2,357 research outputs found

    Extended diffeomorphism algebras in (quantum) gravitational physics

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    We construct an explicit representation of the algebra of local diffeomorphisms of a manifold with realistic dimensions. This is achieved in the setting of a general approach to the (quantum) dynamics of a physical system which is characterized by the fundamental role assigned to a basic underlying symmetry. The developed mathematical formalism makes contact with the relevant gravitational notions by means of the addition of some extra structure. The specific manners in which this is accomplished, together with their corresponding physical interpretation, lead to different gravitational models. Distinct strategies are in fact briefly outlined, showing the versatility of the present conceptual framework.Comment: 20 pages, LATEX, no figure

    On a differential inclusion related to the Born-Infeld equations

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    We study a partial differential relation that arises in the context of the Born-Infeld equations (an extension of the Maxwell's equations) by using Gromov's method of convex integration in the setting of divergence free fields

    Rank one discrete valuations of power series fields

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    In this paper we study the rank one discrete valuations of the field k((X1,...,Xn))k((X_1,..., X_n)) whose center in k\lcor\X\rcor is the maximal ideal. In sections 2 to 6 we give a construction of a system of parametric equations describing such valuations. This amounts to finding a parameter and a field of coefficients. We devote section 2 to finding an element of value 1, that is, a parameter. The field of coefficients is the residue field of the valuation, and it is given in section 5. The constructions given in these sections are not effective in the general case, because we need either to use the Zorn's lemma or to know explicitly a section σ\sigma of the natural homomorphism R_v\to\d between the ring and the residue field of the valuation vv. However, as a consequence of this construction, in section 7, we prove that k((\X)) can be embedded into a field L((\Y)), where LL is an algebraic extension of kk and the {\em ``extended valuation'' is as close as possible to the usual order function}

    Defect mediated melting and the breaking of quantum double symmetries

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    In this paper, we apply the method of breaking quantum double symmetries to some cases of defect mediated melting. The formalism allows for a systematic classification of possible defect condensates and the subsequent confinement and/or liberation of other degrees of freedom. We also show that the breaking of a double symmetry may well involve a (partial) restoration of an original symmetry. A detailed analysis of a number of simple but representative examples is given, where we focus on systems with global internal and external (space) symmetries. We start by rephrasing some of the well known cases involving an Abelian defect condensate, such as the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and one-dimensional melting, in our language. Then we proceed to the non-Abelian case of a hexagonal crystal, where the hexatic phase is realized if translational defects condense in a particular rotationally invariant state. Other conceivable phases are also described in our framework.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, updated reference

    Regionalized PM2.5 Community Multiscale Air Quality model performance evaluation across a continuous spatiotemporal domain

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    The regulatory Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model is a means to understanding the sources, concentrations and regulatory attainment of air pollutants within a model's domain. Substantial resources are allocated to the evaluation of model performance. The Regionalized Air quality Model Performance (RAMP) method introduced here explores novel ways of visualizing and evaluating CMAQ model performance and errors for daily Particulate Matter ≤ 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) concentrations across the continental United States. The RAMP method performs a non-homogenous, non-linear, non-homoscedastic model performance evaluation at each CMAQ grid. This work demonstrates that CMAQ model performance, for a well-documented 2001 regulatory episode, is non-homogeneous across space/time. The RAMP correction of systematic errors outperforms other model evaluation methods as demonstrated by a 22.1% reduction in Mean Square Error compared to a constant domain wide correction. The RAMP method is able to accurately reproduce simulated performance with a correlation of r = 76.1%. Most of the error coming from CMAQ is random error with only a minority of error being systematic. Areas of high systematic error are collocated with areas of high random error, implying both error types originate from similar sources. Therefore, addressing underlying causes of systematic error will have the added benefit of also addressing underlying causes of random error

