766 research outputs found

    A note on a characterization theorem for a certain class of domains

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    We have introduced and studied in [3] the class of Globalized multiplicatively pinched-Dedekind domains (GMPD domains). This class of domains could be characterized by a certain factorization property of the non-invertible ideals, (see [3, Theorem 4]). In this note a simplification of the characterization theorem [3, Theorem 4] is provided in more general form

    Integrated Framework For Secure Distributed Management Of Duplicated Ipv6 Address Detection

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    Alamat bernegara auto-konfigurasi adalah ciri utama protokol IPv6, yang membolehkan tuan rumah untuk mengkonfigurasi alamat IP secara automatik tanpa perlu apa-apa perkhidmatan tambahan seperti; DHCPv6 Stateless address auto-configuration is the primary feature of IPv6 protocol, which allows hosts to configure IP addresses automatically without the need of any additional services such as; DHCPv

    Knowledge Workers’ Ethical & Social Responsibilities

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    This paper elaborates the Knowledge Workers’ social responsibilities and ethics. Research work contains a number of resources that were used to blend the research content along with Information System and IT activities into an exciting and practical working experience. The study focuses the general attitude of knowledge workers and provides recommendations to help every executive who wants to understand the ethical and social responsibilities of the knowledge workers in the info-tech environment. Through practical survey report, it was tried to analyze the workforce attitude about their responsibilities. The paper also provides recommendations for productive results of employees in the Info-Tech environment based on the executives’ strategy before switching from manual to new innovative IT system. The Info-Tech level of organizations that relate the efforts to get executives involved with the concept s they are supporting to modify their existing set up from manual to computerized one for productive results is the focus area for research where executives face more complicated situations based on the reality of understanding while switching form functional management to knowledge management. It was tried to prove that the efficiency in the organization’s operation management because of the knowledge workers’ attitude that affects the overall results of organization efficiently and effectively. Keywords: Knowledge Worker, Social Responsibilities and Ethics, Knowledge Management, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), Organizational Productivity

    Corruption: Its Definitions and Typologies

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    Corruption is one of the central issue facing developing state, be that dictatorship or democracies. Once seen as a problem largely confined to the low paid people, the explosion of scandals in well established politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen over the last two decades has demonstrated that no one is immune to the corrosive impact of corruption. This paper is an effort to bring together the developed and developing state, which approaches the issue of corruption from a variety of different analytical perspectives. Attention is devoted to such questions as how corruption is to defined, how it operates in practice, what its impact on the society. Keywords: Corruption and its typologies, Social problems, Government and society, United States of America, Pakistan

    Analysis of Investor Overreaction Effect and Random Walk: A Case Study of Pakistan Stock Exchange

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    Research in behavioral finance put forward that in violation of Bayes’ theorem rule and involving in Noise trading, majority of the investors in stock market tend to underreact or overreact to unanticipated bad and good news. One of the investor anomalies “Overreaction effect†in 30 firms listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange has been investigated in this study with the help of the portfolios of Loser and Winner Average Cumulative Abnormal Return’s. Moreover, the Random Walk is checked over the average prices of the same 30 firms listed in Pakistan stock market. This research of market efficiency took stocks data of randomly selected 30 firms listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange on weekly basis whether such investor’s anomalies affect stock prices. The result presents that there exist weak form of efficiency where the investor Overreaction present over many periods especially in global financial crises. Along with it, the Econometric test confirms the presence of Random Walk in the thirty firms of Pakistan stock market. Finally, the portfolios of loser Average Cumulative Abnormal Return’s outperformed that of portfolios of winner Average Cumulative Abnormal Return’s

    Impact of Corporate Governance Compliance and Financial Crisis on Stock Liquidity: Evidence from Pakistan

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    This study examines the impact of corporate governance compliance and global financial crisis on stock liquidity of Pakistani listed non-financial firms. By using a sample of 170 firms for the period of 2007 to 2016, and employing fixed effect regression model, the study finds a positive relationship between stock liquidity and corporate governance compliance, stating that more complied firms with the given code of corporate governance have better stock liquidity. The relationship of the global financial crisis with stock liquidity is negative and statistically significant, which means that stock liquidity of Pakistani listed firms is affected negatively during the global financial crisis. Conclusively, findings of the study signify the role of corporate governance compliance and financial crisis in determining stock liquidity of Pakistani listed firms, which have implications for investment and policymaking in Pakistan.  &nbsp

