14 research outputs found

    Determİnatİon of Impact of Nanoparticleso Phytoremediation Potential of Ceratophyllum Demersum L.

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    Hiperakümülatör bitkiler kullanılarak kirli bölgelerin rehabilitasyonu, günümüzde çevre dostu ve uygun maliyetli bir uygulama olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bazı bitkiler ağır metalleri toplama ve biriktirme yeteneğine sahip olduğundan, bizlere kontamine olmuş su ve tortuları iyileştirme potansiyeli sunuyor. Ceratophyllum demersum L. (C. demersum) gibi su bitkileri bir fitoremediasyon bitkisi olarak tanınır ve metal stresli ortamlarda hayatta kalıp, ağır metallerle kirlenmiş olan akuatik ortamın iyileştirilmesi için kullanılır. Bu çalışmada C. demersum bitkisinin Kadmiyum (Cd) ağır metaline farklı konsanstrasyonlarda maruz bırakılması kapsamında bitki iyileştirme potansiyeli incelenecektir. Ayrıca, Metalik Nanopartiküller (NPler) artan kullanımı, çevrede NP bulma olasılığını artırıyor ve çok sayıda üründen salınmaları nedeniyle ekosistem ve insan sağlığı üzerine endişe etkisi yaratmaktadır. Fakat ne yazıkki güncel çalışmalarda çevreye salınan NPler hakkında çok az bilgi bulunmaktadır. Tez kapsamında C. demersum in vitro doku kültürü yöntemi ile çoğaltılmıştır. Yanıt yüzey yöntemi (RSM) kullanılarak belirlenen girdi değişkenleri (NP, Cd ve maruz kalma süresi) ile çıktı değişkenleri (Cd alımı, ortamda kalan Cd ve % absorpsiyon) arasında ki ilişki tespit edilip, bitkinin fitoremediasyon potansiyeli incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, girdi ve çıktı değişkenlerinin birbiri ile uyumlu olduğunu göstermiştir. 20 mg/lt ve daha az TiO2 NP ile 1.8 mg/lt Cd kullanıldığında maksimum Cd alımı gerçekleşmiştir.Rehabilitation of contaminated areas using hyperacumulative plants is currently considered as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective practice. Since some plants have the ability to collect and accumulate heavy metals, they offer us the potential to improve contaminated water and sediment. Aquatic plants such as Ceratophyllum demersum L. (C. demersum) are recognized as a phytoremediation plant and are used to survive metal stressful environments, improving the aquatic environment contaminated with heavy metals. In this study, the potential of C. demersum plants to improve contaminated plants will be examined with the Intention of exposure to Cadmium (Cd) heavy metal in different concentrations. In addition, the increasing use of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) increases the likelihood of finding NPs in the environment and creates concerns on the ecosystem and human health due to their release from a large number of products. However, unfortunately, there is very little information about NPs released into the environment in current studies. Within the scope of the thesis, C. demersum was reproduced by in vitro tissue culture method. By using the response surface method (RSM), the relationship between input variables (NP, Cd and exposure time) and output variables (Cd uptake, remaining Cd in the medium and absorption %) was determined and the phytoremediation potential of the plant was investigated. The results showed that the input and output variables are compatible with each other. Maximum Cd uptake was achieved when 1.8 mg/L Cd was combined with 20 mg/L or less TiO2 NP

    The distribution of different types of diabetes in childhood: A single center experience

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    WOS: 000432911500006PubMed ID: 29175806Objective: Type I diabetes (T1D) is the most common cause of diabetes in childhood but type 2 diabetes (T2D) and maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) are emerging as noteworthy causes of diabetes at young ages. The aim is to determine the distribution, trends and clinical features of the different types of diabetes in childhood in one tertiary center. Methods: The records of children and adolescents aged 0-18 years who were diagnosed as "diabetes/persistent hyperglycemia" between January 1999 and December 2016, were reviewed. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patients at diagnosis and type of diabetes were recorded. Results: The mean +/- standard deviation age of 835 patients (48.7% females) at diagnosis was 8.8 +/- 4.4 years. Eighty-four percent of the patients were diagnosed as T1D, 5.7% as T2D, 5.3% as clinical MODY and 5% as being cases of other types of diabetes. The frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and severe DKA in T1D were 48.4% and 11.6%, respectively. Fourteen patients (29.2 %) with T2D presented with ketosis and two of them (4.2 %) had DKA at diagnosis. Antibody positivity was 83.1 % in T1D and 14.8% in T2D. A statistically significant increase in the frequency of T2D has clearly been demonstrated in recent years with a frequency of 1.9%, 2.4% and 7.9% in 1999-2004, 2005-2010 and 2011-2016, respectively (p <0.001). In MODY, genetic analysis was performed in 26 (59%) patients and NNF1A and GCK gene mutations were detected in 3 (11.5%) and 14 (53.8%) patients, respectively. Conclusion: Although the most frequent cause of DM is T1D in childhood, a trend towards increase in the frequency of T2D in recent years is notable in our population

    Demonstration of Transmission of an Acinetobacter baumannii Outbreak Between Intensive Care Units Using AP-PCR Method

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    Introduction: In recent years, multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii has become more prevalent. Patients, especially in the intensive care units (ICU), may be colonized in a very short period, and then they develop a severe infection with a high mortality rate, such as bacteremia, pneumonia, surgical site infections. The aim of our study was to analyze the A. baumannii outbreak using Arbitrarily Primed-Polymerase Chain Reaction (AP-PCR) method which shows transmission between ICUs. Materials and Methods: Health care associated infections (HAI) in our ICUs are followed by active prospective surveillance. The diagnosis of HAI was made according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria. An outbreak investigation was started upon clustering in A. baumannii infections by Infection Control Committee. In the microbiological part of the outbreak investigation, a molecular analysis, AP-PCR method, was used to show a clonal relationship among the strains. The isolated strains was stored in -80°C in microbanks until the study. Results: At fi rst, an outbreak that started from a patient who died due to A. baumannii infection and included 8 patients was detected in the surgical ICU between 17th August 2013 to 18th October 2013. In this period, two patients in the surgical ICU were transferred to the anesthesiology ICU. After the transfer of the patients (13 September 2013), an outbreak occurred which included 12 patients in the anesthesiology ICU. Mainly two A. baumannii clones (A and B) were described by AP-PCR method, and transmission from the patients who transferred from surgical ICU was demonstrated. Conclusion: In this study, an outbreak due to two clones of A. baumannii was shown using clinical data and molecular investigation of isolates in two different ICUs (surgical ICU and anesthesiology ICU). Patient transfer between the units can cause outbreaks, therefore, implementation of infection control measures are important on admission. The outbreak ended with the collaboration of both surgical and anesthesiology ICU directors and employees. Molecular analysis is seen as an important method to show presence of an epidemic and provides a valuable data discovering of the source in hospital setting