195 research outputs found

    Virus del papiloma humano y cáncer de cuello uterino ¿Vacunar o no vacunar?

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    In recent months there has circulated through multiple media: news, newspapers and the Internet is a growing movement against vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), claiming that the vaccine is ineffective, generates infertility and presents fatal adverse events , which has produced a massive panic that has led many parents hesitate about whether to allow vaccination of their daughters. I believe that to answer this question seriously need a review of the current evidence of the subject in general, including the benefits and risks of the vaccine.En los últimos meses ha circulado por múltiples medios de comunicación: noticieros, periódicos e internet un creciente movimiento en contra de la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH), alegando que la vacuna es poco efectiva, genera infertilidad y presenta eventos adversos fatales, lo cual ha producido un pánico masivo, que ha llevado a que muchos padres duden sobre si permitir o no la vacunación de sus hijas. Considero que para responder esta pregunta con seriedad es necesario realizar una revisión de la evidencia actual del tema en general, incluidos los beneficios y riesgos de la vacuna

    Human papilloma virus and cervical cancer. vaccinate or not?

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    En los últimos meses ha circulado por múltiples medios de comunicación: noticieros, periódicos e internet un creciente movimiento en contra de la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH), alegando que la vacuna es poco efectiva, genera infertilidad y presenta eventos adversos fatales, lo cual ha producido un pánico masivo, que ha llevado a que muchos padres duden sobre si permitir o no la vacunación de sus hijas. Considero que para responder esta pregunta con seriedad es necesario realizar una revisión de la evidencia actual del tema en general, incluidos los beneficios y riesgos de la vacuna.In recent months there has circulated through multiple media: news, newspapers and the Internet is a growing movement against vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), claiming that the vaccine is ineffective, generates infertility and presents fatal adverse events , which has produced a massive panic that has led many parents hesitate about whether to allow vaccination of their daughters. I believe that to answer this question seriously need a review of the current evidence of the subject in general, including the benefits and risks of the vaccine

    Solar multiple optimization of a DSG linear Fresnel power plant

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    Linear Fresnel power plants are currently one of the most promising concentrating solar power plants. However there are only a few commercial projects. These power plants have a lower efficiency than parabolic trough collector plants and are still expensive. To increase the efficiency of these plants, the utilization of water/steam in the receivers (direct steam generation, DSG) and thermal storage (TES) have been considered. As case study, a 50 MWe solar-only linear Fresnel power plant located in Seville, Spain is considered. The effects of the solar field size and the thermal storage size on the annual production of the plant are analyzed: Nine different solar field sizes and up to eight thermal storage sizes have been compared. An economic optimization is presented in order to determine which plant has lowest Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE). It has been found that for the power plants with no-storage the optimum solar multiple (SM) is 1.7, whereas for the cases with thermal storage, the optimum configuration is a larger solar field (SM = 2), with a thermal storage of 2 h

    Hallazgos histopatológicos y malignidad de masas suprarrenales en un centro de patología y citología en Bucaramanga, Santander entre 2007 y 2019

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     Introduction Masses found in the adrenal gland can be classified according to their origin, behavior, location, function and manner of diagnosis. In Colombia there are insufficient data describing the frequency and main histopathological characteristics of these lesions. The aim of this manuscript is to describe the main histopathological findings and malignancy of adrenal masses in a medical center specialized in pathology in Bucaramanga, Santander. Methodology. Descriptive and retrospective study. Pathologies of patients of all ages with histopathologic alterations in the adrenal gland were reviewed in a medical center in Bucaramanga, Santander. Results. Seventy-nine adrenal pathologies were reviewed, of which 39 showed adrenal gland lesions. The most frequent lesion found was metastasis (28.2 %), and the most frequent location of the lesion was in the right gland (62.1 %). Conclusion. It is essential that prospective studies be carried out to obtain epidemiological data in order to generate local data.Introducción. Las masas encontradas en la glándula suprarrenal pueden clasificarse de acuerdo con su origen, comportamiento, localización, función y forma de diagnóstico. En Colombia no existen datos suficientes que describan la frecuencia y las principales características histopatológicas de dichas lesiones. El objetivo del presente manuscrito es describir los principales hallazgos histopatológicos y la malignidad de las masas suprarrenales en un centro médico especializado en patología de Bucaramanga, Santander. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se revisaron patologías de pacientes de todas las edades con alteraciones histopatológicas en la glándula suprarrenal, en un centro médico de Bucaramanga, Santander. Resultados. Se revisaron 79 patologías suprarrenales de las cuales 39 presentaron lesión a nivel de la glándula suprarrenal, la lesión más frecuente encontrada fue la metástasis (28.2%), y la localización de lesión más frecuente se evidenció en la glándula derecha (62.1%). Conclusión. Es fundamental que se realicen estudios prospectivos que permitan obtener datos epidemiológicos con el fin de generar datos locales

