836 research outputs found

    A stochastic model of catalytic reaction networks in protocells

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    Protocells are supposed to have played a key role in the self-organizing processes leading to the emergence of life. Existing models either (i) describe protocell architecture and dynamics, given the existence of sets of collectively self-replicating molecules for granted, or (ii) describe the emergence of the aforementioned sets from an ensemble of random molecules in a simple experimental setting (e.g. a closed system or a steady-state flow reactor) that does not properly describe a protocell. In this paper we present a model that goes beyond these limitations by describing the dynamics of sets of replicating molecules within a lipid vesicle. We adopt the simplest possible protocell architecture, by considering a semi-permeable membrane that selects the molecular types that are allowed to enter or exit the protocell and by assuming that the reactions take place in the aqueous phase in the internal compartment. As a first approximation, we ignore the protocell growth and division dynamics. The behavior of catalytic reaction networks is then simulated by means of a stochastic model that accounts for the creation and the extinction of species and reactions. While this is not yet an exhaustive protocell model, it already provides clues regarding some processes that are relevant for understanding the conditions that can enable a population of protocells to undergo evolution and selection.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    An Architecture for Declarative Real-Time Scheduling on Linux

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    This paper proposes a novel framework and programming model for real-time applications supporting a declarative access to real-time CPU scheduling features that are available on an operating system. The core idea is to let applications declare their temporal characteristics and/or requirements on the CPU allocation, where, for example, some of them may require real-time POSIX priorities, whilst others might need resource reservations through SCHED_DEADLINE. The framework can properly handle such a set of heterogeneous requirements configuring an underlying multi-core platform so to exploit the various scheduling disciplines that are available in the kernel, matching applications requirements. The framework is realized as a modular architecture in which different plugins handle independently certain real-time scheduling features within the underlying kernel, easing the customization of its behavior to support other schedulers or operating systems by adding further plugins

    Shape-Memory Polymers in Dentistry: Systematic Review and Patent Landscape Report

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    To perform a systematic review (SR) of existing literature and a patent landscape report (PLR) regarding the potential applications of shape-memory polymers (SMPs) in dentistry

    Diagnosis Of Alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency By Dna Analysis Of Children With Liver Disease

