54 research outputs found

    El papel del gastroenterólogo en el tratamiento mediante infusión intestinal continua de levodopa-carbidopa de la enfermedad de Parkinson

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    La Enfermedad de Parkinson es un trastorno crónico, progresivo que con el paso de los años desarrolla complicaciones motoras en forma de fluctuaciones, discinesias e inestabilidad postural. Junto a los trastornos motores se presentan síntomas no motores como los trastornos cognitivos, la depresión o las alteraciones del sueño. Todo ello implica un deterioro de la calidad de vida y una alteración de las relaciones sociales. El tratamiento habitual de las fluctuaciones consiste en el fraccionamiento de la dosis de levodopa a lo largo de día. A medida que la enfermedad progresa se acorta la duración de la respuesta a levodopa y la ventana terapéutica se estrecha, lo que resulta en unas fluctuaciones imprevisibles con la aparición brusca y aleatoria de periodos en off, así como la presentación de las discinesias incapacitantes que ejercen un impacto negativo sobre la actividades de la vida diaria y sobre la calidad de vida..

    Fuentes para el estudio de la Guerra de la Independencia. La Europa de 1807-1808 vista por el Embajador austríaco en París: Metternich y sus memorias

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    The Spanish Independence war has been studied from strictly Hispanic optics, although in Napoleon’s mind Spain was just a piece of his bigger European project. Metternich’s memories constitute a valuable source for the understanding of the Napoleonic phenomenon

    Reproductive inequalities in the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum: looking beyond "crowding" effects

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    Background: At present, much research effort has been devoted to investigate overall (average) responses of parasite populations to specific factors, e.g., density-dependence in fecundity or mortality. However, studies on parasite populations usually pay little attention to individual variation (inequality) in reproductive success. A previous study on the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum in franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, revealed no overall intensity-dependent, or microhabitat effects, on mass and fecundity of worms. In this study, we investigated whether the same factors could influence mass inequalities for this species of acanthocephalan.Methods: A total of 10,138 specimens of C. cetaceum were collected from 10 franciscana dolphins accidentally caught in Buenos Aires Province between 1988-1990. To investigate mass inequalities, all the specimens were sexed, and females were classified according to their developmental stage and weighted. Additionally, the relationship between biomass and fecundity (estimated as the number of acanthors) was investigated for some females. Inequalities in fecundity and biomass were assessed using standard methods, i.e. the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient (G).Results: We found a modest, but highly significant linear relationship between mass and fecundity. The G was very low (0.314) compared with that from other helminth species. G values were significantly lower in gravid females, which presumably exhibit a slow rate of growth. Also, G values significantly increased with total intensity, but only for gravid females, and the effect was more predictable considering only the number of gravid females.Conclusions: Apparently, competition between reproducing females increases inequality without producing crowding effects. Although the mechanism whereby this occurs is unclear, gravid females, at higher intensities, expanded their distribution and occupied gut chambers with contrasting environmental conditions, which might result in greater variability in body size. The observed inequalities are not expected to strongly influence the population genetics of C. cetaceum, but they reveal subtle individual effects beyond an overall population impact.Fil: Aznar Avendaño, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Hernández Orts, Jesús Servando. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". - Provincia de Río Negro. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni"; ArgentinaFil: Vélez Rubio, Gabriela Manuela. Universidad de Valencia; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Fernández, Luis M.. Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation; Estados UnidosFil: Muriel, Nadia T.. No especifíca;Fil: Raga, Juan Antonio. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Créditos públicos exteriores para el desarrollo económico de España : (1959-1970)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, leída en 1973.Fac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu

    Créditos públicos exteriores para el desarrollo económico de España : (1959-1970)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, leída en 1973.Fac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu

    Agroecological Practices on Private Farms in the Province of Camagüey, Cuba.

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    The aim of this research was to gather together the dairy farms of the José Antonio Echeverría Strengthened Coop-erative of Credits and Services (CCSF) in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, according to the frequency of application or no application of agroecological practices, and their relationship to some bioproductive variables of economic interest. Information compiled for three years was used. Three groups were made, based on hierarchical clustering analysis. The grouping system used was the link between groups. The measure criteria used was the squared Euclid-ean distance  from agroecological practices by the farmers. SPSS 21.0 was  used for statistical analysis.  The groups made were considered the factor to perform variance analysis (ANOVA) to with eight dependent variables. The Tukey´s multiple comparison test was made to the variables that showed differences for P < 0.05. A total of seven out of ten agroecological practices applied with effects  on the behavior of bioproductive indicators were identified. Group three included the farms with the best results, and the highest number of agroecological practices