    Ramification theory for varieties over a local field

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    We define generalizations of classical invariants of wild ramification for coverings on a variety of arbitrary dimension over a local field. For an l-adic sheaf, we define its Swan class as a 0-cycle class supported on the wild ramification locus. We prove a formula of Riemann-Roch type for the Swan conductor of cohomology together with its relative version, assuming that the local field is of mixed characteristic. We also prove the integrality of the Swan class for curves over a local field as a generalization of the Hasse-Arf theorem. We derive a proof of a conjecture of Serre on the Artin character for a group action with an isolated fixed point on a regular local ring, assuming the dimension is 2.Comment: 159 pages, some corrections are mad

    Construction of Self-Dual Integral Normal Bases in Abelian Extensions of Finite and Local Fields

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    Let F/EF/E be a finite Galois extension of fields with abelian Galois group Γ\Gamma. A self-dual normal basis for F/EF/E is a normal basis with the additional property that TrF/E(g(x),h(x))=δg,hTr_{F/E}(g(x),h(x))=\delta_{g,h} for g,h∈Γg,h\in\Gamma. Bayer-Fluckiger and Lenstra have shown that when char(E)≠2char(E)\neq 2, then FF admits a self-dual normal basis if and only if [F:E][F:E] is odd. If F/EF/E is an extension of finite fields and char(E)=2char(E)=2, then FF admits a self-dual normal basis if and only if the exponent of Γ\Gamma is not divisible by 44. In this paper we construct self-dual normal basis generators for finite extensions of finite fields whenever they exist. Now let KK be a finite extension of \Q_p, let L/KL/K be a finite abelian Galois extension of odd degree and let \bo_L be the valuation ring of LL. We define AL/KA_{L/K} to be the unique fractional \bo_L-ideal with square equal to the inverse different of L/KL/K. It is known that a self-dual integral normal basis exists for AL/KA_{L/K} if and only if L/KL/K is weakly ramified. Assuming p≠2p\neq 2, we construct such bases whenever they exist

    An LUR/BME Framework to Estimate PM 2.5 Explained by on Road Mobile and Stationary Sources

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    Knowledge of particulate matter concentrations <2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) across the United States is limited due to sparse monitoring across space and time. Epidemiological studies need accurate exposure estimates in order to properly investigate potential morbidity and mortality. Previous works have used geostatistics and land use regression (LUR) separately to quantify exposure. This work combines both methods by incorporating a large area variability LUR model that accounts for on road mobile emissions and stationary source emissions along with data that take into account incompleteness of PM2.5 monitors into the modern geostatistical Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) framework to estimate PM2.5 across the United States from 1999 to 2009. A cross-validation was done to determine the improvement of the estimate due to the LUR incorporation into BME. These results were applied to known diseases to determine predicted mortality coming from total PM2.5 as well as PM2.5 explained by major contributing sources. This method showed a mean squared error reduction of over 21.89% oversimple kriging. PM2.5 explained by on road mobile emissions and stationary emissions contributed to nearly 568 090 and 306 316 deaths, respectively, across the United States from 1999 to 2007

    Perverse coherent t-structures through torsion theories

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    Bezrukavnikov (later together with Arinkin) recovered the work of Deligne defining perverse tt-structures for the derived category of coherent sheaves on a projective variety. In this text we prove that these tt-structures can be obtained through tilting torsion theories as in the work of Happel, Reiten and Smal\o. This approach proves to be slightly more general as it allows us to define, in the quasi-coherent setting, similar perverse tt-structures for certain noncommutative projective planes.Comment: New revised version with important correction

    Group entropies, correlation laws and zeta functions

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    The notion of group entropy is proposed. It enables to unify and generalize many different definitions of entropy known in the literature, as those of Boltzmann-Gibbs, Tsallis, Abe and Kaniadakis. Other new entropic functionals are presented, related to nontrivial correlation laws characterizing universality classes of systems out of equilibrium, when the dynamics is weakly chaotic. The associated thermostatistics are discussed. The mathematical structure underlying our construction is that of formal group theory, which provides the general structure of the correlations among particles and dictates the associated entropic functionals. As an example of application, the role of group entropies in information theory is illustrated and generalizations of the Kullback-Leibler divergence are proposed. A new connection between statistical mechanics and zeta functions is established. In particular, Tsallis entropy is related to the classical Riemann zeta function.Comment: to appear in Physical Review
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