318 research outputs found

    Cyclic nucleotides in tissues during long-term hypokinesia

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    Male Wistar rates were kept hypokinetic by placing them in small containers for 22 days. Blood plasma cAMP content was subsequently found increased, and cGMP content decreased, in the experimental animals. Liver and thymus cAMP content was similar in the control and experimental animals. There was a 20 and 38% decrease of cAMP content in the kidneys and spleen, respectively. Hypokinesia's reduction of cyclic nucleotides seems to inhibit RNA and protein synthesis

    Trends in the development of accounting in the context of Ukraine’s European integration aspirations

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    The relevance of the research topic lies in revealing of the trend of accounting in the context of Ukraine’s European integration aspirations through the study of theoretical issues and experience of Ukraine. The reforming of accounting has already been launched in Ukraine, but this path is quite difficult and slow; however, it is of great importance in the formation of the economic significance of Ukraine and its adaptation to international requirements. In recent years, reform has become even more important, as the country’s European integration aspirations determine the rapid development of all economic sectors. Today’s challenges, such as the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and military action in Ukraine, are modifying business conditions and making it urgent to propose ways to reform and address trends in accounting in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to reveal the trend of accounting in the context of Ukraine’s European integration aspirations through the disclosure of theoretical issues and experience. The analysis of the problem proved that a large number of problems associated with the development of accounting existed, and there was an urgent need for its detailed study and solution. The results of the study highlighted the features of accounting in the European integration environment and the characteristics of the stages of development of accounting. The practical significance of the research results is the possibility to apply them on the Ukrainian enterprises in order to improve the skills of accountants in theoretical knowledge and possible application in the discipline of “Accounting” in universitie

    Manipulations with early mouse embryos for generation of genetically modified animals

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    Recently, genome-editing technologies have  become more efficient and accessible. The discovery of nucleases for directional genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9, TALEN, ZFNs) significantly accelerated and simplified the production of mice with targeted gene editing in the genome. Until last time, the CRISPR/Cas9 system noticeably simplified the preparation of knockout or transgenic mice. CRISPR/Cas9 technology was successfully applied for gene knockout and knock-in, generation of large deletions or directed insertions in targeted genome regions in embryonic stem cells (ESCs).When injected into blastocysts, such  modified ESCs are able to generate chimeras producing gametes with an identical genotype with ESC. Thus, it can identify animals with modified genomes. More recently, CRISPR/Cas9 technology was successfully applied to mouse zygotes and the birth of genetic modified mice was observed, i. e., the time required for generating genome-modified animals decreased significantly. The CRISPR/Cas9 system allows making gene knockout, large deletions or directed insertions into the target region of the genome by cytoplasm or pronuclear microinjection into zygotes. In addition, this is faster and simpler than similar work with mouse ESCs. Meanwhile, methods of manipulation with early embryos and their transplantation to surrogate mothers may be somewhat tricky. Therefore, it is important to use modern technologies for directional genome editing and perfect mastery in the embryological technics. In this article, we describe the protocols of microinjection into the pronucleus or cytoplasm of zygotes and injection of embryonic stem cells into the blastocyst cavity. We also describe embryological methods, such as superovulation, preparation of early stage  embryos,  surgical operation, production of foster mice. In addition, we describe the assembly and necessary components for the isoflurane anesthetic apparatus and isoflurane anesthesia

    Changes of the body functions during long-term hypokinesia

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    Prolonged hypokinesis (100-170 days) studied in 2000 rats kept in cages limiting their mobility provoked considerable changes in the gaseous and energetic metabolism: an elevation of the total gaseous metabolism and of the rate of O2 requirement by the muscles (in the late periods of hypokinesis) and a change in the intensity of tissue respiration of the liver and myocardium. There also proved to be a reduction in the level of phosphorylation and separation of oxidative phosphorylation in the myocardium, liver, and partially in the skeletal muscle. Prolonged hypokinesia led to changes in tissue metabolism: a disturbance of development of the animals, a marked delay and an increase in the weight of the organism and the muscular system, and disturbances of the mineral and protein metabolism. Prolonged hypokinesis also lead to exhaustion of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal cortex system

