47 research outputs found

    Posterior Nutcracker Syndrome: A Pediatric Case Report and Literature Review

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    The nutcracker syndrome results from the compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery, leading to variable and nonspecific symptoms of venous congestion. The most common presentation of this syndrome is the classical or anterior form; however, atypical variants exist, including the posterior nutcracker syndrome, which occurs due to the compression of the left renal vein between the aorta and the lumbar spine. This paper describes the case of a 5-year-old patient with persistent gross hematuria and mild proteinuria, in whom glomerular involvement was ruled out. Given the atypical clinical presentation, an abdominal magnetic resonance angiography was performed, confirming the diagnosis of posterior nutcracker syndrome

    Development of pediatric hydronephrosis patients visiting the San Vicente Foundation University Hospital, Medellín, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: Hydronephrosis is one of the most common congenital malformations detected on prenatal ultrasounds. Moderate and severe cases are often associated with urological abnormality. Objetive: To describe a series of pediatric patients diagnosed with hydronephrosis determining their etiology, prenatal diagnosis and frequency of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Materials and methods: A descriptive, retrospective study. Results: The records of 924 patients between the ages of 0 and 18 years were evaluated, 35.7% female and 64.3% male. In 14.4% (133) the diagnosis was prenatal. Hydronephrosis was bilateral in 198 patients (28.5%). In 18.3% (169) no associated urological abnormality was found, reaching 4.2% in CKD (7). Ureteropelvic stenosis was diagnosed in 23.3% (216) followed with 21.5% VUR (199) and posterior urethral valves in 9.4% (87), reaching 10.2% ERC (93). When the hydroneprhosis was diagnosed by urography, those patients presented 11.3% of chronic kidney disease vs. 8.4% in whom the diagnosis was made by ultrasound, when the hydronephosis diagnosed was by prenatal vs postnatal ultrasound, the percentage of CKD was 4.8% vs 10.8%, respectively. Conclusion:Early diagnosis of hydronephrosis allows the detection of urologic abnormalities susceptible of treatment. Although there are still many questions about which one is the ideal strategy of follow up; the ultrasonography, voiding cystourethrogram, urography, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance urography in selected patients are the most useful tools in order to evaluate urinary tract anomaly

    Collapsing variant of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in children

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    ABSTRACT: The collapsing variant of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a renal lesion that may be idiopathic or associated to different factors; it is characterized by glomerular collapse leading to a nephrotic syndrome resistant to corticosteroids, and chronic progressive renal failure. This glomerulopathy has been scarcely studied in children; in this age group most cases are idiopathic. We report six cases of this variant of FSGS in HIV negative children. They were resistant to the immunosuppressive management and three of them died.RESUMEN: La variedad colapsante de glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria (GEFS) es una lesión renal que puede ser idiopática o estar asociada a diferentes factores; se caracteriza por colapso glomerular que lleva a un síndrome nefrótico corticorresistente y a falla renal crónica progresiva. Ha sido poco estudiada en niños y en ellos la mayoría de los casos son idiopáticos. Presentamos seis casos de esta variedad de GEFS en niños negativos para VIH, resistentes al tratamiento inmunosupresor; tres de ellos murieron

    Evolution of pediatric patients diagnosed with hydronephrosis at Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia between 1960 and 2010

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    ABSTRACT: Hydronephrosis is one of the most common congenital malformations detected on prenatal ultrasounds. Moderate and severe cases are often associated with urological abnormalities. Objective: To describe the causes of hydronephrosis, and the frequency of its prenatal diagnosis and of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in a series of pediatric patients. Materials and methods: A descriptive, retrospective study of 924 patients under 18 years of age seen at a university hospital in Medellín, Colombia, between 1960 and 2010. Results: 64.3% were male. Diagnosis was prenatal in 133 (14.4%). Hydronephrosis was bilateral in 198 patients (28.5%). In 169 (18.3%) no associated urological abnormality was found; 7 of these (4.2%) reached CKD. Ureteropelvic stenosis was diagnosed in 216 (23.3%) followed by vesicoureteral reflux in 199 (21.5%) and posterior urethral valves in 87 (9.4%); 93 (10.2%) reached CKD. When hydronephrosis was diagnosed by urography, patients developed CKD in 11.3% vs. 8.4% in those whose diagnosis was made by ultrasound; frequency of CKD was 4.8% when diagnosis by ultrasound was prenatal, and 10.8% when it was postnatal. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of hydronephrosis allows the detection of urologic abnormalities susceptible to treatment. There is controversy about the best imaginological method for the follow-up of these patients.RESUMEN: La hidronefrosis es una de las malformaciones congénitas detectadas comúnmente en la ecografía prenatal. Los casos moderados y graves frecuentemente se asocian a anomalías de la vía urinaria. Objetivo: describir las causas de la hidronefrosis, la frecuencia de su diagnóstico prenatal y la de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en una serie de pacientes pediátricos. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de 924 pacientes atendidos entre 1960 y 2010 en un hospital universitario de Medellín. Resultados: hubo predominio de hombres (64,3%); en el 14,4% el diagnóstico fue prenatal. En el 18,3% no se encontraron anomalías urológicas asociadas. Siete de estos (4,2%) llegaron a la ERC. La estenosis pieloureteral fue la anomalía hallada con mayor frecuencia (28,6%) seguida por el reflujo vesicoureteral (21,5%) y las valvas de la uretra posterior (9,4%); el 10,2% de los pacientes llegaron a la enfermedad renal crónica; al agrupar los pacientes de acuerdo con el método utilizado para el diagnóstico de hidronefrosis, el grupo en que se hizo por urografía excretora tuvo ERC en el 11,3%, en contraste con el 8,4% en quienes el diagnóstico se hizo por ecografía renal; por otro lado. al agrupar los pacientes con diagnóstico ecográfico de hidronefrosis prenatal o posnatal, el porcentaje de ERC fue de 4,8% frente a 10,8%, respectivamente. Conclusión: el diagnóstico temprano de la hidronefrosis permite detectar anomalías urológicas susceptibles de seguimiento o corrección quirúrgica. Todavía existe mucha controversia acerca del mejor seguimiento imaginológico para estos pacientes

