1,363 research outputs found

    Too poor to live? A case study of vulnerability and maternal mortality in Burkina Faso.

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    This paper examines the concept of vulnerability in the context of maternal morbidity and mortality in Burkina Faso, an impoverished country in West Africa. Drawing on a longitudinal cohort study into the consequences of life-threatening or 'near miss' obstetric complications, we provide an in-depth case study of one woman's experience of such morbidity and its aftermath. We follow Kalizeta's trajectory from her near miss and the stillbirth of her child to her death from pregnancy-related hypertension after a subsequent delivery less than two years later, in order to examine the impact of severe and persistent illness and catastrophic health expenditure on her health and on her family's everyday life. Kalizeta's case illustrates how vulnerability in health emerges and is maintained or exacerbated over time. Even where social arrangements are supportive, structural impediments, including unaffordable and inadequate healthcare, can severely limit individual resilience to mitigate the negative social and economic consequences of ill health

    Energy Efficient Network Resource Allocation Scheme for Hose Model

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    Given the exponential growth in telecommunication networks, more and more attention is being paid to their energy consumption. However, the often over-provisioned wired network is still overlooked. In core networks, pairs of routers are typically connected by multiple physical cables that form one logical bundled link participating in the intra-domain routing protocol. To reduce the energy consumption of hose-model networks with bundled cables, we propose a scheme to deactivate the maximum number of cables, and associated equipment, possible. A similar approach has been presented for the pipe model, where the exact traffic matrix is assumed to be known. Due to traffic uncertainty, however, it is difficult for operators to have exact knowledge of the traffic matrix. This traffic uncertainty can be avoided by using the hose model, which specifies only the upper bounds of the egress/ingress traffic from/to a node. We introduce a mixed integer linear problem formulation that yields the optimal solution and a more practical and near optimal heuristic algorithm for large networks. Our performance evaluation results show that it offers up to 50% power reduction compared to shortest path routing.é›»æ°—é€šäżĄć€§ć­Š201

    Clustering Plasmodium falciparum Genes to their Functional Roles Using k-means

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    We developed recently a new and novel Metric Matrics k-means (MMk-means) clustering algorithm to cluster genes to their functional roles with a view of obtaining further knowledge on many P. falciparum genes. To further pursue this aim, in this study, we compare three different k-means algorithms (including MMk-means) results from an in-vitro microarray data (Le Roch et al., Science, 2003) with the classification from an in-vivo microarray data (Daily et al., Nature, 2007) in other to perform a comparative functional classification of P. falciparum genes and further validate the effectiveness of our MMk-means algorithm. Results from this study indicate that the resulting distribution of the comparison of the three algorithms’ in vitro clusters against the in vivo clusters are similar thereby authenticating our MMk-means method and its effectiveness. However, Daily et al. claim that the physiological state (the environmental stress response) of P. falciparum in selected malaria-infected patients observed in one of their clusters can not be found in any in-vitro clusters is not true as our analysis reveal many in-vitro clusters representation in this cluster

    FrĂ©quence des vices de rĂ©fractions chez les enfants et adolescents ĂągĂ©s de 5 Ă  18 ans Ă  l’Institut d’ophtalmologie tropicale d’Afrique, au Mali : Prevalence of refractive defects in children and adolescents aged from 5 to 18 at African tropical ophtamology Institute, in Mali

