101 research outputs found

    Environmental Protection in China: The Role of Law

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    This article of environmental law in China has attracted the attention of scholars for several years. They produced a series of scientific works analyzing various aspects of this multi-component phenomenon. Our article is an attempt at a systematic classification and in-depth review of the literature on environmental law in China in the field of substantial developments in legislation and policy-making remain insufficient to address environmental degradation and the growing importance of environmental issues in Chinese politics, from pollution management to deepening academic research on environmental law in China. We used the Scopus database and a guided delineation approach to ensure the quality and relevance of selected articles. Based on the identified Chinese legislations, we propose promising avenues for future research in the field of pollution law research and management. Huge challenges remain in the areas of natural resource governance, environmental health, and transition pathways in agriculture and urban development. They must be addressed with an even stronger commitment from Chinese leaders, accompanied by meaningful reforms in the areas of environmental litigation, the transparency of local government decision-making, and the self-organizing capacity of Chinese citizens to mobilize on the environment problems.The modernity and thoroughness of the Chinese environmental legislation come as a surprise. The Constitution requires the State to protect and improve the environment, to prevent pollution, to ensure the rational use of natural resources. China is a party to the main international Treaties. Its major laws on air, water or waste, which have been revised several times are accompanied, already, by more transversal measures such as a broad satute on environmental protection in general and another one on the assessment of environmental incidenses, which covers plans and programs as well as individual projects. First elements of economic instruments are progressively joining civil and criminal liability, just as a few applications of the precautionary principle. Keywords: China-environment- protection- Ecological- Economic- law DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/138-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Etude des Impacts des Changements Climatiques sur les Activités Agricoles dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné, Cercle de Tominian, Région de Ségou au Mali

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    L’agriculture est l’un des secteurs les plus vulnérables aux effets des changements climatiques. La présente étude a pour objectif d’analyser les perceptions et les impacts des changements climatiques sur les activités agricoles, mais aussi, de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des stratégies d’adaptation dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné au Mali. La méthodologie utilisée s’est appuyée sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe, les enquêtes de terrain auprès des agriculteurs et agro-pasteurs, des responsables des Organisations Non Gouvernementales, des structures techniques et l’analyse des données météorologiques. Les données collectées du 02 au 30 mai 2018 ont fait l’objet d’un traitement informatique à l’aide des logiciels SPSS 20.00 et Excel 2016 et d’une analyse de contenu des discours. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré une tendance pluviométrique à la baisse avec une très grande variabilité interannuelle et une hausse des températures. Ceci a comme impacts, la baisse des rendements agricoles, la perte de la fertilité des sols, le tarissement précoce des eaux de surface, l’endettement du monde paysan, l’intensification de l’exode rural. Le semis des variétés hâtives, la pratique des techniques de lutte anti-érosive, le reboisement, la diversification des activités sont entre autres des stratégies d’adaptation développées par les exploitants pour faire face aux effets néfastes des changements climatiques. L’étude a conclu qu’une meilleure maîtrise des pratiques d’adaptation et l’accompagnement des exploitants sont de véritables palliatifs aux impacts des changements climatiques sur les activités agricoles dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné. Agriculture is one of the most vulnerable sectors to the effects of climate change. The objective of this study is to analyse the perceptions and impacts of climate change on agricultural activities, but also to contribute to a better understanding of adaptation strategies in the Rural Commune of Mafouné in Mali. The methodology used relied on documentary research, direct observation, field surveys of farmers and agro-pastoralists, officials of non-governmental organizations, technical structures and analysis of meteorological data. The data collected from May, 2nd to May 30th 2018 were processed using the SPSS 20.00 and Excel 2016 software and a speech content analysis. The results of the study showed a declining rainfall trend with very high interannual variability and rising temperatures. This has as impacts, the fall of the agricultural yields, the loss of the soils fertility, the early drying up of the surface waters, the indebtedness of the peasant world, the intensification of the rural exodus. The seed of early varieties, the practice of erosion control techniques, reforestation, and diversification of activities are some of the strategies developed by farmers to cope with the negative effects of climate change. The study concluded that a better control of adaptation practices and support for farmers constitute the real palliative to the impacts of climate change on agricultural activities in the Rural Commune of Mafouné

