9 research outputs found

    A neglected case of giant synovial chondromatosis in knee joint

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    Synovial chondromatosis is a rare benign condition arising from the synovial membrane of the joints, synovial sheaths or bursae around the joints. Primary synovial chondromatosis typically affects the large joints in the third to fifth decade of life. The purpose of this case report is to document this rare synovial pathology, which required open synovectomy and debridement to eradicate it. In our case, the biggest sized SOC was 20x19x6 cm, although there were many joint mice. Our case had the biggest SOC ever extracted, which to the best of my knowledge has not been reported earlier.Key words: Synovial chondromatosis, giant, loose body, knee Joint, surger

    For femoral intertrochanteric fractures dynamic hip screws and with proximal femoral nail anti-rotation after fixation lag screw placement and comparison of functional outcome of patients

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    YÖK Tez ID: 448939Pek çok epidemiyolojik çalışma göstermiştir ki, son birkaç dekadda, genel olarak toplumun yaşam beklentisinin artmasına bağlı olarak, proksimal femur kırıklarının insidansı artmaktadır. Bu kırıklarının tedavisinde amaç, hastanın mümkün olan en kısa sürede mobilize olmasını sağlayarak hastayı kırık öncesi yaşamına geri döndürmek ve hareketsizliğe bağlı meydana gelebilecek komplikasyonların oluşmasını önlemektir. Tedavide öncelikli amacın stabil bir tespit elde ederek erken hareket sağlanması olduğu üzerinde fikir birliği bulunmaktadır. Ancak tespit yönteminde seçilecek olan implant türü konusunda tartışmalar devam etmektedir. Kayan kalça vidaları, stabil femur intertrokanterik kırıklarının tedavisinde altın standard olarak kabul edilmektedir. Stabil intertrokanterik kırıklarda kayıcı plak-vida implantları ile tedavideki başarıya rağmen bu implantların instabil kırıklardaki yetersizliği proksimal femoral çivilere olan ilgide artışa neden olmuştur. İntertrokanterik kırık tedavisinde lag vidası yerleşimi, implant yetmezliği ve kaynama sorunları gibi komplikasyonların birincil nedenlerindendir. Bizde bu çalışmamızda, Proksimal Femur Çivisi-Antirotasyon (PFÇ-A) ve Kayan Kalça Vidası (KKV) sistemlerinin lag vidalarının femur başı içindeki yerleşimlerini, KKV ve PFÇ-A implantları ile tedavi edilen hastaların klinik ve fonksiyonel sonuçlarını karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışmaya Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalında femur intertrokanterik kırığı nedeniyle kayan kalça vidası (KKV) ve proksimal femur çivisi-antirotasyon (PFÇ-A) kullanılarak ameliyat edilen toplam 70 hasta dahil edildi. KKV uygulanan hastalarda lag vida yerleşimlerinin 19'u çok iyi, 6'sı orta, 4'ü kötü, PFÇ-A uygulanan hastalarda lag vida yerleşimlerinin 21'i çok iyi, 6'sı orta, 14'ü kötü olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların yapılan takiplerinde KKV uygulanan hastaların 1'inde implant yetmezliği görülürken PFÇ-A uygulanan hastaların 11'inde implant yezmezliği görüldü ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. (p=0,011) Kullanılan implanttan bağımsız olarak implant yetmezliği görülen grupta erken postoperatif ölçülen artikulo trokanter majör mesafesi ortalaması 12,33 iken implant yetmezliği görülmeyen grupta 14,87 idi ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı. (p=0,237) Kullanılan implanttan bağımsız olarak implant yetmezliği görülen grupta erken postoperatif ölçülen artikulo trokanter minör mesafesi ortalaması 87,16 iken implant yetmezliği görülmeyen grupta 97,8 idi ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. (p=0,004) Sonuç olarak artikulo trokanter minör mesafesinin femur intertrokanterik kırıkların tedavisinde intraoperatif dönemde ve takiplerinde dikkat edilmesi gereken bir parametre ve tedavi sonuçlarını etkileyen bir etken olduğu göstermektedir. KKV uygulamalarında PFÇ-A'ya göre lag vidasının femur başı içerisine daha uygun pozisyonda ve daha kolay bir şekilde yerleştirilmesi klinik sonuçlarının daha iyi olmasını sağlamaktadır.Many epidemiological studies have shown that, in the last few decades, depending on the overall increase in the community's life expectancy is increasing incidence of proximal femoral fractures. The aim of the treatment of these fractures, to prevent the patient as soon as possible to be mobilized by providing pre-fracture patients to return to life and occurrence of complications that can occur depending on inactivity. The primary goal of treatment is to ensure that there is consensus on the action early by obtaining a stable fixation. However, debate continues about which implant type selected in the detection methods. Dynamic hip screws are considered the gold standard for the treatment of stable intertrochanteric fractures of the femur. Despite the success in the treatment of stable intertrochanteric fractures in the sliding plate and screw implants of deficiencies in unstable fracture of these implants has led to increased interest in the proximal femoral nail. In the treatment of intertrochanteric fracture, the lag screw placement, complications such as nonunion and implant failure is one of the primary causes. We performed this study, Proximal Femoral Nail-antirotation (PFN-A) and dynamic hip screw (DHS) systems for the settlement in the femoral head on the lag screw, patients treated with DHS and PFN-A implanted we aimed to compare the clinical and functional results. The study on femoral intertrochanteric fracture at Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology by using dynamic hip screw (DHS) and proximal femoral nail-antirotation (PFN-A) which is operated by a total of 70 patients were included. DHS implated 19 of the lag screw placement in patients with very good, 6 moderate, 4 poor, 21 of the patients treated with the PFN-A lag screw placement is very good, 6 moderate, 14 were assessed as bad. DHS in follow-up of patients treated with the implant failure was observed in 1 patient-applied PFN implant failure patients seen at 11 and was a significant statistical difference (p=0,011). Regardless of implant used implant failure seen in group artikulo trochanter major distance postoperative measured from the average 12:33 while implant failure was not seen in 14.87 group and was no statistically significant difference (p=0,237). Regardless of implant used implant failure seen in group artikulo trochanter minor distance postoperative measured from the average 87.16 while Implant failure was not seen in the 97.18 group and was a statistically significant difference. (p= 0,004) As a result artikulo trochanter minor distance of the femur from the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures in the intraoperative period and shows that a factor affecting the parameters and results of treatment should be considered in follow-up. PFN-A based applications in a more favorable position in the DHS into the lag screw in the femoral head and placing an easier way is to ensure that better clinical outcomes

