14 research outputs found

    Forecast of oil and gas resources located in wedges of South-Caspian mega depression basement

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    Oil and gas needs growth, depletion of reserves of basement cover as well as amplification of physical, geographical and geological condition of exploration require prospecting for unconventional hydrocarbons located in basement crystal rocks. Hydrocarbon accumulations are dedicated to zones of crush, fractures and weathering crust. Up to 450 oil and gas accumulations in the world are discovered in the upper basement. Today, the upper part of the basement is regarded as a new oil and gas floor and global object of crust reserves. Exploration experience shows that oil and gas accumulation of the upper basement are located mainly on platforms or intermountain depressions such as South Caspian intermountain mega depression (SCMD) with unique thickness of sedimentary cover and its high potential. Several factors affect crystal basement rock formation. One of that is void space that control oil and gas accumulation. It is formed in geodynamic and active tectonic zones complicated by different scale and overlapping faults, which is a feature of sedimentary cover and SCMD basement. Saturation of basement void space by hydrocarbons happens mainly due to oil and gas generation potential of sedimentary cover. It is known that SCMD is multiple heart of oil and gas basin that contains 8 billion tons of oil and 13 trillion m3 of gas just in Azerbaijan sector. SCMD has basement wedges at depths reached by state-of-the-art drilling techniques as well as depressions of significant thickness or sedimentary cover. Bottom effusive formations of Middle Curin depression represent certain interest due to the fact that it could be complicated by fracture network and its aptitude to bend deformations. Analysis of mentioned factors can be a basis to forecast oil and gas reserves potential of SCMD basement wedges at accessible depths

    The lithological-petrography characteristics of chalk, paleogen-miocene deposits of Yalama-Khudat areas and Siyazan monocline anticline in connection with their oil and gas content (south-east immersions of megaanticlinoric of Greater Caucasus)

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    In recent years, geological prospecting and geophysical works in Azerbaijan were carried out in considerable volume in order to study an oil and gas potential of Meso-Cenozoic deposits. Based on the results of these studies the criteria were developed as the basis for further research. It is known that the sedimentation basin mainly dipped in the Meso-Cenozoic time. As a result, the researchers have no doubt about the potential of these deposits in the central part of the studied area and at greater depths, but there have been no precise calculations yet. In order to solve this problem, we have studied the reservoir rocks properties of considered ages of Khudat, Yalama oil and gas bearing structures and Siyazan monocline formed in Gusar-Davachi superimposed mulde in various geological conditions and at different depths. For an easier analysis, all the actual data are given in tables showing the physical parameters of the different rock types, involved in geological structure of oil and gas bearing areas. In order to clarify the obtained results and the changes nature study of the considered physical properties the various petrophysical methods were applied. As a result the regularity in changing of rocks density, carbonate contents, porosity, permeability and the propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in them were established. However, in tectonically complex structures of the Siyazan monocline the applied methods have not given expected results of studies because of their severe dislocation and outlet to the surface. Taking this into account the reservoir characteristics studies of rock samples of considered ages from fields being developed in the north-eastern slope of the south-east Greater Caucasus dipping were conducted. The main objective is to study the petrophysical parameters and reservoir rocks properties of the Cretaceous, Paleogene-Miocene age in tectonically complex uplifts of Yalama, Khudat and Siyazan monocline placed at southeast Greater Caucasus dipping due to its petroleum potential

    Morphotropic Phase Boundary Enhanced Photocatalysis in Sm Doped BiFeO3

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    This paper presents the results of the synthesis of samarium-doped bismuth ferrite (BFO) nanoparticles by the solution combustion method. The dependence of BFO properties on the amount of the samarium (Sm) in the composition was studied. The synthesized nanocomposites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy SEM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Raman, Electron Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (EDRS) and Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR). The photocatalytic (PC) measurements showed the absence of a strict correlation between the PC activity and the crystallite size and band gap. An increase in the PC activity of BFO samples with 10 and 15% doping was observed and it was concluded that in controlling the PC properties in doped BFO, the processes of interfacial polarization at the boundaries of the morphotropic phase transition are of decisive importance. It was supposed that the internal electric field formed at these boundaries contributes to the efficient separation of photogenerated charge carriers

    Integrating genetic maps in bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] and their syntenic relationships among closely related legumes

