251 research outputs found

    Pääsuunnittelijan johtamistaidot - Johtajuus ja mahdollisuudet siinä kehittymiseen (11. Pääsuunnittelija–koulutusohjelma)

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    Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on pohtia, mitä mahdollisuuksia ja velvollisuuksia pääsuunnittelijalla on toimia suunnittelun johtajana ja mitä ominaisuuksia tehtävän hyvä hoitaminen edellyttää. Lisäksi pohditaan tehtävässä kehittymisen mahdollisuuksia ja sitä, miksi johtajuutta tarvitaan pääsuunnittelijan tehtävästä suoriutumisessa. Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaissa edellytetään, että rakentamista koskeva suunnitelma on laadittava siten, että se täyttää tämän lain ja sen nojalla annettujen säännösten ja määräysten sekä hyvän rakennustavan vaatimukset. Rakennuksen suunnittelussa tulee olla suunnittelun kokonaisuudesta ja sen laadusta vastaava pätevä henkilö, joka huolehtii siitä, että rakennussuunnitelma ja erityissuunnitelmat muodostavat kokonaisuuden, joka täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset (pääsuunnittelija). (MRL 120 § 1 ja 2 mom.) Suunnittelijoilta edellytetään rakennushankkeen laadun ja tehtävän vaativuuden edellyttämä koulutus ja kokemus sekä suunnittelijoiden kelpoisuutta arvioidaan suhteessa suunniteltavaan kohteeseen. Pääsuunnittelijan kelpoisuuden tulee yleensä olla vähintään samaa tasoa kuin hankkeen vaativimpaan suunnittelutehtävään tarvittava kelpoisuus. Pääsuunnittelijan tulee johtaa suunnitteluryhmää ja huolehtia lukuisten velvoitteiden täyttymisestä projektin aikana. Määräyksissä sanotaan, että pääsuunnittelijalla tulee olla eri toimialojen suunnitelmien yhteensovittamisen kokemus ja taito. (MRA 48 §) Missään ei selkeästi määritellä pääsuunnittelijan roolia johtajana. Pääsuunnittelijan johtajuuteen vaikuttaa paljon rakennuttajan vahvuus. Heikko rakennuttaja, esimerkiksi kertarakennuttaja, tarvitsee rinnalleen vahvan pääsuunnittelijan ja vahvan rakennuttajan rinnalla pääsuunnittelijan tulee ottaa paikkansa. Vastuu suunnittelusta on aina viimekädessä suunnittelun tilaajalla, mutta pääsuunnittelijan rooli suunnittelun johtajana on merkittävä projektin onnistumisen kannalta

    Influence of molecular weight on the phase behavior and structure formation of branched side-chain hairy-rod polyfluorene in bulk phase.

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    We report on an experimental study of the self-organization and phase behavior of hairy-rod π -conjugated branched side-chain polyfluorene, poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-fluorene-2,7-diyl]—i.e., poly[2,7–(9,9–bis(2–ethylhexyl)fluorene] (PF2∕6) —as a function of molecular weight (Mn) . The results have been compared to those of phenomenological theory. Samples for which Mn=3–147 kg∕mol were used. First, the stiffness of PF2∕6 , the assumption of the theory, has been probed by small-angle neutron scattering in solution. Thermogravimetry has been used to show that PF2∕6 is thermally stable over the conditions studied. Second, the existence of nematic and hexagonal phases has been phenomenologically identified for lower and higher Mn (LMW, Mn<Mn* and HMW, Mn>Mn* ) regimes, respectively, based on free-energy argument of nematic and hexagonal hairy rods and found to correspond to the experimental x-ray diffraction (XRD) results for PF2∕6 . By using the lattice parameters of PF2∕6 as an experimental input, the nematic-hexagonal transition has been predicted in the vicinity of glassification temperature (Tg) of PF2∕6 . Then, by taking the orientation parts of the free energies into account the nematic-hexagonal transition has been calculated as a function of temperature and Mn and a phase diagram has been formed. Below Tg of 80 °C only (frozen) nematic phase is observed for Mn<Mn*=104 g∕mol and crystalline hexagonal phase for Mn>Mn* . The nematic-hexagonal transition upon heating is observed for the HMW regime depending weakly on Mn , being at 140–165 °C for Mn>Mn* . Third, the phase behavior and structure formation as a function of Mn have been probed using powder and fiber XRD and differential scanning calorimetry and reasonable semiquantitative agreement with theory has been found for Mn≥3 kg∕mol . Fourth, structural characteristics are widely discussed. The nematic phase of LMW materials has been observed to be denser than high-temperature nematic phase of HMW compounds. The hexagonal phase has been found to be paracrystalline in the (ab0) plane but a genuine crystal meridionally. We also find that all these materials including the shortest 10-mer possess the formerly observed rigid five-helix hairy-rod molecular structure

