13 research outputs found

    Babaların Sosyodemografik Özelliklerinin Eş Desteği ve Emzirme Başarısına Etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma babaların sosyodemografik özelliklerinin eş desteği ve emzirme başarısına etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla planlanmıştır.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel yapılan araştırma, Mayıs - Kasım 2017 tarihleri arasın-da 0-24 ay bebeğe sahip özel bir bakım evinde çalışan veya çocuğu bu bakımevinde bakılan 78 baba çalışma kapsamına alınarak gerçekleştirildi. Gönüllü babalara yirmi sorudan oluşan anket formu dolduruldu. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde yüzde, aritme-tik ortalama, frekans ve Ki-kare analizi kullanıldı.Bulgular: Yaşı 20-30 yıl, üniversite mezunu, kentsel bölgede yaşayan, tek çocuğa sahip, ekonomik durumu yüksek ve çekirdek aileye sahip olan babaların, gebelik kararını eşi ile birlikte alma, gebelik kontrollerine gitme, baba adayı eğitim programına katılma, eşi ile anne sütü ve yararları hakkında konuşma oranlarının istatistiksel olarak anlam-lı derecede daha yüksekdi (p<0.05). Eş desteği veren babaların çocuklarının tamamı sadece anne sütünü 6 ay aldığı ve eş desteği veren-vermeyen babaların çocuklarının toplam anne sütü alma süreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptandı (p<0.05).Sonuç: Yaşı 20-30 yıl, üniversite mezunu, kentsel bölgede yaşayan, tek çocuğa sahip, ekonomik durumu yüksek ve çekirdek aileye sahip olan babaların eşlerini desteklediği, emzirmeye olumlu baktığı ve eş desteği alan annelerin emzirme başarılarının yüksek olduğu saptandı

    Impact of training giving to peadiatric nurses by interactive workshops against to problems during lactation period

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    Aim:  The study has been conducted in order to determine the impact of training which giving to peadiatric nurses by interactive workshops against to problems during lactation period.Methods:  This study, which is an experimental type in which pre-test/ post-test measurements were taken, was carried out in a state hospital in Samsun in October 2014. Before the training, the nurses accepted the presentation invitation. Evaluation of participants’ knowledge on the subject was performed via a Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) prepared by the researchers in relation with the literature. The study was conducted by 33 volunteer nurses working in the pediatric departments of a state hospital in the conference hall. MCQ, consisting of 24 questions, was answered by the participants before and after the interactive workshop. Analyses were performed using commercial software (IBM SPSS Statistics 20, SPSS Inc. An IBM Corp., Armonk, NY)Findings:  Nurses (n= 33) who work in pediatric units participated in the study. The  average age of nurses who participated to study is  36.30 ± 6.47 (min=21 max=48).  There was a significant improvement in mean test score after the lecture when compared with pre-lecture score (Mean =23.66, SD=0.54 vs. Mean=12.24, SD=4.11, z= -5.021 p = 0.000)Conclusions: Lecture based interactive workshop on the problems faced during lactation period helps to improve nurses’ knowledge. It also helps in overcoming deficiencies in nurses training

    Breastfeeding Self-efficacy of Mothers and the Affecting Factors

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    Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la autoeficacia de las madres en cuanto a la lactancia durante el período de 0-3 meses y los factores que la afectan. Materiales y métodos: el estudio se realizó entre enero y abril de 2011. El universo del estu - dio estuvo compuesto por todas las madres que vivían en el centro de la provincia de Sakarya y tenían niños lactantes de 0-3 meses. La muestra utilizada en el estudio estuvo conformada por 152 madres que aceptaron participar. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas cara a cara con las madres, utilizando el "Formulario de Información Personal" desarrollado por los investigadores y el "Formulario de Escala de Autoeficacia en Lactancia – versión abreviada/ BSES-SF" desarrollado por Dennis. La validez y confiabilidad de la escala usada en Turquía fueron medidas por Tokat et al. (2010). Los datos fueron evaluados a través del programa SPSS, utilizando los porcentajes, los promedios, la prueba t, el chi-cuadrado y ANOVA. Resultados: el puntaje total promedio de la "BSES-SF tomada" se determinó como 58,61 ± 8,93, min. = 16, máx. = 70. No se hallaron diferencias significativas entre el puntaje de la escala y la edad materna (F = 0,437, p = 0,781), la educación materna (F = 0,625, p = 0,645), la situación económica (F = 0,253, p = 0,777) y el tipo de parto (t = 0,922, p = 0,358). Los puntajes promedio fueron mayores para las madres que indicaron haber recibido capacitación para la lactancia materna en comparación con otras que indicaron no haber recibido dicha formación, y la diferencia entre el puntaje de la escala fue estadísticamente significativa (X2 = 50,848, p = 0,010). Conclusiones: los requisitos para el desarrollo de un nivel adecuado de lactancia materna entre las madres fueron identificados. Las enfermeras pueden dar el apoyo necesario a las madres con bajo nivel de lactancia mediante la evaluación y la identificación de los requisitos con la ayuda de esta escala

