15 research outputs found

    Tsunami hazard assessment in the Ionian Sea due to potential tsunamogenic sources – results from numerical simulations

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    In spite of the fact that the great majority of seismic tsunami is generated in ocean domains, smaller basins like the Ionian Sea sometimes experience this phenomenon. In this investigation, we study the tsunami hazard associated with the Ionian Sea fault system. <br><br> A scenario-based method is used to provide an estimation of the tsunami hazard in this region for the first time. Realistic faulting parameters related to four probable seismic sources, with tsunami potential, are used to model expected coseismic deformation, which is translated directly to the water surface and used as an initial condition for the tsunami propagation. <br><br> We calculate tsunami propagation snapshots and mareograms for the four seismic sources in order to estimate the expected values of tsunami maximum amplitudes and arrival times at eleven tourist resorts along the Ionian shorelines. <br><br> The results indicate that, from the four examined sources, only one possesses a seismic threat causing wave amplitudes up to 4 m at some tourist resorts along the Ionian shoreline

    Toward a joint catalogue of recent seismicity in western Greece: preliminary results

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    Οι κατάλογοι με δεδομένα πρώτων αφίξεων των σεισμικών κυμάτων που συντάσσονται από τα τρία μόνιμα σεισμολογικά δίκτυα της Ελλάδας ενοποιήθηκαν και υπέστησαν κοινή επεξεργασία προκειμένου να επαναπροσδιοριστούν οι θέσεις των σεισμικών επικέντρου στη Δυτική Ελλάδα. Τα αποτελέσματα της κοινής επεξεργασίας, που παρουσιάζονται στην παρούσα εργασία, αφορούν στην εξαετία 2000 - 2005 και τη γεωγραφική περιοχή μεταξύ 35-42°Β και 19-22°Α. Μετά τη διαδικασία της ενοποίησης των φάσεων των διάφορων κέντρων, ο αριθμός των σεισμικών γεγονότων στον κατάλογο που προέκυψε αυξήθηκε κατά 3000 περίπου σε σχέση με τους προϋπάρχοντες, επιμέρους καταλόγους. Τα επίκεντρα των σεισμών του ενιαίου καταλόγου επαναπροσδιορίστηκαν με τη χρήση του αλγόριθμου Hypoinverse και διάφορους συνδυασμούς μονοδιάστατων μοντέλων ταχυτήτων που έχουν προταθεί για τον ελλαδικό χώρο και συντελεστές βαρύτητας για τα δεδομένα των φάσεων. Από τους διάφορους συνδυασμούς που δοκιμάστηκαν προέκυψε ότι η βαρύτητα που δίνεται στις φάσεις των S κυμάτων επηρεάζει δραστικότερα τα αποτελέσματα του επανα-προσδιορισμού των επικέντρων. Οι μικρότερες τιμές σφαλμάτων στους χρόνους γένεσης των σεισμών και τη χωροθέτηση των επικέντρων τους κατά την οριζόντια και την κατακόρυφη διεύθυνση προκύπτουν όταν οι φάσεις των S κυμάτων δε χρησιμοποιηθούν. Τα επανα προσδιορισμένα επίκεντρα εμφανίζουν περισσότερο διακριτές συγκεντρώσεις και διαγράφουν με μεγαλύτερη σαφήνεια τις τεκτονικές δομές της περιοχής μελέτης.Routine catalogue phase data of three Greek permanent seismic networks are merged and jointly used to relocate earthquakes in western Greece. Processed data refer to the time period from 2000 to 2005 and to the geographical area between 35- 42°N and 19-22Έ. After the merging procedure, the number of events in the joint catalogue is increased by more than 3000 compared to the individual pre-existing catalogues. Earthquakes are relocated using the Hypoinverse algorithm and several different combinations of ID velocity models and phase weighting schemes. Among these two tested factors, S-phase weights are found to affect the relocation results more drastically. In fact, minimum mean rms, erh and erz values (0.28 sees, 3.6 km and 5.8 km, respectively) are found when S-phases are neglected. Relocated epicenters appear more clustered and illuminate well-known, as well as obscure, seismotectonic structures of the are

