9 research outputs found

    Analisis Peran Kompensasi Kerja Dan Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Foodpedia Group

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    This study aims to determine the effect of job training and job compensation on the performance of FoodpediaGroup Jakarta employees. The population in this study were all employees of the Foodpedia Group Jakarta outlet asmany as 100 employees with the measuring instrument used was a questionnaire distributed via google form. Theresearch method used is a quantitative method where data collection is carried out by multiple linear regression analysisand uses the F test and T test. The results of the hypothesis in this study are; that job training has a significant effecton employee performance, that work compensation has a significant effect on employee performance, while the resultsof the f test of both variables have a simultaneous effect.   Keywords: Job Training, Job Compensation, Job Performanc

    Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah Terhadap Realisasi Akad Dana Tabarru Di Ajb Bumiputra Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang

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    Abstract This research aims to explain how sharia insurance mechanism works, the application of Akad Tabarru' in AJB Bumiputera 1912 Syari'ah Subang Branch, Tabarru' Fund Management at AJB Bumiputera Syari'ah 1912 Subang Branch and Sharia Economic Law Review on The Realization of Tabarru' Fund Agreement at AJB Bumiputera Syari'ah 1912 Subang Branch, The approach used is descriptive analytical qualitative research, the results obtained show, there are two forms of contracts in premiums paid i.e. for investment and for tabarru , tabarru agreement in implementation in the provision of alms funds from premiums collected between fellow customers by the company, sharia principles used is a takaful principle (please help) and implemented by mutually bear in the implementation of tabarru agreement, in sharia insurance, there is no such thing as mutual risk transfer from participants to the company, because in practice contributions (premiums) paid by participants will not occur transfer of hund , the ownership status of the funds remains attached to the participants as sahib al-mal. Sharing of risk among fellow participants is realized through the mechanism of tabarru agreement, tabarru account is used as a full source of funds for the payment of claims in sharia insurance, which means that the fund account helps each other from all participants, which from the beginning has been sincerely intended by the participants for the needs of their siblings  Kata Kunci: Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Akad Tabarru’  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana mekanisme Kerja Asuransi Syariah, Penerapan Akad Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera 1912 Syari’ah Cabang Subang, Pengelolaan Dana Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang dan Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Terhadap Realisasi Akad Dana Tabarru’ di AJB Bumiputera Syari’ah 1912 Cabang Subang, Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif analitis, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan, terdapat dua bentuk akad  dalam premi yang dibayarkan yakni untuk investasi dan untuk tabarru, akad tabarru di impelemntasikan dalam pemberian  dana sedekah dari premi yang dikumpulkan antar sesama nasabah oleh perusahaan, prinsip-prinsip syari’ah yang diggunakan  adalah prinsip takaful (tolong menolong) dan  diimplementasikan dengan cara saling menanggung dalam implementasi akad tabarru,  dalam asuransi syariah, tidak ada yang namanya saling transfer resiko dari peserta ke perusahaan, karena dalam praktek kontribusinya (premi) yang dibayarkan oleh peserta tidak akan terjadi transfer of hund, status kepemilikan dana tersebut tetap melekat pada peserta sebagai sahib al-mal. Sharing of risk diantara sesama peserta diwujudkan melalui mekanisme akad tabarru, rekening tabarru’ dijadikan sumber dana  sepenuhnya untuk pembayaran klaim dalam asuransi syari’ah, rekening dana saling tolong menolong kepada sesama dari seluruh peserta, yang sejak awal sudah diniatkan dengan ikhlas oleh peserta untuk keperluan saudara-saudaranya Kata Kunci: Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Akad Tabarru

    Kecenderungan topik penelitian di bidang ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi dengan pendekatan kaidah zipf

