probability of being poor in Southern Punjab. Government should adopt effective policy measures to generate employment and encourage the attainment of education for the poor households for the mitigation of poverty in this region


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    Shanghai Cooperation Organisation has greater relevance in Afghanistan because of its strategic importance and geographic proximity. For years, the country has harboured numerous extremist groups and insurgents. It has remained a battleground for US-led coalition forces and the Taliban for about two decades. Despite efforts by the US and its allies, peace has yet to be restored in Afghanistan, and the responsibility now rests on regional countries. It is crucial for these states, especially Eurasian nations, to work together to stabilise the war-torn country and bring lasting peace to the region. Therefore, the study examines the push and pull factors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s interests in Afghanistan and the challenges that come with implementing their peace plans. The data has been collected from various primary and secondary sources, including websites, newspapers and research articles. The paper also highlights two major concerns for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the economic crisis in Afghanistan and the international recognition of the Taliban government.   Bibliography Entry Khan, Hameed Ullah, Muhammad Farooq Shah and Muhammad Ilyas Khan. 2023. "Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Afghanistan: Interests and Limitations." Margalla Papers 27 (1): 82-95

    Inculcating ethical values in the students through e-Learning platform

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    with the encompassing speed of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the world is developing with time; the gap between the have and have not is widening. The greed for materialistic and worldly things is increasing. The trend can be partially contributed to the modern education system, where total emphasis is on domain and technical knowledge. Teaching of moral values is considered as an integral part of the education in Islam. The contents of our formal education syllabi are gradually throwing out material on character development. With the busy schedule of individuals, the role of character development by the family and society is diminishing. The only hope is left with the teacher. In the e-Learning platefrom that hope is also disappearing because of physical absence of teacher. The work will analyze the learning models and role of ethical development. It is also proposing a model using ICTs which can help in the character d
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