28 research outputs found

    Analisa Permanganometri pada Penurunan Kadar Fe Menggunakan Resin dan Media Filter Karbon Aktif dalam Air Sungai Kaligarang (Permanganometri Analysis On Reduction Of Fe Content Using Resin And Filter Media Activated Carbon In Kaligarang’s River Water)

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    According Eckenfelder, (1989), the presence of iron in the earth's crust was thefourth biggest. Iron is found in the form of cation ferrous (Fe 2+) and ferric (Fe 3+). In the natural waters with a pH of about 7 and a dissolved oxygen sufficient ferrous ions which are soluble oxidised to the ferric ion. This oxidation occurs at the release of electrons. On the contrary. the reduction of ferric into ferrous electron capture occurs. Iron oxidation and reduction process does not involve oxygen and hydrogen. Iron concentrations in the groundwater ranged from 0.01 mg / 1 up to ± 25 mg / 1. If the concentration of iron in the water is relatively large, will give a flavor to the water that describe the taste metallic, astringent, or even drugs can cause toxic effects. Ion exchange resin is a polymer having a particular group. Basically the ion exchange resin was divided into 2 types of cations and anions, where the ability of the ion exchange process is influenced by many parts of the active ingredients contained in the resin and the ion exchange capability. The concentration of the active site and the ability of a resin ion pernukaran usually contained in the resin properties. Ion exchange is a physical-chemical process. In the process of the insoluble compounds, in this case the resin accept certain positive or negative ions from solution and releasing other ions in the solution is the same equivalent amount. If the ions are exchanged in the form of a cation, then the resin is called cation exchange resin, and if ions are exchanged in the form of anions, eat resin is called ion exchange resin anion.Rangkaian tool exchanger consists of three tanks, the tank cation exchanger, anion exchanger tank, and activated carbon tanks, each of which is made of FRP. At the top of the tank there is a way valve to the filter, fast rinse and back wash. The method used in the analysis of Fe content is permanganometry a titration method using potassium permanganate, a strong oxidizing agent as titrant. Titration is based on titration of reduction and oxidation, or redox. In this lab to test the Fe content is done by means of Ion Exchangers, with as much as 100 liters of water each variable. The variables used are the valve 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3. Time used for 30 minutes and take 15 ml of the sample in the tank cation, anion active and more carbon. Results of observations obtained in the Fe content of the variable aperture 3/3 tank of cations, anions, activated carbon of 0.177%; 0.173%; 0.167%. At 2/3 variable of 0.15%; 0,142%; 0.123%. And the 1/3 variables of 0.11%; 0,084%; 0.074%. It can be concluded that the greatest reduction in Fe content occurs at the smallest aperture or variable valve 1/3 (Contents of Fe, Ion Exchangers, permanganometry


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    The waste resulting from the production of the plywood industry is enormous, and until now, it has not been utilized optimally. Reduce the amount of waste, which can be done by processing finir waste into an Oriented Strand Board (OSB), which can reduce the fulfillment of raw wood materials. This study aimed to determine the best compression time and concentration of phenol formaldehyde in manufacturing Oriented Strand Board (OSB) from waste plywood. The research was conducted at the Wood Processing Laboratory and Wood Workshop at the Faculty of Forestry and the PT. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara for 3 months. The experimental method used a completely randomized design with treatment factors in compression time (8 minutes, 10 minutes, and 12 minutes), and phenol formaldehyde adhesive concentration (9% and 10%), three replicates were run for each. The treatment results show OSB with 12 minutes of compression time and 10% phenol formaldehyde concentration as the OSB with the best quality and the most parameters complied with JIS A 5908 (2003).Keywords: concentration of phenol formaldehyde, finir waste, oriented strand board, pressing timeAbstrakLimbah hasil dari produksi industri kayu lapis sangat besar dan sampai saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Untuk menekan besarnya limbah tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mengolah limbah finir menjadi papan untai atau Oriented Strand Board (OSB) yang dapat mengurangi besarnya limbah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh waktu kempa dan konsentrasi fenol formaldehida terbaik dalam pembuatan papan Oriented Strand Board (OSB) dari limbah finir kayu lapis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pengolahan Kayu dan Wood Workshop Fakultas Kehutanan serta Laboratorium PT. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara selama 3 bulan. Metode penelitin menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan waktu kempa (8 menit, 10 menit, dan 12 menit), dan konsentrasi perekat fenol formaldehida (9 % dan 10 %). Yang dilakukan dalam 3 ulangan. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan OSB dengan perlakuan waktu kempa 12 menit dan konsentrasi fenol formaldehida 10% sebagai OSB dengan kualitas terbaik dan memenuhi JIS A 5908 (2003). Kata kunci: konsentrasi fenol formaldehida, limbah finir, oriented strand board, waktu kemp

