4,549 research outputs found

    Неогегельянство Александра Кожева и его влияние на постмодернизм

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    The article discusses the main aspects of Alexandre Kojève's philosophy as well as the reception of his ideas in the philosophy of "Low materialism" (G. Bataille) and Postmodernism (M. Foucault, R. Barthes, B. Groys).The most important moments of Kojève's biography are noted and analyzed, especially his reinterpretation of Hegel’s dialectics, which had become one of the leading concepts of French philosophy of XX century. Moreover, there is a classification of the concepts of Hegelian dialectics, which Kojève uses as his Neohegelian language: Negative dialectics, Lord–bondsman dialectics, The End of History. Apart from this, there are some themes of Postmodern philosophy (The death of the subject) that are analyzed in comparative way with Kojève's ideas. The authors come to the conclusion that Kojève's innovative interpretation of "Phänomenologie des Geistes" had become one of the most important bases of Postmodernism.В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты философии А. Кожева, и рецепция его идей в философии «низкого материализма» (Ж. Батай) и постмодернизма (М. Фуко, Р. Барт, Б. Гройс). Отмечаются и анализируются некоторые моменты в биографии Кожева, в особенности, его увлечение Гегелем, трактовка которого впоследствии стала одной из ведущих концепций французской философской мысли. Анализируется классификация понятий гегелевской диалектики, являющейся инструментом и языком неогегельянства А. Кожева (негативная диалектика, диалектика раба и господина, конец истории), а также основные темы философии постмодернизма (смерть субъекта). Авторы приходят к выводу, что оригинальная трактовка А. Кожевом «Феноменологии духа» Гегеля стала одним из важнейших базисов философии постмодерна

    Effects of rotation and systematic occlusion on fiducial marker recognition

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    © 2017 The Authors. Fiducial marker systems consist of patterns that are placed in environment for miscellaneous applications and are further automatically detected with cameras. A variety of applications determines the criteria, which characterize qualitative properties of a marker and include such evaluation benchmarks as resilience to occlusion, distance to a marker, false positive and false negative rates, sensitivity to illumination, and others. The paper compares existing ARTag, AprilTag, and CALTag systems utilizing a high fidelity camera, which is a main vision sensor of a full-size Russian humanoid robot AR-601M. In experiments the comparison of the three marker systems reliability and detection rate in occlusions of various types and intensities was verified. Finally, a preferable for AR-601M robot visual applications marker system was selected


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    The article is devoted to the history of standardization, the stages of its development, the relationship with product quality, technical regulation.Статья посвящена истории стандартизации, этапам ее развития, связи с качеством продукции, техническим регулированием

    Comparing fiducial marker systems in the presence of occlusion

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    © 2017 IEEE. A fiducial marker system is a system of unique 2D (planar) marker, which is placed in an environment and automatically will be detected with a camera with a help of a corresponding detection algorithm. Application areas of these markers include industrial systems, augmented reality, robots navigation, human-robot interaction and others. Marker system designed for such different applications must be robust to such factors as view angles, occlusions, changing distances, etc. This paper compares three existing systems of markers: ARTag, AprilTag, and CALTag. As a benchmark, we use their reliability and detection rate in presence of occlusions of various types and intensity. The paper presents experimental comparison of these markers. The marker detection was performed with a simple inexpensive Web camera

    ARTag, AprilTag and CALTag fiducial marker systems: Comparison in a presence of partial marker occlusion and rotation

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    © 2017 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All Rights Reserved. Fiducial marker systems consist of patterns that are placed in environment and are automatically detected with a camera using appropriate for the marker detection algorithm. Marker systems are useful for many modern visual applications such as augmented reality, robot navigation and collaboration, industrial and space robotics, and human-robot interaction. A variety of applications demands certain quality assurance for marker properties. Among the most common criteria are resistance to partial occlusion and rotation, sensitivity to lightning conditions, marker size, false positive and false negative rates. This paper compares three types of markers for their resistance to partial occlusion in various types of occlusion and resistance to normal, lateral, and longitudinal rotations. Intensive experimental comparison of tags is presented with analysis. Detection of markers was performed with a common Web camera. Based on our experimental results, we have selected a marker system, which should be preferred for real world applications when only simple inexpensive hardware is available and appearance of rotation and occlusion disturbances are expected in the environment. Our long term goal is to calibrate humanoid robot manipulators in real-world environment applying a pre-calibrated camera of the robot, while the presented in this paper results help selecting a most suitable marker system for further calibration procedures


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    Modern humanitarian scientific reflection is still not clarified is what the modern thing. The real world around us, resembles, in the words of Baudrillard «lush growth», which is abiding in mutating process of explosive growth. In the article author  attempt to form the basic starting positions for the analysis of modern things, are equally applicable  both  to the traditional things and things in an information culture.Современная гуманитарная научная рефлексия до сих пор не прояснила то, чем является современная вещь. Вещный мир, окружающий нас, напоминает, по выражению Бодрийяра «буйную поросль», которая проживает процесс взрывного и мутирующего роста. В статье осуществляется попытка сформировать базовые, стартовые позиции для анализа современной вещи, одинаково применимые как к традиционной вещи, так и вещи в информационной культуре.

