40 research outputs found

    Diplomatic Dilemma Dan Standar Ganda Politik Amerika Serikat Terhadap Konflik Sipil-Militer Mesir Tahun 2013

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    United States of America as the main actor—in many cases—of world politics constellation has done a number of double standard politics for preserving its certain national interest. For a century, Middle East has been one of the most focussed object for United States foreign policies. This research is aimed to explain United States diplomatic dilemma and double standard politics toward Egypt civil-military conflict and Morsi coup in 2013, which tries to answer why United States used double standard politics on Egypt case. United States never calls Egypt case as a coup and still continuing its foreign aid to Egypt\u27s new governement (military government). Researcher has formulated an answered-hypothesis which reveals the facts that United States double standard is caused by United States diplomatic dilemma. These diplomatic dilemmas also influenced by United States pragmatism on its Arab Spring foreign policy

    Analisis ketebalan kortikal, ukuran sudut dan kepadatan trabekula tulang mandibula prajurit dan non prajurit ditinjau dari radiograf panoramik

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    Objectives: To analyze the cortical thickness, angular size and density of the mandibular bone trabeculae of soldiers and non-soldiers in terms of panoramic radiographs Material and Methods: This study is a comparative analytical descriptive study. The sample used was 65 panoramic radiographic data from soldiers and non-soldiers carried out at LADOKGI TNI AL R E Martadinata Jakarta. Results: Significant differences (p-value <0.05) in the calculation of the MCW value (Mandibular Cortical Width) of male soldiers compared to non-male soldiers (p-value 0.047) and FD FM (Fractal Dimension region superior foramen mentale) values 40-58 years compared to non-soldiers aged 40-58 years (p-value 0.027). Conclusion: There are differences in the size of the cortical thickness of the foramen mentale region (MCW) of the male group and in the value of the superior region of the mandibular foramen mentale (FD) region of the 40-58 years age group between soldiers and non-soldiers in terms of panoramic radiographs.   &nbsp


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    Semua kaleng minuman rata-rata terbuat dari aluminium sehingga sangat memungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan tawas. Tawas atau alum adalah suatu senyawa aluminium sulfat dengan rumus kimia [Al2(SO4)212H2O].  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memanfaatkan kandungan aluminium yang terkandung di dalam kaleng minuman bekas untuk pembuatan tawas kemudian tawas tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk penjernihan air. Pada penelitian ini digunakan konsentrasi HCl 20 % dan H2SO4 9M dan berat sampel 5 gram dimana nilai yield yang diperoleh yaitu 52,36%. Hasil penjernihan air kolam dengan turbidity awal 27,83 NTU dan pH 7,6 pada waktu 1 jam dan massa tawas 0,5 gr didapat turbidity 17,40 NTU dan pH 3,9 tetapi dari penelitian ini hasil penjernihan air yang terbaik yaitu pada dosis tawas 0,5 gr dengan waktu penjernihan 2,5 jam

    Diplomatic Dilemma dan Standar Ganda Politik Amerika Serikat terhadap Konflik Sipil-militer Mesir Tahun 2013

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    United States of America as the main actorin many casesof world politics constellation has done a number of double standard politics for preserving its certain national interest. For a century, Middle East has been one of the most focussed object for United States foreign policies. This research is aimed to explain United States diplomatic dilemma and double standard politics toward Egypt civil-military conflict and Morsi coup in 2013, which tries to answer why United States used double standard politics on Egypt case. United States has a strong policy on democratization, human rights and anti-coup, which made a controversial policy on Egypt cases. United States never calls Egypt case as a coup and still continuing its foreign aid to Egypts new governement (military government).This research theoretically has built with rasionalism perspectives on International Relations and supported by National Security theories, and also the concept of Diplomatic Dilemma and Double Standard Politics. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Scope of this research is United States policy toward Egypt coup which is considered by viewing international and United Statess middle east allies responses on the same case.Researcher has formulated an answered-hypothesis which reveals the facts that United States double standard is caused by United States diplomatic dilemma. These diplomatic dilemmas also influenced by United States pragmatism on its Arab Spring foreign policy. This research has added one more explanation about United States double standard politics history in Middle East cases for this decade.Keywords : Diplomatic Dilemma, Double Standard Politics, Coup, United States of America, Arab Spring, Middle East


