637 research outputs found


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    Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a native plant of Indonesia. Nowadays the use of plants is limited as ingredients in Indonesia cuisine and aromatherapy oils for industry. Leaves of C. hystrix contain of polyphenols and essential oils thus they were possibly cytotoxic to cancer cell line. The objective of this research was to determine the cytotoxicity effect and apoptosis induced by leaves extract C. hystrix to cervical cancer cell line (HeLa cells). Methods used in this study included sampling of kaffir lime leaves, extractionusing three different solvents (ethanol, ethyl acetate, and hexane), detection of metabolite secondary compound (alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, and tannins) using thin layer chromatography (TLC), cytotoxicity assay via MTT assay, and apoptosis test with double staining method (ethidium bromide-acrydine orange). Result showed kaffir lime crude extract dose dependently inhibitHeLa cells proliferation. lC50of ethanolicand ethyl acetate extract was 82,034 µg/mL and 57,845 µg/mL, respectively means cytotoxic to HeLa cells. On the other hand lC50 of hexane extract was 203,992 µg/mL which was not cytotoxic. Furthermore ethanolic and ethyl acetate extract were able to induce apoptosis of HeLa cells by increasing the number of apoptotic cells. In conclusion, kaffir lime leaves extract had cytotoxic effect and induced apoptosis. Moreover ethyl acetate extractof kaffir lime was the most potential to induce apoptosis in HeLa cells.Keywords: kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix), HeLa, MTT, cytotoxicity, apoptosis

    Koordinasi antara Kepala Sekolah dan Pengawas dalam Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik

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    The purpose of this study was to discribe how the general objective of the research is to describe the coordination between principal and supervisor in the implementing of instructional supervision is in the Elementary Schools of Karang Tinggi Sub District, Central Bengkulu Regency. The result of the study The result of the research showed that the coordination between principal and supervisor in the implementation of instructional supervision. That can be seen from the absence of coordination between principal and supervisor in the arrangement of instructional supervision planning program, there is no coordination intensity between principal and supervisor in the implementation of academic supervision, the coordination of monitoring and evaluating between principal and supervisor has not run optimally, and there is no coordination of result follow-up between principal and supervisor in the implementation of academic supervision

    Hubungan Antara Kelimpahan Epifauna Dasar Dengan Tingkatan Kerapatan Lamun Yang Berbeda Di Pulau Panjang Dan Teluk Awur Jepara

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    Perairan Teluk Awur dan Pulau Panjang terletak di Kabupaten Jepara yang memiliki keanekaragaman ekosistem perairan, antara lain ekosistem lamun. Kondisi dari ekosistem lamun dikedua lokasi tersebut akan mempengaruhi tingkat kerapatan dan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi epifauna yang hidup didalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kerapatan lamun yang berbeda dengan kelimpahan epifauna dasardi kawasan Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur Jepara. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2014 di perairan pantai Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yang bersifat deskriptif berdasarkan 3 kerapatan yang berbeda, yaitu kerapatan jarang, sedang dan padat. Pengambilan sampel epifauna dilakukan dengan pengambilan substrat dasar pada setiap tingkat kerapatan lamun pada 9 titik yang masing-masing 1m x 1m, selanjutnya sampel disaring dengan saringan ukuran mesh size 1mm x 1mm lalu disimpan dalam botol sampel dan diberi formalin 4% selanjutnya sampel epifauna dibawa ke laboraturium untuk diidentifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 5 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Pulau Panjang yaitu Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp, Halodulle sp dan Sryngodium sp. dan 4 jenis di Teluk Awur yaitu Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp, Halophila sp. Kelimpahan epifauna dikerapatan lamun padat, sedang dan jarang 176, 193 dan 241 individu/m2 berturut-turut di Pulau Panjang. Sedangkan kelimpahan epifauna di Teluk Awur sebanyak 162, 177 dan 213 individu/m2 di Kerapatan jarang, sedang dan padat berturut-turut. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan hubungan positif antara kerapatan lamun dengan kelimpahan epifauna dengan r = 0,969 di Pulau Panjang dan 0,976 di Teluk Awur. Teluk Awur and Panjang Island which is located in Jepara, has a diversity of ecosystems such as seagrass. Conditions of seagrass ecosystems in both locations will affect the level of density epifauna who live there. The purpose of the research was to know the relationship between density level of different seagrass in Panjang Island and Teluk Awur, Jepara. The reseach has been done in March 2014. The method used was case study and the data will analyzed descriptive based on 3 different densities level i.e : sparse, medium and dense. Epifauna was collected by taking substrate from 9 point from kuadrant transek 1mx1m at every level density of seagrass. The sample collected then was filtered with 1x1mm a filter mesh size and stored in 4 % formalin. Epifauna collected were brought to the laboratory to be identified. The results showed that there were 5 types of sea grass found on Panjang Island and 4 type in Teluk Awur were Thalassia sp., Cymodocea sp., Enhallus sp, Halodulle sp and Sryngodium sp, while in Teluk Awur were Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp, Halophila sp. The abundance of epifauna in dense, medium, and sparse were 241, 193, and 176 ind/m2 respectively in Pulau Panjang. while the abundance of epifauna in Teluk Awur was 162, 177 and 213 individual/m2 were collected from sparse, medium and dense density, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that there were positive correlation between level densities of seagrass and the abundance of epifauna the higher, the density the more epifauna were obtained with r = 0.969 at Panjang Island and 0.976 at Teluk Awur