    A self-scalable distributed network simulation environment based on cloud computing

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    Producción CientíficaWhile parameter sweep simulations can help undergraduate students and researchers to understand computer networks, their usage in the academia is hindered by the significant computational load they convey. This paper proposes DNSE3, a service oriented computer network simulator that, deployed in a cloud computing infrastructure, leverages its elasticity and pay-per-use features to compute parameter sweeps. The performance and cost of using this application is evaluated in several experiments applying different scalability policies, with results that meet the demands of users in educational institutions. Additionally, the usability of the application has been measured following industry standards with real students, yielding a very satisfactory user experience.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R and TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16

    Intentos para perder peso en una población con sobrepeso y obesidad referida a un centro de endocrinología en Colombia

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    Introduction. Excess weight is a prevailing condition in Colombia. This leads to many weight loss attempts, many self-managed and with risks, being a frequent reason for consulting primary and specialized healthcare. Methodology. Cross-sectional study with secondary data from the endocrinology consultation of patients who made the appointment due to a perceived increase in weight. Eighteen conventional and popular ways of losing weight, their duration, the weight lost and the subsequent regained weight were investigated. Results. One hundred people were included, 79% women with an average age of 41.1 years, a body mass index of 32.9 ± 4.6 kg/m2 and a waist circumference of 102.7 ± 12.5 cm. Each person reported an average of four to five attempts to lose weight before consulting the endocrinologist, with a median history of being overweight of ten years. All of the attempts achieved some weight loss with subsequent regain of the total weight lost, except when using liraglutide. A significant association was not found between the anthropometric variables and the number of weight loss attempts. Discussion. The weight loss methods most used by the assessed population are ones that are not approved or that lack strong scientific evidence. Conclusions. Overweight or obese patients make multiple failed attempts to lose weight before consulting a specialist physician. Regain of the lost weight is frequent, regardless of the method used.Introducción. El exceso de peso es una condición prevalente en Colombia. Esto conlleva a realizar múltiples intentos para perder peso, muchos autodirigidos y con riesgos, siendo un motivo de consulta frecuente en atención médica primaria y especializada. Metodología. Estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios de la consulta de endocrinología de pacientes que consultaron por percepción de aumento de peso. Se indagó por 18 métodos convencionales y populares para perder peso, su duración, peso perdido y posterior re ganancia. Resultados. Se incluyeron 100 personas, 79% mujeres, con un promedio de edad de 41.1 años, índice de masa corporal de 32.9 ± 4.6 kg/m2 y perímetro abdominal de 102.7 ± 12.5 cm. En promedio se registraron entre 4 y 5 intentos para perder peso por persona antes de consultar al endocrinólogo, con una mediana de historia de exceso de peso de 10 años. Todos los intentos lograron alguna pérdida con posterior reganancia del total del peso perdido, excepto liraglutida. No se encontró asociación significativa entre variables antropométricas y el número de intentos para perder peso. Discusión. Los intentos de pérdida de peso más empleados por la población evaluadas son los que no están aprobados o carecen de evidencia científica robusta. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad realizan múltiples intentos fallidos para perder peso antes de consultar al médico especialista. La reganancia es muy frecuente, independientemente del tipo de intento. &nbsp