    On the Issue of Improving the Legal Regulation of the Work of Teaching Staff

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    Повышение внимания общества к системе образования, к возникающим в этой системе правоотношениям, к участникам этих отношений обусловили необходимость анализа правовых норм регулирования труда педагогических работников. В статье представлен краткий анализ изученного состояния, даны предложения по изменению действующего законодательства, направленные на совершенствование правового регулирования труда педагогических работников образовательных организаций.The increased attention of society to the education system, to the legal relations arising in this system, to the participants in these relations necessitated the analysis of legal norms regulating the work of teaching staff. The article presents a brief analysis of the studied state, offers proposals for changing the current legislation aimed at improving the legal regulation of the work of teaching staff of educational organizations

    Features of Adaptation of Students with Disabilities at the University

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    Admission to the first year entails significant changes in the life of a freshman her adaptation of a student takes on average one year, adaptation of a student with disabilities can take up to three years. In this article we will consider the factors to which it is necessary to adapt the student in the process of studying at the University.Поступление на первый курс влечет за собой значительные изменения в жизни студента, его адаптация занимает в среднем один год, адаптация студента с ограниченными возможностями может затянуться до трех лет. В данной статье мы рассмотрим факторы, к которым необходимо адаптироваться студенту в процессе обучения в вузе

    Arctic strategies for socio-economic development of circumpolar states: national and regional aspects

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    In the presented paper, the authors have revealed some key priorities of the state Arctic policies of circumpolar countries on the base of the analysis of political and programmatic documents. The analysis of political and programmatic documents has shown that the state Arctic policies of the circumpolar countries are focused on expanding external interaction in the Arctic and maintaining the sustainable development of their own Arctic territorie

    Features of Adaptation of Students with Disabilities at the University

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    Admission to the first year entails significant changes in the life of a freshman her adaptation of a student takes on average one year, adaptation of a student with disabilities can take up to three years. In this article we will consider the factors to which it is necessary to adapt the student in the process of studying at the University.Поступление на первый курс влечет за собой значительные изменения в жизни студента, его адаптация занимает в среднем один год, адаптация студента с ограниченными возможностями может затянуться до трех лет. В данной статье мы рассмотрим факторы, к которым необходимо адаптироваться студенту в процессе обучения в вузе

    Polymeric laser-active media: The possibility of lasing and exploitable properties advance

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    Laser-spectroscopic studies of polymeric laser-active media based on Rhodamaine 6G dye incorporated into modified Methylmethacrylate with Methacrylic Acid copolymer samples had been carried out. Absorption and luminescence spectra together with luminescence quantum yield were studied. The basic parameters of the laser oscillation and their stability were obtained. The new potential photostabilizator azotes- and sulphurs-containing organic compounds - Thiourea and Thiazol aromatic derivatives was specially synthesized and their role to dye and polymeric host photochemical stability were studied. In this paper it was shown that these synthesized compounds indeed are high effective photostabilizators. Also it was demonstrated that using of these additives leads to significant increasing of laser action efficiency, from one hand and to rising the working characteristics (operational lifetime) of solid-state laser-active media based on the new synthesized polymer composition materials, from other hand

    About Culture of Inclusion and Perspective of Development in the Sphere of Higher Education

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    An inclusive approach is aimed at more complete participation of students and staff in the educational process. The practical basis of the work was the joint cooperation carried out in the life of employees who wanted to create an environment and culture in which absolutely everyone will be equal and involved.Инклюзивный подход в образовании направлен на глубокое вовлечение студентов, преподавателей и персонала в образовательный процесс. Практической основой работы стало совместное сотрудничество студентов и сотрудников, которые желали создать среду и культуру, где абсолютно все были бы равноценны