35 research outputs found

    Building Information Modeling as Tool for Enhancing Disaster Resilience of the Construction Industry

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    As frequencies of the disasters are increasing, new technologies can be used to enhance disaster resilience performance of the construction industry. This paper investigates the usage of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in enhancing disaster resilience of the construction industry and in the establishment of the resilient built environment. In-depth literature review findings reveal BIM’s contribution to the disaster resilience in the pre-disaster and post-disaster phases especially through influencing the performance of the supply chain, construction process, and rescue operations. This paper emphasises the need for BIM’s integration to the education and training curriculums of the built environment professionals. Policy makers, construction professionals, professional bodies, academics can benefit from this research

    Eco industrial Development: As a Way of Enhancing Sustainable Development

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    The world’s habitat is being deteriorated especially due to the unsustainable production. The need for sustainable development and reducing humanities’ environmental footprint have been addressed in various international frameworks, meetings and reports (e.g. Kyoto protocol, the Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Program, the Ten Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production, the UN Resource Panel, and the Green Economy Initiative, Rio+20, green building certificates, “UNEP Green Economy” in 2011, “Green New Deal” in 2012, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report etc.). EIDs (the eco industrial development) can act as catalysts in sustainable development and in reducing environmental footprint of the production processes. Based on an in-depth literature review, this paper aims to analyze how EID can be supported so that environmental footprint of the production processes can be reduced contributing sustainable development. With this aim, the objectives include: analysis of the need for the EID; need for the sustainable development enhanced by sustainable production and sustainable products; key success factors for, barriers against and drivers for the EID. The policy makers, companies, and researchers are expected to get benefit from this paper

    Pronalaženje i utvrđivanje raskoraka između suvremenoga lean (agilnog) i zelenoga marketinga u građevinskoj industriji

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    Purpose – This paper aims to enhance sustainable development in the construction industry by presenting a literature review from the perspective of sustainable development goals (SDG) on marketing in the construction industry, its importance on management strategies, marketing capabilities, and the relationship between SDG and lean and green marketing (LGM) management in the construction industry. Design/methodology/approach – A structured literature review was used as the research methodology to find out how the determinant topics were addressed in state-of-the-art of the literature. A total of 21 combinations of different keywords were applied to the search engine in the title, abstract, and keywords to gather research and review articles published within a period of ten years. As a result, 114 academic papers were examined. Findings and implications – Articles were examined in three stages, focusing on: marketing and construction industry, marketing and its importance on management, and LGM. The gaps in the literature were identified and potential future research areas were highlighted. Limitation – Using Elsevier (www.sciencedirect.com) as the database and focusing on research and review articles written in English only are the limitations of this research. Originality – This research contributes to the construction industry marketing literature, green marketing, and LGM in the construction industry. This research reviews the literature based on a large sample of papers in three stages. It outlines the gaps in the literature and may serve as a guide for further research of marketing and LGM strategy implementation in the construction industry.Svrha – Cilj je rada unaprijediti održivi razvoj u građevinskoj industriji (CI) i predstaviti pregled literature iz perspektive ciljeva održivog razvoja (SDG) u marketingu u građevinskoj industriji (CI), njegovoj važnosti za strategije upravljanja, marketinške sposobnosti i odnos između održivoga razvoja (SDG) i upravljanja lean (agilnim) i zelenim marketingom (LGM) u građevinskoj industriji (CI). Metodološki pristup – Kao metodologija istraživanja korišten je strukturirani pregled literature kako bi se saznalo na koji način su adresirane najznačajnije teme u suvremenoj literaturi. Korištena je kombinacija 21 različite ključne riječi pomoću tražilice i pretraživanja po naslovu, sažetku i ključnim riječima radi prikupljanja istraživačkih i preglednih članaka objavljenih u vremenskom razdoblju od deset godina. Ispitano je 114 znanstvenih radova. Rezultati i implikacije – Članci su ispitivani u tri faze s naglaskom na marketingu i građevinskoj industriji (CI), marketingu i njegovoj važnosti za upravljanje te lean (agilni)i zeleni marketing (LGM). Utvrđene su jazovi u literaturi. Istaknuta su potencijalna buduća područja istraživanja. Ograničenje – Ograničenja istraživanja vezana su uz korištenje Elseviera (www.sciencedirect.com) kao baze podataka i fokusiranje na istraživanja i pregledne članke napisane na engleskom jeziku. Doprinos – Rad doprinosi marketinškoj literaturi u području građevinske industrije (CI), zelenom marketingu te lean (agilnom) marketingu u građevinskoj industriji (CI). Istraživanje daje pregled literature na temelju velikog uzorka radova u tri faze. Prikazuje jazove u literaturi te može služiti kao vodič za daljnja istraživanja u marketingu te provedbi strategije lean (agilnog) i zelenog marketinga (LGM) u području građevinske industrije (CI)

