14 research outputs found

    Els "Scolopendrinae" i els "Theatopsinae" "(Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha)" de la península ibèrica

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    In the present work the geographic distribution of Scolopendra cingulata, Scolopendra canidens oraniensis and Theatops erythrocephala for the Iberian Peninsula is given. The mentioned localities belong to the records that we have found in different papers published up to now and to the studied specimens of our collections

    Contribució al coneixement d'algunes subespècies de "Lithobius pilicornis" Newport "(Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)"

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    In his fauna of France, Brolemann (1930) gave a complete description of Lithobius pilicornis including the characteristics that permited to distinguish the subspecies L. pilicornis doriae and L. pilicornis hexodus. These differential characteristics were the projections of the posterior angles of tergites 9, 11 and 13, the number of antennary articles and the number of teeth of the forcipular coxosternite. The works of subsequent authors, such as Eason (1964, 1972, 1973) and Matic (1959, 1968), began to demonstrate that those characteristics were very variable and that it was not possible to decide if an individual would belong to the typical form or to the subspecies doriae. The study of a large number of specimens (210 h h and 178 d d, collected in 57 localities of a total of more than 400 prospected in the Iberian Peninsula) has permitted us to make evident the variability of -those characteristics used by Brolemann and for that reason we think that L. pilicornis doriae should be disregarded. Concerning L. Pilicornis hexodus, owing to the lack of specimens, we prefer not to give an opinion for the moment. In the second part of the work, we describe a new subspecies, Lithobius pilicornis luridus ssp.nov., which comes from the caves of GuipĂşzcoa and Navarra (northern Spain), and show the existence of an ecological separation with the typical form and for that reason they can be considered as allopatric. The principal characteristics which distinguish the new subspecies from the typical form are the following: reduced ocellary area; small and unpigmented ocelli, in number of 3 to 9, which are arranged in two irregular rows. Organ of Tomosvary quite big, bigger than the biggest of the ocelli. Antennae long, with the articles much longer than broad. Slender shape, with narrow and elongated tergites

    La Subspeciació al gènere Lithobius (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha)

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    Heteropteran type specimens (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) in the Jordi Ribes’ collection, deposited in the Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal

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    Aquesta publicació correspon al catàleg dels 45 tàxons descrits per en Jordi Ribes i dels 152 tàxons amb exemplars tipus d’espècies descrites per altres autors. Tots aquests exemplars i el conjunt de la Col·lecció J. Ribes, formada per un total de 27.851 exemplars que pertanyen a 2.990 espècies i subespècies, estan dipositats al CRBA

    Contribució al coneixement d'algunes subespècies de "Lithobius pilicornis" Newport "(Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)"

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    In his fauna of France, Brolemann (1930) gave a complete description of Lithobius pilicornis including the characteristics that permited to distinguish the subspecies L. pilicornis doriae and L. pilicornis hexodus. These differential characteristics were the projections of the posterior angles of tergites 9, 11 and 13, the number of antennary articles and the number of teeth of the forcipular coxosternite. The works of subsequent authors, such as Eason (1964, 1972, 1973) and Matic (1959, 1968), began to demonstrate that those characteristics were very variable and that it was not possible to decide if an individual would belong to the typical form or to the subspecies doriae. The study of a large number of specimens (210 h h and 178 d d, collected in 57 localities of a total of more than 400 prospected in the Iberian Peninsula) has permitted us to make evident the variability of -those characteristics used by Brolemann and for that reason we think that L. pilicornis doriae should be disregarded. Concerning L. Pilicornis hexodus, owing to the lack of specimens, we prefer not to give an opinion for the moment. In the second part of the work, we describe a new subspecies, Lithobius pilicornis luridus ssp.nov., which comes from the caves of GuipĂşzcoa and Navarra (northern Spain), and show the existence of an ecological separation with the typical form and for that reason they can be considered as allopatric. The principal characteristics which distinguish the new subspecies from the typical form are the following: reduced ocellary area; small and unpigmented ocelli, in number of 3 to 9, which are arranged in two irregular rows. Organ of Tomosvary quite big, bigger than the biggest of the ocelli. Antennae long, with the articles much longer than broad. Slender shape, with narrow and elongated tergites

    Els "Scolopendrinae" i els "Theatopsinae" "(Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha)" de la península ibèrica

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    In the present work the geographic distribution of Scolopendra cingulata, Scolopendra canidens oraniensis and Theatops erythrocephala for the Iberian Peninsula is given. The mentioned localities belong to the records that we have found in different papers published up to now and to the studied specimens of our collections

    Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Version 1

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    Versió 1, juny 2010Podeu consultar la Versió 2 de Juliol de 2020 a: http://[cat] El document que segueix és la llista o “checklist”, en terminologia anglosaxona, dels heteròpters de Catalunya, ordenats taxonòmicament d’acord amb les darreres publicacions. En general, els tàxons estan citats al catàleg (J. Ribes et al., 2004), però quan consten a les addicions (J. Ribes et al., 2008), s’hi ha posat un asterisc (*). Les espècies que per oblit no s’havien posat en cap d’aquestes dues publicacions, o que s’han esmentat de Catalunya després de les addicions, van acompanyades de la referència bibliogràfica. Fins a gènere, l’ordre és taxonòmic, però els subgèneres, les espècies i les subespècies segueixen l’ordre alfabètic. El nombre d’espècies i subespècies és de 1064.[eng] The document that follows is a checklist of the Heteroptera of Catalonia, taxonomically sorted according to the latest publications. In general, the taxa are cited in the catalogue (J. Ribes et al., 2004), but when reflected in the addenda (J. Ribes et al., 2008), they have an asterisk (*).The species neglected in boh these publications or that have been mentioned in Catalonia after them are accompanied by the bibliographic reference. Until genus taxa are taxonomically ordered, but the subgenera, species and subspecies are alphabetically ordered. Total number of species and subspecies is 1064

    Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Version 1

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    Censuses of vertebrates in a Brazilian Atlantic rainforest area : the Paranapiacaba fragment

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    L'any 1998, en col·laboració amb la Fundaçao Florestal de Sao Paulo, es va dur a terme una expedició a la Mata Atlàntica de Brasil amb la finalitat de fer una avaluació de les densitats de poblacions de rèptils, aus i mamífers de la zona. La Mata Atlàntica és un "punt calent" de biodiversitat. El procés de deforestació que va patir al llarg del segle XVII la va deixar reduïda a milers de fragments aïllats separats per pastures, carreteres i ciutats. Editat per E. Mateos, J.C. Guix, A. Serra i K. Pisciotta, el llibre és un recull d'articles científics que resumeixen censos i inventaris de vàries espècies amenaçades de vertebrats que viuen en una de les àrees més ben preservades de la Mata: el fragment de Paranapiacaba