366 research outputs found

    Variação terminológica denominativa no texto especializado: aspectos sociocomunicativos em artigos científicos e de divulgação do universo da cana-de-açúcar

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    O presente texto é um relato de uma pesquisa no âmbito da Terminologia que busca analisar de que modo a variação terminológica denominativa se apresenta em textos de diferentes esferas de um mesmo universo especializado. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a variação denominativa não é aleatória e ocorre para que a comunicação especializada possa ser adaptada de acordo com diferentes contextos especializados. Toma-se como pressuposto teórico-metodológico os pressupostos da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia e algumas de suas reverberações, como o estudo das causas de variação e da Terminologia Textual. Para a análise, selecionaram-se dois textos do universo especializado da cana-de-açúcar e com finalidades diferentes: um artigo científico e um artigo de divulgação. A análise buscou apresentar aspectos do léxico, do texto e da comunicação no universo especializado da cana-de-açúcar. O resultado mostrou que a variação ocorre em ambos os textos analisados, mas que ela se apresenta de formas diferentes. Para esse resultado, coloca-se como hipótese o fato de que, do ponto de vista da constituição comunicativa e das regras de relações entre os indivíduos do grupo especializado, fatores como tema, simetria e objetivos condicionam a variação encontrada. Conclui-se que, dessa forma, a variação é condicionada por fatores linguísticos e funcionais que organizam e subsidiam a relação entre os indivíduos de uma comunidade de especialistas

    Nota sobre a constituição da taipa romana da Ilha do Pessegueiro

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    Dos estudos rea lizados, ressa ltam duas conc lusões: 1- a origem do material utilizado nas estruturas de taipa é regional, tendo certamente sido recolhido na zona fronteira à ilha, em local onde os xistos, profundamente alterados, deram origem a material com características plásticas adequadas à construção de blocos de taipa. 2- demonstrou-se que o fab rico de taipa se fazia, como em épocas subsequentes, com a adição de cal, a qual, pelas propriedades hidrófilas, melhorava as características da mistura. Cremos que o elevado teor de carbonatos encontrado (21,5 % ) só poderá ter esta explicação, embora em parte seja também devido à prática da caiação das paredes, evitando infiltrações de água e promovendo a conservação das estruturas de taipa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Micoflora das uvas e micotoxinas

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    Biodegradation of Ochratoxin A by fungi isolated from grapes

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    Ochratoxin A is a mycotoxin present in several food products for which levels should be reduced. Chemical, physical, and biological methods have been proposed for the detoxification of mycotoxins, biological methods being the more promising ones. In this report, filamentous fungi isolated from Portuguese grapes were assessed for ochratoxin A degradation capabilities. It was observed that 51 of the 76 tested strains, predominantly aspergillus species, were able to degrade more than 80% of ochratoxin A added to the culture medium and that the most potent species (more than 95% of initial amount) were the black aspergilli, A. clavatus, A. ochraceus, A. versicolor, and A. wentii. Other fungi frequently isolated from grapes, such as Alternaria, Botrytis, Cladosporium, and Penicillium, also showed significant degradation capabilities. It was observed that the compounds obtained from the degradation of ochratoxin A by black aspergilli and by A. ochraceus and A. wentii strains were different.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - grant SFRH/ BD/1436/2000.Comunidade Europeia (CE) - Quality of Life Program (QoL), Key Action 1 (KA1) on Food, Nutrition and Health; contract number QLK1-CT-2001-01761-Wine-Ochra Risk

    Prediction of dam concrete structural properties based on wet-screened test results and mesoscale modelling