    Identification of the Critical Success Factors for Maintenance Contracts with Target Cost Contracting

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    Contract and procurement type as well as their key success factors influence the success of the construction projects. Target cost contracting and maintenance contracts are widely used in the construction industry. This paper aims at identifying the critical success factors for maintenance contracts, in particular those adopted a target cost approach. Two online questionnaire surveys have been applied to a sample consisting of industrial practitioners who had experience in the area of the study. The first survey aimed to establish new critical success factors that were not identified in the literature. The second survey asked the targeted industrial practitioners to rank the identified factors by their level of criticality. The experienced practitioners shared the opinion that the following factors were the most critical to the success of a maintenance contract adopting a target cost approach: correct / accurate (rates/norms) and the ability to review these during the length of the contract; good robust system in place for the collection of information such as labour and materials; high accuracy in relation to cost forecasting; understanding the amount of administration work that is required within a maintenance contract; incentive clause within the contract, so that the contractor has an incentive to reduce cost, while being awarded for increasing profit margin

    Assessing Urban Flood Risk with Probabilistic Approaches

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    Flooding is a serious natural disaster in urban areas. Moreover, the consequences of land use change and rainfall can affect the flood process in urbanised catchments. Fluvial flooding can be seen at downstream locations due to the high and fast discharge from sub-catchments. In addition, pluvial flooding can be seen at settlements are situated on the floodplains by river channel at downstream locations, due to the impermeable surfaces and insufficient drainage capacity. Therefore, the combined pluvial and fluvial flooding can be observed on the floodplains of urban stream basins. Although, flood risk can be severe for these places, research on combined fluvial and pluvial flooding is very rare. One of these places is Wortley Beck catchment, Leeds, UK. To observe the interaction between fluvial and pluvial flooding, the floods were modelled for different land-use scenarios and rainfall events for an urbanised and ungauged catchment. The inflow hydrographs and rainfall hyetograph were designed by using the ReFH rainfall-runoff method. 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models were used to simulate fluvial and pluvial flooding. The outcomes were peak flow values and probabilistic inundation maps with maximum water depth values. The peak flow values were used to investigate the relationship of return period between rainfall and flow by using the FEH statistical model. The effects of the land use change and rainfall on the flood risk were observed from the maps. In addition, the flood extent of combined pluvial and fluvial flooding was observed from these maps. Water depth values in the inundation area by combined flooding were computed. Hence, fluvial flooding in combination with pluvial flooding was observed to have a higher flood risk in the urban stream basins. These outcomes can be used to manage flood risk due to land use change in the future for ungauged catchments by National and Local Governments

    Introducing AgiLean to Construction Project Management

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    The complexity of construction projects is the main reason, why the construction industry is searching better ways of managing construction projects. Recently, the industry tries to get benefit from the adoption of two management methodologies. On the one hand there is Lean construction, which works well for stable and predictable project environments. On the other hand, there is Agile project management [PM], which works well for dynamic and uncertain project environments. Construction projects, however, are exposed to predictable and paradoxically uncertain environments at the same time. Hence there is a need for a methodology which merges Lean and Agile to a holistic unit. The objective of this contribution is to introduce such a methodology. Such a methodology does not exist so far and is different from the “Leagile” approach, which uses Lean and Agile methods in the execution phase sequentially. Through undertaking a comprehensive literature review and through conducting 22 interviews with practitioners in the field of construction PM, Lean, Agile a new methodology is introduced, which is conceptualised as “AgiLean PM”. Keywords: Agile, AgiLean, Leagile, Lean, Qualitative Research

    Sustainable Construction: Analysis of its Costs and Benefits

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    Sustainability has become the most important issue concerning the construction industry in the 21st century. The objectives of this paper were: to establish if there is an opinion within the industry that sustainability means increased cost; and to investigate whether using sustainable construction methods save money by reducing a buildings carbon output and running costs. Following the literature survey, a questionnaire survey has been carried out to canvas opinions within the industry. Furthermore, comparison of a traditionally built structure (the original college) against a sustainably built one (the structure being built to replace the original building) has been carried out as a case study with respect to the running costs and carbon outputs. The findings revealed that there is an opinion within the industry that sustainability means increased cost and complicated build ability and that using sustainable construction methods save money by reducing a buildings carbon output and running costs. This paper will benefit clients and developers as they can see how incorporating sustainability into new buildings will enable big savings on utility and maintenance costs once the building is operational