    A autoeficacia das mães quanto à lactancia e os fatores que a afetam

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers in the 0-3 month period and the affecting factors. Material and methods: The study was conducted between January-April 2011. The universe of the study consisted of all the mothers who were living in the center of Sakarya province and had infants ages 0-3 months. The sample used in the study consisted of 152 mothers who agreed to participate. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews with the mothers, using the "Personal Information Form" developed by the researchers and the "Breast-feeding Self-efficacy Scale-Short Form / BSES-SF" developed by Dennis. Turkish validity and reliability of the scale were done by Tokat et al. (2010). The data were evaluated with the SPSS program, using percentages, averages, the t-test, chi-square and ANOVA. Results: The average total score from the “taken BSES-SF" was determined as 58.61 ± 8.93, min = 16, max = 70. No significant differences were found between the scale score and maternal age (F = 0.437, p = 0.781), maternal education (F = 0.625, p = 0.645), economic status (F = 0.253, p = 0.777) and mode of delivery (t = 0.922, p = 0.358). The mean scores were determined as being higher for mothers who indicated having received training for breastfeeding compared to others who indicated having received no such training, and the difference between the scale score was statistically significant (X2 = 50.848, p = 0.010). Conclusions: Requirements for developing breastfeeding adequacy among mothers were determined. Nurses can give the necessary support to low breast-feeding mothers by assessing and identifying those requirements with help of this scale.  DOI: 10.5294/aqui.2014.14.3.5Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la autoeficacia de las madres en cuanto a la lactancia durante el período de 0-3 meses y los factores que la afectan. Materiales y métodos: el estudio se realizó entre enero y abril de 2011. El universo del estudio estuvo compuesto por todas las madres que vivían en el centro de la provincia de Sakarya y tenían niños lactantes de 0-3 meses. La muestra utilizada en el estudio estuvo conformada por 152 madres que aceptaron participar. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas cara a cara con las madres, utilizando el "Formulario de Información Personal" desarrollado por los investigadores y el "Formulario de Escala de Autoeficacia en Lactancia - versión abreviada/ BSES-SF" desarrollado por Dennis. La validez y confiabilidad de la escala usada en Turquía fueron medidas por Tokat et al. (2010). Los datos fueron evaluados a través del programa SPSS, utilizando los porcentajes, los promedios, la prueba t, el chi-cuadrado y ANOVA. Resultados: el puntaje total promedio de la "BSES-SF tomada" se determinó como 58,61 ± 8,93, min. = 16, máx. = 70. No se hallaron diferencias significativas entre el puntaje de la escala y la edad materna (F = 0,437, p = 0,781), la educación materna (F = 0,625, p = 0,645), la situación económica (F = 0,253, p = 0,777) y el tipo de parto (t = 0,922, p = 0,358). Los puntajes promedio fueron mayores para las madres que indicaron haber recibido capacitación para la lactancia materna en comparación con otras que indicaron no haber recibido dicha formación, y la diferencia entre el puntaje de la escala fue estadísticamente significativa (X2 = 50,848, p = 0,010). Conclusiones: los requisitos para el desarrollo de un nivel adecuado de lactancia materna entre las madres fueron identificados. Las enfermeras pueden dar el apoyo necesario a las madres con bajo nivel de lactancia mediante la evaluación y la identificación de los requisitos con la ayuda de esta escala.Objetivos: o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a autoeficácia das mães quanto à lactancia durante o período de 0-3 meses e os fatores que a afetam. Materiais e métodos: o estudo foi realizado entre janeiro e abril de 2011. O universo do estudo esteve composto por todas as mães que moravam no centro da província de Sakarya e tinham crianças lactantes de 0-3 meses. A amostra utilizada no estudo esteve conformada por 152 mães que aceitaram participar. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas cara a cara com as mães, utilizando o "Formulário de Informação Pessoal" desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores e pelo "Formulário de Escala de Autoeficácia em Lactancia - versão abreviada BSES-SF" desenvolvido por Dennis. A validade e confiabilidade da escala usada na Turquia foram medidas por Tokat et al. (2010). Os dados foram avaliados por meio do programa SPSS, utilizando as porcentagens, as médias, a prova t, o qui-quadrado e Anova. Resultados: a pontuação total média da "BSES-SF tomada" foi determinada como 58,61 ± 8,93, min. = 16, máx. = 70. Não se constataram diferenças significativas entre a pontuação da escala e a da idade materna (F = 0,437, p = 0,781), da educação materna (F = 0,625, p = 0,645), da situação econômica (F = 0,253, p = 0,777) e do tipo de parto (t = 0,922, p = 0,358). As pontuações médias foram maiores para as mães que indicaram ter recebido capacitação para a lactancia materna em comparação com outras que indicaram não ter recebido essa formação, e a diferença entre a pontuação da escala foi estatisticamente significativa (X2 = 50,848, p = 0,010). Conclusões: os requisitos para o desenvolvimento de um nível adequado de lactancia materna entre as mães foram identificados. As enfermeiras podem dar o apoio necessário às mães com baixo nível de lactancia mediante a avaliação e a identificação dos requisitos com a ajuda dessa escala

