9,111 research outputs found

    Co adaptation of LiCl tolerant Solanum tuberosum L. callus cultures to NaCl stress

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    In this research, co-adaptation of the Calli of Solanum tuberosum, raised from petioles, to the presence of lithium (LiCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl) was studied. The cultures were adapted with LiCl in the absence of an osmotic stress and the response of adapted and unadapted calli to salinity was investigated. Undifferentiated callus growth was induced in S. tuberosum by the addition of 2 mg/l 2,4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), 0.25 mg/l kinetin to Murashige and Skoog medium. Subcultures were subjected to an incremental increase in LiCl to obtain adapted lines. Adapted and undapted calli were grown with LiCl and NaCl and the tissue content of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and proline levels were determined. Either 40 mM LiCl or 100 mM NaCl inhibited unadapted calli by more than 50%, while adapted calli grew normally under these conditions. The adapted calli exhibited a lower K+ content with or without salt and showed a lower accumulation of Na+ at 100 mM NaCl. The tissue K+ and Mg2+ contents decreased and their proline levels increased with salinity. A co-adaptation phenomenon is induced by LiCl that involves a regulation of K+ and Na+ contents and an accumulation of proline, which also brings about tolerance to osmotic effects of salt. This data is highly useful for devising breeding and molecular modification strategies for stress tolerance.Key words: Cations, proline, osmotic adjustment, salt tolerance, Solanum tuberosum

    3d polyaniline nanofibers anchored on carbon paper for high-performance and light-weight supercapacitors

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    In the field of advanced energy storage, nanostructured Polyaniline (PANI) based materials hold a special place. Extensive studies have been done on the application of PANI in supercapacitors, however, the structure–property relationship of these materials is still not understood. This paper presents a detailed characterization of the novel sodium phytate doped 3D PANI nanofibers anchored on different types of carbon paper for application in supercapacitors. An excellent relationship between the structures and properties of the synthesized samples was found. Remarkable energy storage characteristics with low values of solution, charge transfer and polarization resistance and a specific capacitance of 1106.9 ± 1.5 F g1^{−1} and 779 ± 2.6 F g1^{−1} at current density 0.5 and 10 Ag1^{−1}, respectively, was achieved at optimized conditions. The symmetric supercapacitor assembly showed significant enhancement in both energy density and power density. It delivered an energy density of 95 Wh kg1^{−1} at a power of 846 W kg1^{−1}. At a high-power density of 16.9 kW kg1^{−1}, the energy density can still be kept at 13 Wh kg1^{−1}. Cyclic stability was also checked for 1000 cycles at a current density of 10 Ag1^{−1} having excellent retention, i.e., 96%

    Modifications in biphasic liquid-scintillation vial system for radiometry

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    Several modifications of the biphasic liquid-scintillation vial system for radiometry have been tried in order to improve the counting efficiency. The biphasic system consisted of an inner sterile vial containing medium and substrate, and an outer liquid-scintillation vial lined on the inside with filter paper impregnated with scintillation fluors and alkali. The system gave an overall counting efficiency of 14.6%. Substitution of methanolic NaOH for impregnation of the paper raised the counting efficiency to 29.1%. This could be further enhanced to 33.8% by lining only half of the outer vial with filter paper, thereby allowing improved optical transmission of scintillation light. Increasing the amount of fluor did not change the efficiency significantly. A complete interchange in the system, whereby half of the inner vial was lined with filter paper and was otherwise empty, while the outer vial contained the medium and substrate, gave the highest efficiency (36.9%). This also allowed the use of larger amounts of medium and the inoculum

    Chemical composition of processed bamboo for structural applications.

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    Natural materials are a focus for development of low carbon products for a variety of applications. To utilise these materials, processing is required to meet acceptable industry standards. Laminated bamboo is a commercial product that is currently being explored for structural applications, however there is a gap in knowledge about the effects of commercial processing on the chemical composition. The present study utilised interdisciplinary methods of analysis to investigate the effects of processing on the composition of bamboo. Two common commercial processing methods were investigated: bleaching (chemical treatment) and caramelisation (hygrothermal treatment). The study indicated that the bleaching process results in a more pronounced degradation of the lignin in comparison to the caramelised bamboo. This augments previous research, which has shown that the processing method (strip size) and treatment may affect the mechanical properties of the material in the form of overall strength, failure modes and crack propagation. The study provides additional understanding of the effects of processing on the properties of bamboo.This work was funded by a Leverhulme Trust Programme Grant, and EPSRC Grant EP/K023403/1