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    Context and purpose. Refractive errors are a social and educational public health problem but little is known about it’s burden in sub-Saharan Africa. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence and describe refractive errors in children and adolescents in school environment. Methods. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, children aged between 5 and 18 years performed ocular examination from January 2017 to February 2018 at Optometry Department of the Institute of Tropical Ophthalmology of Africa (Iota). Parameters of interests were: sociodemographic, optometric and ophthalmological data The optometric examination data. Results. 220 subjects were enrolled. Their average age was 11 years and the sex ratio was 1.85/1 in favor of girls. The prevalence of refractive vice was 46.8%. Overall, it was: astigmatism 55.53%, hyperopia 27.18% of cases and myopia 2.91%. Emmetropia accounted for 14.38% of cases. Conclusion: Roughly half of children and adolescents exhibit refractive errors, mainly astigmatism (which may lead to amblyopia if not corrected). Studies in order to search risk factors for refractive vice are needed. Contexte et objectif. Les vices de rĂ©fraction, constituent un problĂšme de santĂ© publique sur le plan social et scolaire, mais leur ampleur dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne est peu connue. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude avait pour objectif de dĂ©terminer la frĂ©quence et dĂ©crire des vices de rĂ©fractions chez les enfants et adolescents en Ăąge scolaire. MĂ©thodes. Dans Ă©tude transversale et descriptive, les enfants ĂągĂ©s de 5 Ă  18 ans ; ont subi un examen oculaire, entre janvier 2017 et fĂ©vrier 2018, dans le service d’optomĂ©trie de l’institut d’ophtalmologie tropicale d’Afrique (Iota). Les paramĂštres d’intĂ©rĂȘt comprenaient les donnĂ©es sociodĂ©mographiques, optomĂ©triques et ophtalmologiques. RĂ©sultats. 220 sujets ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©s. Leur Ăąge moyen Ă©tait de 11 ans avec un sexe ratio de 1,8/1 en faveur des filles. La frĂ©quence hospitaliĂšre du vice rĂ©fractif a Ă©tĂ© de 46,8%. Dans l’ensemble, il s’agissait : l’astigmatisme 55,53%, l’hypermĂ©tropie 27,18% des cas et la myopie 2,91%. Les emmĂ©tropes reprĂ©sentaient 14,38% des cas. Conclusion. PrĂšs de la moitiĂ© d’enfants en Ăąge scolaire prĂ©sentent des vices de rĂ©fraction, en particulier l’astigmatisme (avec risque d’amblyopie si non corrigĂ©). Des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures Ă  la recherche des facteurs de risque de cette pathologie sont Ă  envisager

    Géomorphologie Dynamique: Analyse Systémique De La Morphodynamique Hydrique Continentale Par Ravinement

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    L’histoire de la gĂ©omorphologie a connu une grande rĂ©volution paradigmatique avec les travaux de WiliamMoris Davis. Il a dĂ©fini le systĂšme gĂ©omorphologique comme l’ensemble de toutes les formes de la surface de la terre subissant des transformations et Ă©tant la fonction des trois variantes : structure, processus et temps. Cependant, le positionnement d’emblĂ©e des rĂ©flexions gĂ©omorphologiques dans l’analyse systĂ©mique conduit Ă  Ă©largir les problĂ©matiques du champ disciplinaire de cette science. Dans le cas de la gĂ©omorphologie dynamique, ce type d’analyse conduit Ă  concevoir des recherches intĂ©grĂ©es au sein des bassins versants afin de mieux mettre en lumiĂšre certains processus morphodynamiques. En l’absence de zone d’étude prĂ©cise, l’étude est basĂ©e sur un balayage des connaissances bibliographiques Ă  travers le domaine continental dans sa globalitĂ©. Ainsi, l’article montre que l’analyse systĂ©mique demeure une approche efficace pour lire en intĂ©gralitĂ© le fonctionnement des processus morpodynamiques hydriques continentales en gĂ©omorphologie, en particulier le ravinement. La caractĂ©risation du ravinement sur un bassin versant grĂące Ă  l’analyse systĂ©mique doit se fonder sur trois caractĂ©ristiques essentielles : hydrologique, morphogĂ©nique et anthropique. Chaque critĂšre correspondant Ă  l’une des notions gĂ©ographiques fondamentales : Temps, Espace et SociĂ©tĂ©. The history of geomorphology has undergone a great paradigmatic revolution with the work of Wiliam Moris Davis. He defined the geomorphological system as the set of all forms of the earth’s surface undergoing transformation and being the function of three variants: structure, process and time. However, the immediate positioning of geomorphological reflections in systemic analysis leads to widening the problems of the disciplinary field of this science. In the case of dynamic geomorphology, this type of analysis leads to the design of integrated research within watersheds in order to better highlight certain morphodynamic processes. In the absence of a precise study area, the study is based on a sweeping of bibliographic knowledge across the continental domain as a whole. Thus, the article shows that systemic analysis remains an effective approach to fully read the functioning of continental water morphological processes in geomorphology, in particular gullying. The characterization of gullying on a watershed using systemic analysis must be based on three essential characteristics: hydrological, morphogenic and anthropogenic. Each criterion corresponding to one of the fundamental geographic concepts: Time, Space and Society