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    Background Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] is an indigenous legume crop grown mainly in subsistence and small-scale agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa for its nutritious seeds and its tolerance to drought and poor soils. Given that the lack of ex ante sequence is often a bottleneck in marker-assisted crop breeding for minor and underutilised crops, we demonstrate the use of limited genetic information and resources developed within species, but linked to the well characterised common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genome sequence and the partially annotated closely related species; adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) and mung bean (Vigna radiata). From these comparisons we identify conserved synteny blocks corresponding to the Linkage Groups (LGs) in bambara groundnut genetic maps and evaluate the potential to identify genes in conserved syntenic locations in a sequenced genome that underlie a QTL position in the underutilised crop genome. Results Two individual intraspecific linkage maps consisting of DArTseq markers were constructed in two bambara groundnut (2n = 2x = 22) segregating populations: 1) The genetic map of Population IA was derived from F2 lines (n = 263; IITA686 x Ankpa4) and covered 1,395.2 cM across 11 linkage groups; 2) The genetic map of Population TD was derived from F3 lines (n = 71; Tiga Nicuru x DipC) and covered 1,376.7 cM across 11 linkage groups. A total of 96 DArTseq markers from an initial pool of 142 pre-selected common markers were used. These were not only polymorphic in both populations but also each marker could be located using the unique sequence tag (at selected stringency) onto the common bean, adzuki bean and mung bean genomes, thus allowing the sequenced genomes to be used as an initial ‘pseudo’ physical map for bambara groundnut. A good correspondence was observed at the macro synteny level, particularly to the common bean genome. A test using the QTL location of an agronomic trait in one of the bambara groundnut maps allowed the corresponding flanking positions to be identified in common bean, mung bean and adzuki bean, demonstrating the possibility of identifying potential candidate genes underlying traits of interest through the conserved syntenic physical location of QTL in the well annotated genomes of closely related species. Conclusions The approach of adding pre-selected common markers in both populations before genetic map construction has provided a translational framework for potential identification of candidate genes underlying a QTL of trait of interest in bambara groundnut by linking the positions of known genetic effects within the underutilised species to the physical maps of other well-annotated legume species, without the need for an existing whole genome sequence of the study species. Identifying the conserved synteny between underutilised species without complete genome sequences and the genomes of major crops and model species with genetic and trait data is an important step in the translation of resources and information from major crop and model species into the minor crop species. Such minor crops will be required to play an important role in future agriculture under the effects of climate change

    The Study of Maternal Perception of Preterm Infants and Some Related Factors in Selected Hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences

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    Background and Purpose: Appropriate maternal care is necessary to provide Physical growth and mental development of neonate which is related to establishing a good relationship between mother and infant. Positive perception of mothers to their neonates, creates a better relationship between them. Maternal perception of neonates is based on her understanding of biological behavior of the infant. Special features of prematurity, maternal stress and anxiety due to premature delivery are effective on maternal perceptions. The purpose of this study was to determine the maternal perception of premature infants as determining it’s related factors. Methods: In a cross-sectional design, 150 mothers of preterm infants who were been admitted to Neonatal intensive care units of 2 selected hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences, entered the study. Broussard questionnaire were used to measure the maternal perception. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and Kay square and Fisher's exact tests were used for analyzing the data. Results: Most of mother’s had a negative perception of their preterm infant. Based on the results, Mather’s job, fathers’ job, mothers’ age, husband’s support, desire about the pregnancy, history of miscarriage and still birth were related with perception of mothers of preterm infants. Discussion: Negative perceptions in mothers of preterm infants are prevalent and in some groups are in higher risk. As negative perception can have a role in developmental processes and cause problems in future, preparing circumstances to decrease mothers’ stress and providing facilities and interventions to increase mother-infant communications are essential. These are treatment team’s duties. The health care team can screen susceptible cases and by supportive interventions, it is possible to create better mother-baby relationship and prepare better care to prevent future developmental problems

    The Effect of Massage Therapy by Sunflower Oil on Neonates for Length of Hospital Stay from the Hospital

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    Introduction: Infants are the most sensitive and injury of people in society that will make the feature of our country so they are needed special attention to take care of their physical &mental health. According to many studies one of the intervention for decrease of length of stay (LOS) in Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is massage therapy by oil because of rapidly recovery & early discharge. The aim of this study was to the effect of massage on neonates in Nicu ward for decreasing of LOS. Materials & Methods:. This one- blinded clinical trial was conducted on 44 infants who were born within 30-37weeks gestational age with 1000-2500gr in Nicu of Arash & Shariati hospitals. The infants were assigned randomly into two group of sunflower oil massage &without massage. The massage is done one hour after milk when the infants were stable (heart rate-respiratory rate and color of their skin become control). Each massage was 15minute 3 times in every 2 hours in the afternoon for 5 days. Observation was tools of collecting data by researcher which done before &after every intervention by respiratory heart rate monitoring & pulse oximetry. Data were analyzed using the repeated measure ANOVA. Results: Within 5 days of following increasing pattern of infant weight in study group was significant (P=0.001) and comparison growth head circumference in 2 groups was not significant (P=0.01) about LOS variable within 5days massage was significant (P=0.04). Conclusion: Fortunately there were statistical significant difference between the infants weight and decreasing length of hospitalization in 2 groups , but difference between head circumference between 2 group was not significant

    Using Entertainment-Education to Promote Cervical Cancer Screening in Thai Women

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    Southeast Asian women in California have high cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates, but low levels of Pap screening. No published reports have addressed screening among Thai women. Entertainment-education (EE) is a useful strategy for low-literacy, culturally diverse populations. This quasi-experimental study determined whether a soap-opera-themed, Thai-language EE video was superior to a print handout for increasing knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intention toward Pap testing. No uniform differences were found between the intervention group (video) and the control group (brochure). Both educational modalities appeared to result in selected increases in knowledge and attitudes