    Assessing clinicians' views: The development of the Bakirkoy Clinician Stance Questionnaire

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    Objective: Although there is a wide range of theoretical perspectives and clinical practices, there is no assessment tool that reveals these variations among clinicians. In this study, we presented the development process of a new measure for clinicians that assess their psychological flexibility levels, attitudes towards psychotherapy and inclination to the mechanistic approach. Method: Participants included 167 psychiatrists and psychiatry residents from all over Turkey. They completed 29 items intended to form the basis for the Bakirkoy Clinician's Attitude Questionnaire (BCSQ). Item-total correlation and Cronbach's alpha correlation analyses were performed to determine internal consistency. The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) and the Mental Illness: Clinicians' Attitude Scale V.4 (MICA v4) were used to assess the convergent and concurrent validity of BCSQ. Results: Principal component analyses with varimax rotation were conducted to ensure construct validity and to explore subdimensions. Finally, a three-dimensional version (Clinical inflexibility, Treatment preference, Mechanistic approach) of the scale with 20 items was created. The BCSQ demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.82) and transient stability. Convergent validity analyses showed that BCSQ subscales have significant relationships with higher psychological inflexibility and stigmatization levels. Conclusion: BCSQ proves to be a valuable tool for assessing changes in the level of psychological flexibility of clinicians in clinical practice, their attitudes towards psychotherapy/psychopharmacology and their view of psychopathology