    The Behavioral Determinants of Intestinal Schistosomiasis Transmission: Water Contact, Hygienic Practices and Risk Prevention. A study in Northern Senegal

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    Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) is one of the major parasitic diseases in the world, ranking second only to malaria in terms of its socio-economic and public health importance in tropical and subtropical areas (WHO, 1985; WHO, 2002). At least 200 million people are infected and 600 million at risk. An estimated 85% of all cases occur in Africa. Schistosomiasis is caused by infection with blood-dwelling fl uke worms (trematodes) of the genus Schistosoma. These are transmitted by fresh water snails and contracted through the skin during water contact. Humans can be infected by fi ve different species of the parasite, each of which has its own characteristics and effects. Except where mentioned differently, this thesis considers S. mansoni, the parasite of intestinal schistosomiasis in Northern Senegal

    Pratiques De Tableaux De Bord Dans Les PME : Une Etude Des Caracteristiques Et Raisons D’utilisation En Cîte d’Ivoire

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    L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre les caractĂ©ristiques des tableaux de bord des PME ivoiriennes et les raisons de leur utilisation. Une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire sur un Ă©chantillon de 21 PME rĂ©vĂšle diverses caractĂ©ristiques et raisons d’utilisations ou non des tableaux de bord. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© deux types d’entreprises. Celles dont les dirigeants affirment utiliser un TDB et celles dont les dirigeants ne l’utilisent pas Ă  priori. Pour les premiĂšres entreprises, les tableaux de bord utilisĂ©s sont rĂ©actifs avec une frĂ©quence de production pouvant aller du mensuel Ă  l’annĂ©e. Et un dĂ©lai d’un jour en temps rĂ©el Ă  un mois. Ils sont utilisĂ©s pour le suivi des activitĂ©s, entrainer la compĂ©tition entre les employĂ©s, l’efficacitĂ© et l’obligation de rĂ©sultat et la cohĂ©sion entre la hiĂ©rarchie et les opĂ©rationnels. Pour lessecondes entreprises, contrairement Ă  l’affirmation des membres des Ă©quipes dirigeantes enquĂȘtĂ©s, le TDB existe sous forme physique en compte de rĂ©sultat ou sous forme invisible dans le cognitif du dirigeant. Ils perçoivent l’outil comme rĂ©servĂ© aux grandes entreprises, au dĂ©veloppement de leur activitĂ©. Les pratiques informelles coexistent avec les pratiques formelles. Ce rapport serait en partie l’effet des empreintes de la culture d’oralitĂ© des peuples africains. The purpose of this article is to understand the forms that dashboards take in an SME context and the reasons for their use. A qualitative exploratory study on a sample of 21 SMEs reveals various forms and reasons for using dashboards or not. The results showed two types of businesses. Those whose leaders claim to use a dashboards and those who do not use it a priori. For the first companies, the dashboards used are reactive with a production frequency that can range from monthly to year. And from one day in real time to one month. They are used for monitoring activities, training competition between employees, efficiency and the obligation to achieve results, and cohesion between the hierarchy and operational staff. For the second companies, contrary to the assertion of the members of the surveyed management teams, this exists in physical form in income statement or in invisible form in the manager’s cognitive. They perceive the tool as reserved for large companies, for the development of their activity. Informal practices coexist with formal practices. This report would be in part the effect of the imprints of the oral culture of the African peoples
