198 research outputs found

    La revista Ciencias Políticas y Sociales en los años cincuenta : un patrimonio textual orientado a la formación profesional = The magazine Ciencias Políticas y Sociales during the 1950's. : a textual heritage for professional development

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    1 archivo PDF (17 páginas). fhquadragintasexEn este ensayo se analiza la revista Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, que en su momento cumplió un importante papel en la creación de un acervo de conocimiento textual, dirigido a proveer de insumos cognitivos a los primeros científicos sociales formados en la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM. PALABRAS CLAVE: Revistas especializadas. Antecesores. Acervo de conocimiento textual. Intersubjetividad. Historia efectual This essay analyzes Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, a magazine that, in spite of being relatively obscure, played an important role in the development of a vast body of textual knowledge that proved instrumental to the first social scientists that trained at the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the UNAM. KEY WORDS: Specialized magazines. Predecessors. Vast body of textual knowledge. Inter-subjectivity. Effectual history

    La sociología, el pasado, el presente y su situación contemporánea

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas). fhtrigintasexEste trabajo presenta un trazo panorámico del proceso de constitución de la sociología como una disciplina empírica independiente, desde sus orígenes en el siglo XIX, hasta la actualidad. El propósito es ubicar las coordenadas intelectuales y disciplinarias en las que surge, las implicaciones cognitivas de los procesos de especialización que implicó su desarrollo, así como algunas de sus principales consecuencias en sus prácticas intelectuales. Finaliza con una breve referencia a las transformaciones más relevantes de esta disciplina en un contexto contemporáneo en el que se entrecruzan las tendencias globales con los condicionamientos locales e institucionales

    La institucionalización de la economía y de la sociología como disciplinas científicas modernas en México, 1928-1958: una reconstrucción historiográfica a través de sus revistas especializadas

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    288 páginas. Doctorado en Historiografía.El propósito de este trabajo es efectuar una comparación de los procesos de institucionalización temprana de la economía y de la sociología en México, tomando como fuente central sus principales revistas especializadas en el periodo que va de 1928 a 1959: la Revista Mexicana de Economía, El Trimestre Económico, Investigación Económica, la Revista Mexicana de Sociología y, por último, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Estas publicaciones tuvieron un importantísimo papel en la construcción de un patrimonio de conocimiento fijado textualmente como una condición indispensable para la formación de estas ciencias en México, junto con libros, colecciones, traducciones, así como planes y programas de estudio, folletos y reglamentos. Decidimos tomar estas revistas como base documental de este trabajo por constituir un universo textual que atraviesa varias décadas, por estar ligadas a liderazgos fuertes en la constitución de estas ciencias, por ser evidencia del tipo de intereses, proyectos, temas, conceptos, constantes y cambios dentro de la economía y de la sociología en sus etapas iniciales de institucionalización, por contener las colaboraciones de cientos de practicantes (nacionales y extranjeros) que conformaron las comunidades intelectuales que les dieron sostén, por permitir rastrear las transferencias internacionales de conocimiento que hicieron factible la articulación de una literatura especializada para la economía y la sociología y, asimismo, por ser mundos escriturarios comparables en los que era posible identificar continuidades, tensiones, rupturas. En suma, por conformar un mundo textual historiográficamente significativo, abarcable y susceptible de ser problematizado, interrogado y usado para, a través de él, conocer un estado de cosas extratextual: el horizonte temporal, la experiencia del tiempo, las prácticas, los intereses y la vinculación entre proyectos y resultados de aquéllos que nos precedieron en el cultivo de la economía y de la sociología en México

    The synzootic potential of common epidemics in chamois populations

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABSouthern chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) is a medium-sized and gregarious mountain ungulate with populations affected by periodic outbreaks of border disease virus (BD), infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC), and sarcoptic mange (SM). Even though the impact of each disease on chamois populations has been described in detail, there is a lack of information about the potential impact of concomitant epidemics and the synzootic potential (co-occurring enzootic or epizootic processes producing worse health outcomes in wildlife) on chamois populations. Furthermore, whether a specific order of apparition of epidemics is more or less harmful for the host population is practically unknown not only for chamois but also for most mammal populations. Using a population viability analysis (PVA), we studied the consequences of multiple disease outbreaks with synzootic potential on growth rates and probabilities of extinction of virtual populations exposed to hard winters, density dependence, and co-occurring BD, IKC, and SM outbreaks. Such infections are not under cross-immunity nor density-dependent processes and thus are supposed to affect population demography independently. Heavy snowfalls are also likely to occur in our simulated populations. Our simulations showed that a second outbreak, even caused by a low virulent pathogen, causes an increase in the probability of extinction of the host population with regard to the first outbreak. IKC-BD- and SM-BD-affected populations had a higher risk of becoming extinct in 50 years confirming the extra risk of multiple outbreaks on the viability of the affected populations

    Comment on: "The treatment of sarcoptic mange in wildlife: a systematic review"

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    This letter comments on the article "The treatment of sarcoptic mange in wildlife: a systematic review" published in Parasites & Vectors 2019, 12:99, and discusses the limitations in the use of endectocides for scabies control in free-ranging wildlife. The ecological impact and drug resistance to ivermectin are also discussed. In our view, scabies control in free-ranging wildlife should be based preferably on population management measures, and whether to apply individual treatments to free-ranging populations should be considered very carefully and avoided where not absolutely warranted. $x 1756-330

    Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis to predict diet composition of a mountain ungulate species

