60 research outputs found

    Determination of Countries’ Position Using Better Life Index: the Entropy Based Multimoora Approach

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    DergiPark: 466902trakyasobedThe most significant requirement for people to maintain theirlives comfortably, is to have a specific level of welfare. Therefore, a countryhaving a high level of welfare is preferred as a livable country. This hassignificant influences on the economies of countries. One of most significantresearches conducted for determining the welfare levels of countries is theBetter Life Index (BLI) research conducted by Organization for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) every year on a regular basis. With thisresearch, 38 countries are ranked based on main criteria and sub-criteria, buta general ranking is not made. The aim of this study is to rank the countriesby using Better Life Index data created by OECD. In the study, the criterionweights were determined and then, the countries were ranked with MULTIMOORAmethod. Then, the relationship between ranking of countries and their HumanDevelopment Index (HDI) rankings were investigated with Spearman’s RankCorrelation Coefficient and the results were interpreted.Kişilerin yaşamlarını rahat bir şekildesürdürebilmeleri için en önemli koşul refah düzeyinin belirli bir seviyedeolmasıdır. Dolayısıyla, iyi bir refah düzeyi olan ülke yaşanılabilir ülkeolarak tercih edilmektedir. Bu durum, ülkelerin ekonomileri üzerinde ciddietkiler yaratmaktadır. Ülkelerin refah düzeyini belirlemek adına yapılanaraştırmaların en önemlilerinden biri Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Örgütü (Organisationfor Economic Co-operation and Development: OECD) tarafından her yıl düzenliolarak gerçekleştirilen Daha İyi Yaşam Endeksi (Better Life Index: BLI)araştırmasıdır. Bu araştırma ile 38 ülke ana kriterler ve alt kriterler bazındasıralanmakta ancak genel bir sıralama yapılmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı,OECD tarafından oluşturulan Daha İyi Yaşam Endeksi verilerini kullanarakülkelerin sıralamalarını elde etmektedir. Çalışmada ilk olarak kriterağırlıkları entropi ile belirlenmiş, daha sonrasında ise MULTIMOORA metodu ileülkeler sıralanmıştır. Bu aşamadan sonra ise ülkelerin elde edilen sıralamalarıile İnsani Gelişme Endeksi (Human Development Index: HDI) sıralamalarıarasındaki ilişki Spearman Sıra Korelasyon Katsayısı ile incelenmiş ve sonuçlaryorumlanmıştır

    The efficacy of adalimumab on experimentally induced spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Objective: Paraplegia is a dangerous complication of thoracoabdominal aortic surgery. Various studies have been conducted on the prevention of this complication and some spinal cord protection methods have been proposed. However, there is not any modality that prevent the development of paraplegia certainly. In the I / R period, primary injury triggers secondary injury due to increased inflammation, apoptosis and free radical formation. In this study, we evaluated that the neuroprotective effect of adalimumab in spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury.  Materials and Methods: In total, 24 adult New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups: Group 1, control; Group 2, ischemia-reperfusion by infrarenal aortic clamping; Group 3, adalimumab treated followed by ischemia. Tissue and plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 6, interleukin 10, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance, total oxidant status and total antioxidant status levels were analyzed as a marker of inflammation and oxidation. Histopathological evaluation of the tissues was performed, and apoptosis was evaluated by TUNNEL method. Results: I/R injury significantly increases plasma and spinal cord tissue at TNF alpha, TOS, TBARS, IL6 levels and reduces plasma and spinal cord tissue to TAS and IL10 levels. Adalimumab treatment significantly reduces plasma and spinal cord tissue to TNF alpha, TOS, TBARS, IL6 and increases plasma and tissue to TAS and IL10 levels. Conclusion: Adalimumab treatment significantly reduces the spinal cord neuronal damage score and the number of apoptotic cells. This paper aims to demonstrate the important neuroprotective effects of adalimumab on rabbit spinal cord I/R injury

    Influence of pectoralis minor and upper trapezius lengths on observable scapular dyskinesis

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    Objectives: Although a relationship between short pectoralis minor and upper trapezius and scapular dyskinesis has been postulated, no studies have investigated this theory. Understanding the effect of these muscle lengths on observable scapular dyskinesis may aid in determining risks and therefore making treatment decisions. Being aware of the magnitude of this effect would help gauge the significance of risks involved. Our aim was to evaluate the influence of pectoralis minor and upper trapezius lengths on scapular dyskinesis

    Influence of Pectoralis Minor Muscle and Upper Trapez Muscle Tightness in Scapular Dyskinesis

