4,160 research outputs found

    The constitutional experience of consolidation the human rights function of the state in the post-soviet space

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    Norms, legalizing the human rights function of the state are identified in this article, based on the texts analysis of the constitutions of the states-members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS

    Investigation of the effect of copper addition on physical and mechanical properties of TiNi-Cu porous alloy

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    This work is devoted to the physical and mechanical properties of porous alloys based on TiNi alloyed with different amounts of Cu additive. We show that by doping a porous TiNi alloy with copper instead of nickel, it is possible to obtain characteristics acceptable for use in implantology and superior to those of known porous TiNi alloys. Cu addition in the range from 1 to 10 at.% is shown to optimize the properties of tested alloys. There is a decrease in the minimal martensitic transformation stress τminMs from 37 to 17 MPa when compared to initial unalloyed TiNi. Alloys with 3 and 6 at.% of Cu are found to be optimal for use in medical practice. Along with a wide temperature range of reversible deformations that cover the range of operating temperatures (273–313 K), such alloys demonstrate their martensitic transformation stress values below 28 MPs. This permits to model implantable structures of complex configuration from such materials under a certain temperature regime

    Preparation of porous TiNi-Ti alloy by diffusion sintering method and study of its composition, structure and martensitic transformations

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    The study demonstrates a method for controlling not only the phase composition but also the atomic composition of TiNi matrix in porous TiNi-Ti alloys developed for biomedical uses as implants. The alloys were obtained from TiNi powder which was sintered with Ti powder added at as much as 0–10 at%. The structure, phase and chemical composition of the produced TiNi-Ti alloys was investigated with respect to the amount of Ti added into the material. It is shown that in the sintered product containing 5 at% and more of Ti additive, the composition of its TiNi matrix becomes close to equiatomic (with Ti:Ni atomic ratio ~1), and the excessive Ti precipitates as secondary phases Ti2Ni and Ti3Ni4. In parallel, with increase in Ti ad- ditive from 0–10 at%, the structure of the precipitating Ti2Ni type phases changes its morphology from separate spherical or pyramidal precipitates to large dendritic formations. The direct martensitic trans- formation from austenite to martensite in all the samples was found to proceed in two stages and through the R-phase (B2→R→B19′). Thermoresistive analysis demonstrated that TiNi-Ti samples with 5 and more at% of Ti had their characteristic starting temperature of martensite transition stabilizing at ~57 °C (330 K). This implies that the sample with 5 at% of Ti additive exhibited desired martensite transition temperatures, while containing a minimum concentration of secondary-phase precipitates in its matrix which deteriorate its properties. Thus, for the 곙rst time, we show that a very simple preparation approach based on sintering powders of TiNi and Ti is capable of producing porous TiNi-Ti alloys with properties optimized for fabricating bone implants

    Water Ozonation with Copper Catalyst for Organic Pollutants Removal

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    This work presents high-porous honeycomb copper catalyst for organic pollutants removal from water during the ozonation process. This catalyst demonstrates high efficiency in removing target compounds (oxalic and benzoic acids and methylene blue), appropriate stability and resistance to abrasion. Copper catalyst behavior in the ozonation process was investigated. It was found that under ozonation conditions reversible В  oxidation/reduction of the copper surface layer takes place. In contact with ozone, copper surface can easily be oxidized resulting in formation of copper oxides. As expected, it leads to decomposition of organic substances during ozonation and reduction of copper catalyst surface layer. Copper (II) oxide was also found to be an active catalyst in oxidation of organic pollutants with ozone, but it is not appropriate to use bulk CuO because of its low abrasion resistance. Copper (II) ions that form due to dissolution of catalyst surface layer with participation of the acidic medium in the ozonation process were detected. Pollutants removal efficiency at different pH values was also studied. It was found that catalytic removal of organic pollutants takes place at low pH, as compared to low efficiency of hydroxyl-radical formation at the acidic pH. A possible scheme for organic pollutants removal during ozonation with copper catalyst was proposed

    Бронхоскопические биопсии с навигацией радиальной эндобронхиальной ультрасонографией в диагностике туберкулеза и микобактериоза у пациентов с периферическими образованиями легких

