553 research outputs found


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    One of the goals of urban development is to improve the quality of life of the people, especially in the aspect of health, as found in Denpasar, Bali, which wants to create a healthy city. Denpasar City Development is expected to create and improve health services for the entire community. Improved health infrastructure services are expected to support other government health programs, including the Family Planning Program (KB) as an effort to inhibit the rate of population growth that negatively impacts the economy and environment of a rural and urban area. Through family planning programs people can set the number of children and the desired pregnancy distance, especially for people who live in urban areas. This study aimed to determine contraceptive services in Fertile Age Women (WRA) in urban areas. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted on 1,777 women of childbearing age in Denpasar City. Data on family planning users were obtained from the BKKBN family data collection in 2018. The survey data were processed through univariate and bivariate analysis to determine trends in the use of contraceptives in Denpasar. 55.7% of family planning services in Denpasar are in a bad category. Fertile Age Women (WUS) in the city of Denpasar do not have health insurance (41.6%), do not receive family planning information through the media (41.1%), do not get information from health workers (73.5%), do not get field visit from the health workers ( 96.5%) and do not receive counseling services (59.8%). The low utilization of family planning services will affect the quality of life of the community in Denpasar, especially the WUS, and become a barrier to achieve a healthy city

    Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Inklusi Keuangan dan Akses Permodalan Terhadap Keberlanjutan UMKM Pada Bidang Fashion Di Kota Denpasar

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    Keberadaan UMKM memiliki peran penting pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara dalam mendorong pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Hal ini menimbulkan ketertarikan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dari keberlanjutan UMKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh literasi keuangan, inklusi keuangan dan akses permodalan terhadap keberlanjutan UMKM di Kota Denpasar khususnya pada bidang fashion. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para UMKM di bidang fashion yang terdaftar di Dinas Koperasi UMKM di Kota Denpasar. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sebesar 99 responden. Metode pengumpulan data adalah metode survey dengan kuesioner. Teknik analisis regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa literasi keuangan, inklusi keuangan dan akses permodalan berpengaruh positif terhadap keberlanjutan UMKM di Kota Denpasar khususnya pada bidang fashion. Untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan, UMKM di Kota Denpasar khususnya pada bidang fashion perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan akuntansi dasar, memahami manfaat pengelolaan keuangan, memahami pengelolaan keuangan yang efektif, mengetahui syarat agar mendapatkan pinjaman bank, mengetahui manfaat fasilitas bank, meningkatkan analisis kinerja secara berkala, membuat pembukuan kas per-hari, aktif melakukan bimbingan dan pembinaan, melakukan bugeting, menyusun anggaran belanja per-bulan, tetap berhati-hati dalam melakukan kredit ataupun pinjaman, berani mengambil resiko, dapat mengatur strategi resiko keuangan dan menetapkan planning kedepan. Untuk meningkatkan inklusi keuangan, UMKM perlu mengetahui Lembaga keuangan yang berlokasi strategis, mengetahui layanan yang diberikan bank, mampu menggunakan fasilitas  Lembaga keuangan untuk mengelola keuangan, meningkatkan penggunaan internet dalam mengakses layanan keuangan, Lembaga keuanggan perlu membuat panduan tata cara dalam mengakses layanan, layanan jasa keuangan sangat membantu para UMKM, mengoptimalkan biaya pemeliharaan serta Lembaga keuangan menyediakan produk dan layanan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Aspek-aspek yang perlu diperhatikan untuk meningkatkan akses permodalan adalah memudahkan memperoleh informasi terkait pinjaman dari berbagai pihak, mampu mendapat tawaran dari Lembaga keuangan untuk meningkatkan usaha, mengantisipasi hambatan dalam mengakses modal eksternal, dan tidak mempersulit pinjaman kerdit usaha rakyat

    Pemodelan Kinetika Pengeringan Beberapa Komoditas Pertanian Menggunakan Pengering Inframerah

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    The drying kinetics study was carried out on agricultural commodities using an infrared dryer at temperature 60 °C. The aim of this study was to determine a drying model and effective moisture diffusivity that showed the drying characteristics of cassava slices, banana slices and groundnut pods. The experiments were conducted at three agricultural commodities (cassava, banana, and groundnut) at two capacity levels of 12 kg and 24 kg. Drying was done by arranging the agricultural material on tray of 0.5 kg and 1 kg for the treatment of 12 kg capacity and 24 kg capacity, respectively. A total of 24 trays were inserted into the dryer and every hour sample was taken to analyze the water content by gravimetric method. Data was fitted to four drying models and non-linear regression analysis was used to determine model parameters. The models were compared based on their coefficients of determination (R2) between the experimental and predicted moisture ratios. The results showed that the increase of drying capacity would decrease the drying rate for all agricultural commodities. The Page model was showed to the best for describing the drying behaviour for these agricultural products. Effective moisture diffusivity ranged between 1.34x10-10 m2/s - 3.23x10-10 m2/s