    Surpoids et obésité dans la population générale de 5 à 19 ans en milieu urbain bamakois (Mali)

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    Introduction: dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence du surpoids et de l'obĂ©sitĂ© dans la population âgĂ©e de 5 Ă  19 ans et fournir des donnĂ©es de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour de futures Ă©tudes. MĂ©thodes: notre Ă©chantillon est issu de la première Ă©tude sur les pathologies cardiovasculaires basĂ©e sur l'approche STEP de l'Organisation Mondiale de la SantĂ© (OMS) en sĂ©lectionnant tous les sujets âgĂ©s de 5 Ă  19 ans. Nous avons utilisĂ© les mĂ©thodes de l'OMS et de l'International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) pour dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence du surpoids et de l'obĂ©sitĂ© dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. RĂ©sultats: la moyenne d'âge Ă©tait de 11,75 ans ± 4,387 et le sex-ratio M:F Ă©tait de 0,79. les moyennes pour le poids et la taille Ă©taient de 36,85 kg et 143,48 cm. Selon les critères OMS 1,61% des garçons et 3,28 % des filles Ă©taient en surpoids et 0,92% des garçons contre 1,46% des filles obèses. Selon les critères de l'IOTF 4,10% des garçons et 5,94% des filles Ă©taient en surpoids tandis que 0,72% des garçons et 2,68% des filles Ă©taient obèses. Conclusion: malgrĂ© sa faible prĂ©valence le surpoids et l'obĂ©sitĂ© doivent ĂŞtre rĂ©gulièrement Ă©tudiĂ©s pour reconnaĂ®tre des tendances et prendre des mesures adĂ©quates de prĂ©vention. Les 2 mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es ont permis d'avoir des donnĂ©es de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour de futures Ă©tudes au Mali et ailleurs

    Surpoids et obésité dans la population au-dessus de 20 ans en milieu urbain bamakois (Mali)

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    Introduction: il est question dans notre travail d'Ă©tudier le SP et l'OB et les facteurs associĂ©s dans la population âgĂ©e de 20 ans ou plus. MĂ©thodes: notre Ă©chantillon a Ă©tĂ© obtenu Ă  partir d'une enquĂŞte sur les pathologies cardiovasculaires dans le District de Bamako et impliquant 2199 sujets de 5-104 ans, en sĂ©lectionnant tous les sujets âgĂ©s d'au moins 20 ans (1162). Pour chaque sujet, l'IMC, rapport taille / hanche et le tour de taille ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es avec SPSS 12. RĂ©sultats: l'âge moyen Ă©tait de 36,86 annĂ©es, 61,4% Ă©taient des femmes, 49,7% dans le secteur informel et 38,0% avaient rĂ©alisĂ© l'enseignement primaire. Facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires Ă©taient l'inactivitĂ© physique (72,4%), le tabagisme (12,2%) et hypertension (26,7%). La prĂ©valence de l'obĂ©sitĂ© Ă©tait de 8,8 et 14,7% respectivement sur la base de l'indice de masse et le tour de taille. Conclusion: le SP et l'OB sont Ă  prendre en compte dans les mesures de politique sanitaire que dans la pratique quotidienne des professionnels de santĂ©, il est peut-ĂŞtre plus utile d'utiliser plusieurs paramètres pour ĂŞtre Ă  mĂŞme de bien stratifier nos patients par rapport Ă  leur risque