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    The objective of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of diagnosis of tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis in bronchobiopsy specimens obtained during navigation by radial endobronchial ultrasonography (rEBUS) in patients with peripheral lung lesions without bacterial excretion.Subjects and methods. A retrospective analysis of the diagnostic effectiveness of bronchoscopic examination with biopsies was carried out in 179 patients (75 men and 104 women) suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis or mycobacteriosis without bacterial excretion; peripheral lung lesions had been visualized by computed tomography (CT). The patients were divided into two groups: 93 underwent bronchoscopy with biopsies with rEBUS navigation, 86 underwent bronchoscopy with classical biopsies and preliminary CT navigation. Each patient underwent multiple biopsies, at least one fluid biopsy (bronchoalveolar lavage or bronchial lavage), and one tissue biopsy (transbronchial lung biopsy or brush biopsy). Specimens collected by all types of bronchobiopsy were sent for microbiological and cytological tests, specimens of pulmonary transbronchial biopsy were additionally sent for histological examination.Results. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was verified by bronchobiopsy in 106 (67.5%) of 158 patients with tuberculosis, but statistically significantly more often in the group with rEBUS navigation versus the group without it – 81.9% (68/83) versus 50.7% (38/75), respectively (pχ2 < 0.01). The diagnosis of non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis was verified by bronchobiopsy in 13 (61.9%) of 21 patients, in the group with rEBUS navigation – in 80.0% (8/10) patients, in the group without it – in 45.5% (5/11) (pφ > 0.05). The use of rEBUS navigation while collecting bronchobiopsy specimens made it possible to increase the etiological verification of tuberculosis using the following microbiological methods: microscopy – from 14.7 to 49.4% (pχ2 < 0.01), molecular genetic – from 41.3 to 72.3% ( pχ2 < 0.01), culture (Bactec MGIT960) – from 44.0 to 67.5% (pχ2 < 0.01) The greatest enhancement of diagnostic effectiveness was achieved in the specimens of bronchoalveolar lavage and bronchial lavage – from 33.3 to 71.1% (pχ2 < 0.01) and in brush biopsy specimens – from 25.6 to 57.6% (pχ2 < 0.01).Цель исследования: оценить эффективность диагностики туберкулеза и микобактериоза в материале бронхобиопсий, полученных при навигации радиальной эндобронхиальной ультрасонографией (рЭБУС), у пациентов с периферическими образованиями (ПО) легких без бактериовыделения.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ диагностической эффективности бронхоскопического исследования с биопсиями у 179 пациентов (75 мужчин и 104 женщины) с туберкулезом или микобактериозом легких без бактериовыделения, визуализированным по данным компьютерной томографии (КТ) как ПО легких. Эти пациенты разделены на две группы: у 93 ‒ выполнены бронхоскопии с биопсиями при рЭБУС-навигации, у 86 – бронхоскопия с классическими биопсиями и предварительной КТ-навигацией. Каждому пациенту проведено несколько видов биопсий, как минимум одна из жидкостных биопсий (бронхоальвеолярный лаваж или бронхиальный смыв) и одна тканевая биопсия (трансбронхиальная биопсия легкого или браш-биопсия). Материал всех видов бронхобиопсий направлялся на микробиологическое и цитологическое исследования, материал трансбронхиальной биопсии легких ‒ дополнительно на гистологическое исследование.Результаты. Диагноз туберкулеза был верифицирован по бронхобиопсиям у 106 (67.5%) из 158 больных туберкулезом, но в группе с рЭБУС-навигацией статистически значимо чаще, чем в группе без нее ‒ 81.9% (68/83) против 50.7% (38/75) соответственно (pχ2 < 0.01). Диагноз нетуберкулезного микобактериоза верифицирован по бронхобиопсиям у 13 (61.9%) из 21 больного, в группе с рЭБУС-навигацией ‒ у 80.0% (8/10) пациентов, в группе без нее ‒ у 45.5% (5/11) (рφ > 0.05). Применение рЭБУС-навигации при получении бронхобиоптатов позволило повысить этиологическую верификацию туберкулеза при следующих микробиологических методах: микроскопия ‒ с 14.7 до 49.4% (pχ2 < 0.01), молекулярно-генетический ‒ c 41.3 до 72.3% (pχ2 < 0.01), культуральный (Bactec MGIT960) ‒ с 44.0 до 67.5% (pχ2 < 0.01). Наибольшее увеличение эффективной диагностики достигнуто в материале бронхоальвеолярного лаважа и бронхиального смыва ‒ с 33.3 до 71.1% (pχ2 < 0.01) и в материале браш-биопсии ‒ с 25.6 до 57.6% (pχ2 < 0.01)


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    The results are presented of the experimental study of survival rates of autologous bifidobacteria and lactobacilli strains (autostrains) in the intestines of conventional white mice and guinea pigs, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of isolated bifidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains in the correction of microecological disorders in the intestines of animals with antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains isolated from intestinal contents of conventional white mice and guinea pigs, as well as rifampicin-resistant derivatives of isolated bacterial autostrains were used in the experiments. It is found that rifampicin-resistant derivatives of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains retain species and genetically fixed sign of antibiotic resistance. Administered orally to experimental animals, autostrains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli do not survive in the intestines of animals and are eliminated to 4 days after cessation of administration. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains exert virtually no influence on the recovery of the intestinal microbiota in experimental animals with antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis unlike lactobacilli metabolites and prebiotic Stimbifid, efficiently restoring intestinal microbiota in a short timeПредставлены результаты экспериментального изучения выживаемости и приживаемости аутологичных штаммов (аутоштаммов) бифидобактерий и лактобактерий в кишечнике конвенциональных белых мышей и морских свинок, а также результаты оценки эффективности использования выделенных аутоштаммов бифидобактерий и лактобактерий при коррекции микроэкологических нарушений в кишечнике животных с антибиотико-ассоциированном дисбактериозом. В экспериментах использовали аутоштаммы бифидобактерий и лактобактерий, выделенные из кишечного содержимого конвенциональных белых мышей и морских свинок, а также рифампициноустойчивые производные выделенных бактериальных аутоштаммов. Установлено, что рифампициноустойчивые производные аутоштаммов бифидобактерий и лактобактерий сохраняют видовую принадлежность и наследственно закрепленный признак антибиотикорезистентности. Введенные перорально подопытным животным аутоштаммы бифидобактерий и лактобактерий не приживаются в кишечнике и элиминируются к 4-м суткам после прекращения введения. Аутоштаммы бифидобактерий и лактобактерий практически не оказывают влияние на восстановление кишечной микробиоты у подопытных животных с антибиотико-ассоциированным дисбактериозом, в отличие от метаболитов лактобактерий и пребиотика Стимбифид, эффективно восстанавливающих кишечную микробиоту в сжатые сроки