    Surfactant induced mesomorphic behaviour of flexible polymers

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    Conditions for micro phase separated structures based on flexible polymers associated with surfactants have been investigated. Reasonably strong attractive interactions are required to oppose macro phase separation between polymer and surfactant. In order to obtain micro phase separation, additionally a sufficiently strong polar-nonpolar repulsion has to be present. Poly(4-vinyl pyridine), poly(2-vinyl pyridine) and polyamide 6 have been used as model polymers in this work. Associations based on protonation, metal coordination and hydrogen bonding are presented and shown to yield micro phase separation under suitable conditions. In the charged systems, the polar-nonpolar repulsion easily becomes large enough to render micro phase separated structures. In hydrogen bonded (i.e. noncharged) systems a more delicate balance can be achieved in which case an order-disorder transition takes place from a homogeneous state, exhibiting nonetheless a distinct SAXS peak due to characteristic block copolymer-like fluctuations, to a micro phase separated ordered state.</p


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    Theoretically, lyotropic behavior of flexible polymers can be induced by associating the polymers with a large amount of long-tail surfactants leading to bottle-brush type conformations in suitable solvents. To address this and related questions, complexes of poly(2-vinylpyridine) (P2VP) and poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP) with p-dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA), characterized by FT-IR, were investigated in the bulk and in xylene, i.e., a good solvent for the alkyl side chains. At a 1:1 molar ratio of vinylpyridine monomer and DBS, the polymers are shown by FT-IR to be almost completely protonated. In the bulk, the complexes form mesomorphic layer structures which have been characterized by polarized optical microscopy and by both wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering. In the xylene solutions, birefringence indicating liquid crystallinity is observed for concentrations of the fully protonated P4VP-(DBSA)(1.0) complex of ca. 50% (w/w) and higher. In contrast, for P2VP(DBSA)(1.0), this is only observed at complex concentrations of ca. 70% (w/w) and higher. The mesomorphic behavior of P4VP(DBSA)(1.0) in xylene was further demonstrated by SAXS

    Bench-top X-ray microtomography complemented with spatially localized X-ray scattering experiments

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    This article describes a novel experimental setup that combines X-ray microtomography (XMT) scans with in situ X-ray scattering experiments in a laboratory setting. Combining these two methods allows the characterization of both the micrometre-scale morphology and the crystallographic properties of the sample without removing it from the setup. Precise control of the position of the sample allows an accurate choice of the scattering beam path through the sample and facilitates the performance of X-ray scattering experiments on submillimetre-sized samples. With the present setup, a voxel size of less than 0.5 mm is achievable in the XMT images, and scattering experiments can be carried out with a beam size of approximately 200 200 mm. The potential of this setup is illustrated with the analysis of micrometeorite crystal structure and diffraction tomographic imaging of a silver behenate phantom as example applications.Peer reviewe

    The structure of Lactobacillus brevis surface layer reassembled on liposomes differs from native structure as revealed by SAXS