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    The diet composition of ungulates is important to understand not only their impact on vegetation, but also to understand the consequences of natural and human-driven environmental changes on the foraging behavior of these mammals. In this work, we evaluated the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis (NIRS), a quick, economic and non-destructive method, to assess the diet composition of the Pyrenean chamois Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica. Fecal samples (n = 192) were collected from two chamois populations in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. Diet composition was initially assessed by fecal cuticle microhistological analysis (CMA) and categorized into four functional groups, namely: woody, herbaceous, graminoid and Fabaceae plants. Regressions of modified partial least squares and several combinations of scattering correction and derivative treatments were tested. The results showed that models based on the second derivative processing obtained the higher determination coefficient for woody, herbaceous and graminoid plants (RCAL, coefficient of determination in calibration, ranged from 0.86 to 0.91). The Fabaceae group, however, was predicted with lower accuracy (RCAL = 0.71). Even though an agreement between NIRS and CMA methods was confirmed by a Bland-Altman analysis, confidence limits of agreement differed by up to 25%. Our results support the viability of fecal NIRS analysis to study spatial and temporal variations of the Pyrenean chamois' diets in summer and winter when differences in the consumption of woody and annual plants are the greatest. This new use for the NIRS technique would be useful to assess the consequences of global change on the feeding behavior of this mountain ungulate and also in other ungulate counterparts

    How sensitive and specific is the visual diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in free-ranging Iberian ibexes?

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    Background: Sarcoptic mange is a broadly distributed parasitic disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei that affects wild mammals from all over the world, including the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Selective culling of the scabietic individuals is the main management measure for disease control in Iberian ibex populations. Although visual identification of mange-compatible lesions is the reference method to decide the target individual, both false negative and positive cases are common in the wild. The aim of this work is to determine the sensitivity (SE), and the specificity (SP) of selective culling after evaluating 403 ibexes hunted in the Sierra Nevada Nature Space for sarcoptic mange control between 2002 and 2015. Methods: A combination of skin scrapings and potassium hidroxide (KOH) skin digestion was used for sarcoptic mange diagnosis. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to assess the effects of sex, age (juveniles and adults) and period of the year (wet and dry periods) on the SE and SP of the visual diagnosis method. Results: The SE obtained for the visual determination of scabietic ibexes was 87.14%, whereas the SP was 60.71%. According to our model selection, SE of the visual diagnosis was explained by the additive effects of age and the period of the year. In fact, SE was lower in juveniles (64.76%) than in adults (94.26%) and during the dry period (73.44%) as compared to the wet period (92.09%). On the other hand, SP was best explained by the GLM including the additive effects of sex and the period of the year. The visual diagnosis of sarcoptic mange resulted less specific in females (22.73%) than in males (74.19%) and during the wet (55.22%) than in the dry period (82.35%). Conclusions: Maximizing SE and SP is essential to achieving a high rate of removal of affected individuals from the environment without eliminating potentially resistant individuals. Selective culling must be conservative during the wet period and with females due to the lower SP. Conversely, visual diagnosis of scabietic juveniles and during the dry period has to be improved, due to the lower SE.This project was funded by the Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía (project 173/2009/M/00; 03/15/M/00; 861_11_M_00 and 2016/00014/M), and by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (projects CGL2012-40043-C02-01, CGL2012-40043-C02-02 and CGL2016-80543-P). The authors’ research activities are partially supported by the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (RNM-118 group). MV is supported by a FI-GENCAT Fellowship (2018FI_B_00978, co-financed by Agència de Gestió dʼAjuts Universitaris i de Recerca and European Social Fund) and ES by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) through a Ramon y Cajal agreement (RYC-2016-21120)

    Dieta cetogênica no câncer: a revisão da literatura

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    Cancer is a public health problem worldwide. The impact of diet on tumor growth and proliferation is an important area of research. Alterations inherent to glucose metabolism in cancer cells include increased glucose dependence and energy production from an anaerobic process. Decreasing the availability of dietary glucose in these cells emerges as a therapeutic alternative to improve the clinical course of cancer patients. The ketogenic diet mimics the metabolic effects of fasting by limiting the availability of glucose in the body. Therefore, it could be considered a viable alternative to improve the treatment and prognosis of cancer patientsEl cáncer es una problemática de salud pública en el ámbito mundial. El impacto e la dieta sobre el crecimiento y la proliferación tumoral es un área importante de investigación. Las alteraciones propias del metabolismo glucídico en las células con cáncer incluyen la elevación de la dependencia de glucosa y la generación de energía a partir de un proceso anaeróbico. La disminución de la disponibilidad de glucosa en estas células a partir de la dieta surge como alternativa terapéutica para mejorar el curso clínico de pacientes con cáncer. La dieta cetogénica mimetiza los efectos metabólicos del ayuno limitando la disponibilidad de glucosa en el cuerpo; y por lo tanto, podría ser considerada una alternativa viable para mejorar el tratamiento y pronóstico del cáncer.O câncer é um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. O impacto da dieta no crescimento e proliferação de tumores é uma área importante de investigação. As alterações características do metabolismo glicídico nas células cancerígenas incluem a elevação da dependência de glicose e a geração de energia a partir de um processo anaeróbico. Diminuir a disponibilidade de glicose nestas células a partir da dieta surge como uma alternativa terapêutica para melhorar o curso clínico de pacientes com câncer. A dieta cetogênica mimetiza os efeitos metabólicos do jejum, limitando a disponibilidade de glicose no organismo; e, portanto, pode ser uma alternativa viável para melhorar o tratamento e prognóstico do câncer