    Редкий вариант АНЦА-ассоциированного гранулематоза с полиангиитом, осложненного диффузной альвеолярной геморрагией

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    Diagnostic criteria of vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are of limited usefulness as they involve resembling conditions and do not make possible distinguishing nosology of vasculitis. A challenging clinical case of an elderly female patient with ANCA-associated vasculitis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome, cardiac injury and blood eosinophilia, but without bronchial asthma, is described in the article.Классификационные критерии васкулитов, ассоциированных с антинейтрофильными цитоплазматическими антителами (АНЦА), значительно ограничены, т. к. включают схожие клинические состояния, не позволяющие четко разграничить нозологический вариант васкулита. В статье представлен сложный случай диагностики АНЦА-ассоциированного васкулита у пожилой пациентки с диффузным альвеолярным геморрагическим синдромом, поражением сердца, эозинофилией крови, без бронхиальной астмы

    A compendium and functional characterization of mammalian genes involved in adaptation to Arctic or Antarctic environments

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    Many mammals are well adapted to surviving in extremely cold environments. These species have likely accumulated genetic changes that help them efficiently cope with low temperatures. It is not known whether the same genes related to cold adaptation in one species would be under selection in another species. The aims of this study therefore were: to create a compendium of mammalian genes related to adaptations to a low temperature environment; to identify genes related to cold tolerance that have been subjected to independent positive selection in several species; to determine promising candidate genes/pathways/organs for further empirical research on cold adaptation in mammals


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    The effect of prebiotic Stimbifid and low-molecular exometabolites in the supernatant fluid of native cultures of prebiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli possessing prebiotic effect on the prevention of intestinal yersiniosis in the conventional white mice was investigated. Experimental animals were infected orally with intestinal yersiniosis pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica, isolated from patient with manifested form of infection. Prebiotic Stimbifid, supernatant fluids of native cultures of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacteria, which form the basis of probiotics Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin, when administered orally to infected animals completely stopped the development of intestinal yersiniosis and prevented the dysbiotic changes in the intestinal microflora.Исследовано влияние пребиотика Стимбифид и низкомолекулярных экзометаболитов надосадочной жидкости нативных культур пробиотических бифидобактерий и лактобактерий, обладающих пребиотическим действием, на предотвращение развития кишечного иерсиниоза у конвенциональных белых мышей.Подопытных животных инфицировали перорально культурой возбудителя кишечного иерсиниоза Yersinia enterocolitica, выделенного от больного с манифестной формой инфекционного заболевания. Пребиотик Стимбифид, надосадочная жидкость нативных культур бифидобактерий и лактобактерий, составляющих основу пробиотиков Бифидумбактерин и Лактобактерин, при пероральном введении инфицированным животным полностью купировали развитие кишечного иерсиниоза и предотвращали дисбиотические изменения в составе кишечной микрофлоры

    Direct Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at D0

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    We determine the top quark mass m_t using t-tbar pairs produced in the D0 detector by \sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV p-pbar collisions in a 125 pb^-1 exposure at the Fermilab Tevatron. We make a two constraint fit to m_t in t-tbar -> b W^+bbar W^- final states with one W boson decaying to q-qbar and the other to e-nu or mu-nu. Likelihood fits to the data yield m_t(l+jets) = 173.3 +- 5.6 (stat) +- 5.5 (syst) GeV/c^2. When this result is combined with an analysis of events in which both W bosons decay into leptons, we obtain m_t = 172.1 +- 5.2 (stat) +- 4.9 (syst) GeV/c^2. An alternate analysis, using three constraint fits to fixed top quark masses, gives m_t(l+jets) = 176.0 +- 7.9 (stat) +- 4.8 (syst) GeV/C^2, consistent with the above result. Studies of kinematic distributions of the top quark candidates are also presented.Comment: 43 pages, 53 figures, 33 tables. RevTeX. Submitted to Phys. Rev.