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    OBJECTIVES: Alterations in scapular kinematics were found in individuals with shoulder problems compared with healthy individuals. These alterations in scapular kinematics such as changes in the normal position or any abnormal motion of the scapula during active motions are defined as “’Scapular Dyskinesis (SD)”. Relationship between tight muscles and scapular kinematics has been investigated. Pectoralis Minor Muscle Tightness (PMMT) effects scapular motion and make changes in scapular kinematics. Although there are some studies indicating a possible relationship between PMM or Upper Trapezius Muscle Tightness (UTMT) and SD, this relationship hasn’t been investigated yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of PMMT and UTMT on SD in an asymptomatic population. METHODS: One-hundred-eleven participants (mean age: 22.73±3.45 years old, 222 arms, 42 Female-69 Male) were recruited. Subjects were eligible if they were ≥18 years of age, having active full shoulder motion and who has no health problem to hinder them from participate. Individuals with symptoms produced by cervical spine motion, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, shoulder instability and a history of shoulder fracture/surgery were excluded. Scapular Dyskinesis Test (SDT) was used to identify SD. PMMT was determined by Pectoralis Minor Index (PMI), UTMT by UTMT Test. Logistic regression analysis performed to ascertain the effects of PMMT and UTMT on the likelihood that participants have SD. RESULTS: SD was identified in 62 arms (27.9%), PMMT in 32 arms (14.4%), and UTMT in 75 arms (33.8%) in total number of participants. PMMT was determined in 23 arms (37.1%) and UTMT in 39 arms (62.9%) in participants with SD. The logistic regression model was statistically significant, X(2)=65.472, p<.000, df= 2. The model explained 36.8% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in SD and correctly classified 78.4% of cases. The Wald criterion demonstrated that both PMMT and UTMT made a significant contribution to prediction (p<0.000 for PMMT, p<0.000 for PMMT). People who have PMMT were 13.76 times more likely to exhibit SD than people who haven’t. People who have UTMT were 7.59 times more likely to exhibit SD than people who haven’t. CONCLUSION: It was determined that people with PMMT and UTMT are more likely to exhibit SD than people who have normal muscle length in this asymptomatic population. Assessment of PMMT and UTMT could be included as a routine part of the scapula and scapular dyskinesia examination. This investigation should be repeated in symptomatic population who has shoulder problems. The effects of various interventions for lengthening these muscles in scapular dyskinesia, needs further research

    Influence of Pectoralis Minor Muscle and Upper Trapez Muscle Tightness in Scapular Dyskinesis

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    OBJECTIVES: Alterations in scapular kinematics were found in individuals with shoulder problems compared with healthy individuals. These alterations in scapular kinematics such as changes in the normal position or any abnormal motion of the scapula during active motions are defined as “’Scapular Dyskinesis (SD)”. Relationship between tight muscles and scapular kinematics has been investigated. Pectoralis Minor Muscle Tightness (PMMT) effects scapular motion and make changes in scapular kinematics. Although there are some studies indicating a possible relationship between PMM or Upper Trapezius Muscle Tightness (UTMT) and SD, this relationship hasn’t been investigated yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of PMMT and UTMT on SD in an asymptomatic population. METHODS: One-hundred-eleven participants (mean age: 22.73±3.45 years old, 222 arms, 42 Female-69 Male) were recruited. Subjects were eligible if they were ≥18 years of age, having active full shoulder motion and who has no health problem to hinder them from participate. Individuals with symptoms produced by cervical spine motion, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, shoulder instability and a history of shoulder fracture/surgery were excluded. Scapular Dyskinesis Test (SDT) was used to identify SD. PMMT was determined by Pectoralis Minor Index (PMI), UTMT by UTMT Test. Logistic regression analysis performed to ascertain the effects of PMMT and UTMT on the likelihood that participants have SD. RESULTS: SD was identified in 62 arms (27.9%), PMMT in 32 arms (14.4%), and UTMT in 75 arms (33.8%) in total number of participants. PMMT was determined in 23 arms (37.1%) and UTMT in 39 arms (62.9%) in participants with SD. The logistic regression model was statistically significant, X(2)=65.472, p<.000, df= 2. The model explained 36.8% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in SD and correctly classified 78.4% of cases. The Wald criterion demonstrated that both PMMT and UTMT made a significant contribution to prediction (p<0.000 for PMMT, p<0.000 for PMMT). People who have PMMT were 13.76 times more likely to exhibit SD than people who haven’t. People who have UTMT were 7.59 times more likely to exhibit SD than people who haven’t. CONCLUSION: It was determined that people with PMMT and UTMT are more likely to exhibit SD than people who have normal muscle length in this asymptomatic population. Assessment of PMMT and UTMT could be included as a routine part of the scapula and scapular dyskinesia examination. This investigation should be repeated in symptomatic population who has shoulder problems. The effects of various interventions for lengthening these muscles in scapular dyskinesia, needs further research

    Histologic evaluation of the development of the stomach between 17 and 32 weeks old human fetuses

