25 research outputs found

    Crop Updates 2008 - Lupins, Pulses and Oilseeds

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    This session covers twenty six papers from different authors: Regional Roundup 1. SOUTH EAST AGRICULTURAL REGION, Mark Seymour Department of Agriculture and Food, and Robert Johnson CBH Group, Esperance 2. CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL REGION, Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture and Food 3. GREAT SOUTHERN AND LAKES REGION, Raj Malik, Department of Agriculture and Food 4. NORTHERN AGRICULTURAL REGION, Wayne Parker and Martin Harries, Department of Agriculture and Food LUPINS 5. Cropping lupins in wide rows in Western Australia, Martin Harries and Bob French, Department of Agriculture and Food 6. The effect of sowing time and radish density on lupin yield, Martin Harries and Jo Walker, Department of Agriculture and Food 7. Lupin agronomy affects crop competitiveness with annual ryegrass, Bob French and Laurie Maiolo, Department of Agriculture and Food 8. Identification of lupin mutants with tolerance to isoxaflutole, Leigh Smith, Department of Agriculture and Food PULSES 9. Chickpea 2007 Crop Variety Testing (CVT) and National Variety Testing (NVT), Alan Harris, Rod Hunter, Tanveer Khan and Jenny Garlinge, Department of Agriculture and Food 10. Desi chickpea breeding: Evaluation of advanced lines, Tanveer Khan1, Poran Gaur2, Kadambot Siddique3, Heather Clarke4, Neil Turner4, William MacLeod4, Stuart Morgan1, Alan Harris1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2International Crop Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT); 3The University of Western Australia; 4Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 11. Can wide rows buffer chickpea growth against dry environments? Bob French and Wendy Vance, Department of Agriculture and Food, and School of Environmental Sciences, Murdoch University 12. Field pea 2007 Crop Variety Testing (CVT) and National Variety Testing (NVT), Alan Harris, Rod Hunter, Tanveer Khan and Jenny Garlinge, Department of Agriculture and Food 13. Australian Field Pea improvement Program (AFPIP): Evaluation of advanced breeding lines, Tanveer Khan1, Phillip Chambers1, Chris Veitch1, Stuart Morgan1, Alan Harris1, and Tony Leonforte 2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 14. Ability of semi-leafless field peas to recover after rolling, Mark Seymour and Rodger Beermier, Department of Agriculture and Food 15. Field pea germplasm enhancement for black spot resistance, Tanveer Khan, Stuart Morgan, Alan Harris and Phillip Chambers, Department of Agriculture and Food 16. Application of ‘Blackspot Manager’ model to identifying a low risk sowing date for field pea in South Australia and Western Australia in 2007, Moin Salam1, Jenny Davidson2, Jean Galloway1, Pip Payne2, Tess Humphries2, Bill MacLeod1 and Art Diggle1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2SARDI, South Australia 17. Late post emergent herbicide sprays for field pea, Mark Seymour and Rodger Beermier, Department of Agriculture and Food 18. Adding triasulfuron to croptopping mixes does not affect the yield of field pea, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture and Food 18. Herbicide tolerance of field pea varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu and Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture and Food 19. Breeding highlights of the PBA lentil program, Michael Materne1, Kerry Regan2, Chris Veitch2 and Phil Chambers2, 1Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 2Department of Agriculture and Food CANOLA 20. How late can I sow canola in 2008? Mohammad Amjad, Andy Sutherland and Pat Fels, Department of Agriculture and Food 21. Direct harvesting canola, Glen Riethmuller1, Wallace Cowling2, Milton Sanders2, Eliot Jones2 and Chris Newman1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, 2Canola Breeders Western Australia Pty Ltd 22. Agronomic performance of new hybrid canola and juncea canola in low, medium and high rainfall environments of Western Australia, Mohammad Amjad, Andy Sutherland and Pat Fels, Department of Agriculture and Food 23. Comparative performance of new canola varieties in commercial-scale field trials of Oilseeds WA – 2007, Mohammad Amjad1, John Duff2 and David Sermon3 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Oilseeds Western Australia and John Duff & Associates, Perth; 3ConsultAg, Perth 24. The effect of rotation crops, trash retention and prophylactic sprays on arthropod abundance in a following canola crop, Svetlana Micic, Anthony Dore and Geoff Strickland, Department of Agriculture and Food OATS 25. Fungicide options for controlling disease in oats, Raj Malik and Blakely Paynter, Department of Agriculture and Food 26. Herbicide tolerance of new oat varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, Vince Lambert and Chris Roberts, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    Crop Updates 2005 - Cereals

