25 research outputs found

    Salivary inflammatory biomarkers during initial orthodontic tooth movement

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    BACKGROUND: Orthodontic tooth movement is a complex process involving a number of inflammatory and anabolic/catabolic pathways. Further, successful treatment depends on proper timing of orthodontic measures with regard to patient’s growth spurt. Saliva analysis has emerged as a non-invasive collection method to track biomarkers relevant to both tooth movement biology and growth prediction. The aim of the present study was to analyze changes in tooth movement and assess relationships with salivary levels of alkaline phosphatase, IGF-1, TGF-β1, testosterone, BMP-2, BMP-4, and BMP-9t. METHODS: Twenty seven healthy patients (17 females, 10 males) with a mean age of 13.3 years, undergoing orthodontic treatment with a non-extraction treatment plan were selected for the study. Height, weight, and other demographic features were recorded; maxillary and mandibular alginate impressions were obtained, and 10 mL saliva samples were taken at the initial visit (T0), after 4 weeks (T1), 3 months (T2), and then at 3-month intervals (T3, T4, T5). Casts were made from alginate impressions. Little’s Irregularity Index, intercanine widths, intermolar widths, arch lengths, and tooth widths were measured. Saliva samples were analyzed for the concentrations of alkaline phosphatase, IGF-1, TGF-β1, testosterone, BMP-2, BMP-4, and BMP-9 by multiplex immunoassay and/or ELISA. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficients and ANOVA. RESULTS: Over the six timepoints, there were statistically significant changes in the level of testosterone (p < 0.05) and Little’s Irregularity Index (p < 0.01), with the most significant changes occurring at the beginning of treatment (T0 to T1). Statistically significant correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between testosterone and height/weight, intercanine width and intermolar width, BMP-4 and intercanine/intermolar width, alkaline phosphatase and testosterone, alkaline phosphatase and TGF-β1, and among the BMPs. CONCLUSION: The changes in Little’s Irregularity Index reflects successful progress of the orthodontic treatment. The correlations observed among the various salivary concentrations suggest a number of further directions for study

    Accessing the Influence of Hess-Murray Law on Suspension Flow through Ramified Structures

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    The present study focuses on fluid flow and particle transport in symmetric T-shaped structures formed by tubes with circular and square cross-section. The performances of optimized structures (i.e., structures designed based on constructal allometric laws for minimum flow resistance) and not optimized structures were studied. Flow resistance and particle penetration efficiency were studied both for laminar and turbulent flow regimes, and for micrometer and submicrometer particles. Optimized structures have been proven to perform better for fluid flow but they have a similar performance for particle transport

    The Role of Ghrelin in Regulating Synaptic Function and Plasticity of Feeding-Associated Circuits

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    Synaptic plasticity of the neuronal circuits associated with feeding behavior is regulated by peripheral signals as a response to changes in the energy status of the body. These signals include glucose, free fatty acids, leptin and ghrelin and are released into circulation, being able to reach the brain. Ghrelin, a small peptide released from the stomach, is an orexigenic hormone produced in peripheral organs, and its action regulates food intake, body weight and glucose homeostasis. Behavioral studies show that ghrelin is implicated in the regulation of both hedonic and homeostatic feeding and of cognition. Ghrelin-induced synaptic plasticity has been described in neuronal circuits associated with these behaviors. In this review, we discuss the neuromodulatory mechanisms induced by ghrelin in regulating synaptic plasticity in three main neuronal circuits previously associated with feeding behaviors, namely hypothalamic (homeostatic feeding), ventral tegmental (hedonic and motivational feeding) and hippocampal (cognitive) circuits. Given the central role of ghrelin in regulating feeding behaviors, and the altered ghrelin levels associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity and anorexia, it is of paramount relevance to understand the effects of ghrelin on synaptic plasticity of neuronal circuits associated with feeding behaviors

    Avaliação do efeito acaricida de óleo essencial de mentha cervina L. sobre Varroa destructor

