7 research outputs found

    Uji Proteksi Kombinasi Antioksidan Asam Askorbat dan EDTA sebagai Pengkelat Pb Darah terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Tikus (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat proteksi antioksidan (kombinasi EDTA dan asam askorbat) terhadap kadar hemoglobin tikus putih yang dipapar timbal asetat. Jumlah perlakuan dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok. Setiap kelompok perlakuan dipapar Pb asetat 175 mg/kg BB kecuali kelompok kontrol. Kelompok kontrol, kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok I (Na2EDTA 150 mg/kg BB), kelompok II (Na2EDTA 250 mg/kg BB), kelompok III (Na2EDTA 150 mg/kg BB dan asam askorbat 300 mg/kg BB), dan kelompok IV (Na2EDTA 250 mg/kg BB dan asam askorbat 500 mg/kg BB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok kontrol memiliki kadar hemoglobin tertinggi yaitu 13,1 gr/100 ml, sedangkan kelompok kontrol negatif yaitu 6,3 gr/100 ml, kelompok I yaitu 7,2 gr/100 ml, kelompok II yaitu 7,7 gr/100 ml, kelompok III yaitu 9,3 gr/100 ml, dan kelompok IV yaitu 8,3 gr/100 ml. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh asam askorbat dan Na2EDTA dalam menormalkan kadar hemoglobin tikus putih. Kombinasi antioksidan paling efektif yaitu 300 mg/kg BB asam askorbat dengan 150 mg/kg BB Na2EDTA. Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa f hitung < f tabel , sehingga Ho diterima artinya ada pengaruh induksi timbal asetat secara oral pada tikus terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Semakin banyak tikus putih diinduksi timbal asetat, maka kadar hemoglobin semakin rendah

    Pengaruh Sistem Olah Tanah Dan Aplikasi Mulsa Bagas Terhadap Respirasi Tanah Pada Pertanaman Tebu (Saccharum Officanarum L) Tahun Ke-5 Plant Cane Di PT Gunung Madu Plantations

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    Respirasi tanah merupakan suatu proses yang terjadi di dalam tanah karena adanya kehidupan dan aktivitas dari mikroorganisme di dalam tanah yang dalam aktivitasnya membutuhkan O 2 dan mengeluarkan CO 2 . Respirasi tanah juga merupakan suatu indikator yang baik terhadap mutu tanah. Sistem olah tanah pada tanah yang diolah mampu meningkatkan respirasi tanah dibandingkan tanah yang tidak diolah (TOT) karena tanah yang diolah mempunyai aerasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan tanah yang tidak diolah (TOT) dan tanah yang diaplikasi kan mulsa bagas mampu meningkatkan respirasi tanah dibandingkan tanpa aplikasi mulsa bagas karena pemberian bahan organik akan meningkatkan aktivitas mikroorganisme, mikroorganisme menggunakan bahan organik sebagai sumber energinya.oleh karena itu perlakuan sistem olah tanah dan pemberian mulsa bagas akan mempengaruhi aktivitas mikroorganisme tanah yang dapat diukur dengan respirasi tanah. Penelitian dilaksanakanbulan September 2014 hingga Januari 2015. Penelitian ini dirancang secara split plot dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 kali ulangan. Petak utama yaitu sistem olah tanah yang terdiri dari dari tanpa olah tanah (T 0 ) dan olah tanah intensif (T 1 ). Anak petak adalah aplikasi mulsa bagas, yang terdiri dari tanpa mulsa bagas (M 0 ) dan mulsa bagas 80 t ha -1 (M 1 ). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam pada taraf 5%, yang sebelumnya telah diuji homogenitas ragamnya dengan uji Bartlett dan aditivitasnya dengan uji Tukey, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada taraf 1% dan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem olah tanah dan aplikasi mulsa bagas memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap respirasi tanah pada 0 BSP dan 3 BSP namun tidak ada interaksi antara pengolahan tanah dan aplikasi mulsa bagas. Hasil uji BNT 5% menunjukan respirasi pada tanah yang diolah lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanah yang tidak diolah dan tanah yang diaplikasikan mulsa lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa aplikasi mulsa. Rata-rata respirasi tanah tertinggi pada olah tanah pada pengamatan 0 BSP dan 3 BSP berturut-turut yaitu 41,92 mg jam -1 m -2 dan 45,62 mg jam -1 m -2 sedangkan yang terendah yaitu 36,46 mg jam -1 m -2 dan 40,55 mg jam -1 m -2 dan rata-rata respirasi tanah tertinggi yang diaplikasi mulsa pada pengamatan 0 BSP dan 3 BSP berturut-turut yaitu42,11 mg jam -1 m -2 dan 46,40 mg jam -1 m -2 dan respirasi tanah terendah yang tanpa aplikasi mulsa yaitu 36,26 mg jam -1 m -2 dan39,77 mg jam -1 m -2 . Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan tinggi rendahnya C-Organik tanah, pH tanah, kelembaban tanah dan suhu tanah tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap respirasi tanah

