83 research outputs found

    Entwicklung stationĂ€rer Phasen fĂŒr die Ionenchromatographie zur Trennung von Kohlenhydraten

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    Diese Arbeit umfasst die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von neuen stationĂ€ren Phasen zur Trennung von Kohlenhydraten mittels Anionenchromatographie und elektrochemischer Detektion. Auf hochquervernetzten PS-DVB-Harzen konnten durch Chloromethylierung, Beschichtung und pfropfpolymerisation unterschiedliche Typen von OberflĂ€chenmodifizierungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, die zu prĂ€funktionalisierten TrĂ€germaterialien fĂŒhrten. Die anschließende Funktionalisierung mit verschiedenen Aminen und Diaminen fĂŒhrte zu stabilen Anionenaustauschern hoher KapazitĂ€t und Trennleistung und konnten erfolgreich zur Trennung von Kohlenhydraten eingesetzt werden. Auf dem Gebiet der agglomerierten Ionenaustauscher wurde das bewĂ€hrte Konzept der Latexaustauscher weiterentwickelt und durch die Immobilisierung von polykationischen Ketten in Form von Ionenen erweitert. Die Struktur der Ionene ist durch eine Vielzahl an verfĂŒgbarenMonomeren sehr variabel und die erhaltenen Ionenaustauscher zur Trennung von Kohlenhydraten geeignet. Trends und Trenneigenschaften aller hergestellten Phasen wurden untersucht und unter dem Aspekt der Eignung zur Trennung von Kohlenhydraten untereinander verglichen

    Neue Packungsmaterialien fĂŒr die Anionenchromatographie - Synthese und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten

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    Die Fragestellungen in der Ionenchromatographie werden immer spezieller. Dabei ist es schwierig, aus dem kommerziell erhĂ€ltlichen Programm die passende TrennsĂ€ule samt Eluenten zu finden. Deshalb wurden sich im Grundpolymer, im Spacer und im Amin unterscheidende Anionenaustauscher getestet und miteinander verglichen. Daraus ergibt sich ein umfangreiches Wissen ĂŒber das Verhalten dieser verschiedenen Arten von TrennsĂ€ulen und ein einzigartiger Pool an Anionenaustauschern, aus denen je nach Art des Trennproblems die passende SĂ€ule samt angepaßten Eluenten ausgesucht werden kann. Ausgenutzt wurde dies zur Bestimmung anionischer Verunreinigungen in hochreiner, konzentrierter SalpetersĂ€ure, wie sie in der Halbleitertechnik benutzt wird. Dazu wurden zwei IC-Systeme ĂŒber ein externes 6-Port-Ventil und eine KonzentratorsĂ€ule miteinander gekoppelt. Im ersten Teil zeigten die Analytanionen Chlorid, Sulfat und Phosphat mit einem speziellen, hochkapazitiven Anionenaustauscher in Kombination mit einem hochkonzentrierten Natronlauge-Eluenten sehr viel kĂŒrzere Retentionszeiten als die Matrix Nitrat und konnten so von dieser getrennt werden. Im zweiten Schritt wurden sie dann mit Hilfe eines kommerziellen Anionenaustauschers quantifiziert

    Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von agglomerierten Anionenaustauschern auf Styrol- und Methacrylat-Basis