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    Dam or full-mixed concrete is produced with large aggregates which implies the use of large specimens, heavy laboratory equipment and non-standard embedding monitoring devices. The wet-screened concrete, obtained from the full-mixed concrete by sieving the larger aggregates while the concrete is still fresh, is used to cast smaller specimens and embed standard monitoring devices. This thesis focuses on the prediction of the structural properties of dam concrete based on wet-screened concrete experimental results, analytical models and detailed particle models in which the mesostructure is represented. In order to study the effect of wet-screening, an in situ experimental setup and a series of laboratory tests were carried out for both dam and wet-screened concretes. Three sets of creep cells were installed in a dam which allowed for the improvement of the experimental setup and the testing procedures, aiming to reduce costs, to facilitate the installation in situ and to increase the reliability of the results. The test results revealed the differences between the two types of concrete and the influence of the coarse aggregate on the deformability and strength properties. Different analytical models based on composite models, on the equivalent age method, on size effect and on the Abrams law were developed to describe the instantaneous and delayed behaviour of concrete using the composition data and to establish a practical relationship between dam and wet-screened concrete behaviour. Similarly, a numerical solution based on the discrete element method applied to particle models was developed to predict the behaviour of dam concrete. A new fast numerical procedure for long-term analysis taking into account the aging viscoelastic behaviour of cementitious material is proposed. Particle models are especially suited for modelling dam concrete since the coarse aggregate structure can be explicitly represented, allowing the study of stress distribution inside the specimen and the study of complex failure patterns both in tension and compression. For the two types of approaches, the obtained experimental results were used to calibrate the main parameters and to validate the analytical and numerical prediction models. The experimental results and the development of physically-based models highlighted the particular properties of dam concrete, allowed for a significant contribution to the analysis of concrete instantaneous and delayed behaviour and presented new approaches for the prediction of dam concrete behaviour based on the wet-screened properties

    Ecology of mycotoxin producing fungi present in wine grapes

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    In order to establish the potencial mycotoxin producer species hazardous for wine quality, surveys of filamentokis fungi were made in Portuguese wine grapes. These studies were conducted from 1999 to 2002, and are still ongoing. Among the more relevant fungi detected in grapes are black aspergilli, namely A. niger aggregate and A. carbo;arius, found to be responsible for the production of ochratoxin A in grapes. The results of these studies are discussed in an ecological point of view, and in terms of risk assessment for mycotoxins presence in the final product, wine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quantitizing qualitative data from semi-structured interviews: a methodological contribution in the context of public policy decision-making

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    This paper presents a methodology involving the transformation and conversion of qualitative data gathered from open, semi-structured interviews into quantitative data—a process known as quantitizing. In the process of analysing the factors behind the different levels of success in the implementation of entrepreneurship education programs in two case studies, we came up with a challenge that became the research question for this paper: “How can we best extract, organize and communicate insights from a vast amount of qualitative information?” To answer it, we developed a methodology involving codifying, labelling, attributing a score and creating indicators/indexes and a matrix of influence. This allowed us to extract more insights than would be possible with a mere qualitative approach (e.g., we were able to rank 53 categories in two dimensions, which would have been impossible based only on the qualitative data, given the high number of pairwise comparisons: 1378). While any work in the social sciences will always keep some degree of subjectivity, by providing an example of quantitizing qualitative information from interviews, we hope to contribute to the expansion of the toolbox in mixed methods research, social sciences and mathematics and encourage further applications of this type of approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Black Aspergillus species as ochratoxin A producers in Portuguese wine grapes

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    To evaluate the incidence of fungi producing ochratoxin A (OA) in Portuguese wine grapes, a survey was conducted in 11 vineyards, from four winemaking regions each with distinct climatic conditions. From setting to the harvesting period, a total of 1650 berries were sampled by plating methods. Out of 370 aspergilli and 301 Penicillium strains isolated, 14% of the aspergilli were OA-producing strains. None of the penicillia were OA-producing strains. The black aspergilli were predominant (90%). All Aspergillus strains were tested in vitro for OA production and all were preserved in the Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) culture collection. Most of the Aspergillus carbonarius (97%) and 4% of the Aspergillus niger aggregate strains were OA producers. Almost all ochratoxigenic strains were isolated at harvest time, mainly in the regions with a Mediterranean climate. In the vineyards sampled, the percentage of colonized berries with ochratoxigenic strains was up to 38%. The vineyards from the region with Atlantic influences, with high rainfall, exhibited the lowest occurrence of Aspergillus and ochratoxigenic strains, 0% to 10% and 0% to 2% colonized berries, respectively. Data obtained here supports the hypothesis that A. carbonarius and occasionally A. niger, are the main producers of OA in grapes. In this study, the highest incidence of these fungi occurred in vineyards with a Mediterranean climate.European Commission (EC) - Quality of Life Programme (QoL) Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/1436/200