    A1 ve A2 tipi femur intertrokanterik kırıklarında kayan kalça vidası ve proksimal femur çivisi-antirotasyon ile tespit sonrası hastaların fonksiyonel sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to compare clinical and functional outcomes between patients treated with Dynamic hip screw (DHS) and Proximal Femoral Nail-Antirotation (PFN-A) implants. METHODS: This study included 122 patients (66 men [54.1%] and 56 women [45.9%]) who underwent surgery with DHS and PFN-A for an intertrochanteric femur fracture and had at least 12 months follow-up. Reduction assessment, femoral neck-shaft angle and tip-apex distance measurements were performed in early postoperative radiographs. On control visits in months 1, 3, 6 and 12, range of motion, thigh or hip pain, and Trendelenburg positivity were assessed in clinical examination and reduction assessment, femoral neck-shaft angle and tip-apex distance measurements were performed on radiographs after the union. Patients were assessed using Hip Harris Score after the union. RESULTS: Regardless of implant type used, mean tip-apex distance measured at the immediate postoperative period was 27.6 in patients with implant failure, whereas 21.6 in patients without, indicating a significant difference. Again, mean femoral neck-shaft angle measured at the immediate postoperative period was 123 degree in patients with implant failure, whereas 130 degree in those without, indicating a significant difference. It was found that the femoral neck-shaft angle was 128 degree in 94% of patients without implant failure at immediate postoperative period. CONCLUSION: The findings regarding femur neck-shaft angle at the immediate postoperative period was <128 degree in all patients with implant failure and that it was ?128 degree in 94% of patients without implant failure emphasize the importance of anatomic restoration in femur neck-shaft angle during surgery. The finding that mean tip-apex distance was 27.6 mm in patients with implant failure and 21.6 mm in patients without implant failure indicates that the technique is as important as implant type selected for treatment success of the implantation.AMAÇ: Dinamik hip screw (DHS) ve proksimal femoral çivi-antirotasyonu (PFN-A) implantları ile tedavi edilen hastaların klinik ve fonksiyonel sonuçlarını karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmaya Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda femur intertrokanterik kırığı nedeniyle DHS ve PFN-A kullanılarak ameliyat edilen, en az 12 ay takibi olan 66’sı erkek, 56’sı kadın olan toplam 122 hasta alındı. Hastaların erken postoperatif grafilerinde kırığın redüksiyonu değerlendirilmesi, boyun cisim açısı ve tip apeks mesafesi ölçümleri yapıldı. Postoperatif 1. ay, 3. ay, 6. ay, 12. ay yapılan takiplerinde kalça eklem hareket açıklığı, uyluk-kalça ağrısı, Trendelenburg pozitifliği bakıldı ve takiplerdeki ve kaynama sonrası çekilen grafilerinde redüksiyon, fiksasyon kaybı, boyun cisim açısı ve tip apeks mesafesi ölçümleri yapıldı. Hastalar kaynama sonrası dönemde Kalça Harris Skoru ile değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Kullanılan implanttan bağımsız olarak implant yetmezliği görülen grupta erken postoperatif ölçülen tip apeks mesafesi ortalaması 27.6 iken implant yetmezliği görülmeyen grupta 21,6 idi ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. Kullanılan implanttan bağımsız olarak implant yetersizliği görülen grupta erken postoperatif ölçülen boyun cisim açısı ortalaması 123 iken implant yetersizliği görülmeyen grupta 130 idi ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptandı. İmplant yetersizliği görülen hastaların tümünde erken postoperatif ölçülen boyun cisim açısının 128 derecenin altında olduğu saptandı. İmplant yetersizliği görülmeyen hastaların %94’ünün erken postoperatif ölçülen boyun cisim açısının 128 derecenin üstünde olduğu saptandı. TARTIŞMA: İmplant yetersizliği olan hastaların tümünde erken postoperatif boyun cisim açısının 128° altında olması ve implant yetersizliği görülmeyen hastaların %94’ünde erken postoperatif boyun cisim açısının 128° ve üzerinde olması cerrahi sırasında bu açının anatomik şekilde restore edilmesinin önemini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. İmplant yetersizliği görülen grupta TAD’nin ortalama 27.5 mm ve implant yetersizliği görülmeyen grupta ortalama 21.7 olması, bu sistemlerin implantasyonunda tedavi başarısı açısından tekniğin en az seçilen implant türü kadar önemli olduğunu göstermektedir

    Burned out and avoided: Stigmatizing processes among psychiarists

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    Background: The stigma of mental illness has been reported as a serious barrier in lives of people with mental illness. Besides blocking admission to mental health services, it was found associated with terminating appropriate treatment. As well as relatives, neighbours or friends, it is shown that patients face stigma from psychiatrists. The aim of this study is to evaluate stigmatizing attitudes of psychiatrists and to find out its relationship with burnout and psychological flexibility. Subjects and methods: 256 psychiatrists all along Turkey were participated and age, gender, duration that spent as a clinician and psychotherapy training have been recorded. Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II, Maslach Burnout Inventory and Mental Illness: Clinicians' Attitudes (MICA) Scale were used to evaluate participants' psychological flexibility, burnout level and stigmatizing attitudes respectively. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to assess direct and indirect influences on stigma. Results: There were statistically significant differences between residents and senior psychiatrists in all three scales. Psychotherapy training was found significantly associated with lower levels of stigma. Stigma was found to be predicted by duration, age, and burnout levels. In SEM analyses psychological flexibility was found to predict stigma indirectly via burnout. Conclusion: Increasing contact with the stigmatized and education are two widely used methods against stigma. In years their effects were found limited and temporary. Burnout in clinicians is an important parameter in many aspects as well as its relation with stigma. There are limited data to decrease burnout in psychiatrists. There are some evidence that shows Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is effective to decrease burnout and stigma in clinicians. In the means of additional ways when dealing with stigma, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be a powerful tool while it targets to increase psychological flexibility

    Jinekolojik Tümörler El Kitabı

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    Jinekolojik Tümörler Tanı Tedavi Takip

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    Disappearance of Biodiversity and Future of Our Foods

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    “I. Uluslararası Organik Tarım ve Biyoçeşitlilik Sempozyumu 27-29 Eylül Bayburt