    Comportamiento del dengue no grave en los últimos cuatro años en Santander, Colombia

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    Introduction: Transmission and incidence of dengue virus have greatly increased during the last three decades which is the reason why it is currently considered the most emergent infectious disease that causes morbidity and mortality around the world. Objective: Observe simple dengue behavior in the last four years in Santander, Colombia. Method: An analytical study based on secondary data of simple dengue in Santander was performed between the years 2007 and 2015. The weekly epidemiological incidence was calculated and endemic channels between the years of 2012 and 2015 were built using logarithm base 10 with geometric mean and confidence intervals of 95%. The investigation was classified as non-risky according to Law 8430 of 1993, Republic of Colombia. Results: The National Service of Public Health Surveillance (SIVIGILA) reported 26.849 cases of simple dengue in Santander between the years of 2007 and 2015. The cutoff points (success, security, risk, and epidemic) vary in different zones, with significant statistically differences of 4.2 (in 2007), 2.9 (in 2010), and 8.1 (between 2013 and 2014) for each 100.000 inhabitants. Conclusions: The endemic channels of dengue must be taken into account as well as the impact of calculated incidence for monitoring the disease. According to the secular trend, every 3 to 4 years, there is a peak incidence. It is possible that in 2016 a new and bigger peak incidence of dengue will take place in Santander. It is therefore necessary to consider strategies and immediate measures to control this disease. [Serrano-Gómez SE, De-Montijo C, Rey-Serrano JJ. Behavior of simple dengue during the last four years in Santander, Colombia. MedUNAB 2015; 18(2):107-115]Introducción: La transmisión e incidencia del virus del dengue ha aumentado de manera importante en las tres últimas décadas, por lo cual se considera actualmente la enfermedad infecciosa re-emergente que genera mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Objetivo: Observar el comportamiento del dengue no complicado en los últimos cuatro años en Santander, Colombia. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio analítico con datos secundarios de dengue no complicado en Santander, entre el año 2007 y el 2015. Se calculó la incidencia por semana epidemiológica y se construyeron canales endémicos de los años 2012 al 2015 mediante logaritmo en base 10, con media geométrica e intervalos de confianza del 95%. La investigación se clasificó como sin riesgo según la Ley 8430 de 1993 de la República de Colombia. Resultados: El Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública (SIVIGILA) reportó 26,849 casos de dengue no grave en Santander entre el año 2007 y el 2015. Los puntos de corte (éxito, seguridad, riesgo y epidemia) varían para las diferentes zonas, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas con picos de incidencia de 4.2 (en el 2007), 2.9 (en el año 2010), 8.1 (entre el 2013 y 2014) por cada 100,000 habitantes. Conclusiones: Los canales endémicos de dengue se deben tener en cuenta junto con el impacto de la incidencia calculada para monitoreo de la enfermedad. Según la tendencia secular cada 3 a 4 años se presenta un pico de incidencia, por lo que es probable que en el 2016 se presente un nuevo pico de dengue incluso mayor a los registrados hasta el momento en Santander. Se requieren estrategias medidas e inmediatas para el control de la enfermedad. [Serrano-Gómez SE, De-Montijo C, Rey-Serrano JJ. Comportamiento del dengue no grave en los últimos cuatro años en Santander, Colombia. MedUNAB 2015; 18 (2): 107-115

    O comportamento da dengue não é grave nos últimos quatro anos, em Santander, Colômbia

