257 research outputs found

    Foreword to the Special Section on CEIG 2022

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    Membranas nanoporosas basadas en cristales líquidos supramoleculares

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la 6ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Física y Química de Aragón celebrada en Zaragoza el 20 de noviembre de 2014.Este trabajo está financiado por el proyecto europeo SASSYPOL (The Marie Curie Actions – ITN, Nº 607602).Peer reviewe

    A Spanish performable translation of Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

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    The present thesis offers a Spanish translation for the stage of Edward Albee's play Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? and an exploration of drama translation, a hitherto neglected area within translation studies. This thesis draws together existing translation theory with translation practice in order to modestly contribute some practical insights into the developing theory of theatre translation. It focuses on the dramatic text as a particular literary text whose characteristics bear upon its translation. Hence, this thesis focuses on the dramatic text exposing its double nature as a literary text written for a theatrical performance and explaining the consequences of this dual function for drama translators, who can treat dramatic texts as literary texts and follow the conventions of the literary system during the translation process or they can consider their spectacle dimension and treat them as an integral part of a theatrical performance. The resulting products of both translation processes have different characteristics, since different translation strategies are employed for their creation. Theatre conventions and reception factors will inevitably call for the implementation of translation strategies different to the ones used during the production of literary translations. By taking those conventions and factors into account, drama translators can facilitate the integration of their target texts into a theatrical performance. Consequently, conventions of the Spanish theatrical system as well as reception factors were taken into account during the production of the Spanish translation of Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? so that it can be used in a theatrical performance of Albee's most famous play

    Entrevista al Dr. Alfredo Bullard González. "No se Puede Poner al Gato de Despensero": Falsos Dilemas entorno al Arbitraje Regulatorio

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    En la presente entrevista, el Dr. Bullard señala su posición respecto a la posibilidad de que la decisión de un organismo regulador pueda ser objeto de un arbitraje. En ese sentido, deja en claro que, contrariamente a lo afirmado por algunos organismos reguladores, ello es perfectamente posible conforme a lo establecido por nuestro ordenamiento, en el artículo 2° de la Ley de Arbitraje. Asimismo hace hincapié en que ello no podría ser de otra manera, toda vez que existe un deber estatal de proteger, promover e incentivar las inversiones

    Instrumentation system for location of partial discharges using acoustic detection with piezoelectric transducers and optical fiber sensors

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    In this paper, a multichannel instrumentation system for the location of partial discharges (PDs) in power transformers is presented. It is based on the detection of the acoustic emissions from PDs in oil with several piezoelectric (PZT) and fiber optic sensors. An acoustic detection and location approach is proposed based on a time reference given by one fiber optic sensor installed inside the tank and the times of arrival to several PZT sensors installed outside the tank (two in front of each phase windings of a three phase transformer for a typical application). The signal processing includes digital denoising techniques and time-difference lookup table-based 3-D location algorithms; these algorithms have been implemented with virtual instrumentation. The system is tested in an acoustic experimental setup and the location accuracy is evaluated. Finally, the error propagation from the times of arrival and the influence of the number of sensors and their sites in the 3-D location algorithm were analyzed.This work was supported in part by the Spanish National Ministry of Science and Innovation under the Project DPI 2009-14628-C03-01 and in part by the scholarship FPI under Grant BES-2010-04208

    Educación en Ingenierías: de las clases magistrales a la pedagogía del aprendizaje activo