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    This session covers thirty six papers from different authors: WHEAT AGRONOMY 1. Optimum sowing time of new wheat varieties in Western Australia, Darshan Sharma, Brenda Shackley, Mohammad Amjad, Christine M. Zaicou-Kunesch and Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 2. Wheat varieties updated in ‘Flowering Calculator’: A model predicting flowering time, B. Shackley, D. Tennant, D. Sharma and C.M. Zaicou-Kunesch, Department of Agriculture 3. Plant populations for wheat varieties, Christine M. Zaicou-Kunesch, Wal Anderson, Darshan Sharma, Brenda Shackley and Mohammad Amjad, Department of Agriculture 4. New wheat cultivars response to fertiliser nitrogen in four major agricultural regions of Western Australia, Mohammad Amjad, Wal Anderson, Brenda Shackley, Darshan Sharma and Christine Zaicou-Kunesch, Department of Agriculture 5. Agronomic package for EGA Eagle Rock, Steve Penny, Department of Agriculture 6. Field evaluation of eastern and western wheats in large-scale farmer’s trials, Mohammad Amjad, Ben Curtis and Veronika Reck, Department of Agriculture 7. New wheat varieties for a changing environment, Richard Richards, CSIRO Plant Industry; Canberra 8. Farmers can profitably minimise exposure to frost! Garren Knell, Steve Curtin and David Sermon, ConsultAg 9. National Variety Trials, Alan Bedggood, Australian Crops Accreditation System; Horsham 10. Preharvest-sprouting tolerance of wheat in the field, T.B. Biddulph1, T.L. Setter2, J.A. Plummer1 and D.J. Mares3; 1Plant Biology; FNAS, University of Western Australia; 2Department of Agriculture, 3School of Agriculture and Wine, University of Adelaide 11. Waterlogging induces high concentration of Mn and Al in wheat genotypes in acidic soils, H. Khabaz-Saberi, T. Setter, I. Waters and G. McDonald, Department of Agriculture 12. Agronomic responses of new wheat varieties in the Northern Agricultural Region, Christine M. Zaicou-Kunesch and Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 13. Agronomic responses of new wheat varieties in the Central Agricultural Region of WA, Darshan Sharma, Steve Penny and Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 14. EGA Eagle Rock tolerance to metribuzin and its mixtures, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson and Chris Roberts, Department of Agriculture 15. Herbicide tolerance of new bread wheats, Harmohinder Dhammu1 and David Nicholson2, Department of Agriculture NUTRITION 16. The impact of fertiliser placement, timing and rates on nitrogen-use efficiency, Stephen Loss, CSBP Ltd 17. Cereals deficient in potassium are most susceptible to some leaf diseases, Ross Brennan and Kith Jayasena, Department of Agriculture 18. Responses of cereal yields to potassium fertiliser type, placement and timing, Eddy Pol, CSBP Limited 19. Sulphate of Potash, the potash of choice at seeding, Simon Teakle, United Farmers Co-operative 20. Essential disease management for successful barley production, K. Jayasena, R. Loughman, C. Beard, B. Paynter, K. Tanaka, G. Poulish and A. Smith, Department of Agriculture 21. Genotypic differences in potassium efficiency of wheat, Paul Damon and Zed Rengel, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Western Australia 22. Genotypic differences in potassium efficiency of barley, Paul Damon and Zed Rengel, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Western Australia 23. Investigating timing of nitrogen application in wheat, Darshan Sharma and Lionel Martin, Department of Agriculture, and Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology 24. Nutrient timing requirements for increased crop yields in the high rainfall cropping zone, Narelle Hill, Ron McTaggart, Dr Wal Anderson and Ray Tugwell, Department of Agriculture DISEASES 25. Integrate strategies to manage stripe rust risk, Geoff Thomas, Robert Loughman, Ciara Beard, Kith Jayasena and Manisha Shankar, Department of Agriculture 26. Effect of primary inoculum level of stripe rust on variety response in wheat, Manisha Shankar, John Majewski and Robert Loughman, Department of Agriculture 27. Disease resistance update for wheat varieties in WA, M. Shankar, J.M. Majewski, D. Foster, H. Golzar, J. Piotrowski and R. Loughman, Department of Agriculture 28. Big droplets for wheat fungicides, Rob Grima, Agronomist, Elders 29. On farm research to investigate fungicide applications to minimise leaf disease impacts in wheat, Jeff Russell and Angie Roe, Department of Agriculture, and Farm Focus Consultants PESTS 30. Rotations for nematode management, Vivien A. Vanstone, Sean J. Kelly, Helen F. Hunter and Mena C. Gilchrist, Department of Agriculture 31. Investigation into the adaqyacy of sealed farm silos in Western Australia to control phosphine-resistant Rhyzopertha dominica, C.R. Newman, Department of Agriculture 32.Insect contamination of cereal grain at harvest, Svetlana Micic and Phil Michael, Department of Agriculture 33. Phosure – Extending the life of phosphine, Gabrielle Coupland and Ern Kostas, Co-operative Bulk Handling SOIL 34. Optimum combinations of ripping depth and tine spacing for increasing wheat yield, Mohammed Hamza and Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 35. Hardpan penetration ability of wheat roots, Tina Botwright Acuña and Len Wade, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia MARKETS 36. Latin America: An emerging agricultural powerhouse, Ingrid Richardson, Food and Agribusiness Research, Rabobank; Sydne