    Contrôle Physicochimique des Feuilles de Lippia chevalieri Moldenke Cultivé

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    Au Mali, le Malarial 5 qui est un Médicament Traditionnel Amélioré (MTA) produit en partie à base de feuilles de Lippia chevalieri est utilisé pour traiter les symptômes du paludisme simple. Les feuilles de Lippia chevalieri cultivé peuvent être utilisées pour la préparation des MTA lorsqu’elles sont de qualité. La présente étude portée sur le contrôle physicochimique a montré que les feuilles de Lippia chevalieri cultivé ont des teneurs en eau inférieures à 10%, celles des cendres totales un peu élevées et celles des cendres insolubles dans l’acide chlorhydriques à 10% faibles. Les meilleurs rendements des extractions sont obtenus par l’eau par infusion et par décoction. Plusieurs groupes chimiques comprenant entre autres des caroténoïdes, des coumarines, des mucilages, des flavonoïdes ont été révélés. In Mali, Malarial 5, which is an Improved Traditional Medicine (ITM) produced partly from the leaves of Lippia chevalieri, is used to treat the symptoms of uncomplicated malaria. The leaves of cultivated Lippia chevalieri can be used for the preparation of improved traditional medicines because they are of good quality. This paper focuses on the physicochemical control which showsthat the leaves of cultivated Lippia chevalieri contain less than 10% of moisture content. The total ash content was a little higher, and the acid insoluble ash was low. The best yields of extractions are obtained with water through infusion and decoction. Several chemical compounds including carotenoids, coumarins, mucilage, and flavonoids were revealed

    Criblage Phytochimique et Activités Biologiques de Quatre Plantes Utilisées au Mali dans la Prise en Charge du Paludisme Chez les Enfants

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    Contexte : Selon les résultats d’une enquête menée dans différentes zones écologiques et culturelles au Sud du Mali, beaucoup de plantes médicinales sont utilisées dans la prise charge du paludisme chez les enfants, dont Annona senegalensis, Flueggea virosa, Gymnosporia senegalensis et Vitex doniana. Nous avons approfondi les études sur la composition phytochimique, la sécurité d’emplois et les activités contre les symptômes du paludisme. Objectifs : Caractériser les métabolites secondaires, déterminer la toxicité aiguë, vérifier l’activité hémolytique et évaluer les propriétés antalgiques, antipyrétiques et antiinflammatoires des quatre plantes. Méthodologie : La composition phytochimique a été déterminée par des réactions colorées en tube. L’activité hémolytique a été évaluée par CCM, révélée par le sang humain. La toxicité aigüe et les activités biologiques ont été déterminées in vivo chez les souris et les rats. Résultats : Les coumarines, stérols, tri terpènes, tanins et flavonoïdes ont été caractérisés dans les extraits aqueux des quatre plantes. Ces extraits n’ont pas présenté de constituants qui provoquent l’hémolyse. Les décoctés administrés par voie orale à la dose de 2000 mg /Kg chez des souris n’ont pas provoqués d’effets toxiques et de mortalité. Les décoctés administrés par voie orale à la dose de 100 et 200 mg /Kg chez des souris ont montré des remarquables activités antalgique, antiinflammatoire et chez les rats l’activité antipyrétique. Conclusion: Ces résultats préliminaires valident l’utilisation traditionnelle des quatre plantes dans la prise en charge des symptômes du paludisme chez les enfants.Introduction: According to the results of a survey conducted in different ecological and cultural areas in southern Mali, many medicinal plants are used by traditional paediatricians in taking charge of malaria in children. The survey highlighted the use of four plants, which we decided to carry out further study on phytochemical composition, safety of use and activity against symptoms of malaria. Objectives: To characterize secondary metabolites, to determine acute toxicity, to check haemolytic activity, and to evaluate the analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of Annona senegalensis, Flueggea virosa, Gymnosporia senegalensis, and Vitex doniana. Methods: The phytochemical composition of the aqueous extracts of the leafy twigs of the four plants was determined by coloured tube reactions. Haemolytic activity was assessed by TLC and revealed by human blood. Acute toxicity and biological activities were determined in vivo in mice and rats. Results: Coumarins, sterols, tri-terpenes, tannins and flavonoids were characterized in the aqueous extracts of the leafy twigs of the four plants. These decocts did not show any constituents that cause haemolysis. Decoctions given orally at the dose of 2000 mg / kg in mice did not cause toxic effects and mortality. Decoctions administered orally at the dose of 100 and 200 mg / kg showed remarkable analgesic, anti-inflammatory (in mice), and antipyretic (in rat) activities. Conclusion: These preliminary results validate the traditional use of the four plants in the management of malaria symptoms in children

    Evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex lineages and their role in an emerging threat of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in Bamako, Mali

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    In recent years Bamako has been faced with an emerging threat from multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB). Whole genome sequence analysis was performed on a subset of 76 isolates from a total of 208 isolates recovered from tuberculosis patients in Bamako, Mali between 2006 and 2012. Among the 76 patients, 61(80.3%) new cases and 15(19.7%) retreatment cases, 12 (16%) were infected by MDR-TB. The dominant lineage was the Euro-American lineage, Lineage 4. Within Lineage 4, the Cameroon genotype was the most prevalent genotype (n = 20, 26%), followed by the Ghana genotype (n = 16, 21%). A sub-clade of the Cameroon genotype, which emerged ~22 years ago was likely to be involved in community transmission. A sub-clade of the Ghana genotype that arose approximately 30 years ago was an important cause of MDR-TB in Bamako. The Ghana genotype isolates appeared more likely to be MDR than other genotypes after controlling for treatment history. We identified a clade of four related Beijing isolates that included one MDR-TB isolate. It is a major concern to find the Cameroon and Ghana genotypes involved in community transmission and MDR-TB respectively. The presence of the Beijing genotype in Bamako remains worrying, given its high transmissibility and virulence

    Concordance of vaccination status and associated factors with incomplete vaccination: a household survey in the health district of Segou, Mali, 2019

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    Introduction: the region of Segou recorded 36.8% of children were incompletely vaccinated in 2018. In 2019, the district of Segou was one of the districts with the lowest vaccination coverage in the region, with 85.1% coverage for the three doses of the pentavalent vaccine and 85.4% for the measles vaccine. This study was initiated to better understand this low vaccination coverage, in the absence of specific studies on vaccination coverage in the district of Segou. Methods: a prospective cross-sectional study was conducted from May to August 2020 with 30 clusters. We performed Kappa coefficient, bivariate, and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: findings showed that 18.46% (101/547) [15.44-21.93] of children were incompletely vaccinated. Mothers correctly reported the vaccination status of their children in 67.30% of cases (Kappa coefficient). Uneducated (OR[IC95%]=2.13[1.30-3.50]), living in rural area (OR[IC95%]=2.07[1.23-3.47]), lack of knowledge of Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) target diseases (OR[IC95%]=2.37[1.52-3.68]), lack of knowledge of vaccination schedule (OR[IC95%]=3.33[1.90-5.81]) and lack of knowledge of the importance of vaccination (OR[IC95%]=3.6[2.35-6.32]) were associated with incomplete vaccination. In multivariate analysis, uneducated (ORa[IC95%>]=1.68[1.004-2.810]) and lack of knowledge of the importance of vaccination were associated with incomplete vaccination (ORa[IC95%]=3.40[2.049-5.649]). Conclusion: findings showed a good concordance of the vaccination status. Living in a rural area, no education, lack of the knowledge of EPI target diseases, lack of the knowledge of vaccination schedule and lack of knowledge of the importance of vaccination were associated with incomplete vaccination

