100 research outputs found

    LHC Benchmarks from Flavored Gauge Mediation

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    We present benchmark points for LHC searches from flavored gauge mediation models, in which messenger-matter couplings give flavor-dependent squark masses. Our examples include spectra in which a single squark - stop, scharm, or sup - is much lighter than all other colored superpartners, motivating improved quark flavor tagging at the LHC. Many examples feature flavor mixing; in particular, large stop-scharm mixing is possible. The correct Higgs mass is obtained in some examples by virtue of the large stop A-term. We also revisit the general flavor and CP structure of the models. Even though the A-terms can be substantial, their contributions to EDM's are very suppressed, because of the particular dependence of the A-terms on the messenger coupling. This holds regardless of the messenger-coupling texture. More generally, the special structure of the soft terms often leads to stronger suppression of flavor- and CP-violating processes, compared to naive estimates.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures. Updated to published versio

    Metastable Rank-Condition Supersymmetry Breaking in a Chiral Example

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    We discuss generalizations of Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (ISS) vacua to chiral models. We study one example, of an s-confining theory, in detail. In the IR, this example reduces to two ISS-like sectors, and exhibits a supersymmetry-breaking vacuum with all pseudo-moduli stabilized at the origin, and with the R-symmetry unbroken. The IR theory is interesting from the point of view of R-symmetry breaking. This theory is an O'Raifeartaigh model with all charges zero or two, but the presence of a second R-charged pseudo-modulus with superpotential couplings to the messengers in principle allows for R-symmetry breaking.Comment: 9 page

    Dynamics Of The Formation Of Carbon Nanotube Serpentines.

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    Recently, Geblinger et al. [Nat. Nanotechnol. 3, 195 (2008)] reported the experimental realization of carbon nanotube S-like shaped nanostructures, the so-called carbon nanotube serpentines. We report here results from multimillion fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of their formation. We consider one-μm-long carbon nanotubes placed on stepped substrates with and without a catalyst nanoparticle on the top free end of the tube. A force is applied to the upper part of the tube during a short period of time and turned off; then the system is set free to evolve in time. Our results show that these conditions are sufficient to form robust serpentines and validates the general features of the falling spaghetti model proposed to explain their formation.11010550

    Visible Effects of the Hidden Sector

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    The renormalization of operators responsible for soft supersymmetry breaking is usually calculated by starting at some high scale and including only visible sector interactions in the evolution equations, while ignoring hidden sector interactions. Here we explain why this is correct only for the most trivial structures in the hidden sector, and discuss possible implications. This investigation was prompted by the idea of conformal sequestering. In that framework hidden sector renormalizations by nearly conformal dynamics are critical. In the original models of conformal sequestering it was necessary to impose hidden sector flavor symmetries to achieve the sequestered form. We present models which can evade this requirement and lead to no-scale or anomaly mediated boundary conditions; but the necessary structures do not seem generic. More generally, the ratios of scalar masses to gaugino masses, the ÎĽ\mu-term, the BÎĽB\mu-term, AA-terms, and the gravitino mass can be significantly affected.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Light GUT Triplets and Yukawa Splitting

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    Triplet-mediated proton decay in Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is usually suppressed by arranging a large triplet mass. Here we explore instead a mechanism for suppressing the couplings of the triplets to the first and second generations compared to the Yukawa couplings, so that the triplets' mass can be below the GUT scale. This mechanism is based on a ``triplet symmetry'' in the context of product-group GUTs. We study two possibilities. One, which requires the top Yukawa to arise from a non-renormalizable operator at the GUT scale, is that all triplet couplings to matter are negligible, so that the triplets can be at the weak scale. The second is that some triplet couplings, and in particular TtbT t b and TtˉlˉT \bar{t} \bar{l}, are equal to the corresponding Yukawa couplings. This would give a distinct signature of grand unification if the triplets were sufficiently light. However, we derive a model-independent bound on the triplet mass in this case, which is at least 106^6GeV. Finally, we construct a GUT model based on Yukawa splitting, with the triplets at 1014^{14}GeV, as required for coupling unification to work.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex4, 1 EPS figure. To appear in PRD: Minor changes. Appendix droppe

    Models of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking with Gauged U(1)RU(1)_R Symmetry

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    We present simple models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking with gauged U(1)_R symmetry. The minimal supersymmetric standard model and supersymmetric SU(5) GUT are considered as the visible sector. The anomaly cancellation conditions for U(1)_R are investigated in detail and simple solutions of the R-charge assignments are found. We show that this scenario of dynamical supersymmetry breaking is phenomenologically viable with the gravitino mass of order 1 TeV or 10 TeV.Comment: 15 pages, uses REVTEX macro, No figure

    Dynamical completions of generalized O'Raifeartaigh models

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    We present gauge theory completions of Wess-Zumino models admitting supersymmetry breaking vacua with spontaneously broken R-symmetry. Our models are simple deformations of generalized ITIY models, a supersymmetric theory with gauge group Sp(N), N+1 flavors plus singlets, with a modified tree level superpotential which explicitly breaks (part of) the global symmetry. Depending on the nature of the deformation, we obtain effective O'Raifeartaigh-like models whose pseudomoduli space is locally stable in a neighborhood of the origin of field space, or in a region not including it. Hence, once embedded in direct gauge mediation scenarios, our models can give low energy spectra with either suppressed or unsuppressed gaugino mass.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; v3: reference adde

    Neutrino Parameters, Abelian Flavor Symmetries, and Charged Lepton Flavor Violation

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    Neutrino masses and mixings have important implications for models of fermion masses, and, most directly, for the charged lepton sector. We consider supersymmetric Abelian flavor models, where neutrino mass parameters are related to those of charged leptons and sleptons. We show that processes such as \tau to \mu\gamma, \mu to e\gamma and \mu-e conversion provide interesting probes. In particular, some existing models are excluded by current bounds, while many others predict rates within reach of proposed near future experiments. We also construct models in which the predicted rates for charged lepton flavor violation are below even the proposed experimental sensitivities, but argue that such models necessarily involve loss of predictive power.Comment: 27 pages, refs added, published versio

    The GUT Scale and Superpartner Masses from Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider models of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) in which the grand unification (GUT) scale is determined by the vacuum expectation value of a chiral superfield. If the anomaly-mediated contributions to the potential are balanced by gravitational-strength interactions, we find a model-independent prediction for the GUT scale of order MPlanck/(16Ď€2)M_{\rm Planck} / (16\pi^2). The GUT threshold also affects superpartner masses, and can easily give rise to realistic predictions if the GUT gauge group is asymptotically free. We give an explicit example of a model with these features, in which the doublet-triplet splitting problem is solved. The resulting superpartner spectrum is very different from that of previously considered AMSB models, with gaugino masses typically unifying at the GUT scale.Comment: 17 page
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