    Users’ Perception and Satisfaction with Higher Education Commission Pakistan Research Repository (PRR): problems and opportunities

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    The purpose of this study was to know the users’ perception, awareness, purpose, problems, and satisfaction with Pakistan Research Repository (PRR). To meet the purpose, study was conducted in multiple phases. In the first phase, literature review was done. And, on the bases of reviewed literature, a semi structured questionnaire was developed. Data was collected via online survey from 400 users (LIS professionals & library users of Pakistan) of PRR. A convenience sampling method was used. The useable responses were 384 (96%). Results of the study revealed that majority (36.2 %) of the respondents came to know about PRR through library staff. Similarly, majority (74%) of the respondents agreed that they accessed the PRR to retrieve the material but a good number (19%) of participants responded that they accessed the PRR for both (to deposit & retrieve) purposes. The current study is first one in Pakistan of its type in terms of topic as no study has been conducted yet on this national program i.e. PRR. The study focuses on the importance of PRR from the users’ point of view. Problems and users’ satisfaction level with PRR are also discussed in the study

    Ethical Values and Social Responsibilities among Knowledge Workers for Productivity and Success

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    This millennium is the era of the globalization and info-tech. Advancement in communication technologies, melting boundaries and attractive incentives from the multinational organizations demand strong ethical and social responsibilities with effective organizational culture among its employees for productive results. Fundamentally, civil society organizations are considered development agents as they work as watch-dog monitoring the social abuses. But the study suggests that it’s not government agencies to impose rules rather knowledge workers (KW) should realize and pay due respect to ethical and social values. The culture and internal environment play very important role where every individual respect the general rules and they do get inspiration from their leaders, supervisors and employers.  To get the best from people and their respective organizations, effective leadership role of the executives is crucial.  The study concludes that every executive must strongly admit the importance of ethics and social responsibilities as the future success of organizations demands thorough understanding of interaction between productivity and ethics among knowledge workers. Organizations should concentrate on introducing HRD programmes, strengthen service orientation and create synergies to educate their staff for the ethical norms while unlocking their potentials in order to achieve long lasting productive results. Keywords: ICT, Technological Advancement, Organizational Effectiveness, Ethics and Responsibilities, Knowledge Management, Learning and Development

    Policy Imperatives: Stabilisation of Production and Price Swings of Potato and Onion Crops in Pakistan

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    Potatoes and onions are bracketed ",ith other minor crops, but are consumed as a table food in almost every household. Thus both commodities are listed as sensitive food items. Production instability and erratic price behaviour of these crops adversely affect both producers and consumers. This leads to excess supply/demand situation with resultant price swings. These fluctuations are studied for the period 1972 to 1990-91. The demand for potatoes and onions is highly price inelastic (-0.07 and -.13 for potatoes) and (-0.10 and -0.17 for onions) in rural and urban areas, respectively [Najmi (1991), p. 193J. The year-to-year swings in supply coupled "ith an inelastic demand causes wide fluctuations in prices. Given a change in price, the change in quantity supplied is lagged and or distributed through time. Thus, a one-time increase in price would result in observed increases in quantity supplied over two or even more years. For both the crops, higher prices lead growers to increase production in a following period, which adversely affect prices and this in tum reduces acreage/production in the subsequent years and so on

    Audit of postoperative nausea and vomiting in paediatric day case surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence of PONV, delay in discharge or unplanned admissions in paediatric surgical cases done at the Surgical Day Care Unit at Aga Khan University between January and July 2009. METHODS: All paediatric ASA 1-2 cases, from 6 months to 18 years of age undergoing day case surgeries at the Surgical day care unit were included in this retrospective audit. Data was collected on a designed form filled with information from preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative recovery forms. Any relevant data was also noted from nurses notes in recovery room and step down unit. Episodes of vomiting, delay in discharge, or unplanned admission due to PONV were documented. Data was analyzed on SPSS 14. RESULTS: Out of 163 patients only one patient (0.6%) had an episode of vomiting in the recovery room and two patients (1.2 %) had vomiting in the step down unit. There was no delay in discharge or unplanned admission due to PONV in paediatric day cases during the period of our audit. CONCLUSION: The incidence of postoperative vomiting in paediatric day cases at our day care unit does not justify polymodal prophylaxis as a protocol for PONV