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    Biodiesel merupakan suatu bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan.Dalam penelitian ini bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan biodiesel adalah minyak Jarak kepyar (Ricinus communis L). Proses pembuatan biodiesel yang digunakan adalah reaksi eksraksi reaktif, yaitu salah satu proses pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak jarak kepyar dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari kondisi optimum proses pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak jarak kepyar dengan menggunakan software design expert 6.0.8 dengan metode response surface methogology (RSM) model central composite design (CCD). Minyak jarak kepyar di esterifikasi terlebih dulu. Adapun perbandingan mol yang digunakan (minyak : alkohol = 1:5,1:5.5,1:6), persen katalis = 0,95% dengan suhu reaksi 60o , 65C. Suhu optimum pada percobaan ini yaitu 65oC dengan waktu reaksi 150 menit mendapatkan yield sebesar 28.55%. Biodiesel yang dihasilkan dianalisa sifat fisika dan kimia seperti densitas, flashpoint, dan yield

    Explaining the Effects of Political Islam and Preacher toward Prabowo’s Electoral Dominance: Evidence from Pekanbaru and Kampar

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    Ulama in Indonesia have critical roles not only in religious teachings but also in socio-political affairs. The literature on voter behavior in many countries shows that religious leaders have critical roles in directing the political orientation and behavior of their followers. This article aims to examine the influence of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) toward a significant increase of Prabowo's vote share in the 2019 presidential election in Riau Province. Although Prabowo lost to Jokowi with a large margin in the last election, he was able to claim electoral victory in 13 out of 34 provinces—one of them is Riau. We assume that Prabowo gained the electoral advantage over his rival in Riau due to electoral support from UAS that ultimately gave significant effect toward a sharp increase for his votes compared to the 2014 election. We apply the quantitative method to examine the phenomenon. The data are mainly collected through a survey conducted in the two most populous regions in Riau—Pekanbaru and Kampar Regency. Our study confirms that UAS has a significant effect on Muslim voters' orientation and behavior to vote for Prabowo in the last presidential election. Other findings in this study are also in line with previous studies suggesting a critical influence of religion, particularly Islam, in driving Muslim’s political behavior. The contribution of our study is to enrich the literature on voter behavior in Indonesian politics by examining the influence of political support from a popular preacher—UAS—on the distribution of electoral support for presidential candidates in the 2019 election. This is further strengthened by the presence and role of ulama figures who give their support to each presidential candidate in the political contestation in 2019

    The Representation of a Child Worldview in Emma Donoghue’s Room. Yola Risti Azhari : 127010013

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    The research is entitled “The Representation of a Child Worldview in Emma Donoghue’s Room”. It attempts to analyze the main character’s worldview which appears in the novel. Firstly, the writer finds out the plot of this novel and the second is to find out the main character’s worldview. The context of this paper is to represent the worldview of the main character in Emma Donoghue’s novel by using factual structure. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative method to answer the research question. The writer finds that the main character’s worldview is representing his mother’s view. Moreover, during the last 5 years, he spent the time in the room with his mother. Through Jack, Emma Donoghue told us an expansive eye on the world in which we live. The world is the outer space which has many same things, anything will hurt, and people who live in the world have no time to wasting their time because it runs so fast. The worldview of the main character is found in resolution and denouement part of Freytag’s pyramid. The conclusion of this research is someone’s worldview cannot be separated from experiences; the set of beliefs about fundamental aspects of reality that ground and influence all the perceiving, thinking, knowing, and doing. Keyword: Literature, Worldview, Child Worldvie

    Gender-Equality Concerns and Political Attitudes toward Women in the 2019 Legislative Election: Evidence from Pelalawan

