32 research outputs found


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    Tailings are the wastes resulting from mining activities in the amalgamation of mine ore from the ground, with extreme characteristics such as a sand-dominated texture, high Pb heavy metal content, very low availability of carbon and macro nutrients. Consequently, the plants may not able to grow well in the tailings. The application of Arbuscular Mycorrhyza Fungi (AMF) is expected to increase the ability of forest plant seedlings to grow and develop in tailings media. The research was carried out in a greenhouse using johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) seedlings which were inoculated with AMF inoculum: Glomus manihotis, Glomus etunicatum, and mix inoculan (mycofer), and planted in tailings media collected from Pongkor gold mine for 8 weeks. Johar seedlings were able to grow in tailings media and AMF colonization to the seedlings was observed. The compatibility of multi-species inoculum, mycofer, is higher than single AMF inoculum. The height, diameter and biomass growth of johar seedlings in tailings media significantly (p<0.05) increased with AMF inoculation. Johar seedlings have a high dependence on AMF, on tailings media, undicated by value of MIE > 50%, suggesting that the AMF application to johar is very necessary for revegetation activities in tailings media


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    Effectiveness of mycorrhizal fungi inoculum Arbuskula Growth of seedling Plain Forest         Utilization of mycorrhizae in forestry are often constrained in the availability of inoculum mukoriza that not every moment can be obtained in sufficient quantities and in accordance with the type of crop and land acidity. It required effort to make the inoculant that can anticipate the condition. It has been developed inoculant arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), that explores from various acidity land from under the stands of forest plants, namely inoculum R2, P2, N2 and C2-containing AMF of the genus Glomus sp. The study was conducted with 5 grams inokulasi AMF inoculum (equivalent to 15-30 spores) on seedling sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), teak (Tectona grandis) and meranti (Shorea leprosula). Observations were carried out for 9 weeks by measuring the height and diameter growth of each week and dry biomass and shoot-root ratio at the end of observation. The statistical analysis was complete randomized with design 5 treatment of inoculant without comparing among species of forest plants seedlings. Results of variance analysis showed that after 9 weeks of observation, AMF inoculum treatments did not significantly affect height growth (p <0:40) and diameter (p <0.59) of sengon seedlings, but significant effect on diameter growth (p <0:09) and the growth of teak seedlings higher (p <0:06) and total dry weight (BKT) (p <0.07) seedling timber. C2 inoculant was effective to increase seedling height growth sengon up to 5% and meranti up to 22%. R2 inoculant increased height growth for seedlings of teak and meranti respectively 25% and 81%; Inokulan P2 increased by 23% and 81%, while the N2 inoculant increased by 21% and 53% of seedling growth of teak and meranti. Inoculant R2, P2 and N2 are recommended to be applied to seedlings of teak, and timber, while for legume crops such as sengon more advisable to use inoculants C2.Key words : inoculum, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Forest plants seedling  Abstrak          Pemanfaatan mikoriza di bidang kehutanan sering terkendala pada ketersediaan  inokulum mukoriza yang tidak setiap saat dapat diperoleh dalam jumlah cukup dan yang sesuai dengan jenis tanaman serta keasaman lahan.  Untuk itu diperlukan upaya untuk membuat inokulan yang dapat mengantisipasi kondisi tersebut.  Telah dikembangkan inokulan fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) hasil eksplorasi dari berbagai keasaman lahan dari bawah tegakan tanaman hutan, yaitu inokulum R2, P2, N2 dan C2 yang mengandung FMA dari genus Glomus sp. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menginokulasikan sebanyak 5 gram inokulum FMA (setara 15-30 spora) tersebut pada semai sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), jati (Tectona grandis) dan meranti (Shorea leprosula).  Pengamatan dilakukan selama 9 minggu dengan mengukur pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter setiap minggu dan biomasa kering serta rasio pucuk-akar pada akhir pengamatan.  Penelitian dirancang secara acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan inokulan dengan tanpa membandingkan antar jenis semai tanaman hutan. Hasil analisa sidik ragam menunjukan bahwa setelah 9 minggu pengamatan, perlakuan inokulum FMA tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi (p<0.40) dan diameter (p<0.59) semai sengon, namun berpengaruh nyata pada pertumbuhan diameter (p<0.09) semai jati dan pertumbuhan tinggi (p<0.06) serta berat kering total (BKT) (p<0.07) semai meranti . Inokulan C2 efektif untuk peningkatan pertumbuhan tinggi semai sengon hingga 5% dan meranti hingga 22%.  Inokulan R2 mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi semai jati dan meranti masing-masing sebesar 25% dan 81%;  Inokulan P2 meningkatkan sebesar 23% dan 81%; sedangkan inokulan N2 mampu meningkatkan sebesar 21% dan 53% terhadap pertumbuhan semai jati dan meranti.  Inokulan R2, P2 dan N2 lebih disarankan untuk diaplikasikan pada semai jati, dan meranti, sedangkan untuk tanaman legum seperti sengon lebih disarankan menggunakan inokulan C2.Kata kunci : Inokulum, Fungi Mikoriza arbuskula, Semai tanaman huta

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Biochar Improved Early Growth of Neem (Melia azedarach Linn.) Seedling Under Greenhouse Conditions

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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of biochar on the seedling quality index and growth of neem tree seedlings and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) development  grown on ultisol  soil medium.  Two factors in completely randomised experimental design was conducted under green house conditions and Duncan Multiple Range Test was used to analyse the data. The results showed that neem seedling quality index was improved by interaction of AMF fungi and biochar amandment. The growth of neem seedling was significantly increased by interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and biochar.  The combination  treatment of Glomus etunicatum and biochar 10% gave best results of height and diameter, and significantly increased by 712% and 303% respectively, as compared to control plant, while the combination treatment of Gigaspora margarita and biochar 10% gave the best result of shoot dry weight, and root dry weight and significantly increase by 4,547% and 6,957% as compared to control plant.  The mycorrhizal root colonization was increased with increasing biochar added, but decreases when 15% of biochar was applied.  N, P, and K uptake of 12 weeks neem seedling old was higher and significantly increased as compared to control plant

    Cellular and Ultrastructure Alteration of Plant Roots in Response to Metal Stress

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    Metal stress is among the important environmental stresses, which influences the growth and development of plants and crops in many areas in the biosphere. Root is an important gate for the absorption of water and mineral nutrition which in many types of lands is also accompanied by a higher concentration of metal elements, either essential (such as Fe, Mn, and Cu) or non-essential metal elements or heavy metals (such as Al, Pb, Hg, Cd, and Ag). In response to metal stress, plant roots sometimes develop a cellular structure to prevent excessive concentration of metal components to avoid toxic effects and cellular damage. Physiological and biochemical responses at the cellular level, which result in ultrastructure changes may occur due to or to avoid the negative effect of metal toxicity. In many cases it was followed by the reduction of root growth followed by discontinuing entirely plant growth. On the other hand, the structural changes are an important part of root mechanism to sustain the plant from metal toxicity. In this chapter, different changes in the cellular ultrastructure resulting from toxic damage or indicating tolerance response to metal stress will be elucidated


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    Growth of Superior Teak Plant Nusantara With Agroforestry Pattern at Five Years OldSuperior Teak Nusantara (JUN) is a product of Teak seedlings produced by Setyamitra Co vegetatively from “Perum Perhutani teak plus stands” and by inducing the root in order to raises the compound root. JUN has been planted in the Cogreg experimental garden, using the pattern of intercropping with annual crops and seasonal crops and currently JUN is 5 years old. This study was conducted to determine the effect of intercropping on the growth pattern of height, diameter and volume of JUN at 5 years old and looking for patterns of relationship between the volume and a diameter of JUN. Data were analyzed by linear regression and General Linear Model – Multivariate. Samples determined JUN tree with random start systematic sampling with a sampling intensity of 10%. In the two plots of the intercropping management and one plot without intercropping met in which to be done observation of the branch height, total height and diameter at breast height of JUN. The results showed that intercropping patterns greatly affect the growth of Superior Teak Nusantara (JUN) of five years old (height, diameter and volume as well as the average annual increment of height, diameter and average annual increment of volume). Superate Teak Nusantara (JUN) Growth of average annual increment without in intercropping pattern of management (control) was greatest than both management, for diameter of 3.17 cm/year, for high was 2.66 m/year and the average annual increment for volume was 0,039 m3/year. Occured very close relationship between volume and diameter wath equation of Y = 1.063 x 10-4 X 2,343. The results of the multivariate analysis, treatment variables (independent variables) affect the variable diameter, height and volume (dependent variable) Superior Teak Nusantara (JUN). The results of the analysis of the estimation of the diameter of the pattern of annual crop management has a diameter of 0.235 cm lower than the one with crop management patterns crop in turn.Keywords : New Teak Seeds, Crop Intercropping, Teak Superior Archipelago (JUN) ABSTRAK          Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) adalah suatu produk semai Jati yang diproduksi oleh PT. Setyamitra secara vegetatif dari tegakan jati plus Perum Perhutani dan dengan menginduksi akarnya sehingga memunculkan akar tunggang majemuk. JUN telah ditanam di kebun percobaan Cogreg, dengan menggunakan pola tumpangsari dengan tanaman pertanian tahunan serta tanaman semusim dan saat ini JUN telah berumur 5 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola tumpangsari terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter dan volume JUN umur 5 tahun, serta mencari pola hubungan antara volume dengan diameter JUN. Penelitian dianalisis dengan  regresi linier dan General  Linear Model-Multivariate. Sampel pohon JUN ditentukan secara systematic sampling with  random start dengan  intensitas sampling 10 %. Dalam  dua petak pengelolaan pola tumpangsari dan satu petak tanpa tumpangsari yang di dalamnya dilakukan  pengamatan terhadap tinggi bebas cabang dan tinggi total serta diameter setinggi dada JUN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola tumpangsari sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) umur lima tahun (tinggi, diameter dan volume serta riap rata–rata tahunan untuk tinggi, diameter dan riap rata – rata  tahunan volume). Pertumbuhan Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) riap rata – rata tahunan pada pola pengelolaan tanpa tumpangsari (kontrol) mempunyai riap rata–rata  tahunan paling besar dibanding kedua pengelolaan, untuk diameter sebesar 3,17cm/tahun, untuk tinggi sebesar 2,66 m/tahun dan riap rata – rata  tahunan untuk volume sebesar 0,039 m3/tahun. Terjadi hubungan yang sangat erat antara volume dan diameter dengan persamaan Y = 1,063 x 10-4 X2,343. Hasil analisisi dengan multivariat, variabel perlakuan (variabel independen) berpengaruh terhadap variabel diameter tinggi dan volume (variabel dependen) Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN). Hasil analisis estimasi terhadap diameter pada pola pengelolaan tanaman tahunan mempunyai diameter lebih rendah 0,235 cm dibandingkan dengan pola pengelolaan tanaman giliran.Kata Kunci :  Bibit Jati Baru, Tanaman Tumpangsari, Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN

    Organic Acid Characteristics and Tolerance of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen) to Lead

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    This study aimed to find out the lead tolerance of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) seedling based on growth performance, tolerance index, and ecretion and accumulation of organic acids content. Seedlings were exposed to lead (Pb) with the concentration of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 5, and 10 mM in liquid nutrient culture for 4 days in order to investigate secretion and accumulation&nbsp; of&nbsp; oxalic, malic, and citric content, and for 15 days to examine growth performance and olerance index. The result showed that tolerance index and growth performance of engon seedling were insignificant (p &gt; 0.05) to the rising of Pb concentration up to 1.5 mM with tolerance index at least 95%, and even caused an increase of fresh weight.&nbsp; However, the tolerance index and growth of sengon&nbsp; decreased significantly due to Pb exposure of 5 and 10 mM.&nbsp; Among the three organic acids, citrate was most dominant as compared to malate and oxalate. Secretion of citrate increased significantly (p &lt; 0.05) with the rising concentration of Pb 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mM,&nbsp; reaching to 0.464, 0.540, and 0.587 µg mℓ-1, respectively, or rising according linear line (r = 0.9, p &lt; 0.5).&nbsp; Citrate accumulation showed inconsistent pattern with the rising Pb exposure.&nbsp; The result suggested that sengon seedling have a slightly tolerance to lead by secretion of organic acid especially citric acid

    Organic Acid Characteristics and Tolerance of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen) to Lead

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    This study aimed to find out the lead tolerance of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) seedling based on growth performance, tolerance index, and ecretion and accumulation of organic acids content. Seedlings were exposed to lead (Pb) with the concentration of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 5, and 10 mM in liquid nutrient culture for 4 days in order to investigate secretion and accumulation&nbsp; of&nbsp; oxalic, malic, and citric content, and for 15 days to examine growth performance and olerance index. The result showed that tolerance index and growth performance of engon seedling were insignificant (p &gt; 0.05) to the rising of Pb concentration up to 1.5 mM with tolerance index at least 95%, and even caused an increase of fresh weight.&nbsp; However, the tolerance index and growth of sengon&nbsp; decreased significantly due to Pb exposure of 5 and 10 mM.&nbsp; Among the three organic acids, citrate was most dominant as compared to malate and oxalate. Secretion of citrate increased significantly (p &lt; 0.05) with the rising concentration of Pb 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mM,&nbsp; reaching to 0.464, 0.540, and 0.587 µg mℓ-1, respectively, or rising according linear line (r = 0.9, p &lt; 0.5).&nbsp; Citrate accumulation showed inconsistent pattern with the rising Pb exposure.&nbsp; The result suggested that sengon seedling have a slightly tolerance to lead by secretion of organic acid especially citric acid

    Aboveground Carbon Stock Estimation Model Using Sentinel-2A Imagery in Mbeliling Lanscape in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia

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    To determine emission levels, information on carbon stocks and changes in each carbon pool is required. Aboveground biomass, particularly on dry land, is one carbon pool that contributes significantly to carbon storage. The goal of this study was to develop a model for estimating aboveground carbon stocks in the Mbeliling landscape, in Nusa Tenggara Timur, using a vegetation index that was correlated with field carbon stocks. The best model was then used to create a map of the distribution of carbon stocks as the final result. Simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used in the study. Google Earth Engine was used to process the images on a cloud system. When comparing the RGI index for measuring field carbon stocks to other indexes, the correlation test revealed a perfect correlation. The linear regression model for aboveground biomass = 14.046 + 272.496 RGI (R-sq = 0.86) was found to be the best model for aboveground biomass. In the multiple linear regression model, there were signs of multicollinearity. With an overall accuracy of 68% and a cappa accuracy of 54.23%, the best model was able to be used to create a carbon stock map in Mbeliling landscape. Keywords: Carbon stock estimation model, Above Ground Biomass, Sentinel 2

    Response of Eucalyptus pellita and Eucalyptus deglupta seedling growth to aluminum exposure

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    Aluminum (Al) is one of the problems and is a factor inhibiting plant growth on soils with acidic pH. This study aims to examine the growth response of Eucalyptus pellita and Eucalypus Deglupta seedlings to Al exposure. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, where the Al concentration consisted of 5 levels, namely: 0 mM (control), 2 mM, 4 mM, 6 mM, and 8 mM with 3 repetitions each and each repetition consisted of 3 units of the plant. The results showed that Al treatment had a significant effect on the growth parameters of both plant types, except for the root dry weight parameter for E. deglupta. Increasing the Al concentration can reduce almost all growth parameters. The 4 mM Al concentration was able to increase the height growth, plant dry weight (roots and shoots), and tolerance index for the E. pellita species, while the Al 2 mM concentration was able to increase the root growth of E. deglupta plants. Almost all growth parameters for E. pellita species were higher than that of E. deglupta, except for the SPAD chlorophyll index. The concentrations of 6 mM and 8 mM were toxic to E. pellita and E. deglupta

    Pengembangan Pupuk Hayati Mikoriza oleh Petani Hutan Cisangku, Desa Malasari, Kabupaten Bogor

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    The success of revegetation in the context of forest land rehabilitation and post-mining land reclamation is often often caused by constraints due to marginal land conditions, such as high acidity/alkalineity, low organic matter content, and low availability of macro nutrients. Mycorrhiza Biofertilizer (MB) is one alternative technology that has been reported to be able to increase the success of the rehabilitation. Forest farmers, as one of the actors in forest rehabilitation activities, do not yet have sufficient knowledge and skills in developing biofertilizer such as MB. The objectives of theis community services were to introduce and improve forest farmer about the MB, as well as to establish the demonstration plot for MB development.&nbsp; The result showed that field training and counseling on mycorrhiza and its benefits, as well as the manufacture of mycorrhizal biofertilizers have been carried out in Cisangku, Malasari village, Bogor Regency involving Forest Farmers Model Conservation Village (KTH MKK). The counseling and training were attended by 25 forest farmer participants. Based on the postest carried out after the implementation of counseling and training, there was an increase in farmers' knowledge about mycorrhizal and its benefits as well as procedures for developing mycorrhizal fertilizers. The participants wer also satisfied and increased their skill in preparing mycorrhizal culture materials and caring for their selves. The participating farmers were even willing to develop MB independently if they have sufficient skills and know the benefits. The increasing knowledge and skills of forest farmers had an impact on improving the quality of forest farmers in supporting forest rehabilitation and becomes an alternative of additional income.The success of revegetation in the context of forest land rehabilitation and post-mining land reclamation is often often caused by constraints due to marginal land conditions, such as high acidity/alkalineity, low organic matter content, and low availability of macro nutrients. Mycorrhiza Biofertilizer (MB) is one alternative technology that has been reported to be able to increase the success of the rehabilitation. Forest farmers, as one of the actors in forest rehabilitation activities, do not yet have sufficient knowledge and skills in developing biofertilizer such as MB. The objectives of theis community services were to introduce and improve forest farmer about the MB, as well as to establish the demonstration plot for MB development.&nbsp; The result showed that field training and counseling on mycorrhiza and its benefits, as well as the manufacture of mycorrhizal biofertilizers have been carried out in Cisangku, Malasari village, Bogor Regency involving Forest Farmers Model Conservation Village (KTH MKK). The counseling and training were attended by 25 forest farmer participants. Based on the postest carried out after the implementation of counseling and training, there was an increase in farmers' knowledge about mycorrhizal and its benefits as well as procedures for developing mycorrhizal fertilizers. The participants wer also satisfied and increased their skill in preparing mycorrhizal culture materials and caring for their selves. The participating farmers were even willing to develop MB independently if they have sufficient skills and know the benefits. The increasing knowledge and skills of forest farmers had an impact on improving the quality of forest farmers in supporting forest rehabilitation and becomes an alternative of additional income