57 research outputs found


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    Steganography is a method of hiding information in other information of different format (container). There are many steganography techniques with various types of container. In the Internet, digital images are the most popular and frequently used containers. We consider main image steganography techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. We also identify the requirements of a good steganography algorithm and compare various such algorithms.Стеганография – это метод сокрытия информации в объектах различных форматов (кон-тейнерах). Существует большое разнообразие методов для конкретных контейнеров, в которые скрытно записывается информация. Наиболее часто в качестве контейнера используются цифровые изображения, которые без искажений могут пересылаться по компьютерным сетям. Исследуется основная методика стеганографии, ее сильные и слабые стороны. Дается сравнительная оценка основных алгоритмов стеганографии


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    Steganography is a method of hiding information in other information of different format (container). There are many steganography techniques with various types of container. In the Internet, digital images are the most popular and frequently used containers. We consider main image steganography techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. We also identify the requirements of a good steganography algorithm and compare various such algorithms

    Dietary Intakes and Biochemical Parameters of Morbidly Obese Patients Prior to Bariatric Surgery

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    Background: Patients with morbid obesity appear to have adequate nutritional intake, but some studies suggest deficiencies in the micronutrient intake in these patients. Present study aimed to determine dietary intakes and their associated biochemical parameters in an Iranian population of patients with morbid obesity prior to bariatric surgery. Methods: One hundred seventy patients with morbid obesity who have referred to surgery clinic of Firoozgar Hospital were enrolled in the study. Ideal Body Weight (IBW) and Adjusted Ideal Body Weight (AIBW) were calculated. The dietary data were collected using a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Anthropometrics and biochemical parameters were assessed. All the statistical analyses were done using the SPSS with an alpha of 0.05. Results: Mean age of participants was 37.4 ± 10.17 years. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of the BMI and EBW values was 45.75 ± 6.49 kg/m and 47.6 ± 13.74 kg, respectively. All the micro- and macro-nutrient intakes are significantly different from the recommended values, except for vitamin A in the men and calcium in the 51�70-year-old women. 47.1 and 17.1 of the participants were classified as patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes, respectively. Majority of participants had lower serum iron levels than the reference values. Almost all the participants (97) had normal albumin levels. Conclusions: Despite their excess intakes of energy, patients with obesity usually suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin D, iron, and vitamin B12, which can be accompanied by complicated biochemical disorders like impaired glucose metabolism and dyslipidemia. Therefore, bariatric surgery candidates require close nutritional monitoring before and after their surgical operations. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Proteomic analysis in human fibroblasts by continuous exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields

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    Most people are Exposed to Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (ELF-EMF). A number of studies have indicated association between exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and a variety of cancers. Recently some therapeutic techniques such as repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) have been used to study localization of brain function, connectively of brain regions and pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders (rTMS utilize low frequency-electromagnetic field). Here, the effect of continuous ELF electromagnetic fields (3 Hz, sinusoidal, 3 h and 4 mT) on the protein expression of human fibroblast cells is investigated via proteomics. The comparison of the 2-DE separated proteins from the exposed and sham (control) cells showed that some protein expressions are affected by radiation. The two proteins that their expression are reduced about 50 are determined as alpha 1 antitrypsin (A1AT) and Transthyretin (TTR). As it is reported that the amounts of these proteins reduced in the pathological conditions it can be concluded that application of ELF-EMF in therapeutic aspects may be to accompanying with their side effects. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Bi-level sitting and sizing of flexi-renewable virtual power plants in the active distribution networks

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    This paper presents a bi-level optimization problem to obtain the optimal location and size of the flexi-renewable virtual power plants (FRVPPs) in active distribution networks (ADNs). The upper-level formulation of the problem minimizes a normalized objective function (a dimensionless function), which is a normalized summation of the expected annual energy cost and expected annual energy loss of the ADN, subjects to linearized AC optimal power flow (LAC-OPF) equations. Also, the lower-level problem minimizes the annual investment and expected operating costs of flexible and renewable sources constrained to the planning and operation model of these sources in the FRVPP framework. The suggested scheme incorporates the unscented transformation (UT) method to model the uncertainties of load, energy price, and renewable power generation. Then, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) approach converts the proposed bi-level problem into a single-level optimization formulation to achieve the optimal solution using conventional mathematical solvers. Finally, the proposed scheme is applied to a standard test system. Simulation results confirm the capabilities and superiority of the proposed strategy in improving the technical and economic status of the ADN while obtaining the optimal location and size of renewable and flexible sources in the FRVPP framework from an economic aspect

    Birth Weight and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Incidence in Adulthood: a Dose-Response Meta-analysis

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    Purpose of Review: Studies have revealed a relation between birth weight (BW) and later risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). This meta-analysis aimed to report the dose-response relationship between BW and risk of CVDs. Recent Findings: The relation of BW to CVD subtypes was found to be U-shaped as BW below ~ 2500 g and above ~ 4000 g affected positively CVD risk (OR = 1.14 = 95CI 1.03�1.27 and OR = 1.08; 95CI 0.99�1.18, respectively). Regarding CVD subtypes, low BW was directly linked to greater risk of CHD (OR = 1.15; 95CI 1.02�1.29) and stroke (OR = 1.28; 95 CI 1.05�1.55), while high BW was related to increased risk of arterial fibrillation in adulthood. A U-shaped nonlinear relationship was specifically demonstrated between BW and overall CVD and its subtypes. Summary: There is a U-shaped association between BW and all CVD subtypes. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature