43 research outputs found
Marpege-Pege: A Tradition in Batak Angkola Padangsidimpuan
The purpose of this research is to describe the patterns and forms of speech of performers or participants in the performance of the marpege-pege tradition in the Batak Angkola Padangsidimpuan. The method used in this research is the ethnographic method which is carried out by collecting data through in-depth interviews with event leaders, both performers and participants in the tradition itself. To understand the performance displayed, the data collected was analyzed using domain analysis and component analysis methods to obtain the role of participation or performers that was performed. From the findings, it was found that the performance of the performers in the Angkola Padangsidimpuan marpege-pege Batak shows the performers and participants as part of the performance. And for the performer component itself, it can be seen with their respective roles in the utterances or utterances conveyed by performers or participants. Then there are 2 functions of utterances or utterances in this tradition, namely declarative and imperative
A Semiotic Analysis Found on Movie Poster “Shutter Island”
This research aims to know the meaning from the semiotic signs on the movie poster. The data is collected from movie poster “the shutter island” which is taken from internet site. This study used qualitative approach since the researcher focused on identifying the sign found in the movie poster of The Shutter Island. This study applied some theories of semiotics, there are theory of sign by Saussure (1974) and some other theories such as Theory of Colour Term by Wierzbicka (1996) which is used for identifying the meaning of colors found in the movie poster and Verbal and Visual Aspect Theory by Dyer (1986) which applied for identifying verbal sign and visual poster in this research. It can be concluded that there are two aspects which is formulated in movie poster Shutter Island, they are verbal and visual aspect. The verbal aspect includes some categories such as the masthead which exolained who is the main character in this movie, the title of the film to inform the audience about the film, where the line on the poster inform the audience the spoiled that it was the island where once people got into that island, it could be so difficult for the to get away from the island, and it shows the date the film will be released
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the product on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Price on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of place / location on the decision to purchase a Honda motorcycle in Samarinda, The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion on the decision to purchase a Honda motorcycle in SamarindaBased on the results of research on the influence of products on the purchase decision of Honda motorcycles in Samarinda by 53.4%, based on the results of research the effect of prices on purchasing decisions of Honda motorcycles in Samarinda amounted to 24.1%, based on the results of the study of the influence of place / location on motorcycle purchasing decisions Honda in Samarinda was 5.6%, based on a study of the effect of promotion on the decision of purchasing Honda motorcycles in Samarinda by 16.63%. Of the total respondents 100 people
Pembuatan Aplikasi Multimedia untuk Visualisasi Senyawa Hidrokarbon untuk SMU
Pada pelajaran kimia hidrokarbon di SMU, siswa mengenal adanya rumus struktur dan rumus molekul dari suatu senyawa hodtokarbon, rumus struktur dan rumus molekul hanya merupakan sustu bentuk penyederhanaan molekul saja, sehingga siswa kesulitan membayangkan bentuk asli dari suatu model molekul hidrokarbon dilihat dari rumus molekul dan rumus struktur.
dalam hubungannya dengan komputer dikenal suatu perangkat lunak sebagai aplikasi untuk visualisasi suatu objek, melalui tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk memvisualisasi senyawa hidrokarbo
This research was aimed at analyzing linguistic stylistics describing how women and men presented in texts by applying a feminist approach, i.e. feminist stylistics. This research focuses not only on stylistics analysis that considers linguistic structure and how it affects society, but also on how the position of women as actors, as well as the position of ideas or events presented in the text. This research used a qualitative method. The words, phrases or sentences, and discourses reflecting gender-specific in the novel become the data of the research. The researchers use Mills' feminist stylistics theory to analyze the data. In this study, there are several tendencies of women or men associated with the text. In a collection of poems, it is often found several italics at the bottom, and it is to emphasize the topic of the poem concerned. This research shows that Rupi Kaur, as the author, seems to want readers to understand his poetry as much as what he wrote and wanted. In addition, this study found that gender-specific terms are mostly used to refer primarily to female gender
Local Wisdom Found in Mangongkal Holi Tradition
Mangongkal Holi is known as the highest level of tradition on Batak Toba daily life practices. Previously, this tradition was done by those limited families for the reasons of funding and its complicated management. But nowadays, the practice of mangongkal holi tradition is more rarely to be found; eventhough there are many local wisdom implicitly impressed on it. This study is part of the first writer’s dissertation, entitled Tradisi Mangongkal Holi pada Masyarakat Batak Toba (Mangongkal Holi Tradition in Batak Toba Society). This research was done in qualitative research, the data were collected through direct participatory observation, in-depth interviews with many batak toba informants (adat’s experts, practitioners and academicians/theologians), as well as audio-visual documentation. The data were analyzed by using Miles, and Huberman model; where data condensation, data display and data conclusion/verification were the three concurrent flows activities done to make sure the process of data analysis precisely on the track. The final conclusion of this research state that there were nine local wisdom found in mangongkal holi tradition, they are: thanksgiving, respect, humble/humility, blessings, responsibility, mutual cooperation, prays, concession in dialogue, and prestige; where all these local wisdom will be well-stored and longlasting while mangongkal holi tradition conserved through good and acceptable design of recommended revitalization model. The writers believe that there are still many solutions to solve the problems of funding, such as: down-grading the level of ceremony, or unifying more individual saring-sarings in a mangongkal holi ceremony.