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    A varroa destructor é um ácaro que compromete a sobrevivência e produtividade das abelhas, acarretando grandes prejuízos para a actividade apícola. Actualmente, uma das linhas de investigação nesta área passa por tratamentos através de óleos essenciais. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o efeito acaricida de óleo essencial (OE) de Mentha cervina. Foram realizados ensaios com varroas sujeitas a várias doses de óleo. Os resultados foram promissores, pois o efeito acaricida foi notório mesmo a doses muito baixas. Ficou igualmente provado que o OE testado não é prejudicial para as abelhas. Foram também estudados em colónias de abelhas, aplicados sob forma de pó ou de filme, mas os resultados não forma tão positivos como inicialmente previsto. O efeito acaricida não foi visível. Consequentemente discute-se uma adequação da matriz e da dosagem; ABSTRACT: Varroa destructor endangers the survival and productivity of honey bee colonies worldwide, causing major damage to the beekeeping industry. Currently, one of the research lines looking for better ways of coping with Varroa is the assessment of essential oils that may be successfully used in colony treatments. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the acaricidal effect of the essential oil of Mentha Cervina on phoretic Varroa mites. Laboratory tests were performed with doses of essential oil ranging from 0.1 to 10 μl. The results were globally very promising, since the acaricidal effect on Varroa was manifest even at considerably low dosages, being apparently harmless to individual bees. The tested essential oil was also applied to honey bee colonies, either in a powder or in a film carrier. The results were not as positive as anticipated, considering that no added acaricidal effect was found in field treatments

    Biodiversidade e conservação de fauna subterrânea do carso de Portugal

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    Doutoramento em BiologiaAs regiões cársicas de Portugal ocupam uma parte considerável do território e albergam mais de 2000 grutas, que são habitadas por animais subterrâneos com características adaptativas únicas. Estes animais estão entre os mais raros, ameaçados e desprotegidos a nível mundial, comummente pelo simples fato de serem desconhecidos, o que associado à relativa inacessibilidade do seu habitat, constitui um desafio para o seu estudo. O presente trabalho centra-se no estudo da biodiversidade subterrânea do carso de Portugal, de forma a contribuir para a sua conservação. Os invertebrados subterrâneos têm sido ignorados no que concerne à sua proteção, sobretudo porque o conhecimento era escasso e desorganizado. Este trabalho começa por apresentar uma revisão de todas as fontes bibliográficas sobre fauna subterrânea em Portugal, incluindo um catálogo de espécies troglóbias e estigóbias, acompanhado das respetivas localizações, para congregar, pela primeira vez, o estado do conhecimento da riqueza específica, biogeografia e conservação das áreas estudadas. Para compreender os padrões de biodiversidade subterrânea, foi realizado um ano de trabalho de campo intenso e padronizado em mais de 40 cavidades de 14 unidades cársicas. Deste esforço resultou a descoberta e descrição de nove novos taxa, compreendendo três novos géneros e seis novas espécies para a ciência. Utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica foram mapeadas as distribuições das espécies subterrâneas do carso de Portugal e a sua riqueza foi comparada com a de outras áreas do mundo. Para explicar a sua riqueza específica subterrânea, foram testados vários fatores ambientais e efetuada a estimativa de espécies subterrâneas, numa escala regional. A evapotranspiração e consequentemente a produtividade primária ao nível da superfície poderão ser fatores importantes na variação da riqueza específica nas diferentes unidades cársicas, mas a profundidade e as características geológicas únicas de cada maciço parecem desempenhar um papel determinante nos padrões de biodiversidade subterrânea. Com o intuito de avaliar a sensibilidade de organismos subterrâneos à contaminação, foram testados os efeitos letais de dois tóxicos em crustáceos estigóbios com diferentes graus de troglomorfismo. Foram igualmente abordados aspectos gerais de ecotoxicologia de águas subterrâneas e perspectivas de futuro. Os principais problemas relacionados com a conservação dos habitats subterrâneos em Portugal estão associados à destruição direta do habitat e à sua contaminação. Estes carecem de proteção específica, o que implica a gestão adequada à superfície e a criação de áreas prioritárias de conservação. Integrando toda a informação gerada, o presente estudo estabelece uma hierarquização de locais prioritários para a conservação da fauna subterrânea em zonas cársicas de Portugal.This research is a contribution to the study of subterranean biodiversity in karst areas of Portugal, towards its conservation. The relative inaccessibility of the subterranean environment is a challenge for the study of its fauna, often accessible only in caves but more widely distributed. The subterranean animals are among the most rare, threatened and worldwide underprotected, often by the simple fact of being unknown. Karst areas of Portugal occupy a considerable part of the territory and harbor more than 2000 caves. The complex biogeographical history of the Iberian Peninsula allowed the survival of several relict arthropod refugees in the subterranean environment. Subterranean invertebrates have been ignored, as for as the protection of karst systems are concerned in Portugal, largely because knowledge was scarce and disorganized. Reviewing all the bibliographic sources about subterranean fauna from Portugal and listing troglobiont and stygobiont species and locations, was essential to understand the state of knowledge of species richness and the biogeography and conservation status for the studied areas. In order to understand subterranean biodiversity patterns in karst areas from Portugal, one year of intense fieldwork was performed in more than 40 caves from 14 karst units. Several new species for science were discovered and 7 taxa comprising 2 new genera and 5 new species were described. Bearing in mind that spatial distribution of subterranean species is crucial to ecological research and conservation, the distribution of hypogean species, from Portuguese karst areas, was mapped using geographic information systems. Also, its subterranean richness was compared with other areas of the world and missing species were estimated on a regional scale. The subterranean biodiversity patterns were analyzed, and several factors were tested to explain richness patterns. Evapotranspiration and the consequent high productivity on the surface may be determinant in the species richness in the different karst units of Portugal, but the depth of the caves and the unique geological features of every massif seemed to play a more important role. In order to evaluate the tolerance of organisms to groundwater contamination, the acute toxicity of two substances were tested on stygobiont crustaceans with different degrees of troglomorphism. Our study showed that the high levels of endemism contribute to remarkably different toxicological responses within the same genus. The major problems related to conservation of subterranean habitats were associated to direct destruction and their contamination. These ecosystems lack of specific protection, implying an adequate management of surface habitats and the establishment of priority areas. Integrating all the previous information, this study establishes a ranking of sites for conservation of subterranean fauna in karst areas of Portugal