    Severe neurotoxicity due to cefepime in a kidney transplanted patient: Case report

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    RESUMEN: El cefepime es un antibiótico betalactámico utilizado para tratar pacientes con infecciones complicadas. Debido a que su excreción es predominantemente renal y a que su vida media se incrementa significativamente en pacientes con deterioro de la función renal, los efectos adversos pueden ser de mayor gravedad incluyendo los de índole neurotóxica. Se informa el caso de una paciente trasplantada renal que presentó neurotoxicidad secundaria al uso de cefepime.ABSTRACT: Cefepime is a betalactamic antibiotic used for the treatment of patients with severe infections. It is mainly excreted by the kidney, so that its half-life is significantly increased in patients with kidney failure, and in this population adverse effects may be more severe including neurotoxicity. We report the case of a kidney-transplanted patient who presented neurotoxicity associated with the use of cefepime

    Hipopotasemia recurrente y de difícil control en un paciente con leucemia linfoide aguda

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    RESUMEN: La hipopotasemia es un alteración hidroelectrolítica que en ocasiones es difícil de controlar, y cuando es muy grave puede producir complicaciones que amenazan la vida; presentamos el caso de una paciente con leucemia linfoide aguda en recaída, que presentó parálisis flácida asociada a hipopotasemia grave; como causa se encontró una tubulopatía renal asociada a infiltración leucémica de los riñones. Palabras clave: Hipopotasemia; Leucemia Linfoide Aguda; Lisozimuria; Parálisis Flácida.ABSTRACT: Hypokalemia is an electrolytic disorder, in some occasions difficult to control. When severe, it may be life-threatening. We report the case of a patient with relapse of acute lymphoid leukemia, who presented to the hospital with flaccid paralysis associated with severe hypokalemia. The cause was a tubulopathy associated with leukemic infiltration of the kidneys. Key words: Acute Lymphoid Leukemia; Flaccid Paralysis; Hypokalemia; Lysozymuria

    Seguimiento por un año de la evolución del perfil cardiometabólico en pacientes trasplantados renales tratados con alemtuzumab, ciclosporina y esteroides en un hospital de referencia en Colombia

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    RESUMEN: In los pacientes trasplantados renales los eventos cardiovasculares ocurren 50 veces más que en la población general y son la principal causa de muerte. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento del perfil cardio-metabólico y determinar la frecuencia de eventos cardiovasculares mayores en el primer año del trasplante. Métodos: estudio prospectivo en el que se evaluó el perfil cardio-metabólico en 67 pacientes adultos trasplantados durante el 2011. Resultados: la edad promedio fue 44,3±12,05 años, 68,7 % eran hombres y 95,5 %, hipertensos. En el 89,6 % se empleó alemtuzumab-esteroides y ciclosporina e introducción tardía del antimetabolito. Se presentaron 3 diabetes mellitus postrasplante, 3 eventos cardiovasculares mayores y 12 rechazos agudos. Al año, la albúmina, la hemoglobina, el índice de masa corporal, el calcio y la HbA1C aumentaron con respecto al valor previo al trasplante (p<0,05), mientras que la paratohormona, el fósforo, la creatinina y el ácido úrico disminuyeron (p<0,05). La tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) al año fue mayor en los pacientes sin rechazo (p 0,001). Conclusión: la terapia inmunosupresora con alemtuzumab–ciclosporina-esteroides mostró que al año del trasplante hubo mejoría significativa del metabolismo mineral óseo, el ácido úrico, la albúmina y la hemoglobina, pero empeoraron significativamente la HbA1c, el peso y el IMC, con una baja frecuencia de casos nuevos de diabetes mellitus y eventos cardiovasculares mayores.ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular events occur 50 times more often in kidney transplant patients than in the general population and are the leading cause of death. The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile and determine the incidence of major cardiovascular events in the first year after transplantation. Methods: This prospective study evaluated the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile in adult patients that were transplanted during 2011. Results: The median age was 44.3 ± 12.05 years, 68.7 % were men and 95.5 %, hypertensive. Alemtuzumab-cyclosporine and steroids were used in 89.6 %, delaying the introduction of the antimetabolite. In the first year after transplantation there were three cases of diabetes mellitus, three major cardiovascular events, and 12 cases of acute rejection. Albumin, hemoglobin, weight, body mass index (BMI), calcium and HbA1C increased (p<0.05) whereas paratohormone, phosphorus, creatinine and uric acid decreased (p<0.05). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was higher in patients without rejection (p=0.001). Conclusion: This immunosuppressive protocol with alemtuzumab, cyclosporine and steroids, and the delayed introduction of the antimetabolite improved bone mineral metabolism, uric acid, albumin and hemoglobin, but there were negative effects on HbA1c, weight and BMI. There was a low incidence of new onset diabetes mellitus and major cardiovascular events