Keywords: Mangongkal Holi, Local Wisdom, Oral Tradition, Batak Toba
Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran Tematik Integratif
The aim of this research is to evaluate the integrative thematic learning : 1). The context component is the environment conditions that support learning, 2). The input component is the school facilities and human resources, 3). The process component is the process of planning and implementing of integrative thematic learning, and 4). The product component is the learning result of the students. The sources of this research are the primary one students of Pelita Bangsa School Bandar Lampung. The conclusions of this research are : (1) The component of context is good in sub component of the condition school environment and the sub component of the psichologic condition school member, 2). The component of input is good in the sub component of school fasilities and human resources, 3) The component of process is good in sub component of planning and implementing integrative thematic learning, and 4). The component of product is good in the learning results of students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran tematik integratif pada :1). komponen context yaitu kondisi lingkungan yang mendukung pembelajaran,2). komponen input yaitu sarana prasarana sekolah dan sumber daya manusianya,3). komponen process yaitu proses perencanaan dan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif, dan 4). komponen product yaitu hasil belajar siswa. Sumber penelitian adalah siswa kelas 1 SD Pelita Bangsa Bandar Lampung. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1) komponen context dengan penilaian cukup pada sub komponen kondisi lingkungan sekolah dan sub komponen kondisi psikologi warga sekolah , (2) komponen input dengan penilaian cukup pada sub komponen sarana dan prasarana dan sumber daya manusia , (3) komponen process dengan penilaian cukup pada sub komponen perencanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik integratif , dan (4) komponen product dengan penilaian cukup pada hasil belajar sisw
Abstract: Nowadays, development in urban areas is progressing very rapidly, accompanied by an increase in the number of residents and various kinds of activities carried out. Seeing this phenomenon, many developers are competing to build multi-layered high buildings. Air conditioning systems in high-rise buildings are generally carried out with artificial air arrangements. The Grand Edge Hotel Semarang building is one of the multi-layered high-rise buildings that will be the case study. This hotel building is located in Semarang on an area of 2860 m2, 7 floors above ground and 3 basement floors as deep as 9 meters from ground level, total floor area is 15,958 m2. The electricity used from PLN is 700 KVA, equipped with 1 generator unit with a capacity of 650 KVA. The ventilation system used in this building is in the form of an artificial air system, including: Direct Air Conditioning (AC) Fan Coil Unit with Split Ducting system, as many as 117 units, with capacities of 1.5 PK, 2 PK, 3.5 PK and 10 PK. The ventilation system used in terms of the specifications of the AC unit used is able to produce conditions according to the PERMENKES No. 1077/MENKES/PER/V/2011, especially in hotel rooms. The information obtained at this time is a prelude to obtaining quantitative-qualitative data about the existing problems, as well as the form of the solution, it is necessary to deepen and add cases in the project.Abstrak: Dewasa ini pembangunan di perkotaan melaju sangat pesat yang disertai dengan jumlah peningkatan penduduk dan berbagai macam aktivitas yang dilakukan nya. Melihat fenomena tersebut maka banyak dari para developer berlomba-lomba untuk membangun bangunan tinggi berlapis. Sistem penghawaan pada bangunan tinggi umum nya dilakukan dengan tatanan udara buatan. Bangunan Hotel Grand Edge Semarang adalah salah satu bangunan tinggi berlapis yang akan menjadi studi kasus ini. Bangunan hotel ini terletak di Semarang diatas lahan 2860 m2, berlantai 7 lapis diatas tanah dan 3 lantai basement sedalam 9 meter dari permukaan tanah, luas lantai total 15.958 m2. Tenaga listrik yang digunakan dari PLN sebesar 700 KVA, dilengkapi 1 unit genset dengan kapasitas 650 KVA. Sistem penghawaan yang digunakan bangunan ini berupa tatanan udara buatan, meliputi : Air Conditioning (AC) langsung Fan Coil Unit dengan sistem Split Ducting, sebanyak 119 buah, dengan kapasitas 1,5 PK, 2 PK, 3,5 PK dan 10 PK. Sistem penghawaan yang digunakan dari sisi spesifikasi unit AC yang dipakai mampu menghasilkan kondisi yang sesuai standar PERMENKES No. 1077/MENKES/PER/V/2011, khususnya pada kamar hotel. Â Info yang didapatkan saat ini adalah sebuah awalan untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif-kualitatif tentang permasalahan yang ada, serta bentuk solusinya perlu diadakan pendalaman dan penambahan kasus di proyek