    Pengaruh Proses N-Hexane Solvent Extraction pada Ekstraksi Bitumen dari Aspal Buton sebagai Bahan Baku Minyak Bumi Nonkonvensional: The Effect Of Solvent N-Hexane Extraction on Bitumen Extraction from Butone Asphalt As A Raw Material af Non-Conventional Natural Oil

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    Buton tar sand or commonly known as asbuton is a natural tar sand deposit found in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi. The reserve of asbuton is approximately 179.1 million tons with a hypothetical resource of oil amounting to 10,577,646,000 liters. Asbuton is potentially used as an alternative raw material for non-conventional oil. Non-conventional oil from asbuton could be used as a substitute to the depleted resources of conventional oil in Indonesia. Asbuton non-conventional oil could be prepared by extracted bitumen, a heavy hydrocarbon material in asbuton tar sand from its mineral. The bitumen then could be further processed to produce non-conventional oil. Various studies have been carried out to extract bitumen with various solvents. This study uses direct extraction and soxhlet extraction methods with n-hexane solvent to obtain the most optimum percentage of bitumen. Direct extraction method is done by varying the temperature (40, 45, 50, 55, 60oC) and the weight ratio of asphalt and n-hexane solvent (1:20; 1: 30; 1:40; 1:50). Based on the results of research that has been done, the highest percentage of bitumen yield is formed at 40oC and at a ratio of 1:20 that is 88.60% for the direct extraction method. The 1:40 ratio of soxhlet solvent extraction has the highest bitumen yield of 90.97%. After that, a characteristic analysis was carried out using FTIR with a strong absorbance in the area of 1423.47; 1033.85; 873.75; 709.80 cm-1 representing the C-H and C = H groups


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    This research aims to determine the effect of particle size and urea formaldehyde adhesive concentration on the physical and mechanical properties of particle board from Acacia crassicarpa wood waste, and to determine the particle size and concentration of the best urea formaldehyde to meet  JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The materials used in this study are wood waste Acacia crassicarpa, urea formaldehyde adhesive, liquid paraffin and catalyst. The particle size used consisted of passing 4 mesh retained 6 mesh (coarse particles), passing 6 mesh retained 8 mesh (medium particle) and passing 8 mesh retained 10 mesh (fine particles), wereas the concentration of urea formaldehyde adhesive comprises 8%, 10% and 12%. The particle board is made with size 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm with target density of 0.70 gr/cm3 at pressure of 25 kg/cm2 and temperature of 120oC for 10 minutes. The results showed that particle size factor had a significant effect on density, moisture content, water absorption, internal bond strength and screw holding power, thickness swelling and MOR. The concentration factor of urea formaldehyde adhesive has significant effect on density, moisture content, thickness swelling, water absorption, MOE, MOR, internal bond strength and screw holding power. The interaction of both factors had a significant effect on moisture content and screw holding power. The best particle board in the recent study was on a particle board made of coarse particle size (passing 4 mesh retained 6 mesh) with a 12% urea formaldehyde adhesive concentration, in which the physical and mechanical properties of the particle board that meet JIS A 5908-2003 standard except for the thickness swelling.Keywords: adhesive concentration, particle board, particle size, physical and mechanical  properties, wood waste Acacia crassicarp