    What Design Research Does ... : 62 Cards Highlighting the Power and Impact of UK-based Design Research in Addressing a Range of Complex Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Issues

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    Design research makes a significant contribution to the UK economy and society as a whole. Ever since the establishment of the Government Schools of Design in the nineteenth century, the UK has been widely acknowledged as an international leader in design research. Following this lead, the What Design Research Does
 cards highlight the wide range of social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts that design research, funded and based in the UK, makes all over the world. The 62 cards illustrate unambiguously the positive changes that contemporary UK-based design researchers are making in many complex issues. Each What Design Research Does
 card lists the challenges and issues faced by the design researchers, who they collaborated with, the research methods and approaches taken, the outcomes of the design research, what the main results and findings have been, and what impact the design research has had. In short, the What Design Research Does
 cards clearly articulate the breadth of social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts that UK-based design researchers are achieving today

    Current issues in medically assisted reproduction and genetics in Europe: research, clinical practice, ethics, legal issues and policy. European Society of Human Genetics and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

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    In March 2005, a group of experts from the European Society of Human Genetics and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology met to discuss the interface between genetics and assisted reproductive technology (ART), and published an extended background paper, recommendations and two Editorials. Seven years later, in March 2012, a follow-up interdisciplinary workshop was held, involving representatives of both professional societies, including experts from the European Union Eurogentest2 Coordination Action Project. The main goal of this meeting was to discuss developments at the interface between clinical genetics and ARTs. As more genetic causes of reproductive failure are now recognised and an increasing number of patients undergo testing of their genome before conception, either in regular health care or in the context of direct-to-consumer testing, the need for genetic counselling and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) may increase. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) thus far does not have evidence from randomised clinical trials to substantiate that the technique is both effective and efficient. Whole-genome sequencing may create greater challenges both in the technological and interpretational domains, and requires further reflection about the ethics of genetic testing in ART and PGD/PGS. Diagnostic laboratories should be reporting their results according to internationally accepted accreditation standards (International Standards Organisation - ISO 15189). Further studies are needed in order to address issues related to the impact of ART on epigenetic reprogramming of the early embryo. The legal landscape regarding assisted reproduction is evolving but still remains very heterogeneous and often contradictory. The lack of legal harmonisation and uneven access to infertility treatment and PGD/PGS fosters considerable cross-border reproductive care in Europe and beyond. The aim of this paper is to complement previous publications and provide an update of selected topics that have evolved since 2005