    Analysis of Socio-economic Characteristics That Affect the Level of Income of Farmers in the District Budget Gambier Raft Banjarnegara Districtcentral Java

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    This study aims to analyze social characteristic economics farmer of jasmine of Gambir that is farmer age, other production contribution, amount of family responsibility, wide is ownership of the farm, and production storey level Able to influence storey level of earnings of the farmer in the District of Raft Sub -Province of Banjarnegara. Research executed by using the method of survey with especial targets is all farmer of jasmine of Gambir in District of rafts. Analysis of data the used is analysis of regression doubled linear with Test-T, Test-F as well as the coefficient of determination (R2). Result of research show pursuant to Test-T in the social reality characteristic of old age farmer economics, amount of family responsibility, and other production contribution do not have an effect on reality to storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of gambier. While production and wide of the farm have an effect on reality to storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of gambier. Test-F show all characteristic of social economics in the reality have an effect on reality to storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of gambier. Coefficient analysis of determination (R2) indicate that storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of Gambir in District of Rafts Sub-Province of Banjarnegara 74.9% influenced by variables old age farmer, other production contribution, family responsibility, wide of the farm, and production. While the rest 25.1% influenced by other variables roomates do not check. Test-F show all characteristic of social economics in the reality have an effect on reality to storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of gambier. Coefficient analysis of determination (R2) indicate that storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of Gambir in District of Rafts Sub-Province of Banjarnegara 74.9% influenced by variables old age farmer, other production contribution, family responsibility, wide of the farm, and production. While the rest 25.1% influenced by other variables roomates do not check. Test-F show all characteristic of social economics in the reality have an effect on reality to storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of gambier. Coefficient analysis of determination (R2) indicate that storey level of earnings of the farmer of jasmine of Gambir in District of Rafts Sub-Province of Banjarnegara 74.9% influenced by variables old age farmer, other production contribution, family responsibility, wide of the farm, and production. While the rest 25.1% influenced by other variables roomates do not check

    Bioactive Compounds Evaluation of the Mudskippers in the Estuarine Area of Musi River, South Sumatera, Indonesia

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    This research was conducted to assess various bioactive compounds in the meat of mudskippers found in the Sungsang 2 Village, Banyuasin regency, South Sumatra. The research had been synthesized using n-hexane from February to May 2018 at Agricultural Technology Production Laboratory, Sriwijaya University. Subsequently, the mudskippers (Periopthalmus chrysospilos, Boleopthalmus boddarti, and Periophthalmodon schlosseri) extract was synthesized and further investigate by conducting the GC-MS analysis. The study of bioactive compounds in mudskippers was carried out by evaporating in vacuum evaporation at 30°C. The results showed that Periopthalmus chrysospilos has five classes of bioactive compounds such as steroids, terpenoids, carotenoids, canabinoids, and alkaloids and Boleopthalmus boddarti has five classes of bioactive compounds including steroids, carotenoids, terpenoids, bufadienolides, and carotatoxins. Furthermore, Boleopthalmus dussumieri has four classes of bioactive compounds such as steroids, carotenoids, terpenoids, and carotatoxins and Periophthalmodon schlosseri has three classes of bioactive compounds including steroids, carotenoids and terpenoids. This research discussed the potential benefit of all bioactive compounds in mudskippers for alleviating and treating children with enuresis through the review of literature on the most cited bioactive compounds

    Stereotactic aspiration of spontaneous intracerebral hematoma: Case series

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    bstract Introduction: Minimally invasive techniques such as stereotactic aspiration of spontaneous intracerebral hematoma (SICH) evacuation can minimize brain tissue damage due to surgery. We share our experience of adopting stereotactic aspiration of SICH in our center without compromising safety. Presentation of cases: Three stereotactic aspiration procedures for SICH immediately after 24 h of onset are reported. All cases showed good results. Level of consciousness of all the patient returned to normal. Two patients could carry out routine activities independently. One patient has left hemiparesis. Discussion: Stereotactic aspiration of SICH has been newly implemented at our center with acceptable results achieved. Patient selection has an important role in determining the choice of technique. The procedures were done without anticoagulant agent. Stereotactic aspiration of SICH is associated with limited brain tissue damage, shorter duration of surgery, reduced length of stay, faster postoperative healing, and better functional improvement. Conclusion: Stereotactic aspiration of SICH is a minimally invasive defined strategy for hematoma evacuation without compromising safety