    Systematic Analysis of Poly(o-aminophenol) Humidity Sensors

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the American Chemical Society via the DOI in this recordA thin film of poly(o-aminophenol), POAP, has been used as a sensor for various types of toxic and nontoxic gases: a gateway between the digital and physical worlds. We have carried out a systematic mechanistic investigation of POAP as a humidity sensor; how does it sense different gases? POAP has several convenient features such as flexibility, transparency, and suitability for large-scale manufacturing. With an appropriate theoretical method, molecular oligomers of POAP, NH and O functional groups and the perpendicular side of the polymeric body, are considered as attacking sites for humidity sensing. It is found that the NH position of the polymer acts as an electrophilic center: able to accept electronic cloud density and energetically more favorable compared to the O site. The O site acts as a nucleophilic center and donates electronic cloud density toward H2Ovap. In conclusion, only these two sites are involved in the sensing process which leads to strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding, having a 1.96 Å bond distance and ΔE ∼ -35 kcal mol-1. The results suggest that the sensitivity of the sensor improved with the oxidization state of POAP.Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakista

    Characterizing cognitive deficits and dementia in an aging urban population in India.

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    Rapid rise in the population of older adults in India will lead to the need for increased health care services related to diagnosis, management, and long-term care for those with dementia and cognitive impairment. A direct approach for service provision through memory clinics can be an effective, successful, and sustaining means of delivering specialized health care services. We have established a memory clinic in Mumbai, India by employing the diverse clinical skills available in Indian academic institutions, diagnostic and research expertise of clinicians and psychologists, and the support of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Our project involved recruitment of patients, clinical and neuropsychological assessment, and standardized diagnostic procedures, demonstrating the feasibility of using research methods to develop a memory clinic. In this paper, we describe the development of a community-based memory clinic in urban India, including linguistic and cultural factors and present detailed results, including diagnostic characterization, on 194 subjects with various stages of cognitive deficits. Our findings support the feasibility of developing a memory clinic in a public hospital and successful use of research diagnostic criteria to categorize cognitive deficits observed in this population, which may be used to inform the development of other such clinics

    Forty years on: Uta Frith's contribution to research on autism and dyslexia, 1966–2006

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    Uta Frith has made a major contribution to our understanding of developmental disorders, especially autism and dyslexia. She has studied the cognitive and neurobiological bases of both disorders and demonstrated distinctive impairments in social cognition and central coherence in autism, and in phonological processing in dyslexia. In this enterprise she has encouraged psychologists to work in a theoretical framework that distinguishes between observed behaviour and the underlying cognitive and neurobiological processes that mediate that behaviour

    Cost of Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations in a High Burden Region in North India

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    Background: Data on costs of acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) in low-income countries are sparse. We conducted a prospective survey to assess direct and indirect costs of severe AECOPD in a tertiary care setting in a high prevalence area of North India. Methods: We conducted face-to-face surveys using a semi-structured questionnaire among a convenience sample of 129 consenting patients admitted with AECOPD. Data were collected on out-of-pocket costs of hospitalization, consultation, medications, diagnostics, transportation, lodging, and missed work days for self and their attendants. Out-of-pocket costs were supplemented with World Health Organization-CHOICE estimates. Missed work-days were valued on per capita national income (Indian Rupees [INR] 68,748, US1,145.8).MediantotalcostperexacerbationepisodewasINR44,390(Interquartilerange[IQR]:INR33,35463,642;US1,145.8). Median total cost per exacerbation episode was INR 44,390 (Inter-quartile range [IQR]: INR 33,354–63,642; US739.8, IQR: 555.9–1060.7). Hospital costs constituted the largest component of the costs (71%) followed by other costs directly borne by the patient himself (29%), medicine costs (14%), transportation charges (2%) and diagnostic tests (3%). Indirect costs to caregivers (median INR 1,544, IQR: INR 0–17,370 INR; US25.7,IQR:US25.7, IQR: US0–289.5), calculated as financial loss due to missed work days, accounted for 4% of the total cost. Expenses were covered by family members in all but 11 patients. Conclusions: AECOPD in India are associated with substantial costs and strategies to reduce the burden of disease such as smoking cessation, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination, etc should be aggressively pursued