    Coleópteros (Insecta, Coleoptera) cavernícolas do maciço calcário estremenho : uma abordagem à sua biodiversidade

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    Mestrado em Ecologia, Biodiversidade e Gestão de EcossistemasO presente trabalho pretendeu fazer uma abordagem ao conhecimento da biodiversidade de coleópteros (Insecta, Coleoptera) cavernícolas no Maciço Calcário Estremenho e relacionar a sua ocorrência com alguns factores abióticos, nomeadamente a profundidade, temperatura e posição geográfica da cavidade. A descoberta de espécies novas para a Ciência, levou à descrição de duas novas espécies de coleópteros hipógeos e a novas considerações biogeográficas. ABSTRACT: The present study aims to make an approach to the knowledge of biodiversity of cave beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Estremenho karstic massif (Portugal), and to relate their occurrence with some abiotic parameters, including depth, temperature and geographical location of the caves. Also, the description of two new species of hypogean beetles is made and some biogeographical considerations are discussed

    Fluid Flow and Solid/Fluid Suspensions Flow in 3-D Packed Beds of Spheres: the effect of periodicity of fixed beds

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    A 3-D numerical study is performed to investigate the effects of periodicity (geometry) on flow of fluid and on flow of solid/fluid suspensions in packing arrangements of fixed beds of spheres. The porosity is fixed at 0.58 and the following packing arrangements are studied: simple cubic, face-centered cubic, hexagonal, rhomboedric hexagonal and tetragonal. Simulations are carried out at Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.1 and 50, and using solid suspensions with different sizes (0.2, 2 and 10 micron) and densities (200 and 2000 kg/m3). The effect of the periodicity on fluid flow characteristics (permeability and inertia parameter) and on the penetration efficiency of solid suspensions within the packed beds is analyzed and quantified