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    Background - Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a genetic disorder which is transmitted in a co-dominant, autosomal form. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency affects mainly the lungs and the liver leading, in the latter case, to neonatal cholestasis, chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. A precise diagnosis of Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency may be obtained by biochemical or molecular analysis. Objective - The purpose of this study was to use DNA analysis to examine the presence of an alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency in 12 children suspected of having this deficiency and who showed laboratory and clinical characteristics of the disease. Patients and Methods - Twelve patients, aged 3 months to 19 years, who had serum alpha-1-antitrypsin levels lower than normal and/or had hepatic disease of undefined etiology were studied. The mutant alleles S and Z of the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene were investigated in the 12 children. Alpha-1-antitrypsin gene organization was analyzed by amplification of genoma through the polymerase chain reaction and digestion with the restriction enzymes Xmnl (S allele) and Taq 1 (Z allele). Results - Seven of the 12 patients had chronic liver disease of undefined etiology and the other five patients had low serum levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin as well as a diagnosis of neonatal cholestasis and/or chronic liver disease of undefined etiology. Five of the 12 patients were homozygous for the Z allele (ZZ) and two had the S allele with another allele (*S) different from Z. Conclusion - These results show that alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is relatively frequent in children with chronic hepatic disease of undefined etiology and/or low alpha-1-antitrypsin levels (41.6%). A correct diagnosis is important for effective clinical follow-up and for genetic counseling.3816368Alagille, D., Cholestasis in the first three months of life (1979) Prog Liver Dis, 6, pp. 471-485Andresen, B.S., Knudsen, I., Jensen, P.K.A., Gregersen, N., Two novel nonradioactive polymerase chain reaction-based assays of dried blood spots, genomic DNA, or whole cells for fast, reliable detection of Z and S mutations in the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene (1992) Clin Chem, 38, pp. 2100-2107Balistreri, W.F., Schubert, W.K., Liver disease in infancy and childhood (1993) Diseases of the Liver. 7.ed., pp. 1099-1203. , Schiff L, Schiff ER, editors. Philadelphia: LippincottBillingsley, G.D., Cox, D.W., Functional assessment of genetic variants of alpha 1-antitrypsin (1982) Hum Genet, 61, pp. 118-122Brantly, M., Nukiwa, T., Crystal, R.G., Molecular basis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (1988) Am J Med, 84, pp. 13-31Carlson, J.A., Rogers, R.B., Sifers, R., Acumulation of PiZ alpha 1-antitrypsin causes liver damage in transgenic mice (1989) J Clin Invest, 83, pp. 1183-1190Carrel, R.W., Alpha 1-antitrypsin: Molecular pathology, leukocytes and tissue damage (1986) J Clin Invest, 78, pp. 1427-1431Cox, D.W., Woo, S.L., Mansfield, T., DNA restriction fragments associated with alpha 1-antitrypsin indicate a single origin for deficiency allele PI Z (1985) Nature, 316, pp. 79-81Crystal, R.G., Brantly, M.L., Hubbard, R.C., Curiel, D.T., States, D.J., Holmes, M.D., The alpha 1-antitrypsin gene and its mutations. Clinical consequences and strategies for therapy (1989) Chest, 95, pp. 196-208Crystal, R.G., Ferrans, V.J., Basset, F., Biologic basis of pulmonary fibrosis (1991) The Lung: Scientific Foundations, pp. 2031-2046. , Crystal RG, West JB, Barnes PJ, Cherniack S, editors. New YorkRaven PressCuriel, D., Brantly, M., Curiel, E., Crystal, R.G., Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency caused by the alpha-1-antitrypsin Nullmattawa gene. An insertion mutation rendering the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene incapable of producing alpha-1-antitrypsin (1989) J Clin Invest, 83, pp. 1144-1152Dermer, S.J., Johnson, E.M., Rapid DNA analysis of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency: Application of an improved method for amplifying mutated gene sequence (1988) Lab Invest, 59, pp. 403-408Deutsch, J., Becker, H., Auböck, L., Histopathological features of liver disease in alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (1994) Acta Paediatr, 393 (SUPPL.), pp. 8-12Dubel, J.R., Finwick, R., Hejtmancik, J.F., Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the alpha 1-antitrypsin gene: Application to prenatal diagnosis (1991) Am J Med Genet, 41, pp. 39-43Evans, H.E., Levi, M., Mandl, I., Serum enzyme inhibitor concentrations in the respiratory distress syndrome (1970) Am Rev Resp Dis, 101, pp. 359-363Fagerhol, M.K., Cox, D.W., The PI polimorphism: Genetic, biochemical and clinical aspects of human alpha-1-antitrypsin (1981) Human Genetic, pp. 1-62. , Harris H, Hirchorn, K, editors. New York: PlenumGartner, J.C., Zitelli, B.J., Malatak, J.J., Shaw, B.W., Iwatsuki, S., Starzl, T.E., Orthotopic liver transplantation in children: Two-year experience with 47 patients (1984) Pediatrics, 74, pp. 140-145Ishak, K.G., Hepatic morphology in inherited metabolic diseases (1986) Sem Liver Dis, 6, pp. 246-258Jeppsson, J.O., Laurell, C.B., Fagerhol, M.K., Properties of isolated alpha-1-antitrypsin of Pi types M, S and Z (1978) Eur J Biochem, 83, pp. 143-153Lai, E.C., Kao, F.T., Law, M.L., Woo, S.L., Assignment of the alpha 1-antitrypsin gene and a sequence-related gene to human chromossome 14 by molecular hybridization (1983) Am J Hum Genet, 35, pp. 385-392Laurell, C.B., Eriksson, S., The electrophoretic alpha-1-globulin pattern of serum in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (1963) Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 15, pp. 132-140Laurell, C.B., Kullander, S., Thorell, J., Effect of administration of a combined strogen-progestin contraceptive on the level of individual plasma proteins (1968) Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 21, pp. 337-343Massi, G., Chiarelli, C., Alpha 1-antitrypsin: Molecular and the Pi system (1994) Acta Paediatr, 393 (SUPPL.), pp. 1-4Mowat, A.P., Avaliação laboratorial das afecções hepatobiliares (1991) Doenças Hepáticas Em Pediatria. 2.ed., pp. 410-430. , Mowat AP. Rio de Janeiro: RevinterNukiwa, T., Brantly, M., Ogushi, F., Crystal, R.G., Characterization of the M1(ala 213) type of alpha-1-antitrypsin, a newly recognized common "normal" alpha-1-antitrypsin haplotype (1987) Biochemistry, 26, pp. 5259-5267Okayama, H., Curiel, D.T., Brantly, M.L., Holmes, M.D., Crystal, R.G., Rapid nonradioactive detection of mutations in the human genome by allele-specific amplification (1989) J Lab Clin Med, 114, pp. 105-113Perlmutter, D.H., The cellular basis for liver injury in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (1991) Hepatology, 13, pp. 172-185Perlmutter, D.H., Clinical manifestations of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (1995) Gastroenterol Clin North Am, 24, pp. 27-43Schroeder, W.T., Miller, M.F., Woo, S.L., Saunders, G.F., Chromosomal localization of the human alpha 1-antitrypsin gene (PI) to 14q31-32 (1985) Am J Hum Genet, 37, pp. 868-872Serra, H.G., (1998) Identificação Molecular Dos Alelos S e Z Do Gene Da Alfa-1-antitripsina Em Um Grupo de Pacientes Portadores de Doença Pulmonar Crônica [tese de Doutorado], , Campinas, SP: Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Estadual de CampinasSilverman, E.K., Miletich, J.P., Pierce, J.A., Sherman, L.A., Endicott, S.K., Broze, G.J., Campbell, E.J., Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. High prevalence in the St. Louis area determined by direct population screening (1989) Am Rev Respir Dis, 140, pp. 961-966Sveger, T., Liver disease in alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency detected by screening of 200,000 infants (1976) N Engl J Med, 294, pp. 1316-1321Sveger, T., The natural history of liver disease in alpha 1-antitrypsin deficient children (1988) Acta Paediatr Scand, 77, pp. 847-851Sveger, T., Ericksson, S., The liver in adolescents with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (1995) Hepatology, 22, pp. 514-517Talbot, I.C., Mowat, A.P., Liver disease in infancy. Histological features and relationship to alpha 1-antitrypsin phenotype (1975) J Clin Pathol, 28, pp. 559-563Travis, J., Salvesen, G.S., Human plasma proteinase inhibitors (1983) Annu Rev Biochem, 52, pp. 655-709Van Steenbergen, W., Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency: An overview (1993) Acta Clin Belg, 48 (3), pp. 171-189Wewers, M.D., Casolaro, M.A., Sellers, S.E., Swayze, S.C., McPhaul, K.M., Wittes, J.T., Crystal, R.G., Replacement therapy deficiency associated with emphysema (1987) N Engl J Med, 316, pp. 1055-1062Woodhead, J.L., Fallon, R., Figuered, H., Longdale, J., Malcom, A.D.B., Alternative methodology of gene diagnosis (1986) Human Genetic Diseases - a Pratical Approach, pp. 51-64. , Davies KE, editor. Oxford: IRL Pres

