115 research outputs found

    Les manifestations constitutionnelles de l’identitĂ©

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    Quelle est l’identitĂ© constitutionnelle de La RĂ©union, territoire français de l’ocĂ©an Indien ? Si l’on s’en tient Ă  une approche constitutionnelle positive, les rĂ©clamations d’une appartenance française sont marquĂ©es et rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es, conduisant Ă  poser que l’identitĂ© constitutionnelle rĂ©unionnaise est une identitĂ© française, au risque de masquer son identitĂ© sociologique, historique et anthropologique. Les vellĂ©itĂ©s de constitutionnalisation d’un peuple rĂ©unionnais, d’un droit local et d’une langue crĂ©ole restent impossibles, sinon bridĂ©es, alors que l’interprĂ©tation par La RĂ©union de l’idĂ©al rĂ©publicain pourrait ĂȘtre plus souple.What is the constitutional identity of Reunion Island, a french territory of Indian Ocean? If a positive constitutional approach is followed, the claims of belonging to France are marked and repeated, leading to admit that the constitutional identity of La Reunion is a French identity, with the risk of masking its sociological, historical and anthropological identity. The constitutionalization’s ambitions of a people of La Reunion, of a local right and of a Creole language are impossible, otherwise clamped, while the interpretation of the republican ideal could be more flexibly

    Readthrough of Premature Termination Codons in the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Gene Restores Its Biological Activity in Human Cancer Cells

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    The APC tumor suppressor gene is frequently mutated in human colorectal cancer, with nonsense mutations accounting for 30% of all mutations in this gene. Reintroduction of the WT APC gene into cancer cells generally reduces tumorigenicity or induces apoptosis. In this study, we explored the possibility of using drugs to induce premature termination codon (PTC) readthrough (aminoglycosides, negamycin), as a means of reactivating endogenous APC. By quantifying the readthrough of 11 nonsense mutations in APC, we were able to identify those giving the highest levels of readthrough after treatment. For these mutations, we demonstrated that aminoglycoside or negamycin treatment led to a recovery of the biological activity of APC in cancer cell lines, and showed that the level of APC activity was proportional to the level of induced readthrough. These findings show that treatment with readthrough inducers should be considered as a potential strategy for treating cancers caused by nonsense mutations APC gene. They also provide a rational basis for identifying mutations responsive to readthrough inducers

    Inhibition of the ÎČ-lactamase BlaMab by avibactam improves the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of imipenem against mycobacterium abscessus

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    Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infections are treated with a macrolide (clarithromycin or azithromycin), an aminoglycoside (amikacin), and a ÎČ-lactam (cefoxitin or imipenem). The triple combination is used without any ÎČ-lactamase inhibitor, even though M. abscessus produces the broad-spectrum ÎČ-lactamase BlaMab. We determine whether inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improves the activity of imipenem against M. abscessus. The bactericidal activity of drug combinations was assayed in broth and in human macrophages. The in vivo efficacy of the drugs was tested by monitoring the survival of infected zebrafish embryos. The level of BlaMab production in broth and in macrophages was compared by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and Western blotting. The triple combination of imipenem (8 or 32 ÎŒg/ml), amikacin (32 ÎŒg/ml), and avibactam (4 ÎŒg/ml) was bactericidal in broth (<0.1% survival), with 3.2- and 4.3-log10 reductions in the number of CFU being achieved at 72 h when imipenem was used at 8 and 32 ÎŒg/ml, respectively. The triple combination achieved significant intracellular killing, with the bacterial survival rates being 54% and 7% with the low (8 ÎŒg/ml) and high (32 ÎŒg/ml) dosages of imipenem, respectively. In vivo inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improved the survival of zebrafish embryos treated with imipenem. Expression of the gene encoding BlaMab was induced (20-fold) in the infected macrophages. Inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improved the efficacy of imipenem against M. abscessus in vitro, in macrophages, and in zebrafish embryos, indicating that this ÎČ-lactamase inhibitor should be clinically evaluated. The in vitro evaluation of imipenem may underestimate the impact of BlaMab, since the production of the ÎČ-lactamase is inducible in macrophages

    La mise Ă  jour du traitĂ© de 1949 entre l’Inde et le Bhutan : l’amorce d’une nouvelle politique indienne de voisinage ?

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    Le traité de voisinage, de 1949, entre l'Inde et le Bhutan a été réécrit et corrigé dans ses aspects les plus discutables. Ce renouvellement intervient alors que le Bhutan connaßt des réformes politiques visant à introduire des éléments de parlementarisme constitutionnel au sein de son régime monarchique. Du cÎté indien, faut-il considérer que cette initiative diplomatique pourrait retentir sur le traité indo-népalais de 1950, et surtout sur les relations difficiles entretenues avec la Chine et le Pakistan 

    Combat de coqs.Article 521-1 du Code pĂ©nal.Interdiction de la construction de nouveaux gallodromes.Question prioritaire de constitutionnalitĂ©.Traitement diffĂ©rent des combats de coqs et des courses de taureaux.Rupture de l’égalitĂ© devant la loi (non). Conseil constitutionnel, DĂ©cision n° 2015-477, QPC du 31 juillet 2015, M. Jismy R. [Incrimination de la crĂ©ation de nouveaux gallodromes]. Avec note

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    Sermet Laurent. Combat de coqs.Article 521-1 du Code pĂ©nal.Interdiction de la construction de nouveaux gallodromes.Question prioritaire de constitutionnalitĂ©.Traitement diffĂ©rent des combats de coqs et des courses de taureaux.Rupture de l’égalitĂ© devant la loi (non). Conseil constitutionnel, DĂ©cision n° 2015-477, QPC du 31 juillet 2015, M. Jismy R. [Incrimination de la crĂ©ation de nouveaux gallodromes]. Avec note. In: Revue Juridique de l'Environnement, n°4, 2015. pp. 717-733

    Les instruments internationaux de protection des peuples autochtones

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    Exposé des instruments internationaux de protection des peuples autochtones

    Considérations sur la structure du principe d'égalité, à la lumiÚre de l'article 9 de la Constitution sud-africaine de 1996

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    Actualité bibliographique

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    La Convention-cadre de lutte antitabac : les mots du droit international pour construire un holisme sanitaire

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