    Radiant solution for the thermal conditioning of short stay spaces

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    El espacio urbano es un lugar hostil para los ciudadanos de grandes urbes del sur de Europa. Asimismo, el uso de transporte público se ve reducido en temporada estival por efectos de la isla de calor. Estas circunstancias propician que los peatones no usen las áreas urbanas para ocio. Por este motivo, la creación de refugios climáticos es fundamental para mejorar el confort térmico de sus ocupantes. Este estudio propone el diseño de una parada de autobús autosuficiente, a instalar en la ciudad de Sevilla, que proteja a sus habitantes del clima. Su autosuficiencia es posible mediante la integración de la tecnología Falling-Film e incorporación de módulos radiantes de refrigeración. A partir del prototipado de una marquesina, se evalúa su comportamiento en el seno de una cámara climática, totalmente sensorizada, con el propósito de estudiar la eficiencia de los sistemas. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos en el experimento se centran en el análisis de flujos de calor convectivo y radiante en diferentes condiciones de funcionamiento, garantizando que el 60% del flujo de calor total se debe a la radiación. Igualmente, imágenes termográficas demuestran el correcto funcionamiento de la estancia, que alcanza condiciones de confort en 20 minutos.Urban space is a hostile place for people in large cities in southern Europe. Moreover, the use of public transport is reduced during the summer season because of the heat island. These circumstances mean that citizens do not use urban areas for leisure. For this reason, the creation of climatic shelters is essential to improve the thermal comfort of urban occupants. This study proposes the design of an energetically self-sufficient bus stop, to be installed in the city of Seville, to protect its users from the climate. Its energy independence can be achieved through the integration of Falling-Film technology and the addition of radiant cooling modules. Based on the prototyping of a bus shelter, its behaviour is evaluated in a climatic chamber, fully sensorized, with the purpose of studying the efficiency of the systems included. In this way, the results obtained in the experiment focus on the analysis of convective and radiant heat flows under different operating conditions, ensuring that 60% of the total heat flow is due to radiation. Furthermore, thermographic images prove the correct operation of the facility, which reaches comfort conditions in 20 minutes

    p53 and FBXW7: Sometimes Two Guardians Are Worse than One

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    Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. An example is FBXW7, a well-known tumor suppressor that may also contribute to tumorigenesis. Here, we reflect on the results of three laboratories describing the role of FBXW7 in the degradation of p53 and the possible implications of this finding in tumor cell development. We also speculate about the function of FBXW7 as a key player in the cell fate after DNA damage and how this could be exploited in the treatment of cancer disease.España, MINECO SAF2017-87358España, Junta de Andalucía grant number 2017/BIO-21

    Prácticas agroecológicas en fincas privadas de Camagüey, Cuba.

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue agrupar a las fincas lecheras de la Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios Fortalecida (CCSF) José Antonio Echeverría en la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba, según la frecuencia de aplicación o no de prácticas agroecológicas y su relación con algunas variables bioproductivas de interés económico. Se utilizó la información de los resultados de tres años de trabajo. Se conformaron tres grupos según el análisis de clústeres jerárquico, utilizando como método de agrupación el vínculo entre grupo y como medida la distancia euclídea al cuadrado de las prácticas agroecológicas empleada por los productores. El paquete estadístico utilizado fue SPSS versión 21.0. Los grupos formados fueron considerados como el factor para realizar un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) teniendo ocho variables dependientes. A las variables que mostraron diferencias para P < 0,05 se les aplicó la prueba de comparaciones múltiples de Tukey. Se identificaron un total de siete de las diez prácticas agroecológicas aplicadas que influyeron en el comportamiento de indicadores bioproductivos. En el grupo tres se concentraron las fincas con mejores resultados y que más prácticas agroecológicas realizaban.Agroecological Practices on Private Farms in the Province of Camagüey, CubaABSTRACTThe aim of this research was to gather together the dairy farms of the José Antonio Echeverría Strengthened Cooperative of Credit and Services (CCSF) in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, according to the frequency of application or no application of agroecological practices, and their relationship with some bioproductive variables of economic interest. The information compiled for three years was used. Three groups were arranged based on hierarchical cluster analysis. The grouping system used was the link between groups. The measure criteria used was the Euclidean Squared Distance for agroecological practices by the farmers. SPSS 21.0 was used for statistical analysis. The groups made were considering the factor to perform variance analysis (ANOVA), with eight dependent variables. The Tukey multiple comparison test was made to the variables that showed differences for P < 0.05. A total of seven out of ten agroecological practices applied that influenced on the behavior of bioproductive indicators, were identified. Group three included the farms with the best results, and the highest number of agroecological practices

    The specific seroreactivity to ∆Np73 isoforms shows higher diagnostic ability in colorectal cancer patients than the canonical p73 protein

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    The p53-family is tightly regulated at transcriptional level. Due to alternative splicing, up to 40 different theoretical proteoforms have been described for p73 and at least 20 and 10 for p53 and p63, respectively. However, only the canonical proteins have been evaluated as autoantibody targets in cancer patients for diagnosis. In this study, we have cloned and expressed in vitro the most upregulated proteoforms of p73, ΔNp73α and ΔNp73β, for the analysis of their seroreactivity by a developed luminescence based immunoassay test using 145 individual plasma from colorectal cancer, premalignant individuals and healthy controls. ∆Np73α seroreactivity showed the highest diagnostic ability to discriminate between groups. The combination of ∆Np73α, ∆Np73β and p73 proteoforms seroreactivity were able to improve their individual diagnostic ability. Competitive inhibition experiments further demonstrated the presence of unique specific epitopes in ΔNp73 isoforms not present in p73, with several colorectal patients showing unique and specific seroreactivity to the ΔNp73 proteoforms. Overall, we have increased the complexity of the humoral immune response to the p53-family in cancer patients, showing that the proteoforms derived from the alternative splicing of p73 possess a higher diagnostic ability than the canonical protein, which might be extensive for p53 and p63 proteins.This work was supported by the Ramon y Cajal programme of the MINECO and the financial support of the PI17CIII/00045 grant from the AES-ISCIII program to R.B., cofounded by FEDER funds. G.D. acknowledges the financial support of PI15/00246 grant of the FIS and Cátedra UAM-Roche en Medicina de Innovación. M.G-A. was supported by a contract of the Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (YEI) with the participation of the Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid y del Fondo Social Europeo. We thank the excellent technical support of Maricruz Sánchez. A.M-C. is a recipient of a FPU fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.S