    Changes in body composition and psychological profile when overcoming four Everesting bike challenges

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    Problem Statement: During ultra-endurance races, given the long duration of the competitions, athletes can experience variations in body composition and moods. These elements can greatly affect the athlete's performance. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of an ultra-endurance race (4 consecutive Everesting Bike Challenges) on the body composition and moods of an adult athlete. Material and Methods: A well-trained amateur cyclist (male; 46 years; 64 kg; 1.69 cm; BMI 22.4 kg/m2) was monitored during the 4 Everesting Bike Challenges. This test is an ultra-endurance challenge that involves overcoming 8848 meters by climbing a single peak several times. The changes in body composition and hydration, calculated by bio-impedentiometry, and the changes in moods, obtained by administering the Profile of Mood States (POMS), in addition to Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and Visual Analogic Scale, were measured at the beginning, during or at the end of each Everesting passed. Results: The resting heart rate was 42 beats per minute. The estimated theoretical maximal heart rate was 174 bpm. The monitored athlete overcame the 4 Everesting Bike Challenges covering a total of 904.79 km. The time taken to complete the race was 113 hours and 18 minutes. The total height difference exceeded was 35395 m. During the race the athlete pedaled with an average heart rate of 97 bpm. Body mass dropped from 64.0 to 63.1 kg between the start and end of the test. Wide variations in the athlete's Vigor (T0=16:T5=6), fatigue (T0=0:T5=6) and Sleep quality (T0=100:T5= ≈0) were found during the competition. Regarding the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale, the results obtained indicate a medium-low value (RP=3). Conclusion: The results of this study showed negligible reduction in body mass in the athlete who performed an ultra-endurance challenge. During and at the end of the climbing challenge, a significant reduction in Vigor and an important increase in Fatigue levels was highlighted, as well as a very evident reduction in Sleep quality. From the analysis of the RPE scale, medium-low values emerge at the end of each EB

    Transcriptome Adaptation of the Ovine Mammary Gland to Dietary Supplementation of Extruded Linseed