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    La transmisión e incidencia del virus del dengue ha aumentado de manera importante en las tres últimas décadas, por lo cual se considera actualmente la enfermedad infecciosa re-emergente que genera mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Objetivo: Observar el comportamiento del dengue no complicado en los últimos cuatro años en Santander, Colombia. MetodologÍa: Se realizó un estudio analÍtico con datos secundarios de dengue no complicado en Santander, entre el año 2007 y el 2015. Se calculó la incidencia por semana epidemiológica y se construyeron canales endémicos de los años 2012 al 2015 mediante logaritmo en base 10, con media geométrica e intervalos de confianza del 95%. La investigación se clasificó como sin riesgo según la Ley 8430 de 1993 de la República de Colombia. Resultados: El Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública (SIVIGILA) reportó 26,849 casos de dengue no grave en Santander entre el año 2007 y el 2015. Los puntos de corte (éxito, seguridad, riesgo y epidemia) varÍan para las diferentes zonas, con diferencias estadÍsticamente significativas con picos de incidencia de 4.2 (en el 2007), 2.9 (en el año 2010), 8.1 (entre el 2013 y 2014) por cada 100,000 habitantes. Conclusiones: Los canales endémicos de dengue se deben tener en cuenta junto con el impacto de la incidencia calculada para monitoreo de la enfermedad. Según la tendencia secular cada 3 a 4 años se presenta un pico de incidencia, por lo que es probable que en el 2016 se presente un nuevo pico de dengue incluso mayor a los registrados hasta el momento en Santander. Se requieren estrategias medidas e inmediatas para el control de la enfermedad. [Serrano-Gómez SE, De-Montijo C, Rey-Serrano JJ. Comportamiento del dengue no grave en los últimos cuatro años en Santander, Colombia. MedUNAB 2015; 18 (2): 107-115]Transmission and incidence of dengue virus have greatly increased during the last three decades which is the reason why it is currently considered the most emergent infectious disease that causes morbidity and mortality around the world. Objective: Observe simple dengue behavior in the last four years in Santander, Colombia. Method: An analytical study based on secondary data of simple dengue in Santander was performed between the years 2007 and 2015. The weekly epidemiological incidence was calculated and endemic channels between the years of 2012 and 2015 were built using logarithm base 10 with geometric mean and confidence intervals of 95%. The investigation was classified as non-risky according to Law 8430 of 1993, Republic of Colombia. Results: The National Service of Public Health Surveillance (SIVIGILA) reported 26.849 cases of simple dengue in Santander between the years of 2007 and 2015. The cutoff points (success, security, risk, and epidemic) vary in different zones, with significant statistically differences of 4.2 (in 2007), 2.9 (in 2010), and 8.1 (between 2013 and 2014) for each 100.000 inhabitants. Conclusions: The endemic channels of dengue must be taken into account as well as the impact of calculated incidence for monitoring the disease. According to the secular trend, every 3 to 4 years, there is a peak incidence. It is possible that in 2016 a new and bigger peak incidence of dengue will take place in Santander. It is therefore necessary to consider strategies and immediate measures to control this disease. [Serrano-Gómez SE, De-Montijo C, Rey-Serrano JJ. Behavior of simple dengue during the last four years in Santander, Colombia. MedUNAB 2015; 18(2):107-115

    Towards the Enactment of Learning Situations Connecting Formal and Non-Formal Learning in SLEs

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    Producción CientíficaSmart Learning Environments hold promise of adapting learning processes to the individual context of students and connecting formal with non-formal learning. To do so, SLEs need to know the current context of the students, regardless of the physical or virtual space where learning takes place. This paper presents an architecture that assists in the deployment and enactment of learning situations across-spaces, able to sense and react to changes in the students’ context in order to adapt the learning process.ICSLE 2019: International Conference on Smart Learning EnvironmentsAgencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R / TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R)Comisión Europea (project 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA

    Credibility to attract, trust to stay: the mediating role of trust in improving brand congruence in sports services

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    This research aims to demonstrate the mediating role of brand trust in the relationship between credibility and users' congruence with a sports services brand. The analysis was carried out using EQS 6.3 to perform the four required steps of the analysis (and the Sobel test was conducted for a public sports service and a private sports service. The results confirm the full mediation effect of brand trust in the case of the private service and a partial mediation for the public service. Therefore, this study confirms that credibility, in the presence of trust, ceases to have an influence on the congruence of users with the brand, which suggests that credibility is important at an initial stage to attract the user, but at more advanced stages, trust must be developed to ensure that users are more congruent with the brand and can, therefore, be identified with it and be more loyal