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    Amaç: İntrauterin dönemde tüm sistemler oldukça karmaşık ama bir o kadarda sistematik bir yapılanma ve gelişim gösterirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı insan midesinin fetal dönemde 17-32 haftalar arasında gelişiminin histolojik olarak incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalında bulunan ve spontan düşük sonucu elde edilmiş ve etik olarak piyes haline getirilmiş insan fetüslerinden gebelik haftası 17 ila 32 arasında değişen 20 tanesi seçildi. Bu fetüslerden alınan mideye ait doku parçaları rutin histolojik doku takibi metotları ile takip edilip parafine gömüldü ve HematoksilenEosin ile boyanıp ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Bulgular: 17-19 haftalar arasında midenin histolojik yapısının henüz oldukça primitif özellikler gösterdiği görüldü. Bununla birlikte 20. hafta sonrasında yavaşta olsa organizasyonun ilerlediği ancak bilhassa 24. hafta sonras- ında bu organizasyonun oldukça hızlandığı ve 27. haftada midenin normal histolojik yapılarının büyük kısmının oluşmuş olduğunu ve 31. haftada temel tüm yapıların organize oldukları görüldü Sonuç: Midenin fetal dönemde gelişimi 22. hafta civarında hızlanmakta, 27. hafta civarında genel anlamda tüm histolojik yapıların oluşmakta ve 31. haftada bu yapılar organize hale gelmektedir.Purpose: The intrauterine development of the stomach progresses very complexity and systematically. Our aim of the study is to histological evaluation of the stomach in 17-32 week old human fetuses. Materials and methods: 20 human fetuses whose ages between 17 and 32 fetally and all of whom were collected by University of Selcuk Meram Faculty of Medicine Department of Anatomy via spontaneous abortus under ethic rules were used for study. The tissue samples of the stomach were excised, processed with routine histological methods, embedded in paraffin, stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and evaluated light microscopically. Result: The histological structure of the stomach of the 17-19 week old fetuses has primitive features. The organization of these structures slowly accelerates after 20th week, however but, especially after 24th week these construction accelerate clearly and at the end of 27th week almost all histological components were made in general. After 28th week all of these basic components finely constructs and organized and it almost finished at 31st week. Conclusion: The fetal development of the stomach accelerates near 24th weeks and almost finished at 31st week

    Mezuniyet öncesi adli tıp eğitimi almış öğrencilere yönelik bir anket çalışması

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    Ülkemizde adli tıp uzmanı sayısının yetersizliği nedeniy¬le; adli tıp uzmanlık bilgileri ile yapılabilecek nitelikteki çe¬şitli hizmetler, pratisyen hekimlerin sorumluluğu altında yü¬rütülmeye çalışılmaktadır. Ülkemizin gereksinimi olan adli tıp uzmanı sayısına ulaşılmasının hayli zaman alacağı açık¬tır. Bu gerçekler nedeniyle ülkemizde mezuniyet öncesi ad¬li tıp eğitimi çok önemli olup uygulanacak eğitim ve uygu¬lama programlarının ülke gerçekleri gözönünde bulunduru¬larak yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma; adli tıp eğitimini 5. Sınıfta, üç haftalık staj şeklinde almış 5. ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin aldıkları eğitim sonucunda, kendilerini değerlendirmelerini, adli tıp eğitimi ile ilgili düşünce ve önerilerini almak amacıyla planlanmış¬tır. Çalışma bir anket çalışması niteliğindedir. Çalışmaya top¬lam 202 öğrenci katılmıştır. Sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde; verilen eğitim sonrası, adli tıp eğitimini önemli bulan öğren¬ci sayısı 178 (% 88.1)'dir. Aldıkları eğitim sonucunda kendi¬lerini değerlendirmelerinin istendiği sorular incelendiğinde; uygulamanın doğrudan öğrenciye yaptırılmasının pek müm¬kün olmadığı olay yeri keşfi, otopsi tekniği ve morfolojik bulguları değerlendirmede kendilerini yeterli bulanların sa¬yısı yarının altına düşmüştür. Yetersiz bulma nedeni olarak 111 katılımcı (% 55) uygulama azlığını göstermiş ve öneri olarak uygulamaya ayrılan sürenin arttırılarak aktif katılımın sağlanması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir.Because the number of forensic medicine specialist is insufficient, most of the first examination of the legal cases are under the responsibility of general practitioners, in Turkey. Present circumstances lead to discrepancies between the standards of the courts. It is obvious that achieving the acceptable number for forensic medicine specialist needs much more time and forensic medicine lectures for medical undergraduates is very important in our country. The training and experience requirements for the medical undergraduates should be configurated by considering the circumstances of Turkey. This study was planned to evaluate the opinion of the 5th and 6th years medical undergraduates for their forensic medicine training program. It has been conducted by questionnaires. The study group was composed of 202 students. The results showed that 178 (88.1 %) of the students were satisfied during three weeks of full time attendance to the program. Individual student practices could not be performed especially on crime scene investigation, autopsy and evaluation of morphological findings. Therefore more than half of the students found themselves inadequate in performing above subjects. Ill (55 %) students offered to have more practice hours as well as active individual involvement. Most of the students also mentioned that they need much more involvement in practical activities