    Lineage segregation in human pre-implantation embryos is specified by YAP1 and TEAD1

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    International audienceStudy question: Which processes and transcription factors specify the first and second lineage segregation events during human preimplantation development?Summary answer: Differentiation into trophectoderm (TE) cells can be initiated independently of polarity; moreover, TEAD1 and YAP1 co-localize in (precursor) TE and primitive endoderm (PrE) cells, suggesting a role in both the first and the second lineage segregation events.What is known already: We know that polarity, YAP1/GATA3 signalling and phospholipase C signalling play a key role in TE initiation in compacted human embryos, however, little is known about the TEAD family of transcription factors that become activated by YAP1 and, especially, whether they play a role during epiblast (EPI) and PrE formation. In mouse embryos, polarized outer cells show nuclear TEAD4/YAP1 activity that upregulates Cdx2 and Gata3 expression while inner cells exclude YAP1 which upregulates Sox2 expression. The second lineage segregation event in mouse embryos is orchestrated by FGF4/FGFR2 signalling which could not be confirmed in human embryos; TEAD1/YAP1 signalling also plays a role during the establishment of mouse EPI cells.Study design, size, duration: Based on morphology, we set up a development timeline of 188 human preimplantation embryos between Day 4 and 6 post-fertilization (dpf). The compaction process was divided into three subgroups: embryos at the start (C0), during (C1), and at the end (C2) of, compaction. Inner cells were identified as cells that were entirely separated from the perivitelline space and enclosed by cellular contacts on all sides. The blastulation process was divided into six subgroups, starting with early blastocysts with sickle-cell shaped outer cells (B0) and further on, blastocysts with a cavity (B1). Full blastocysts (B2) showed a visible ICM and outer cells referred to as TE. Further expanded blastocysts (B3) had accumulated fluid and started to expand due to TE cell proliferation and zona pellucida (ZP) thinning. The blastocysts then significantly expanded further (B4) and started to hatch out of the ZP (B5) until they were fully hatched (B6).Participants/materials, setting, methods: After informed consent and the expiration of the 5-year cryopreservation duration, 188 vitrified high quality eight-cell stage human embryos (3 dpf) were warmed and cultured until the required stages were reached. We also cultured 14 embryos that were created for research until the four- and eight-cell stage. The embryos were scored according to their developmental stage (C0-B6) displaying morphological key differences, rather than defining them according to their chronological age. They were fixed and immunostained for different combinations of cytoskeleton (F-actin), polarization (p-ERM), TE (GATA3), EPI (NANOG), PrE (GATA4 and SOX17), and members of the Hippo signalling pathway (YAP1, TEAD1 and TEAD4). We choose these markers based on previous observations in mouse embryos and single cell RNA-sequencing data of human embryos. After confocal imaging (LSM800, Zeiss), we analysed cell numbers within each lineage, different co-localization patterns and nuclear enrichment.Main results and the role of chance: We found that in human preimplantation embryos compaction is a heterogeneous process that takes place between the eight-cell to the 16-cell stages. Inner and outer cells are established at the end of the compaction process (C2) when the embryos contain up to six inner cells. Full apical p-ERM polarity is present in all outer cells of compacted C2 embryos. Co-localization of p-ERM and F-actin increases steadily from 42.2% to 100% of the outer cells, between C2 and B1 stages, while p-ERM polarizes before F-actin (P < 0.00001). Next, we sought to determine which factors specify the first lineage segregation event. We found that 19.5% of the nuclei stain positive for YAP1 at the start of compaction (C0) which increases to 56.1% during compaction (C1). At the C2 stage, 84.6% of polarized outer cells display high levels of nuclear YAP1 while it is absent in 75% of non-polarized inner cells. In general, throughout the B0-B3 blastocyst stages, polarized outer/TE cells are mainly positive for YAP1 and non-polarized inner/ICM cells are negative for YAP1. From the C1 stage onwards, before polarity is established, the TE marker GATA3 is detectable in YAP1 positive cells (11.6%), indicating that differentiation into TE cells can be initiated independently of polarity. Co-localization of YAP1 and GATA3 increases steadily in outer/TE cells (21.8% in C2 up to 97.3% in B3). Transcription factor TEAD4 is ubiquitously present throughout preimplantation development from the compacted stage onwards (C2-B6). TEAD1 displays a distinct pattern that coincides with YAP1/GATA3 co-localization in the outer cells. Most outer/TE cells throughout the B0-B3 blastocyst stages are positive for TEAD1 and YAP1. However, TEAD1 proteins are also detected in most nuclei of the inner/ICM cells of the blastocysts from cavitation onwards, but at visibly lower levels as compared to that in TE cells. In the ICM of B3 blastocysts, we found one main population of cells with NANOG+/SOX17-/GATA4- nuclei (89.1%), but exceptionally we found NANOG+/SOX17+/GATA4+ cells (0.8%). In seven out of nine B3 blastocysts, nuclear NANOG was found in all the ICM cells, supporting the previously reported hypothesis that PrE cells arise from EPI cells. Finally, to determine which factors specify the second lineage segregation event, we co-stained for TEAD1, YAP1, and GATA4. We identified two main ICM cell populations in B4-6 blastocysts: the EPI (negative for the three markers, 46.5%) and the PrE (positive for the three markers, 28.1%) cells. We conclude that TEAD1 and YAP1 co-localise in (precursor) TE and PrE cells, indicating that TEAD1/YAP1 signalling plays a role in the first and the second lineage segregation events.Limitations, reasons for caution: In this descriptive study, we did not perform functional studies to investigate the role of TEAD1/YAP1 signalling during the first and second lineage segregation events.Wider implications of the findings: Our detailed roadmap on polarization, compaction, position and lineage segregation events during human preimplantation development paves the way for further functional studies. Understanding the gene regulatory networks and signalling pathways involved in early embryogenesis could ultimately provide insights into why embryonic development is sometimes impaired and facilitate the establishment of guidelines for good practice in the IVF lab.Study funding/competing interests: This work was financially supported by Wetenschappelijk Fonds Willy Gepts (WFWG) of the University Hospital UZ Brussel (WFWG142) and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen (FWO, G034514N). M.R. is doctoral fellow at the FWO. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.Trial registration number: N/A