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    TrĂ€gerpartikel wurden durch die Funktionalisierung hochquervernetzter PS-DVB-Harze mit konzentrierter SchwefelsĂ€ure erhalten. Die Sulfonierungsreaktion erwies sich als gut reproduzierbar. Die Emulsionspolymerisation von Latexpartikeln des Styrol-Typs wurde anhand des VBC-DVB-Monomersystems untersucht, in dem kritische Verfahrensparameter systematisch variiert wurden. Zur Charakterisierung der Produkte fanden die Photonenkorrelationsspektroskopie sowie die Rasterelektronenmikroskopie Anwendung. Nach der Übertragung des Polymerisationsverfahrens gelang es, Latexpartikel aus GMA-EGDMA, THFMA-EGDMA und HPMA-Monomersystemen zu synthetisieren und als funktionelle Latexpartikel in agglomerierten Anionenaustauschern einzusetzen. Als Ursache fĂŒr Reproduzierbarkeitsprobleme von VBC-DVB-LatexsĂ€ulen wurde die Bildung von Agglomeraten wĂ€hrend der Funktionalisierung des Latex identifiziert. Dies war auch der Grund fĂŒr den hohen Staudruck von Methacrylat-SĂ€ulen, der in einem Langzeittest zu frĂŒhzeitigen Trennleistungsverlusten fĂŒhrte. Die Charakterisierung der hergestellten TrennsĂ€ulen-Typen zeigte, dass der alleinige Ersatz des Styrol-Ă€hnlichen VBC-DVB-Latex durch Methacrylat-Latices mit einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Peaksymmetrie fĂŒr polarisierbare Anionen wie Bromid und Nitrat einhergeht. Des Weiteren wurde mit THFMA-EGDMA-LatexsĂ€ulen eine Auflösung des Fluorids vom Injektionspeak erreicht und nahezu identische Trennleistungen fĂŒr alle acht untersuchten anorganischen Anionen erhalten. Die chemische Struktur der funktionellen Gruppe auf dem Latex hatte Auswirkungen auf die SelektivitĂ€t fĂŒr leicht polarisierbare und mehrfach geladenen Anionen, deren Ursache unterschiedliche Ladungsdichten und Hydratisierungen darstellen. An VBC-DVB-TrennsĂ€ulen wurde darĂŒber hinaus eine Zunahme des Peaktailings mit der PolaritĂ€t des quartĂ€ren Ammonium-Ions beobachtet

    Retrospective analysis of free temporoparietal fascial flap for defect reconstruction of the hand and the distal upper extremity

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    Introduction: Soft tissue reconstruction of the hand and distal upper extremity is challenging to preserve the function of the hand as good as possible. Therefore, a thin flap has been shown to be useful. In this retrospective study, we aimed to show the use of the free temporoparietal fascial flap in soft tissue reconstruction of the hand and distal upper extremity. Methods We analysed the outcome of free temporoparietal fascial flaps that were used between the years 2007and 2016 at our institution. Major and minor complications, defect location and donor site morbidity were the main fields of interest. Results: 14 patients received a free temporoparietal fascial flap for soft tissue reconstruction of the distal upper extremity. Minor complications were noted in three patients and major complications in two patients. Total flap necrosis occurred in one patient. Conclusion The free temporoparietal fascial flap is a useful tool in reconstructive surgery of the hand and the distal upper extremity with a low donor site morbidity and moderate rates of major and minor complications

    Characterization of an Aldehyde Oxidoreductase From the Mesophilic Bacterium Aromatoleum aromaticum EbN1, a Member of a New Subfamily of Tungsten-Containing Enzymes

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    The biochemical properties of a new tungsten-containing aldehyde oxidoreductase from the mesophilic betaproteobacterium Aromatoleum aromaticum EbN1 (AORAa) are presented in this study. The enzyme was purified from phenylalanine-grown cells of an overexpressing mutant lacking the gene for an aldehyde dehydrogenase normally involved in anaerobic phenylalanine degradation. AORAa catalyzes the oxidation of a broad variety of aldehydes to the respective acids with either viologen dyes or NAD+ as electron acceptors. In contrast to previously known AORs, AORAa is a heterohexameric protein consisting of three different subunits, a large subunit containing the W-cofactor and an Fe-S cluster, a small subunit containing four Fe-S clusters, and a medium subunit containing an FAD cofactor. The presence of the expected cofactors have been confirmed by elemental analysis and spectrophotometric methods. AORAa has a pH optimum of 8.0, a temperature optimum of 40°C and is completely inactive at 50°C. Compared to archaeal AORs, AORAa is remarkably resistant against exposure to air, exhibiting a half-life time of 1 h as purified enzyme and being completely unaffected in cell extracts. Kinetic parameters of AORAa have been obtained for the oxidation of one aliphatic and two aromatic aldehydes, resulting in about twofold higher kcat values with benzyl viologen than with NAD+ as electron acceptor. Finally, we obtained evidence that AORAa is also catalyzing the reverse reaction, reduction of benzoate to benzaldehyde, albeit at very low rates and under conditions strongly favoring acid reduction, e.g., low pH and using Ti(III) citrate as electron donor of very low redox potential. AORAa appears to be a prototype of a new subfamily of bacterial AOR-like tungsten-enzymes, which differ from the previously known archaeal AORs mostly by their multi-subunit composition, their low sensitivity against oxygen, and the ability to use NAD+ as electron acceptor

    Cytosolic monothiol glutaredoxins function in intracellular iron sensing and trafficking via their bound iron-sulfur cluster

