380 research outputs found

    Quale analisi cefalometrica per la chirurgia maxillo-mandibolare in pazienti con sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne?

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    L’avanzamento maxillo-mandibolare (AMM) è un trattamento efficace per pazienti affetti da sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne (OSAS) di grado severo. Sebbene il miglioramento dell’OSAS sia l’obiettivo principale di tale chirurgia, è necessario evitare un avanzamento maxillo-mandibolare eccessivo per garantire un gradevole risultato in termini di estetica facciale. A tale scopo, è necessario programmare preoperatoriamente l’entità dell’AMM mediante un’analisi estetica e cefalometrica. Le analisi cefalometriche di Steiner e Delaire vengono comunemente impiegate nella programmazione della chirurgia ortognatica per deformità dentofaciali, tuttavia resta controverso il ruolo di tali analisi nei pazienti con OSAS candidati a AMM. Quarantotto pazienti con OSAS severa sono stati sottoposti a AMM. Abbiamo effettuato le analisi cefalometriche di Steiner e Delaire in tutti i soggetti. Per il tracciato di Steiner, abbiamo misurato la variazione degli angoli SNA e SNB, mentre per l’analisi di Delaire, abbiamo misurato la variazione degli angoli C3/FM-CPA e C3/ FM-Me. L’AMM medio è stato di 6,9 + 3,8 mm per il mascellare superiore e 13,6 + 5 mm per la mandibola. Dopo l’intervento abbiamo riscontrato un miglioramento dell’Indice di Apnea-Ipopnea (40,47 + 7,64 preoperatoriamente vs. 12,56 + 5,78 postoperatoriamente). In tutti i pazienti, entrambe le tecniche cefalometriche hanno dimostrato una retrusione bimascellare preoperatoria. Dopo l’intervento, l’angolo SNA medio è aumentato da 78,18° a 85,58° (p < 0,001), mentre l’angolo C3/FM-CPA medio è aumentato da 81,19° a 89,71° (p < 0,001). Il valore medio dell’angolo SNB è aumentato da 74,33° a 80,73° (p < 0,001), mentre l’angolo medio C3/FM-CPA è passato da 80,10° a 87,29° (p < 0,001). Postoperatoriamente, sia il mascellare superiore che la mandibola risultavano in una posizione più protrusa (p < 0,001) se analizzati secondo l’analisi di Steiner rispetto al tracciato di Delaire. L’utilizzo dell’analisi cefalometrica di Delaire nella programmazione dell’AMM in pazienti con OSAS comporta un avanzamento maxillo-mandibolare superiore rispetto al tracciato di Steiner. È opportuno considerare le conseguenze di tale risulto sull’estetica facciale durante la programmazione chirurgica e nel consenso informato preoperatorio in pazienti con OSAS candidati a AMM

    Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Neonates and Children Undergoing Dental, Maxillo-Facial or Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) Surgery: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method Consensus Study

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    Surgical site infections (SSIs) represent a potential complication in surgical procedures, mainly because clean/contaminated surgery involves organs that are normally colonized by bacteria. Dental, maxillo-facial and ear-nose-throat (ENT) surgeries are among those that carry a risk of SSIs because the mouth and the first respiratory tracts are normally colonized by a bacterial flora. The aim of this consensus document was to provide clinicians with recommendations on surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis in neonates (&lt;28 days of chronological age) and pediatric patients (within the age range of 29 days–18 years) undergoing dental, maxillo-facial or ENT surgical procedures. These included: (1) dental surgery; (2) maxilla-facial surgery following trauma with fracture; (3) temporo-mandibular surgery; (4) cleft palate and cleft lip repair; (5) ear surgery; (6) endoscopic paranasal cavity surgery and septoplasty; (7) clean head and neck surgery; (8) clean/contaminated head and neck surgery and (9) tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Due to the lack of pediatric data for the majority of dental, maxillo-facial and ENT surgeries and the fact that the recommendations for adults are currently used, there is a need for ad hoc studies to be rapidly planned for the most deficient areas. This seems even more urgent for interventions such as those involving the first airways since the different composition of the respiratory microbiota in children compared to adults implies the possibility that surgical antibiotic prophylaxis schemes that are ideal for adults may not be equally effective in children