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    Several dietary strategies were adopted to reduce saturated fatty acids and increase beneficial fatty acids (FA) for human health. Few studies are available about the pathways/genes involved in these processes. Illumina RNA-sequencing was used to investigate changes in the ovine mammary gland transcriptome following supplemental feeding with 20% extruded linseed. Comisana ewes in mid-lactation were fed a control diet for 28 days (control period) followed by supplementation with 20% DM of linseed panel for 28 days (treatment period). Milk production was decreased by 30.46% with linseed supplementation. Moreover, a significant reduction in fat, protein and lactose secretion was also observed. Several unsaturated FAs were increased while short and medium chain saturated FAs were decreased by linseed treatment. Around four thousand (1795 up- and 2133 down-regulated) genes were significantly differentially regulated by linseed supplementation. The main pathways affected by linseed supplementation were those involved in the energy balance of the mammary gland. Principally, the mammary gland of fed linseed sheep showed a reduced abundance of transcripts related to the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates and oxidative phosphorylation. Our study suggests that the observed decrease in milk saturated FA was correlated to down-regulation of genes in the lipid synthesis and lipid metabolism pathways

    A rare case of acute abdomen in the adult: The intestinal duplication cyst. case report and review of the literature

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    Introduction: Duplications of the gastrointestinal tract are rare congenital anomalies that can occur anywhere throughout the gastrointestinal tract. The reported incidence is 1/4500, and more than 80% occurs before the age of two as an acute abdomen or bowel obstruction. The most common site is Ileum (60%), while the colonic localisation is reported between 4 and 18%. Presentation of the case: Herein we report the case of a 35-year-old man, presented at the Emergency Department with fever and localised abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa. Preoperative abdominal ultrasound and CT scan showed a cystic mass of 44 × 43 × 70 mm adjoining the posterior wall of the right colon. He underwent explorative laparoscopy, laparotomy conversion, right hemicolectomy with an intra-operative diagnosis of colonic duplication cyst, confirmed by histology. Discussion: The review of the literature showed as the intestinal duplication cysts are rare congenital anomalies. The clinical presentation is variable and depends on the site and the related complications. A surgical approach based on the resection of the involved bowel tract is the treatment associated with the best long-term outcomes. Conclusion: It is important to include intestinal duplication in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen, to ensure the best therapeutic strategy

    Diagnosis Of Alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency By Dna Analysis Of Children With Liver Disease.

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a genetic disorder which is transmitted in a co-dominant, autosomal form. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency affects mainly the lungs and the liver leading, in the latter case, to neonatal cholestasis, chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. A precise diagnosis of Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency may be obtained by biochemical or molecular analysis. The purpose of this study was to use DNA analysis to examine the presence of an alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency in 12 children suspected of having this deficiency and who showed laboratory and clinical characteristics of the disease. Twelve patients, aged 3 months to 19 years, who had serum alpha-1-antitrypsin levels lower than normal and/or had hepatic disease of undefined etiology were studied. The mutant alleles S and Z of the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene were investigated in the 12 children. Alpha-1-antitrypsin gene organization was analyzed by amplification of genome through the polymerase chain reaction and digestion with the restriction enzymes Xmnl (S allele) and Taq-1 (Z allele). Seven of the 12 patients had chronic liver disease of undefined etiology and the other five patients had low serum levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin as well as a diagnosis of neonatal cholestasis and/or chronic liver disease of undefined etiology. Five of the 12 patients were homozygous for the Z allele (ZZ) and two had the S allele with another allele (*S) different from Z. These results show that alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is relatively frequent in children with chronic hepatic disease of undefined etiology and/or low alpha-1-antitrypsin levels (41.6%). A correct diagnosis is important for effective clinical follow-up and for genetic counseling.3863-

    Day-surgery inguinal hernia repair in the elderly: single centre experience

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    BACKGROUND: Inguinal hernioplasty is well established as a day-surgery procedure, our purpose is to assess the safeness of this approach in elderly patients. METHODS: A total of 292 inguinal hernioplasty were performed between June 2009 and February 2013. Patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the age and postoperative complications were compared in these groups. RESULTS: Despite of a large number of higher risk (ASA 3-4) patients and a higher rate of comorbidity in older patients, unplanned admission postoperative, symptoms and complications were comparable with those for the younger patients. CONCLUSIONS: Ambulatory surgery is feasible also in older patients. Age, comorbidity and higher ASA risk should not be a barrier to elective day surgery
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