    Interstices, entractes et transitions

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    L’illusion continue, comme la rĂ©alisation d’une parfaite continuitĂ© narrative ou dramatique, au thĂ©Ăątre, sont utopiques. Et si, parfois, elles se situent Ă  l’horizon d’un idĂ©al, le thĂ©Ăątre, Ă  tous Ă©gards, affiche toujours son incapacitĂ© Ă  fabriquer ce continu dramatique dont on a tant de fois rĂȘvĂ©. Ainsi, tout spectateur est simultanĂ©ment sensible Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© qui l’entoure (la sĂ©ance) et Ă  celle de l’action dramatique ; il ne peut que passer de l’une Ă  l’autre en s’appuyant concurremment sur ses passions et sur sa raison, dans le spectacle et dans la fiction. Qu’est-ce en effet qu’un spectacle, sinon une attente rĂ©itĂ©rĂ©e lors d’une sĂ©rie de noirs entrecoupĂ©s d’élĂ©ments figurĂ©s disjoints, qui peuvent (mais ne doivent pas nĂ©cessairement) s’articuler Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’un mouvement linĂ©aire, avec sa syntaxe particuliĂšre (qui recourt parfois Ă  la disjonction et se termine souvent par un « bouquet final » qui est une sorte d’acmĂ© au bord du gouffre noir) ? Sont alors essentielles, la discontinuitĂ© des effets Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’un spectacle, la collection d’émotions brutales, attendues, dĂ©sirĂ©es, qui peuvent donner lieu au plaisir ou Ă  sa dĂ©ception. Christian Biet, Introduction, premiers paragraphes. Dossier rĂ©alisĂ© avec le parrainage de Christian Biet (UniversitĂ© Paris X – Nanterre), sous la direction de Sylvain Diaz (UniversitĂ© LumiĂšre – Lyon 2) et Olivier Normand (E.N.S.-L.S.H.)