    Preparation of porous TiNi-Ti alloy by diffusion sintering method and study of its composition, structure and martensitic transformations

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    The study demonstrates a method for controlling not only the phase composition but also the atomic composition of TiNi matrix in porous TiNi-Ti alloys developed for biomedical uses as implants. The alloys were obtained from TiNi powder which was sintered with Ti powder added at as much as 0–10 at%. The structure, phase and chemical composition of the produced TiNi-Ti alloys was investigated with respect to the amount of Ti added into the material. It is shown that in the sintered product containing 5 at% and more of Ti additive, the composition of its TiNi matrix becomes close to equiatomic (with Ti:Ni atomic ratio ~1), and the excessive Ti precipitates as secondary phases Ti2Ni and Ti3Ni4. In parallel, with increase in Ti ad- ditive from 0–10 at%, the structure of the precipitating Ti2Ni type phases changes its morphology from separate spherical or pyramidal precipitates to large dendritic formations. The direct martensitic trans- formation from austenite to martensite in all the samples was found to proceed in two stages and through the R-phase (B2→R→B19′). Thermoresistive analysis demonstrated that TiNi-Ti samples with 5 and more at% of Ti had their characteristic starting temperature of martensite transition stabilizing at ~57 °C (330 K). This implies that the sample with 5 at% of Ti additive exhibited desired martensite transition temperatures, while containing a minimum concentration of secondary-phase precipitates in its matrix which deteriorate its properties. Thus, for the 곙rst time, we show that a very simple preparation approach based on sintering powders of TiNi and Ti is capable of producing porous TiNi-Ti alloys with properties optimized for fabricating bone implants

    Expression Patterns of Protein Kinases Correlate with Gene Architecture and Evolutionary Rates

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    Protein kinase (PK) genes comprise the third largest superfamily that occupy ∼2% of the human genome. They encode regulatory enzymes that control a vast variety of cellular processes through phosphorylation of their protein substrates. Expression of PK genes is subject to complex transcriptional regulation which is not fully understood.Our comparative analysis demonstrates that genomic organization of regulatory PK genes differs from organization of other protein coding genes. PK genes occupy larger genomic loci, have longer introns, spacer regions, and encode larger proteins. The primary transcript length of PK genes, similar to other protein coding genes, inversely correlates with gene expression level and expression breadth, which is likely due to the necessity to reduce metabolic costs of transcription for abundant messages. On average, PK genes evolve slower than other protein coding genes. Breadth of PK expression negatively correlates with rate of non-synonymous substitutions in protein coding regions. This rate is lower for high expression and ubiquitous PKs, relative to low expression PKs, and correlates with divergence in untranslated regions. Conversely, rate of silent mutations is uniform in different PK groups, indicating that differing rates of non-synonymous substitutions reflect variations in selective pressure. Brain and testis employ a considerable number of tissue-specific PKs, indicating high complexity of phosphorylation-dependent regulatory network in these organs. There are considerable differences in genomic organization between PKs up-regulated in the testis and brain. PK genes up-regulated in the highly proliferative testicular tissue are fast evolving and small, with short introns and transcribed regions. In contrast, genes up-regulated in the minimally proliferative nervous tissue carry long introns, extended transcribed regions, and evolve slowly.PK genomic architecture, the size of gene functional domains and evolutionary rates correlate with the pattern of gene expression. Structure and evolutionary divergence of tissue-specific PK genes is related to the proliferative activity of the tissue where these genes are predominantly expressed. Our data provide evidence that physiological requirements for transcription intensity, ubiquitous expression, and tissue-specific regulation shape gene structure and affect rates of evolution

    Water Ozonation with Copper Catalyst for Organic Pollutants Removal

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    This work presents high-porous honeycomb copper catalyst for organic pollutants removal from water during the ozonation process. This catalyst demonstrates high efficiency in removing target compounds (oxalic and benzoic acids and methylene blue), appropriate stability and resistance to abrasion. Copper catalyst behavior in the ozonation process was investigated. It was found that under ozonation conditions reversible В  oxidation/reduction of the copper surface layer takes place. In contact with ozone, copper surface can easily be oxidized resulting in formation of copper oxides. As expected, it leads to decomposition of organic substances during ozonation and reduction of copper catalyst surface layer. Copper (II) oxide was also found to be an active catalyst in oxidation of organic pollutants with ozone, but it is not appropriate to use bulk CuO because of its low abrasion resistance. Copper (II) ions that form due to dissolution of catalyst surface layer with participation of the acidic medium in the ozonation process were detected. Pollutants removal efficiency at different pH values was also studied. It was found that catalytic removal of organic pollutants takes place at low pH, as compared to low efficiency of hydroxyl-radical formation at the acidic pH. A possible scheme for organic pollutants removal during ozonation with copper catalyst was proposed

    Endobronchial Ultrasound in Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy

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    Currently, endobronchial ultrasound dramatically changed diagnostic approaches for mediastinal lesions, both benign and malignant. Still there is a lack of data regarding the optimal anaesthesia, route of intubation, needle type, and specific clinical situations concerning EBUS in real clinical practice. A short, but clinically oriented, description of EBUS-TBNA and EUS-b-FNA techniques for mediastinal lesions is provided