    Domino-style earthquakes along blind normal faults in Northern Thessaly (Greece): kinematic evidence from field observations, seismology, SAR interferometry and GNSS

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    Here we present a joint analysis of the geodetic, seismological and geological data of the March 2021 Northern Thessaly seismic sequence, that were gathered and processed as of April 30, 2021. First, we relocated seismicity data from regional and local networks and inferred the dip-direction (NE) and dip-angle (38°) of the March 3, 2021 rupture plane. Furthermore, we used ascending and descending SAR images acquired by the Sentinel-1 satellites to map the co-seismic displacement field. Our results indicate that the March 3, 2021 Mw=6.3 rupture occurred on a NE-dipping, 39° normal fault located between the villages Zarko (Trikala) and Damasi (Larissa). The event of March 4, 2021 occurred northwest of Damasi, along a fault oriented WNW-ESE and produced less deformation than the event of the previous day. The third event occurred on March 12, 2021 along a south-dipping normal fault. We computed 22 focal mechanisms of aftershocks with M≥4.0 using P-wave first motion polarities. Nearly all focal mechanisms exhibit normal kinematics or have a dominant normal dip-slip component. The use of InSAR was crucial to differentiate the ground deformation between the ruptures. The majority of deformation occurs in the vertical component, with a maximum of 0.39 m of subsidence over the Mw=6.3 rupture plane, south and west of Damasi. A total amount of 0.3 m horizontal displacement (E-W) was measured. We also used GNSS data (at 30-s sampling interval) from twelve permanent stations near the epicentres to obtain 3D seismic offsets of station positions. Only the first event produces significant displacement at the GNSS stations (as predicted by the fault models, themselves very well constrained by InSAR). We calculated several post-seismic interferograms, yet we have observed that there is almost no post-seismic deformation, except in the footwall area (Zarkos mountain). This post-seismic deformation is below the 7 mm level (quarter of a fringe) in the near field and below the 1 mm level at the GNSS sites. The cascading activation of the three events in a SE to NW direction points to a pattern of domino-style earthquakes, along neighbouring fault segments. The kinematics of the ruptures point to a counter-clockwise change in the extension direction of the upper crust (from NE-SW near Damasi to N-S towards northwest, near Verdikoussa)

    The Corinth Rift Laboratory, Greece (CRL): A Multidisciplinary Near Fault Observatory (NFO) on a Fast Rifting System

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    The western rift of Corinth (Greece) is one of the most active tectonic structures of the euro-mediterranean area. Its NS opening rate is 1.5 cm/yr ( strain rate of 10-6/yr) results into a high microseismicity level and a few destructive, M>6 earthquakes per century, activating a system of mostly north dipping normal faults. Since 2001, monitoring arrays of the European Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL, www.crlab.eu) allowed to better track the mechanical processes at work, with short period and broad band seismometers, cGPS, borehole strainmeters, EM stations, …). The recent (300 kyr) tectonic history has been revealed by onland (uplifted fan deltas and terraces) and offshore geological studies (mapping, shallow seismic, coring), showing a fast evolution of the normal fault system. The microseismicity, dominated by swarms lasting from days to months, mostly clusters in a layer 1 to 3 km thick, between 6 and 9 km in depth, dipping towards north, on which most faults are rooting. The diffusion of the microseismicity suggests its triggering by pore pressure transients, with no or barely detected strain. Despite a large proportion of multiplets, true repeaters seem seldom, suggesting a minor contribution of creep in their triggering, although transient or steady creep is clearly detected on the shallow part of some majors faults. The microseismic layer may thus be an immature, downward growing detachment, and the dominant rifting mechanism might be a mode I, anelastic strain beneath the rift axis , for which a mechanical model is under development. Paleoseismological (trenching, paleoshorelines, turbidites), archeological and historical studies completed the catalogues of instrumental seismicity, motivating attempts of time dependent hazard assessment. The Near Fault Observatory of CRL is thus a multidisciplinary research infrastructure aiming at a better understanding and modeling of multiscale, coupled seismic/aseismic processes on fault systems.Grant for Researchers (CC) ID 188753