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    Iron is an essential nutrient for cells. It is unknown how iron, after its import into the cytosol, is speciïŹcally delivered to iron-dependent processes in various cellular compartments. Here, we identify an essential function of the conserved cytosolic monothiol glutaredoxins Grx3 and Grx4 in intracellular iron trafïŹcking and sensing. Depletion of Grx3/4 speciïŹcally impaired all iron-requiring reactions in the cytosol, mitochondria, and nucleus, including the synthesis of Fe/S clusters, heme, and di-iron centers. These defects were caused by impairment of iron insertion into proteins and iron transfer to mitochondria, indicating that intracellular iron is not bioavailable, despite highly elevated cytosolic levels. The crucial task of Grx3/4 is mediated by a bridging, glutathione-containing Fe/S center that functions both as an iron sensor and in intracellular iron delivery. Collectively, our study uncovers an important role of monothiol glutaredoxins in cellular iron metabolism, with a surprising connection to cellular redox and sulfur metabolisms

    Does indocyanine green fluorescence angiography impact the intraoperative choice of procedure in free vascularized medial femoral condyle grafting for scaphoid nonunions?

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    BackgroundFree vascularized medial femoral condyle (MFC) bone grafts can lead to increased vascularity of the proximal pole and restore scaphoid architecture in scaphoid nonunions. The intraoperative perfusion assessment of the bone graft is challenging because the conventional clinical examination is difficult. Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography has previously been shown to provide a real-time intraoperative evaluation of soft tissue perfusion in reconstructive surgery. The present study investigated the utility of ICG angiography in patients treated with a free medial femoral condyle graft for scaphoid nonunions.MethodsWe performed a retrospective analysis of patients with scaphoid nonunions, in which ICG angiography was used intraoperatively for perfusion assessment. The medical records, radiographs, intraoperative imaging, and operative reports of all patients were reviewed. Intraoperative ICG dye was administered intravenously, and laser angiography was performed to assess bone perfusion. The scaphoid union was examined using postoperative CT scans.ResultsTwo patients had documented osteonecrosis of the proximal pole at the time of surgery. Four patients received a nonvascularized prior bone graft procedure, and a prior spongiosa graft procedure was performed in one patient. The mean time from injury to the MFC bone graft surgery was 52.7 months, and the mean time from prior failed surgery was 10.4 months. Perfusion of the vascular pedicle of the MFC and the periosteum could be detected in all patients. In two patients, even perfusion of the cancellous bone could be demonstrated by ICG angiography. Following transplantation of the bone graft, patency of the vascular anastomosis and perfusion of the periost were confirmed by ICG angiography in the assessed cases. No additional surgery regarding a salvage procedure for a scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse was necessary for the further course.ConclusionICG-angiography has shown to be a promising tool in the treatment of scaphoid nonunion with medial femoral condyle bone grafts. It enables intraoperative decision making by assessment of the microvascular blood supply of the periosteum and the vascular pedicle of the MFC bone graft. Further studies need to evaluate the impact on union rates in a long-term follow-up

    Assessing Implicit Odor Localization in Humans Using a Cross-Modal Spatial Cueing Paradigm

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    Navigation based on chemosensory information is one of the most important skills in the animal kingdom. Studies on odor localization suggest that humans have lost this ability. However, the experimental approaches used so far were limited to explicit judgements, which might ignore a residual ability for directional smelling on an implicit level without conscious appraisal.A novel cueing paradigm was developed in order to determine whether an implicit ability for directional smelling exists. Participants performed a visual two-alternative forced choice task in which the target was preceded either by a side-congruent or a side-incongruent olfactory spatial cue. An explicit odor localization task was implemented in a second experiment.No effect of cue congruency on mean reaction times could be found. However, a time by condition interaction emerged, with significantly slower responses to congruently compared to incongruently cued targets at the beginning of the experiment. This cueing effect gradually disappeared throughout the course of the experiment. In addition, participants performed at chance level in the explicit odor localization task, thus confirming the results of previous research.The implicit cueing task suggests the existence of spatial information processing in the olfactory system. Response slowing after a side-congruent olfactory cue is interpreted as a cross-modal attentional interference effect. In addition, habituation might have led to a gradual disappearance of the cueing effect. It is concluded that under immobile conditions with passive monorhinal stimulation, humans are unable to explicitly determine the location of a pure odorant. Implicitly, however, odor localization seems to exert an influence on human behaviour. To our knowledge, these data are the first to show implicit effects of odor localization on overt human behaviour and thus support the hypothesis of residual directional smelling in humans