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    The presence of women in Indonesian politics remains underrepresented whereas cultural and societal aspects pose critical influence in determining voter behavior toward female candidates. The aim of this article is to examine voter behavior regarding female candidates and the probability for them to be elected as members of parliament. We apply quantitative method by developing three models representing three combinations of predictor variables, (i) socio-demography, (ii) gender- equality concern, and (iii) political attitude towards female candidates as determinants towards female candidate electability. The study took place in Pelalawan Regency in Riau Province, by analyzing 400 respondents with equal numbers of men and women from various socio-economic backgrounds through clustered random sampling method. We tested these hypotheses and our three models by utilizing logistic regression analysis. The result shows that political attitude toward female candidates (Model 3) are the strongest coefficient and most significant determinant for female candidate electability. The study also revealed that female candidate’s electability in Pelalawan Regency is lower than male candidate’s electability among male respondents. On the other hand, female candidate’s electability is higher than male candidate’s electability among female respondents. Moreover, we also found that education determines female candidate’s electability where the more educated an individual is, the more he/she tends to vote for female candidates


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    ABSTRACT This study reveals the movement of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from two perspectives that are essentially contradictory. These two points of view are related to the relationship between the distribution of capabilities between actors in the Middle East and ISIS movements. The first point of view sees that ISIS is a consequence of the distribution of capability of actors in the Middle East, while the second point of view sees that ISIS is a determinant of the distribution of capabilities in the Middle East. There are two main arguments to see the relationship between the distribution of actor capabilities in the current international system and the emergence and development of ISIS. First, the distribution of capability of actors in the international system (Middle East) caused ISIS to be borned and developed. Second, on the contrary, the movement and development of ISIS in the Middle East influenced the distribution of capability of related actors in the international system (Middle East and surrounding areas). The first thesis emphasizes that the distribution of capabilities and conditions of the international system in the Middle East triggered/motivated the birth of ISIS. In this case ISIS becomes dependent variable. Then, the second thesis emphasizes the influence of ISIS on the conditions of the international system. It means that, it is ISIS movement that influenced the distribution of capabilities among actors in the international system. The distribution of US power that decided to enter the Middle East [starting from the participation of the United States in the Gulf War, the invasion of Iraq, the Arab Spring, etc.] triggered the birth of protest movements which led to the Asymmetric War against terrorism. The participation of other major countries in the Middle East conflict contributed to the situation in the Middle East. The distribution of power in Iraq and Syria greatly affected the birth of ISIS. Keywords:  ISIS, Arab Spring, United States of America, Power Distribution   ABSTRAK Penelitian menjelaskan gerakan Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria (ISIS) dari dua perspektif yang berbeda. Kedua perspektif tersebut berkaitan dengan distribusi kapabilitas antara berbagai aktor di Timur Tengah dan ISIS. Perspektif pertama melihat bahwa ISIS merupakan konsekuensi dari distribusi kapabilitas aktor di Timur Tengah, sementara perspektif kedua melihat bahwa ISIS merupakan determinan distribusi kapabilitas tersebut. Terdapat dua argumen untuk melihat hubungan antara distribusi kapabilitas aktor dalam sistem internasional kontemporer dan kemunculan sekaligus perkembangan ISIS. Pertama, distribusi kapabilitas aktor sistem internasional pada tingkat kawasan Timur Tengah menjadi penyebab kemunculan dan perkembangan ISIS. Kedua, pergerakan dan perkembangan ISIS di Timur Tengah dipengaruhi oleh oleh distribusi kapabilitas aktor-aktor terkait dalam sistem internasional di Timur Tengah dan kawasan sekitarnya. Argumen pertama menekankan bahwa distribusi kapabilitas dan kondisi sistem internasional di Timur Tengah menjadi penyebab kemunculan ISIS. Dalam hal ini ISIS menjadi variabel dependen. Argumen kedua menekankan pengaruh ISIS terhadap kondisi kapabilitas antar aktor dalam sistem internasional. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa ISIS lah yang mempengaruhi kapabilitas antar aktor dalam sistem internasional tersebut. Distribusi kekuatan Amerika Serikat yang memutuskan untuk mencampuri permasalahan di Timur Tengah [mulai dari keterlibatan Amerika dalam Perang Teluk, invansi ke Irak, Arab Spring, dan lain-lain] memicu lahirnya gerakan protes yang mengarah pada perang asimetris melawan terorisme. Keterlibatan negara lain dalam konflik Timur Tengah juga turut memberikan kontribusi terhadap situasi Timur Tengah saat ini. Distribusi kekuatan aktor di Irak dan Suriah yang pada akhirnya mendorong kelahiran ISIS. Kata kunci: ISIS, Arab Spring, Amerika Serikat, distribusi kekuata