    Modeling the ML4.7 mainshock of the February-July 2001 earthquake sequence in Aegion, Greece

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    An earthquake sequence comprising almost 2000 events occurred in February-July 2001 on the southern coast of the Corinth Gulf. Several location methods were applied to 171 events recorded by the regional network PATNET. The unavailability of S-wave readings precluded from reliable depth determination. For the mainshock of April 8, ML = 4.7, the depth varied from 0 to 20 km. The amplitude spectra of complete waveforms at three local stations (KER, SER, DES; epicentral distances 17, 26 and 56 km) were inverted between 0.1 and 0.2 Hz for double-couple focal mechanism and also for the depth. The optimum solution (strike 220°, dip 40°, rake - 160°, and depth of 8 km) was validated by forward waveform modeling. Additionally, the mainshock depth was further supported by the P- and S-wave arrival times from the local short-period network CRLNET (Corinth Rift Laboratory). The scalar seismic moment was 2.5e 15 Nm, and the moment rate function was successfully simulated by a triangle of the 0.5 second duration. This is equivalent to a 1-1.5 km fault length, and a static stress drop 2-6 MPa. This value is important for future strong ground motion simulation of damaging earthquakes in Aegion region, whose subevents may be modeled according to the studied event. The T axis of the mainshock (azimuth 176° and plunge 67°), is consistent with the regional direction of extension ∼N10°. However, none of the nodal planes can be associated to an active structure seen at the surface. The relationship of this earthquake sequence with deeper faults (e.g. possible detachment at about 10 km) is also unclear. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    A New Passive Tomography of the Aigion Area (Gulf of Corinth, Greece) from the 2002 Data Set

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    International audienceWe present the results of a tomographic study performed in the framework of the 3F-Corinth project. The aim of this work is to better understand the rifting process by imaging the crustal structure of the western Gulf of Corinth. Forty-nine stations were deployed for a period of six months, allowing us to monitor the microseismicity. Delayed P and S first-arrival times have been simultaneously inverted for both hypocenter locations and 3-D velocity distributions. We use an improved linearized tomography method based on an accurate finite-difference travel-time computation to invert the data set. The obtained Vp and Vs models confirm the presence of a two-layer vertical structure characterized by a sharp velocity gradient lying at 5–7 km depth, which may be interpreted as a lithological contrast. The shallower part of the crust (down to 5 km depth) is controlled by the N-S extension and lacks seismicity. The deeper part (7–13 km depth) matches the seismogenic zone and is characterized by faster and more heterogeneous anomalies. In this zone, the background seismicity reveals a low-angle active surface dipping about 20° toward the north and striking WNW-ESE. The position of this active structure is consistent with both high Vp/Vs and low Vp.Vs anomalies identified at 8–12 km depth and suggesting a highly fracturated and fluid-saturated zone. Both the geometry of the active structure beneath the gulf and the presence of fluids at 8–12 km depth are in accordance with a low-angle detachment model for the western part of the Gulf of Corinth

    The January 2010 Efpalio earthquake sequence in the western Corinth Gulf (Greece)

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    International audienceThe January 2010 Efpalio earthquake sequence provides some key elements to enhance our view on the western Corinth Gulf tectonics. The sequence lasted almost six months, and included two Mw>5 strong events, both exhibiting normal faulting along approximately E-W trending planes. This paper attempts to construct a unified seismotectonic model of the sequence jointly interpreting earthquake locations, moment-tensors and slip inversions in terms of the possible activated fault planes. Previous studies have connected the prevailing microseismic activity to a major low-angle, north-dipping structure under the Corinth Gulf and the Efpalio sequence favors such a general trend. Moreover, it clearly shows the significance of the shallow activity, so far less recognized, and possibly connected to the relatively steep faults outcropping on the northern coast. The first 18 January 2010 Mw>5 event had almost no on-fault aftershocks and most likely it occurred on a 55 degrees south-dipping nodal plane. The early off-fault aftershocks formed two clusters roughly E-W trending, both of which are connected with normal faulting. Cross-sections revealed that the northernmost cluster is connected with a north-dipping structure, where the second 22 January 2010 Mw>5 event occurred. In addition, the very shallow parts of the faults (<4km) were mainly aseismic, probably due to their creeping behavior. Interestingly, both clusters, at their western and eastern ends, are bounded by NE-SW trending strike-slip faults, a pattern previously observed in normal-faulting structures in Greece. This observation further invokes the role of transfer faults in the western termination of Corinth Gulf, which provide the link with regional structures, such as the Trichonis and Rion-Patras fault systems. Most of all the 2010 Efpalio sequence enhanced the complex mechanical interactions within the Corinth Gulf fault network, with many earthquake generating cluster centers, an observation which has strong implications for the seismic hazard of this densely populated region

