9 research outputs found

    Islamist Buzzers: Message Flooding, Offline Outreach, and Astroturfing

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    Based on ethnographic research on Islamist buzzers - social media political operators tasked with making particular online conversation subjects trend - in Indonesia, this article details the process of how the proliferation of insensitive message in both the online and offline realms plays a role in mobilizing those sympathetic to religious fundamentalism. As this research shows, the interviewed buzzers were one of the driving forces behind the massive success of the fundamentalist Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam, FPI) as they mobilized people to participate in the organization’s political rallies between 2016 and 2017. Driven by altruistic volunteerism and sense of community, these actors go beyond their duty as click-farmers. They maintain regular contact with sympathizers and convincing them to revive broken weblinks, hang banners on streets as part of astroturfing campaigns and gather masses to attend offline events. Detailing the activity and spatiality of buzzers in crafting new online and offline spaces as part of their innovative bottom-up propaganda management, this research concludes that right-wing political mobilization and radicalization are not simply the product of ideology but are catalyzed by technically and socially tedious, mediated messaging campaigns

    Strategi Komunikasi Unit Pendidikan dan Rekayasa (Dikyasa) Satlantas Polres Banyumas dalam Meningkatkan Keselamatan Berkendara Siswa Usia Sekolah Menengah Atas melalui Program Police Goes To School

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Komunikasi Orang Tua dengan Remaja Putri dalam Upaya Pencegahan Perilaku Seks Pra Nikah di Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara Kabupaten Banyumas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengetahui bagaimana komunikasi orang tua dengan remaja putri dalam upaya mencegah perilaku seks pra nikah agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan sosial yang marak terjadi serta mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dalam proses komunikasi yang dilakukan orang tua terhadap anak di usia remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan strategi pendekatan studi kasus yang bersifat eksploratif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja putri yang pernah atau masih memiliki kekasih dengan rentang usia 15-19 tahun serta ibu dari masing-masing remaja sebagai informan pendukung. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan para ibu dari informan selaku orang tua para informan remaja putri berlansung secara lancar tetapi tidak begitu mendalam. Gaya komunikasi yang digunakan dalam keluarga sebagai pengupayaan pencegahan perilaku seks pra nikah sudah baik, yakni gaya komunikasi asertif. Keterbukaan informasi yang dilakukan para informan remaja putri dengan para ibu informan memiliki daerah pengungkapan diri yang lumayan besar berkaitan dengan informasi yang bersifat umum. Akan tetapi, untuk informasi yang bersifat pribadi terutama hal yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan seksual yang dilakukan sebagian besar dari para informan remaja putri mereka lebih tertutup kepada para ibu mereka

    Durable Violence in Southeast Asia: Machinery and Scale

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    Rampant forms of violence increasingly take place not only in troubled areas but also in centers and metropoles. Such violence is no longer simply confined to local concerns or historical ruptures, but emerges instead in relation to modalities of power. The movement of people and expanding networks of actors and capital enables the notion of violence to transgress boundaries set by institutions, geography, state, and power. In some conditions, rather than sealing off the emergence of violence, the transition to democracy has opened the door for engineered violent confrontations to manifest out of cleavages that have been tempered by previous authoritarian rule. ASEAS 12(2) addresses violence in selected cases and on different scales. The contributions discuss how violence is practiced, how it (re)produces structures, and how it may eventually transform into non-violence. Violence is not simply an outcome of tensions but is a mechanism that actors and organizations deploy to stabilize their struggles, which eventually makes peacebuilding or democratic projects volatile. The articles in this issue feature police violence in the Philippines; intimate partner violence against women in Vietnam; Islamist online/offline mobilization strategies in Indonesia; the role of traditional actors in reconciliation processes in Timor-Leste; and gender security in the context of conflict management in Thailand’s Deep South

    Durable Violence in Southeast Asia: Machinery and Scale

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    Rampant forms of violence increasingly take place not only in troubled areas but also in centers and metropoles. Such violence is no longer simply confined to local concerns or historical ruptures, but emerges instead in relation to modalities of power. The movement of people and expanding networks of actors and capital enables the notion of violence to transgress boundaries set by institutions, geography, state, and power. In some conditions, rather than sealing off the emergence of violence, the transition to democracy has opened the door for engineered violent confrontations to manifest out of cleavages that have been tempered by previous authoritarian rule. ASEAS 12(2) addresses violence in selected cases and on different scales. The contributions discuss how violence is practiced, how it (re)produces structures, and how it may eventually transform into non-violence. Violence is not simply an outcome of tensions but is a mechanism that actors and organizations deploy to stabilize their struggles, which eventually makes peacebuilding or democratic projects volatile. The articles in this issue feature police violence in the Philippines; intimate partner violence against women in Vietnam; Islamist online/offline mobilization strategies in Indonesia; the role of traditional actors in reconciliation processes in Timor-Leste; and gender security in the context of conflict management in Thailand’s Deep South

    Islamist Buzzers: Message Flooding, Offline Outreach, and Astroturfing

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    Based on ethnographic research on Islamist buzzers – social media political operators tasked with making particular online conversation subjects trend – in Indonesia, this article details the process of how the proliferation of insensitive message in both the online and offline realms plays a role in mobilizing those sympathetic to religious fundamentalism. As this research shows, the interviewed buzzers were one of the driving forces behind the massive success of the fundamentalist Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam, FPI) as they mobilized people to participate in the organization’s political rallies between 2016 and 2017. Driven by altruistic volunteerism and sense of community, these actors go beyond their duty as click-farmers. They maintain regular contact with sympathizers and convincing them to revive broken weblinks, hang banners on streets as part of astroturfing campaigns and gather masses to attend offline events. Detailing the activity and spatiality of buzzers in crafting new online and offline spaces as part of their innovative bottom-up propaganda management, this research concludes that right-wing political mobilization and radicalization are not simply the product of ideology but are catalyzed by technically and socially tedious, mediated messaging campaigns

    Mengenal Pandangan Key Stakeholders Terhadap Produk Mobil Ramah Lingkungan Toyota Prius

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    Mengenal Pandangan Key Stakeholders Terhadap Produk Mobil Ramah Lingkungan Toyota Priu

    KOMUNIKASI VISUAL FOTOGRAFI DALAM MEMBENTUK BRAND IMAGE (Studi deskriptif kualitatif pada akun instagram @liburan.dijogja)

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    Liburan di Jogja is a newcomer to the world of tourism in Yogyakarta, which uses creative tourism strategies to attract the attention of potential customers. The methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative with in-depth observation and documentation. This phenomenon that occurs in Liburan di Jogja is an use of the company's brand image. This research uses photography visual communication theory to form images of Liburan di Jogja. From the data, Liburan di Jogja researchers use photographic visual communication theory to convey messages to consumers via uploads on Instagram about some of the tourism in Yogyakarta which are then packaged with a photograph made by professionals. The research result states that Liburan di Jogja forms a company image through messages conveyed on Instagram uploads strengthened by the use of photographic visual communication theory which states that Liburan di Jogja success has formed a company imag


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