    Prevalensi Sindrom Metabolik pada Pekerja Perusahaan

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    Sindrom metabolik adalah masalah kesehatan yang prevalensinya cenderung meningkat pada pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan prevalensi kasus sindrom metabolik yang terjadi pada pekerja Perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2014 pada dua Perusahaan di Provinsi Riau dengan rancangan potong lintang. Sumber data adalah rekam medis pekerja yang melakukan medical check up periode Oktober 2013 hingga Februari 2014. Populasi adalah pekerja yang menderita sindrom metabolik sebanyak 131 orang. Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan cara total sampling yakni 131 orang. Instrumen adalah kuesioner, international physical activity questionnaire, tabel 24 hours food recall, dan tabel bantu pencatatan komponen sindrom metabolik. Pengelolaan data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat, dengan uji korelasi Spearmans Rho dan kai kuadrat. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan prevalensi sindrom metabolik sebanyak 21,58%, dengan jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki, kelompok usia terbanyak adalah > 50 tahun. Sebagian besar kasus sindrom metabolik memiliki tiga komponen, dengan komponen terbanyak adalah lingkar Perut dan tekanan darah. Sebanyak 23,50% kasus memiliki riwayat keluarga obesitas dan diabetes melitus. Sebagian besar kategori aktivitas adalah sedang. Jenis asupan makanan dengan kategori tidak sesuai dengan diet adalah serat pangan dan lemak jenuh. Variabel lingkar Perut berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik serta kadar kolesterol high density lipoprotein (p 50 years. Most cases of metabolic syndrome has three components, with the largest component is the abdominal circumference and blood pressure. A total of 23.50% of cases have a family history of obesity and diabetes mellitus. Most categories of activity is moderate. Most types of food intake in the category out of dietary guidelines are dietary fiber and saturated fat. Abdominal circumference variable has a statistically significant relationship with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and high density lipoprotein (p <0.05)


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    The results of financial ratio analysis are 1.) Financial performance in terms of the Liquidity Ratio (Current Ratio) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced good conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 1 (one) is accepted. 2.) Financial performance in terms of the Liquidity Ratio (Quick Ratio) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced good conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 2 (two) is accepted. 3.) Financial performance in terms of the Liquidity Ratio (Cash Ratio) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced poor conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 3 (three) is rejected. 4.) Financial performance in terms of the Profitability Ratio (Net Profit margin) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced bad conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 4 (four) was rejected. 5.) Financial performance in terms of Profitability Ratios (Return On Assets) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced poor conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 5 (five) was rejected. 6.) The financial performance in terms of the Profitability Ratio (Return On Equity) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced bad conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 6 (six) was rejected. 7.) Financial performance in terms of the Solvency Ratio (Debt To Equity Ratio) PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced poor conditions compared to 2018, so hypothesis 7 (seven) was rejected. 8.) Financial performance in terms of the Solvency Ratio (Debt To Asset Ratio) of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk in 2019 experienced bad conditions compared to 2018 so hypothesis 8 (eight) was rejected

    Estimating the Abundance and Composition of Soil Seed Bank at Bekol Savanna in Baluran National Park, West Java