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Produk dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Sari Roti di Kecamatan Karya Penggawa Kabupaten Pesisir Barat

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    This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, product, and promotion on purchasing decisions for Sari Roti products in Karya Penggawa District, Pesisir Barat Regency. The sample of this research is 60 respondents who have filled out the questionnaires that have been distributed. Data analysis using validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis testing. The drawback of this research is that it only gets a few respondents. The hope for further research is to increase the number of respondents. The test results show that the quality of services, products, and promotions is highly approved and in great demand among the public

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Lampung

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk Mengetahui dan kepemimpinan kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai di Daerah Lampung. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif karena pendekatan yang digunakan untuk penelitian, proses, hipotesis, analisis data, dan penelitian. Subyek penelitian adalah karyawan di daerah Lampung dengan jumlah 70 responden. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structurel Equation Modeling berbasi PLS. Uji validitas menggunakan nilai faktor loading, sedangkan reliabilitas menggunakan nilai cronbach'c alpha, composite reliability dan Average Variance Extracted (AVE).Setelah seluruh indikator hasil yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini valid dan reliabel, selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis. Dari pihak ketiga yang diajukan hanya dua pihak yang terdukung, namun untuk hipotesis pertama tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa sangat penting dalam perusahaan / organisasi yang melakukan motivasi kepada karyawan / anggota organisasi guna meningkatkan kinerjanya. Sama hal nya dengan budaya oraganisasi, jadi lebih baik / lebih erat kekeluargaan di dalam suatu perusahaan / organisasi maka dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan / anggota yang nantinya akan berdampak baik bagi produktifitas perusahaan / organisas


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    The manufacture of particleboards from dregs of sago and natural adhesives of citric-sucrose acid has not been widely reported. The aim of this research to examine the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard from dregs of sago based on particle size and the ratio of citric-sucrose. The dregs of sago used is 8-10 mesh and 20-40 mesh. Natural adhesive is used 20% of the dry weight dregs of sago. The ratio of citric acid-sucrose used varies 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25, 100/0. The particleboard is made manually consisting of 3 layers (face, core, back) were manufactured in 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm, and the target of density was 0,7 g/cm3. The pressing at a temperature of 180oC for 15 minutes, and pressure of 20 kg/cm2. The physical and mechanical  properties of particleboard were tested in accordance to standard JIS A 5908-2003 Type 8. The results showed particleboard that physical properties meets the standards is density, moisture content, and thickness development. The particleboard dregs of sago with ratio citric acid-sucrose 25/75 was able to provide the best results to meet the standards of JIS A 5908-2003 Type 8 for density values of 0,7532 g/cm3, moisture content of 8,6725%, thickness of  development 8,0756%.Keywords: citric acid-sucrose , dregs of sago, particleboard, particle siz

