143 research outputs found

    The Light Princess: An Illustrated Fairy Tale

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    Fairy tales teach children important life lessons, and The Light Princess by George MacDonald is no exception. The main lesson taught by this story is that one needs a balance between gravity and levity, or that there can be no true happiness without knowing sadness as well. This fairy tale is aimed at slightly older children, around age ten, so they might begin to understand this lesson. Younger children would not be able to understand this as well, but it may stick with the older kids. I feel that this is a particularly important life lesson, and my illustrations try to make this idea more memorable and appealing. In an increasingly digital world, the lessons taught by traditional fairy tales continue to be relevant. The lesson in this story, that one cannot be happy without knowing sadness, is a particularly critical one. Besides showing a message, illustrating The Light Princess gave me crucial experience with book illustration. Deciding what parts of a story to highlight, laying out a book, and sticking with one project for a long time are all aspects of this industry that I had not dealt with before. Hopefully my illustrations will bring attention to this fairy tale and George MacDonald\u27s stories and remind readers about the joy and importance of reading books

    The Persistence of L.A.\u27s Grocery Gap: The Need for a New Food Policy and Approach to Market Development

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    This report chronicles the gap between the number of supermarkets located in low-income and inner city communities versus middle and upper-income, and suburban communities in Los Angeles. Chapter 1 highlights the discrepancies in access to supermarkets according to household income and racial make up of the surrounding neighborhood, and details how the gap affects price and quality. Chapter 2 describes the potential health ramifications of a diet affected by limited access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods. Chapter 3 explores various factors that have been identified as key barriers for supermarket investment in low-income communities. Chapter 4 then explores opportunities and advantages for such investment, with emphasis on those areas where barriers have been identified. Chapter 5 traces the evolution of the urban grocery store gap in Los Angeles from the first supermarkets up to the 1992 civil unrest. Chapter 6 explains the current situation in Los Angeles, with updates of the Rebuild LA efforts following the 1992 civil unrest, as well as an analysis of the impact of race and income on supermarket access. Chapter 7 outlines recommendations for an improved future of inner city supermarket access that includes an active public sector, a private sector that is held accountable, and strong community involvement

    Bringing People to Good Food and Good Food to People: Enhancing food access through transportation and land use policies

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    This report examined links between transportation and food access in South Los Angeles and recommends ways to increase access to healthy food through transportation and land use programs and policies. The report is the product of Food Access and Transportation in South Los Angeles project, a collaboration between the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA), the Urban & Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College (UEPI), and Esperanza Community Housing Corporation (Esperanza). The recommendations were developed through research of best practices and policies throughout the country; surveys of food retail stores and mobile food vendors in the project area; mapping of food retail locations and transportation routes in the project area; and the experiences of the project partners in working on food access issues in low-income communities in Los Angeles

    Following the lead of Barack Obama, CNN, and Ashton Kutcher: Police departments’ use of Twitter

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    An increasing number of police departments are using Twitter to communicate with the public. As with any emerging communications technology, there is considerable variation in the usage of this medium. This study reports the results of a content analysis designed to determine how police departments are using Twitter

    Perbedaan Persepsi Risiko Audit, Materialitas dan Kualitas Audit Sebelum dan Sesudah Implementasi Ketentuan Pidana UU No. 5 Tahun 2011 Tentang Akuntan Publik (Studi Persepsi pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Surabaya)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data informasi dalam hal bukti empiris tentang perbedaan persepsiauditor dalam menentukan risiko audit, tingkat materialitas dan kualitas audit sebelum dan sesudahpelaksanaan ketentuan pidana UU No 5 tahun 2011 tentang akuntan publik.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik (PAF) di Surabayasebagai 46 PAF. Auditor dipilih sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor yang menjabat sebagaipartner, manajer, pengawas dan senior. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dengankuesioner yang dibagikan sebanyak 236 kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah uji beda dengan menggunakan paired sample t-test.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada perbedaan persepsi auditor dalam menentukan risiko audit, tingkatmaterialitas dan kualitas audit sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan ketentuan pidana UU No 5 tahun 2011tentang akuntan publik.Keyword : Risiko audit, Materialitas, kualitas Audit, ketentuan pidana dan UU Nomor 5 tahun 2011 tentangakuntan publik

    In Search of Conversational Grain Size: Modelling Semantic Structure Using Moving Stanza Windows

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    Analyses of learning based on student discourse need to account not only for the content of the utterances but also for the ways in which students make connections across turns of talk. This requires segmentation of discourse data to define when connections are likely to be meaningful. In this paper, we present an approach to segmenting data for the purposes of modeling connections in discourse using epistemic network analysis. Specifically, we use epistemic network analysis to model connections in student discourse using a temporal segmentation method adapted from recent work in the learning sciences. We compare the results of this study to a purely conversation-based segmentation method to examine the affordances of temporal segmentation for modeling connections in discourse

    Dyadic Digital Health Interventions: Their Rationale and Implementation

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    While most psychosocial and behavioral digital health interventions have been designed to be consumed by an individual, intervening at the level of a dyad – two interdependent individuals – can more comprehensively address the needs of both individuals and their relationship. The clinical utility of the dyadic digital health intervention approach, as well as the practical implementation of this design, will be demonstrated via three examples: eSCCIP, FAMS, and OurRelationship
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