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    The composition of soil-seed bank reflects the condition of vegetation in the past and could be used for predicting the composition of plants that will grow in the future. This study aims to determine the amount and composition of soil-seed bank in Bekol savanna, Baluran National Park. Soil samples were taken using a combination method of quadrat-transect on the invaded and not invaded areas by Acacia nilotica. Soil samples were extracted using wet-sieving method. After the extraction process, the seeds were identified and calculated using a stereo microscope. The result showed that soil-seed bank density was lower at the invaded location (7,566.88 seeds/m3) as compared to the uninvaded location (16,798.3 seeds/m3). The soil-seed bank was found in the invaded site comprising 12 species of broadleaved weeds and 5 species of grasses from 7 families, whereas those in the uninvaded area consisted of 10 species of broadleaved weeds and 7 species of grass from 8 families. This study showed that the invasion of A. nilotica significantly affected the amount and composition of soil-seed bank in various soil depths of Bekol savanna

    Multilevel Workplace Health Promotion Model: How to Change Behavior Workers? (a Literature Review)

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    The consequences of the diseases that are often occured on workers is a huge loss for the company and the workers. In order to overcome the problem of disease, workplace health promotion (WHP) efforts are needed, in particular to change the workers behavior. The application of behavioral change in the workplace are more complex. Changes in behavior are not just driven by individual factors, but also by the role of external factors, so that the targeted WHP is a multilevel basis. This article describes the formula WHP multilevel models that can be applied to change unhealthy worker behavior. The selection model of behavior change should be considered in the formulation of a multilevel WHP. It is used as a reference to modify the behavior that will be addressed. Furthermore, the principle of selecting strategies and behavior change methods, tailored to the target level of intervention. Overall, these principles are formulated in a comprehensive reference WHP program and implemented effectively and efficiently in the workplace. This article can be a reference for those who will implement WHP with behavioral changes in a multilevel approach

    Pengaruh Promosi Kesehatan di Tempat Kerja secara Multilevel terhadap Perilaku Pekerja dengan Sindroma Metabolik

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a health problem that nowadays often occurs in workers. One effort that can be carried out in order to prevent and manage metabolic syndrome is Workplace Health Promotion (WHP). The study aimed to reveal the effects of WHP with multilevel interventions on the behavior of workers in managing MS. This study was a quasi experiment with the subject of multilevel in the company. It is measured by self-reported behavior questionnaire, and MS defined by physical measurement tools: a flexible measuring tape (abdominal circumference) and sphygmomanometer, and blood test tools; fasting blood glucose levels, triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol. The study of analysis also comprises of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, using the test of mean difference between pre and post treatment. The result shows the multilevel intervention of WHP is deemed better than conventional WHP to increase awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of participants in conducting physical exercise and regulating food intake. The result also shows the multilevel interventions of WHP have enhanced the roleof tertiary (head of the company) and secondary (health workers and family) targets to assist workers in managing metabolic syndrome. Overall, the multilevel intervention of WHP is better to improve the behavior of the bearer of MS over than the conventional WHP.Keywords : metabolic syndrome, multilevel intervention, workplace health promotionAbstrakSindroma metabolik (SM) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang kejadiannya pada pekerja saat ini cenderung meningkat. Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah dan mengelola sindroma metabolik adalahworkplace health promotion (WHP). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh WHP dengan intervensi secara multilevel terhadap perilaku pekerja dalam mengelola SM. Penelitian ini merupakankuasi eksperimen dengan subjek secara multilevel di Perusahaan. Perilaku diukur dengan self reported questionnaire, dan sindroma metabolik ditentukan dengan alat ukur fisik: pita pengukur yang fleksibel(lingkar Perut) dan tensimeter serta alat pemeriksaan darah; kadar gula darah puasa, trigliserida dan HDL-Cholesterol. Analisis terdiri dari analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, menggunakan uji perbedaan rerata sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi WHP multilevel lebih efektif daripada WHP konvensional dalam meningkatkan kesadaran, pengetahuan, sikap, dan efikasi diri pekerja untuk melakukan latihan fisik dan mengatur asupan makanan. Hasil penelitianjuga menunjukkan intervensi WHP multilevel meningkatkan peran sasaran tertier (pimpinan Perusahaan) dan sekunder (tenaga kesehatan dan keluarga) untuk membantu pekerja melakukanpengelolaan sindroma metabolik. Secara keseluruhan disimpulkan intervensi WHP multilevel lebih baik dalam meningkatkan perilaku pekerja dengan sindroma metabolik dibandingkan dengan WHP konvensional.Kata kunci : sindroma metabolik, intervensi multilevel, promosi kesehatan di tempat kerj
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