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    Introduction. This research aims to obtain the mapping of research in the field of Library and Information in Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi(BIP) published by Universitas Gadjah Mada.  The Research Method.This was abibliometric analysis using Zipf (frequency spread of word) with research samples of 20 jurnal articles published by BIP in 2017.Data Collection Method. Every article was examined by the highest word frequencyresulting keywords and subjects for each article. Further analysis was conducted to classify subject grouping based on Hawkins theory.Results and Discussions. The results indicated that research topics in Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi UGM in 2017 were classified into two categories: (1) There were, 16 articlesrelated to the topic “Librarians”, (2) There were 4 articles related to the topic“Information Science”. The result is the tendency of research topics in the field of the IPI entered into a group of librarianship.Conclusion. The research topics in the field of Library and Information Science is more likely to enter the librarianship group. Future advice is that researchers are expected to develop research by raising other topics

    Simulasi Pengaruh Sudut Chamfer Satu Sisi Dan Burn Off Length Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Al-6061 Dengan Fem

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    Teknologi CDFW (continous drive friction welding) mulai dikembangkan karena prosesnya yang murah, cepat, dan aman. CDFW dilakukan dengan cara memberikan rotasi ke benda kerja pertama dan memberikan tekanan ke benda kerja kedua sehingga menimbulkan gesekan. Gesekan yang terjadi menghasilkan panas yang dapat menyambungkan kedua benda kerja tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sudut chamfer satu sisi dan burn off length benda kerja yang dihasilkan dari proses pengelasan CDFW. Material yang digunakkan pada benda kerja pertama dan kedua yakni Al-6061. Penelitian ini menggunakan software berbasis elemen hingga. Modelling diatur dengan cara material pertama Al-6061 dirotasi dengan kecepatan 1600 Rpm dan material kedua Al6061 ditekan dengan friction pressure sebesar 5 Mpa selama friction time 5 detik. Pada material pertama Al-6061 diberikan sudut chamfer dengan variasi 00, 150, dan 300 sedangkan variasi Burn Off Length benda kerja yakni 3 mm, 5 mm, dan 7 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar sudut chamfer dan semakin besar burn off length benda kerja menyebabkan distribusi suhu yang dihasilkan semakin besar yang diakibatkan oleh proses pengelasan CDFW. Distribusi suhu maksimum tertinggi sebesar 231,34°C dimiliki model 3 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0°C dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Nilai Distribusi suhu tertinggi kedua sebesar 228,45°C dimiliki model 1 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Ketiga yaitu sebesar 225,58°C dimiliki model 1 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 0° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. Keempat yaitu sebesar 220,74°C dimiliki model 9 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Kelima yaitu sebesar 218,25°C dimiliki model 8 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Keenam yaitu sebesar 215,18°C dimiliki model 7 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 30° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. Ketujuh yaitu sebesar 212,65°C dimiliki model 6 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 7mm. Kedelapan yaitu sebesar 207,04°C dimiliki model 5 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 5mm. Dan suhu maksimum terendah sebesar 202,31°C dimiliki model 4 dengan variasi sudut chamfer 15° dan Burn Off Length 3mm. dikarenakan semakin besar sudut chamfer maka semakin besar juga luas permukaan yang terdeformasi sehingga mengakibatkan semakin besar luas daerah HAZ dan semakin besar burn off length maka suhu benda kerja semakin tinggi dikarenakan membutuhkan waktu yang lama pada saat proses pengelasan dan mengakibatkan semakin besar friction pressure pula yang mengakibatkan daerah HAZ semakin besar.