    Severe hypoxemic respiratory failure caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii in a late kidney transplant recipient

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    Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii is an uncommon infection in kidney transplant patients that can have an acute and rapid progression to respiratory failure and death. The period of greatest risk occurs in the first six months after the transplant, and it relates to the high doses of immunosuppression drugs required by patients. However, it may occur late, associated with the suspension of prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. We present two cases of renal transplant patients who had severe hypoxemic respiratory failure due to P. jirovecii six years after transplantation. In addition to steroids, they received treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. One patient died, while the other had clinical recovery, with preservation of the renal graft function

    Etiology of chronic kidney disease: fifty-year experience (1960-2010) at the Pediatric Nephrology Service, Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl (Medellín, Colombia)

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    ABSTRACT: Chronic renal failure (CRF) results from progressive and irreversible deterioration of kidney function; it manifests as the inability to remove waste products and to maintain acid-base balance. The objectives of this study were to identify the diseases responsible for CRF in our patients and their relative importance in such outcome. A descriptive retrospective study was carried out, based on the review of the charts of 367 children with the diagnosis of CRF treated at the Pediatric Nephrology Service (Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia) between 01 January 1960 and August 30, 2010. One hundred and ninety nine patients (54,2%) were males, and 168 (45,8), females. The predominant diseases as cause of CRF were: vesico-ureteral reflux (37.1%), hydronephrosis (24.0%), posterior urethral valves (13.4%), acute glomerulonephritis (12.3%), nephrotic syndrome (11.2%), and kidney hypoplasia (9.3%).RESUMEN: La insuficiencia renal crónica es el resultado del deterioro progresivo e irreversible de la función renal, que genera incapacidad del riñón para remover los productos de desecho y mantener el equilibrio ácido básico. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las causas de insuficiencia renal crónica en nuestros pacientes y su importancia relativa en este desenlace. Se hizo un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal, basado en la revisión de 367 registros pertenecientes al Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, de pacientes con diagnóstico de insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC), que acudieron al Servicio de Consulta Externa del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, entre el 01 de enero de 1960 y el 30 de agosto de 2010. De los 367 pacientes, 199 (54,2%) fueron hombres y 168 (45,8%), mujeres; las enfermedades predominantes como causa de la IRC fueron: reflujo vésico-ureteral (37,1%), hidronefrosis (24,0%), valvas de la uretra posterior (13,4%), glomerulonefritis aguda (12,3%), síndrome nefrótico (11,2%) e hipoplasia renal (9,3%)

    Absceso cerebral por Cladophialophora bantiana en un paciente con trasplante renal: reporte de un caso

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    Cerebral feohifomycosis are severe infections caused by dematiaceous fungi. Cladophialophora bantiana is one of the most commonly isolated species; it has central nervous system tropism and it often manifests as a brain abscess in immunocompetent patients. In immunocompromised patients, it can lead to brain abscesses and disseminated infections.Despite the availability of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs, it is a must to perform surgical management, in addition to drug therapy. However, mortality is high. The diagnostic approach must be invasive to establish a timely diagnosis and direct treatment based on culture and susceptibility tests.We report a case of brain abscess caused by C. bantiana in an immunosuppressed patient who was treated with surgical resection and voriconazole with an adequate response to therapy and without neurological sequels.Las feohifomicosis cerebrales son infecciones graves causadas por mohos dematiáceos, entre los cuales Cladophialophora bantiana es una de las especies más comúnmente aislada. Esta tiene tropismo por el sistema nervioso central y frecuentemente produce abscesos cerebrales en pacientes inmunocompetentes; además, en los inmunocomprometidos también puede ocasionar infección diseminada.Pese a la disponibilidad de medicamentos antifúngicos de amplio espectro, a menudo se requiere también la intervención quirúrgica; de todas maneras, la mortalidad es elevada.El diagnóstico debe hacerse interviniendo para tomar la muestra y hacer el cultivo y las pruebas de sensibilidad.Se presenta aquí el caso de un paciente con trasplante renal que presentó un absceso cerebral por C. bantiana, el cual se extrajo mediante resección quirúrgica. El paciente recibió tratamiento con voriconazol, con adecuada respuesta, mejoría y sin secuelas neurológicas