    Digitalisasi Pemasaran Produk UMKM pada Kampung Wisata Nopia di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Kampung wisata nopia adalah salah satu kampung UMKM di desa Pakunden Banyumas, yang merupakan hasil swadaya masyarakat secara mandiri dengan jumlah mencapai 120 KK, terdiri dari RT 3 & 4, dulu terkenal dengan kampung yang paling kumuh, tetapi dengan melihat potensi dari banyaknya home industry nopia yang berhasil dan turun temurun akhirnya tercetuslah menjadi kampung wisata nopia sebagai makanan khas oleh-oleh Banyumas. Humas Paguyupan Nopia PM Handoyo, mengatakan bahwa kampung wisata nopia berdiri pada tahun 2018, melalui proses panjang, yang diprakarsai pertama kali oleh Bapak Sasakir sebagai sesepuh dilanjutkan generasi ke 2 oleh Bapak mangun dengan didukung oleh masyarakat setempat sehingga berdirilah Gapuro yang disebut sebagai kampung wisata nopia pada tahun 2018. Kendala yang dihadapi mitra berdasarkan analisis situasi yang telah dilakukan oleh Tim PKM dalam proses pengelolaan administasi masih bersifat konvensional, strategi manajemen marketing belum dilakukan secara profesional. Solusi yang ditawarkan kepada mitra adalah (a) Memberikan pelatihan digitalisasi pemasaran melalui sarana sosial media (b) penerapan & pelatihan aplikasi web campeny profile (c) pelatihan administrasi melalui aplikasi buku warung dan analisis laporan penjualan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendampingan & pendekatan dengan cara kegiatan partisipatif aktif antara tim pengusul dan mitra, agar dalam proses penerapan PKM melibatkan dosen dan mahasiswa, hal ini merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan, yang mendukung program MBKM. Tujuan dari hasil kegiatan PkM melalui digitalisasi dapat meningkatkan perekonomian dan dapat dimanfaatkan secara luas, oleh masyarakat lingkungan di sekitarnya, sehingga dosen tetap memenuhi tugas Tridarma. Sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan PkM banyaknya permintaan pasar berupa oleh-oleh nopia dan ramainya pengunjung di wahana wisata oleh wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara, sehingga produksi UMKM meningkat. Dengan bekerjasama melalui Progam Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (LPPM) STIKOM Yos Sudarso Purwokerto. berharap. Hasil dari Solusi oleh Tim Pkm bersama mitra yaitu menggunakan teknik yang disebut Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG), melalui digitalisasi pemasaran produk UMKM pada kampung wisata Nopia di Kabupaten Banyumas dapat bermanfaat

    Produksi Bahan Bakar Slurry Tempurung Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Alternatif Minyak Diesel

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    Keterbatasan serta meningginya harga bahan bakar minyak menjadi aspek utama permasalahan energi didunia sehingga mendorong pengembangan bahan bakar minyak terbarukan. Slurry fuel merupakan salah satu energi terbarukan yang berasal dari biomassa. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk menghitung nilai kalor dari arang tempurung kelapa sawit dan stabilitasnya (settling index) melalui proses pencampuran dan beberapa variable. Hasil kualitas analisis proximasi (sifat thermal) slurry fuel memiliki nilai kalor 19,6 Mj/Kg, kadar air 5,9 %, kadar zat terbang 4,4%, kadar abu 17,8% dan kadar karbon 77,8%. sedangkan stabilitas (settling index) biomassa dan aquades pada rasio 39:60 samadengan 1,00 nilai kalor 1196 Mj/Kg. selain itu juga stabilitas secara visual terhadap biomassa dan aquades yang memiliki pengendapannya paling lama yaitu pada rasio 49:50 selama 4 jam dengan memiliki nilai kalor 1000 Mj/Kg

    Techno-economic analysis of bio-briquette from cashew nut shell waste

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    The implementation of this research consists of 2 (two) aspects: the making and testing of bio-briquettes called technological aspects and economic analysis called economic aspects. Bio-briquettes is made from cashew nutshell waste obtained from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is followed by pyrolysis, which is carried out in a simple batch type reactor by heating using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The bio-briquettes product has a calorific value of 29.49 MJ/kg, moisture content of 5.3%, ash content of 4.96%, volatile substances content of 17.16%, and carbon content of 72.62%, which meets the universally accepted bio-briquettes standard (SNI 016235-2000), Japanese, English and ISO 17225. The bio-briquettes product is suitable as an energy source. The economic analysis of the cashew nutshell was analyzed to determine its economic feasibility. For the bio-briquettes production capacity in 2,000 tons/year, cashew nut shell-briquettes products can be sold at 1,052,878 USD/year. The total production cost is USD842,304/year. The net profit is of USD147,402/year. The cost of LPG for 2,000 tons/year production capacity is USD954,358/years. The replacement of LPG with cashew seed bio-briquettes tends to help the average household of Muna Regency community to reduce the annual cost by 37.00%. In conclusion, bio-briquettes production's economic feasibility as analyzed from the investment rate is 23.55%, payout time is 3.42 years, and break-even point is 50.09%