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    Youth’s Digital Literacy in the Context of Community Empowerment in an Emerging Society 5.0

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the level of digital literacy among the member of youth organization (commonly called Karang Taruna) of Cicau Hamlet, Gadobangkong Village, Ngamprah Sub-district, West Bandung Regency, West  Java Province, Indonesia, focusing on the use of the Internet in the context of community empowerment in the fields of self-development and economy. Case study methodology is employed, with data gathering approaches consisting of in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and observations of fifteen (15) Karang Taruna member informants. The findings of the study indicate that: The youth digital literacy in computer operation and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) abilities in the internet area are fairly strong, but there is still opportunity for improvement through enhancing infrastructure for stable internet connections and educating youth about the most recent ICT advances. When it comes to creating digital products in a variety of formats and models, youth have a low degree of digital literacy. This is due in part to a lack of imagination and creative thinking skills among digital content creators. Youth require continual training to increase their digital literacy and ability to create various types of digital material, which will contribute to the expansion of Indonesia’s creative economy sector. Youth digital literacy must be improved in terms of their ability to collaborate in the digital space, and education about collaboration must be conducted in accordance with digital ethics and security so that the youth of the Indonesian nation can collaborate with respect and remain safe from cybercrime. Youth still lack the digital literacy necessary to pick and filter legitimate and hoax-free content. Digital literacy pertaining to the ability to use digital technology for youth economic empowerment is included in the category of lacking because youth are still not literate and digitally proficient in using digital technology to increase income, raise their economic level through business opportunities in the digital space, and use digital wallets for sales transactions. Youth digital literacy in relation to self-development is also still weak and must be focused to add insight into access to information in the digital realm for career development and self-potential. As well as the usage of communities that are favorable to youth growth and self-healing. This study recommends intensive training and assistance for youth in digital content creation, as well as financial literacy education related to capital management and digital-based creative economy business opportunities


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    Anticancer activity of Indonesian Melia azedarach L.: Phyto-chemistry, in vitro and in silico studies

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    This study describes the isolation of bioactive compounds and their in vitro anticancer activities from Melia azedarach L leaves from Karanglor, Karangan, Karanganom Klaten, Central Java-Indonesia. Isolated and characterised were the phenolics, kaempferol 7-O-rutinoside 1 and 4-methoxyresorcinol 3, The anticancer activity of the crude methanol extract of M. azedarach against a number cell lines (LNCaP, MDA-MB-231, and MCF-7) was found to be moderate; kaempferol derivatives were notable for their antiproliferative activities. Computational analysis, including molecular docking simulations and molecular dynamic studies, were used to investigate the feasibility of radiolabelled versions of 1 and 3 as theranostic agents targeting tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2 in cancer - the iodinated derivatives 2 and 4, respectively, were used in this investigation as surrogates. The corresponding radioiodinated 2 and 4 were found to have high binding affinities of 10.1 and 5.7 kcal/mol, respectively, and have a good stability on the receptor

    Translocator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO): A Promising Molecular Target for Image-Guided Surgery of Solid Cancers

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    The translocator protein 18-kDa (TSPO) is a mitochondrial membrane protein that is previously identified as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR). Furthermore, it plays a significant role in a diverse range of biochemical processes, including steroidogenesis, mitochondrial cholesterol transport, cell survival and death, cell proliferation, and carcinogenesis. Several investigations also reported its roles in various types of cancers, including colorectal, brain, breast, prostate, and lung cancers, as well as melanoma. According to a previous study, the expression of TSPO was upregulated in cancer cells, which corresponds to an aggressive phenotype and/or poor prognosis. Consequently, the potential for crafting diagnostic and prognostic tools with a focus on TSPO holds great potential. In this context, several radioligands designed to target this protein have been identified, and some of the candidates have advanced to clinical trials. In recent years, the use of hybrid probes with radioactive and fluorescence molecules for image-guided surgery has exhibited promising results in animal and human studies. This indicates that the approach can serve as a valuable surgical navigator during cancer surgery. The current hybrid probes are built from various molecular platforms, including small molecules, nanoparticles, and antibodies. Although several TSPO-targeted imaging probes have been developed, their development for image-guided surgery of cancers is still limited. Therefore, this review aims to highlight recent findings on the involvement of TSPO in carcinogenesis, as well as provide a new perspective on the potential application of TSPO-targeted hybrid probes for image-guided surgery