121 research outputs found

    Sublingual epidermoid cyst: a case report

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    Epidermoid and dermoid cysts represent less than 0.01% of all oral cavity cysts. The cysts can be defined as epidermoid when the lining presents only epithelium, dermoid cysts when skin adnexa are found, and teratoid cysts when other tissue such as muscle, cartilage, and bone are present

    Hipokalemik Paralizi ile Klinik Belirti Veren Adrenokortikal Karsinom Olgusu

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    Sunulan olgu, hipokalemik paralizi nedeni ile araştırılırken glukokortikoid ve muhtemelen aldosteron- salgılayan adrenokortikal kanser tespit edilen 52 yaşında kadın hastadır. Adrenal kanserler çok nadir tümörlerdir ve prognozları oldukça kötüdür. Hastalığın ağır hipopotasemi ile ortaya çıkması ise daha da seyrek görülen bir durumdur. Hasta, nadir bir olgu olmasının yanı sıra hipopotasemi saptanan bir kişide araştırılması gereken endokrinolojik problemlere dikkat çekmek amacı ile sunulmuştur

    Interscalene block applied by an experienced anesthesiologist has a good anesthetic effect, a long duration of action, and less postoperative pain after arthroscopic shoulder procedures independent of surgery type and operation duration

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    This study aims to evaluate the severity of postoperative pain and the time to the onset of pain after arthroscopic surgical treatment of rotator cuff tear or instability under interscalene block. Patients and methods: Between October 2015 and June 2016, a total of 172 patients (82 males, 90 females; mean age: 47.9±16.9 years; range, 15 to 83 years) who underwent shoulder arthroscopy under interscalene block by a single surgeon were retrospectively analyzed. The relationship between the postoperative 24-h Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the time to the onset of pain with the type of surgical procedure (rotator cuff repair, n=101 or instability surgery, n=71), and the duration of surgery (<30 min n=92; ≥30 min n=80) was examined. Results: No significant relationship was found between the type of surgical procedure, VAS scores, and the onset of pain after the block (p=0.577 and p=0.780, respectively). No significant relationship was found between the operation duration, and VAS, and the onset of pain after the block (p=0.570 and p=0.408, respectively). The mean duration until the start of postoperative pain was 734±313 (range, 60 to 1,440) min. There was no statistically significant difference in the need for rescue analgesics at the postoperative 24th h and the duration of surgery between the two groups (p=0.393 and p=0.675, respectively). Conclusion: Our study results show no significant difference in the time for the onset of postoperative pain and the VAS scores according to the characteristics of the surgical procedure, operation duration, or age and sex of the patient. Shoulder arthroscopy performed by experienced surgeons under interscalene block eliminates the need for analgesics within the first 12 h postoperatively


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    Araştırmanın amacı; morfolojik derin kapanış olgularında, sabit mekaniklerle üst kesici dişlerin intrüzyonlarının dentofasiyal yapılar ve çiğneme kasları üzerindeki etkilerinin tespitidir. Çalışmaya; iskeletsel Sınıf 2 veya 1, dişsel Sınıf II 1, Sınıf II, 2 veya Sınıf I, optimum veya düşük açılı, artmış overbitelı, 26 olgu dahil edildi. Araştırmada her iki grupta TMA utility intrüzyon arkları kullanıldı. 1.gruba, kronolojik yaşları ortalama 18.65 yıl olan 14 birey dahil edildi. Kronolojik yaşları ortalama 18.65 yıl olan 12 bireyin dahil edidiği 2.grupta, farklı olarak, sağ ve sol üst posterior bölgeye ankraj amaçlı, mini-implant yerleştirildi. Uygulama süresi 1.grupta ortalama 11.68±3.37ay, 2. grupta ortalama 10.5±3.0 aydı. Araştırmanın istatistiğinde; parametrik ve non prametrik testlerden yararlanıldı. Her iki grupta, üst kesici dişlerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı miktarda intrüzyon ve overbite&#8217;ta azalma elde edildi, meydana gelen değişiklikler iki grupta benzer bulundu. Her iki grupta üst kesici dişlerde protrüzyon ve bu dişlerin aksiyel eğimlerinde artış bulundu. 1.grupta; overjet artış ve üst molarlardaki ekstrüzyon miktarı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Uygulamayla, istirahat konumunda 1.grupta sağ DA kasın elekromiyografik aktivitesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalma bulundu. 2.grupta, sağda sakız çiğnemede, sağ MM elektromiyografik aktivitesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı artış bulundu. Diş sıkmada 1.grup sağ MM elektromiyografik aktivitesindeki değişimle, üst 1. molar dişin CT düzlemine uzaklığındaki değişim arasında pozitif korelasyon bulundu. Kapanışın açılmasında kullanılan utility intrüzyon arkının, dentofasiyal yapıda değişiklikler oluşturduğu ancak çiğneme kas fonksiyonlarında önemli değişikliklere neden olmadığı bulundu.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of maxillary incisor intrusion achieved with fixed mechanics on dentofacial structures and masticatory muscles in young adults with morphological deepbite. 26 patients with skeletal Class 2 or 1, Angle Class II,1,2 or Class I, optimum or low mandibular plane angle, increased overbite were included in the study. TMA utility intrusion arches were applied to both groups. 1.group included 14 patients with the mean chronological ages of 18.78 years. 2 mini-implants applied on right and left maxillary posterior regions as anchorage in the 2.group which included 12 patients with the mean chronological ages of 18.65 years. Mean treatment time was 11.68±3.37 months for 1.group and 10.5±3 months for the 2.group. The results were analyzed with parametric and nonparametric tests. Significant intrusion of upper incisors and decrease in overbite obtained in both groups were similar. Protrusion and inclination increase of upper incisors was found in both groups. Significant increases in overjet and maxillary molar vertical position obtained in 1.group. Significant decrease in the electrical activity of right DA during rest position was found in the 1.group. Significant increase in the electrical activity of right MM during &#8216;&#8217;chewing gum on the right side&#8217;&#8217; was found in 2.group. Positive correlation was found between the change in electrical activity of right MM and the change in distance between upper first molar and CT plane. It was observed that deepbite correction with utility intrusion arch causes dentofacial changes but has mild effect on the masticatory muscles


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    In this survey carried out over a 4-year period we explored the changes perceived in the locus of control (LOC) of 58 nursing students enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing education program with an integrated problem-based learning curriculum. The results suggested that there was a statistically significant difference in LOC between the first and second years. A significant difference was found in the mean scores of the students according to year in personal control, fatalism, and belief in an unfair world. But, when analyzed further, there were no significant differences according to year in personal control and belief in an unfair world. However, a statistically significant difference was found in fatalism between the first- and third-year students. Implications for nursing training programs and curriculum development are discussed