    Moho topography under central Greece and its compensation by Pn time-terms for the accurate location of hypocenters: The example of the Gulf of Corinth 1995 Aigion earthquake

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    International audiencen this paper we expand over the whole of central Greece, the Moho map centered on the Gulf of Corinth from tomographic inversion of PmP traveltime profile data recorded by several tens of temporary stations. Our approach is based on Pn, Moho refracted waves, from a large regional earthquake recorded by both temporary stations and the permanent Hellenic network. The Moho map shows the large Moho depth under the Hellenides belt. It also highlights the shallower Moho domain towards the Aegean Sea south and east of the Corinth Gulf. The domain of shallow Moho is limited along a NE–SW prolongation ahead of the North Anatolian Fault, from the North Aegean Trough to the western tip of the Gulf of Corinth towards the Gulf of Patras. The Pn time-terms provide corrections for the permanent stations that can be used together with the 1D velocity–depth model for a first-order compensation of lateral heterogeneity and contribute to the accurate and fast location of earthquake hypocenters. As a test we relocated the 1995 Aigion earthquake in this way, using only the sparse data of the permanent stations. Hypocentral coordinates then shift close to those derived by a dedicated dense array deployed after the earthquake, implying improvement of the routine location

    New constraints from seismology and geodesy on the Mw = 6.4 2008 Movri (Greece) earthquake: evidence for a growing strike-slip fault system,

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    International audienceThe 2008 Mw = 6.4 Movri earthquake ruptured a NNE right lateral strike-slip fault about 30 km south of the city of Patras. Although some strike-slip activity on minor faults was known, there was no tectonic evidence of large scale NS striking fault and such a large event was not anticipated. Following the event, a network of six stations was installed for 4 months in the epicentral area in order to monitor aftershocks and in particular the northern part of the rupture area closest to the city of Patras. We combine these new aftershock observations with GPS measurements of an already existing geodetic network in the area performed just after the earthquake, as well as with SAR interferograms, together with already published source studies, in order to refine already proposed models of this event. The combined data set allows defining much more accurately the lateral and vertical limits of the rupture. Its length inferred from geodesy is ∼15 km and its modelled upper edge ∼17 km. The seismic moment then constrains the lower edge to coincide, within a few kilometres, with the Moho interface. The absence of seismicity in the shallow crust above the co-seismic fault is interpreted as a result of the decoupling effect of possible presence of salt layers above the rupture area, near 14 to 16 km in depth, which favours our interpretation of an immature strike-slip fault system, compatible with the absence of surface ruptures. The immature character of this large crustal fault is further suggested by the high variability of focal mechanisms and of fault geometries deduced from aftershock clusters, in the strike direction. Its geometry and mechanism is consistent with the crustal shear, striking NNE, revealed by GPS in this region. This shear and faulting activity might be generated by the differential slip rate on the subduction interface, 50 km to the south, leading to a north-northeastward propagating strike-slip fault zone. The wide extension of the aftershock distribution forming a NNE alignment, beyond the rupture area towards the north, suggests a localization process of the shear strain, which could be the preliminary stage of fault propagation further to the NNE. An alternative speculative model for this regional stress could be the existence of a well-developed NNE striking shear zone within the uppermost mantle, marking at depth the southward propagation of the northern branch of the North Anatolian fault. Both models may not be exclusive of each other, and in fact their sources may be mechanically interdependent