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    In view of the needs of a changing world that demands the reinforcement of creative and innovative processes, engineering education becomes one of the most relevant issues for a nation pursuing its insertion and survival into knowledge society. In this respect, active learning methodologies are perceived as the most appropriate tools leading engineers to an educational environment that prepares them for the challenges faced by society. Our work is a review of the active learning methodologies frequently used by engineering colleges and their success like a sort of appropriate tools for inspiring motivation and creativity in student and teachers alike. Also, it finds that the implementation of active learning practices backed by technologies of information and communication has become in a recent source of good experiences and discoveries. The results of the implementation of some of them are presented.Ante las necesidades de un mundo cambiante que demanda el refuerzo de procesos creativos e innovadores, la formación de ingenieros se convierte en uno de los ejes estratégicos para una nación que quiera insertarse en la sociedad del conocimiento y potenciar su desarrollo. En este sentido, las metodologías activas de aprendizaje fungen como las herramientas más adecuadas para conducir al ingeniero de hoy a un entorno educativo que lo prepare para los retos que la sociedad actual enfrenta. Este trabajo es una revisión de literatura sobre las metodologías activas más comúnmente implementadas y su uso en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en ingenierías. Se encuentra que el uso de las metodologías activas y las TIC han resultado ser muy exitosas en la formación de ingenieros y se presentan resultados de la aplicación de algunas de ellas

    Narrativas periodísticas de paz en los siete territorios

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    Las emisoras comunitarias que hacen parte de esta investigación seleccionaron acontecimientos y construyeron a partir de ellos noticias que se publicaron durante el periodo electoral en los tiempos del posacuerdo. En los apartados que se presentan a continuación se va analizando el discurso de estos magazines por medio de lo que se organizó metodológicamente como los axiales y las familias —consúltese en detalle el primer capítulo de la segunda parte—, y cuyos resultados más generales se evidencian en los gráficos arrojados por Nvivo, donde se muestra el comportamiento recurrente y relevante de los hallazgos

    A shoreline-estimation system using remote radar sensing and image-processing techniques

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    This paper proposes a radar-based sensing system that estimates the coordinates for shorelines based on image-processing techniques. The proposed system provides shore estimations without appreciable loss of resolution and avoids the costs associated with bathymetries and/or satellite images. The system is comprised of a commercial radar, a GPS, and a heading sensor, which communicates to a central node that georeferences the radar measurements and runs the image-processing algorithms. A dedicated FPGA-based unit is implemented to interface with the radar internal signaling to extract and deliver the radar information. In the central node, a novel mathematical model is proposed for georefencing radar measurements to WSG-84 coordinates. A seam-carving-like algorithm is applied over the estimated coordinates to create a shoreline based on a probability heat map. The system performance is validated using official geographical information, showing that a continuous shoreline can be generated with a CEP of up to 6 m without incurring elevated costs.Este trabajo propone un sistema de detección basado en radar para calcular las orillas de un rio usando procesamiento de imágenes. El sistema estima orillas sin pérdida apreciable en resolución evitando costos asociados con batimetrías y/o imágenes satelitales. El sistema está compuesto por un radar comercial, un GPS, y un sensor de rumbo que se comunican a un nodo central que georrefencia las mediciones del radar y ejecuta los algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes. El hardware se basa en un FPGA para interactuar con la señalización interna del radar y extraer la información requerida. El nodo central implementa un novedoso modelo para georreferenciar las mediciones en coordenadas WSG-84. Posteriormente, un algoritmo de tipo “seam-carving” se aplica sobre las coordenadas estimadas para crear las orillas basándose en la probabilidad de la medición. El sistema se valida usando información oficial, y los resultados muestran un ECP de hasta 6 m

    Fiber Optic Sensor for Acoustic Detection of Partial Discharges in Oil-Paper Insulated Electrical Systems

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    A fiber optic interferometric sensor with an intrinsic transducer along a length of the fiber is presented for ultrasound measurements of the acoustic emission from partial discharges inside oil-filled power apparatus. The sensor is designed for high sensitivity measurements in a harsh electromagnetic field environment, with wide temperature changes and immersion in oil. It allows enough sensitivity for the application, for which the acoustic pressure is in the range of units of Pa at a frequency of 150 kHz. In addition, the accessibility to the sensing region is guaranteed by immune fiber-optic cables and the optical phase sensor output. The sensor design is a compact and rugged coil of fiber. In addition to a complete calibration, the in-situ results show that two types of partial discharges are measured through their acoustic emissions with the sensor immersed in oil