    Breastfeeding Self-efficacy of Mothers and the Affecting Factors

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers in the 0-3 month period and the affecting factors. Material and methods: The study was conducted between January-April 2011. The universe of the study consisted of all the mothers who were living in the center of Sakarya province and had infants ages 0-3 months. The sample used in the study consisted of 152 mothers who agreed to participate. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews with the mothers, using the "Personal Information Form" developed by the researchers and the "Breast-feeding Self-efficacy Scale-Short Form / BSES-SF" developed by Dennis. Turkish validity and reliability of the scale were done by Tokat et al. (2010). The data were evaluated with the SPSS program, using percentages, averages, the t-test, chi-square and ANOVA. Results: The average total score from the “taken BSES-SF" was determined as 58.61 ± 8.93, min = 16, max = 70. No significant differences were found between the scale score and maternal age (F = 0.437, p = 0.781), maternal education (F = 0.625, p = 0.645), economic status (F = 0.253, p = 0.777) and mode of delivery (t = 0.922, p = 0.358). The mean scores were determined as being higher for mothers who indicated having received training for breastfeeding compared to others who indicated having received no such training, and the difference between the scale score was statistically significant (X2 = 50.848, p = 0.010). Conclusions: Requirements for developing breastfeeding adequacy among mothers were determined. Nurses can give the necessary support to low breast-feeding mothers by assessing and identifying those requirements with help of this scale.   DOI: 10.5294/aqui.2014.14.3.

    Breastfeeding Self-efficacy of Mothers and the Affecting Factors

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers in the 0-3 month period and the affecting factors. Material and methods: The study was conducted between January-April 2011. The universe of the study consisted of all the mothers who were living in the center of Sakarya province and had infants ages 0-3 months. The sample used in the study consisted of 152 mothers who agreed to participate. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews with the mothers, using the "Personal Information Form" developed by the researchers and the "Breast-feeding Self-efficacy Scale-Short Form / BSES-SF" developed by Dennis. Turkish validity and reliability of the scale were done by Tokat et al. (2010). The data were evaluated with the SPSS program, using percentages, averages, the t-test, chi-square and ANOVA. Results: The average total score from the “taken BSES-SF" was determined as 58.61 ± 8.93, min = 16, max = 70. No significant differences were found between the scale score and maternal age (F = 0.437, p = 0.781), maternal education (F = 0.625, p = 0.645), economic status (F = 0.253, p = 0.777) and mode of delivery (t = 0.922, p = 0.358). The mean scores were determined as being higher for mothers who indicated having received training for breastfeeding compared to others who indicated having received no such training, and the difference between the scale score was statistically significant (X2 = 50.848, p = 0.010). Conclusions: Requirements for developing breastfeeding adequacy among mothers were determined. Nurses can give the necessary support to low breast-feeding mothers by assessing and identifying those requirements with help of this scale.  DOI: 10.5294/aqui.2014.14.3.

    P-wave dispersion and P-wave duration in children with stable asthma bronchiale

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    Objective: P-wave dispersion is associated with inhomogeneous and discontinuous propagation of sinus impulses. The aim of this present study was to investigate the impact of P-wave dispersion in children with stable asthma