    Large-scale field trial of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) for the control of malaria vector mosquitoes in Mali, West Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) in Mali, where sustained malaria transmission occurs despite the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). ATSB bait stations were deployed in seven of 14 similar study villages, where LLINs were already in widespread use. The combined use of ATSB and LLINs was tested to see if it would substantially reduce parasite transmission by Anopheles gambiae sensu lato beyond use of LLINs alone. METHODS: A 2-day field experiment was conducted to determine the number of mosquitoes feeding on natural sugar versus those feeding on bait stations containing attractive sugar bait without toxin (ASB)-but with food dye. This was done each month in seven random villages from April to December 2016. In the following year, in seven treatment villages from May to December 2017, two ATSB bait stations containing the insecticide dinotefuran were placed on the outer walls of each building. Vector population density was evaluated monthly by CDC UV light traps, malaise traps, pyrethrum spray (PSCs) and human landing catches (HLCs). Female samples of the catch were tested for age by examination of the ovarioles in dissected ovaries and identification of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite infection by ELISA. Entomological inoculation rates (EIR) were calculated, and reductions between treated and untreated villages were determined. RESULTS: In the 2-day experiment with ASB each month, there was a lower number of male and female mosquitoes feeding on the natural sugar sources than on the ASB. ATSB deployment reduced CDC-UV trap female catches in September, when catches were highest, were by 57.4% compared to catches in control sites. Similarly, malaise trap catches showed a 44.3% reduction of females in August and PSC catches of females were reduced by 48.7% in September. Reductions of females in HLCs were lower by 19.8% indoors and 26.3% outdoors in September. The high reduction seen in the rainy season was similar for males and reductions in population density for both males and females were > 70% during the dry season. Reductions of females with ≥ 3 gonotrophic cycles were recorded every month amounting to 97.1% in October and 100.0% in December. Reductions in monthly EIRs ranged from 77.76 to 100.00% indoors and 84.95% to 100.00% outdoors. The number of sporozoite infected females from traps was reduced by 97.83% at treated villages compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Attractive toxic sugar baits used against Anopheles mosquitoes in Mali drastically reduced the density of mosquitoes, the number of older females, the number of sporozoite infected females and the EIR demonstrating how ATSB significantly reduces malaria parasite transmission

    The duration of protection against clinical malaria provided by the combination of seasonal RTS,S/AS01E vaccination and seasonal malaria chemoprevention versus either intervention given alone

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    BACKGROUND: A recent trial of 5920 children in Burkina Faso and Mali showed that the combination of seasonal vaccination with the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine (primary series and two seasonal boosters) and seasonal malaria chemoprevention (four monthly cycles per year) was markedly more effective than either intervention given alone in preventing clinical malaria, severe malaria, and deaths from malaria. METHODS: In order to help optimise the timing of these two interventions, trial data were reanalysed to estimate the duration of protection against clinical malaria provided by RTS,S/AS01E when deployed seasonally, by comparing the group who received the combination of SMC and RTS,S/AS01E with the group who received SMC alone. The duration of protection from SMC was also estimated comparing the combined intervention group with the group who received RTS,S/AS01E alone. Three methods were used: Piecewise Cox regression, Flexible parametric survival models and Smoothed Schoenfeld residuals from Cox models, stratifying on the study area and using robust standard errors to control for within-child clustering of multiple episodes. RESULTS: The overall protective efficacy from RTS,S/AS01E over 6 months was at least 60% following the primary series and the two seasonal booster doses and remained at a high level over the full malaria transmission season. Beyond 6 months, protective efficacy appeared to wane more rapidly, but the uncertainty around the estimates increases due to the lower number of cases during this period (coinciding with the onset of the dry season). Protection from SMC exceeded 90% in the first 2-3 weeks post-administration after several cycles, but was not 100%, even immediately post-administration. Efficacy begins to decline from approximately day 21 and then declines more sharply after day 28, indicating the importance of preserving the delivery interval for SMC cycles at a maximum of four weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The efficacy of both interventions was highest immediately post-administration. Understanding differences between these interventions in their peak efficacy and how rapidly efficacy declines over time will help to optimise the scheduling of SMC, malaria vaccination and the combination in areas of seasonal transmission with differing epidemiology, and using different vaccine delivery systems. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The RTS,S-SMC trial in which these data were collected was registered at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT03143218
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