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    AbstractThe reassembly of the S-layer protein SlpA of Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 8287 on positively charged liposomes was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and zeta potential measurements. SlpA was reassembled on unilamellar liposomes consisting of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane, prepared by extrusion through membranes with pore sizes of 50nm and 100nm. Similarly extruded samples without SlpA were used as a reference. The SlpA-containing samples showed clear diffraction peaks in their SAXS intensities. The lattice constants were calculated from the diffraction pattern and compared to those determined for SlpA on native cell wall fragments. Lattice constants for SlpA reassembled on liposomes (a=9.29nm, b=8.03nm, and γ=84.9°) showed a marked change in the lattice constants b and γ when compared to those determined for SlpA on native cell wall fragments (a=9.41nm, b=6.48nm, and γ=77.0°). The latter are in good agreement with values previously determined by electron microscopy. This indicates that the structure formed by SlpA is stable on the bacterial cell wall, but SlpA reassembles into a different structure on cationic liposomes. From the (10) reflection, the lower limit of crystallite size of SlpA on liposomes was determined to be 92nm, corresponding to approximately ten aligned lattice planes

    Delivering Agents Locally into Articular Cartilage by Intense MHz Ultrasound

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    There is no cure for osteoarthritis. Current drug delivery relies on systemic delivery or injections into the joint. Because articular cartilage (AC) degeneration can be local and drug exposure outside the lesion can cause adverse effects, localized drug delivery could permit new drug treatment strategies. We investigated whether intense megahertz ultrasound (frequency: 1.138 MHz, peak positive pressure: 2.7 MPa, I-spta: 5 W/cm(2), beam width: 5.7 mm at -6 dB, duty cycle: 5%, pulse repetition frequency: 285 Hz, mechanical index: 1.1) can deliver agents into AC without damaging it. Using ultrasound, we delivered a drug surrogate down to a depth corresponding to 53% depth of the AC thickness without causing histologically detectable damage to the AC. This may be important because early osteoarthritis typically exhibits histopathologic changes in the superficial AC. In conclusion, we identify intense megahertz ultrasound as a technique that potentially enables localized non-destructive delivery of osteoarthritis drugs or drug carriers into articular cartilage. (E-mail: [email protected]) (C) 2015 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.Peer reviewe

    Visualizing water-filled versus embolized status of xylem conduits by desktop x-ray microtomography

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    Background The hydraulic conductivity of the stem is a major factor limiting the capability of trees to transport water from the soil to transpiring leaves. During drought conditions, the conducting capacity of xylem can be reduced by some conduits being filled with gas, i.e. embolized. In order to understand the dynamics of embolism formation and repair, considerable attention has been given to developing reliable and accurate methods for quantifying the phenomenon. In the past decade, non-destructive imaging of embolism formation in living plants has become possible. Magnetic resonance imaging has been used to visualize the distribution of water within the stem, but in most cases it is not possible to resolve individual cells. Recently, high-resolution synchrotron x-ray microtomography has been introduced as a tool to visualize the water contents of individual cells in vivo, providing unprecedented insight into the dynamics of embolism repair. We have investigated the potential of an x-ray tube -based microtomography setup to visualize and quantify xylem embolism and embolism repair in water-stressed young saplings and shoot tips of Silver and Curly birch (Betula pendula and B. pendula var. carelica). Results From the microtomography images, the water-filled versus gas-filled status of individual xylem conduits can be seen, and the proportion of stem cross-section that consists of embolized tissue can be calculated. Measuring the number of embolized vessels in the imaged area is a simple counting experiment. In the samples investigated, wood fibers were cavitated in a large proportion of the xylem cross-section shortly after watering of the plant was stopped, but the number of embolized vessels remained low several days into a drought period. Under conditions of low evaporative demand, also refilling of previously embolized conduits was observed. Conclusions Desktop x-ray microtomography is shown to be an effective method for evaluating the water-filled versus embolized status of the stem xylem in a small living sapling. Due to its non-destructive nature, the risk of inducing embolisms during sampling is greatly reduced. Compared with synchrotron imaging beamlines, desktop microtomography offers easier accessibility, while maintaining sufficient resolution to visualize the water contents of individual cells.Peer reviewe