    Impact of COVID-19 epidemic on Maxillofacial Surgery in Italy

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    Maxillofacial departments in 23 surgical units in Italy have been increasingly involved in facing the COVID-19 emergency. Elective surgeries have been progressively postponed to free up beds and offer human and material resources to those infected. We compiled an inventory of 32 questions to evaluate the impact of the SARS-COV2 epidemic on maxillofacial surgery in 23 selected Italian maxillofacial departments. The questionnaire focused on three different aspects: the variation of the workload, showing both a reduction of the number of team members (-16% among specialists, -11% among residents) due to reallocation or contamination and a consistent reduction of elective activities (the number of outpatient visits cancelled during the first month of the COVID-19 epidemic was about 10 000 all over Italy), while only tumour surgery and trauma surgery has been widely guaranteed; the screening procedures on patients and physicians (22% of maxillofacial units found infected surgeons, which is 4% of all maxillofacial surgeons); and the availability of Personal Protective Equipment, is only considered to be partial in 48% of Maxillofacial departments. This emergency has forced those of us in the Italian health system to change the way we work, but only time will prove if these changes have been effective. (C) 2020 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effect of Bilateral Mandibular Osteodistration on the Condylar Cartilage: An Experimental Study on Rabbits

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    Although various aspects of bone formation during distraction osteogenesis have been studied extensively, there are only limited experimental data concerning the influence of hyper-physiologic mandibular distraction rate on structural alterations in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) condylar cartilage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of bilateral distraction osteogenesis of the mandibular body, at a hyper-physiologic rate and length, on the integrity of the condylar cartilage in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighteen healthy adult male rabbits weighing 2 to 3 kg were assigned to 1 of 2 groups: the control group (n = 2 rabbits, 4 joints) or the study group (n = 16 rabbits, 32 joints) four rabbits (8 joints) in each subgroup according to the post-distraction period (1,2,3 or 4 weeks). In the control group, rabbits received sham surgery (Osteotomy without distraction) and then left to live for 4 weeks under the same condition of the study group then euthanized using intravenous overdose of pentobarbital sodium. In the study group, an extra oral custom-made distracter was employed to achieve bilateral mandibular hyper physiologic distraction (1.5 mm twice daily for 5 days) distraction. All animals were evaluated clinically and histomorphometrically and results analyzed by MINITABE 13.1 statistical package using ANOVA test. RESULTS: Animals underwent distraction showed obvious changes in condylar surface contour related to length of the follow up period, compared to the control; these changes seemed to be partly reversible. The most pronounced observation was the irregularities and resorption in the anterior part of the condylar cartilage and the subcondylar bone. Moreover, at the first two weeks, the area of resorption was invaded by large number of osteoclasts and chronic inflammatory cells which declined later in the 3rd and 4th weeks and replaced with osteoblastic activities. CONSLUSION: These experimental data showed that distraction rate of 3 mm per day may lead to degenerative or even early arthritic changes in the TMJ condylar cartilage in the 1st and 2nd post-distraction weeks. However, all condyles showed adaptive and remodeling sings in the following 3rd and 4th weeks

    TMJ response to mandibular advancement surgery: an overview of risk factors

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    Objective: In order to understand the conflicting information on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathophysiologic responses after mandibular advancement surgery, an overview of the literature was proposed with a focus on certain risk factors. Methods: A literature search was carried out in the Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases in the period from January 1980 through March 2013. Various combinations of keywords related to TMJ changes [disc displacement, arthralgia, condylar resorption (CR)] and aspects of surgical intervention (fixation technique, amount of advancement) were used. A hand search of these papers was also carried out to identify additional articles. Results: A total of 148 articles were considered for this overview and, although methodological troubles were common, this review identified relevant findings which the practitioner can take into consideration during treatment planning: 1- Surgery was unable to influence TMJ with preexisting displaced disc and crepitus; 2- Clicking and arthralgia were not predictable after surgery, although there was greater likelihood of improvement rather than deterioration; 3- The amount of mandibular advancement and counterclockwise rotation, and the rigidity of the fixation technique seemed to influence TMJ position and health; 4- The risk of CR increased, especially in identified high-risk cases. Conclusions: Young adult females with mandibular retrognathism and increased mandibular plane angle are susceptible to painful TMJ, and are subject to less improvement after surgery and prone to CR. Furthermore, thorough evidenced-based studies are required to understand the response of the TMJ after mandibular advancement surgery

    Orbital marginotomies for treatment of orbital and periorbital lesions.

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    Access osteotomies allowing temporary displacement of various segments of the orbital rim provide direct visualization of deep orbital and paraorbital regions. These marginotomies are classified, according to the orbital region involved, as lateral, medial, superior, or inferior, and they provide adequate exposure of the corresponding orbital wall and its surrounding structures. Since these procedures are without complications and cause no unpleasant cosmetic effects, they are highly recommended for the treatment of various lesions in this area as well as for correction of malformations