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    Translation has important role to the development of science field, especially in accounting field which has been expanding in this globalization era. Hence, it is very interesting to analyze the translation of English accounting terms into Indonesian because it contains many accounting typical terms and specific vocabulary usually used by accountant. Furthermore, this research focuses on identifying of accounting terms in English accounting book and their equivalences in Indonesian. The data was collected by note taking and comparing techniques. Then, the data analysis is performed to search the form and category of the English accounting terms. Parallel corpora were used in presenting source language and target language data. Descriptive qualitative methods were applied to analyze all research problems. The theory of translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) was applied in order to find translation techniques chosen by translator in translating English accounting terms and the theory of grammatical proposed by Quirk et al (1985) to find the categories of word, compound word and phrase. This research is expected to contribute to further research related to accounting vocabularies consist of a set of words, compound words and phrase which are considered available in all languages of the world

    Racism towards Black American: Intersectionality in Constructing Social Racist through Poetical Depiction by Langston Hughes and Amy Saunders

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    In this research, the development of racism based on the different formations of socio-cultural and historical aspects was the standpoint that was shown by the interpretation of poetical depiction of meaning and messages. The gap between Langston Hughes in “I, too, sing America” (1926) and Amy Saunders in “You’re not Black” (2019) as the data advocates for racist transformation in natural past and present American socialization. Several critical studies have examined the racial issues reflected in poems however they didn’t elaborate on racism specifically rather than segregation and discrimination although racism is classified in several types. Moreover, the critical studies have been done only analyzed the racism happened on the past while this study compares the past and present racism as the concern of social construction among black American as the target of unfair treatments. The descriptive qualitative method using documentation, descriptive analysis, and note-taking technique was used to identify and elaborate meaning correlation with racial issues in the poems. This research aimed to classify the figurative language and its meaning related to racism while illustrating the development of racism from the perspective of socio-cultural and historical aspects that influenced the poets and their poetry. Theory of Critical Race was used to demonstrate that racism was developing in a different formation. The research has found the interconnection between historical values of slavery system constructed stereotypes of black people as minor American. Social construction formed a cultural differentiation which led to segregation and discrimination towards black in any form of everyday aspects

    Nutritional Content of Finisher Phase Boiler Chicken Rations Containing Fermented Bean Sprouts Waste Flour

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    The ration must meet quality requirements because the provision of the quality ration is an important factor that determines the success of broiler chicken farming. Bean sprouts waste flour has the potential as one of the ingredients in broiler chicken ration and is a source of vegetable protein. Protein content in bean sprouts waste flourishes quite high, but the crude fiber content is also high so fermentation needs to be done to improve digestibility and nutritional quality. The quality of feed ingredients that form the ration greatly influences the final product made, which is ration. The purpose of this study was to determine with certainty the water content, ash content, BETN, and ME of finisher phase broiler chicken rations containing fermented bean sprouts waste flour by proximate analysis. This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications in each treatment. The treatments applied were P0 = rations without fermented bean sprouts waste flour, P1 = rations with 3% bean sprouts waste flour, P2 = rations with 6% bean sprouts waste flour and P3 = rations with 9% Bean sprouts waste flour The variables analyzed were water content, ash content, BETN and ME ration. The results of this study indicate the use of fermented bean sprouts waste flour in finisher phase broiler chicken ration significantly (

    Black Panther: A Characterization Study of Erik Killmonger’s Machiavellianism

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    The study discusses and analyzes the characterization of a secondary character in the movie Black Panther, Erik Killmonger whose status as a villain described as a Machiavellian; a person known to be gruesome and unreliable to acquire everything he desires by any means necessary. The study functions as a source of knowledge for everyone who wishes to comprehend the deeper issue of a secondary character existence in a movie who does not get enough recognition, unlike the main character. This study used collecting and observing methods to acquire the data, Black Panther movie along with the movie script. A Qualitative research method is used to answer the problems of the study. It examined Killmonger’s characterization by using three theories; tridimensional aspects, Black Nationalism, and Machiavellianism. Discussion of Black History counts as a great necessity to give a clearer sense of the character’s background who described as an African-American male. Lastly, a descriptive method to analyze the problems and present the analysis is chosen to complete this study. The results of this study found innovative discussions on a Machiavellian character on the parameters of self-determination, nationalism, and racial prejudice. Killmonger’s Machiavellian character is categorized to have “cold” emotionality, lack of empathy, and manipulative. The study results also delivered fundamental truths about the current political and cultural situation in the United States, in which people still seek persistence in their everyday lives based on racial boundaries reflected by Killmonger’s mission as an African-American


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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused health problems in various countries including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made as a strategy to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 including the implementation of restriction on community activity to reduce mobility, implementing health protocols, namely wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands, tests, search, follow-up, and vaccinations.  The Covid-19 resilient village program was organized to raise public awareness about covid-19 infections and how to maintain physical and mental health. The Covid-19 resilient village program was implemented in Pikat Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province. The activity took place in July-August 2021. The target of the activity is the entire community in Pikat Village. The activity was carried out by a combination method online and offline in related the Covid-19 pandemic situation and the implementation of restrictions on activities for all communities including in Pikat Village. The Covid-19 resilient village program consists of 5 activities, namely Covid-19 contact trackers, mask waste processing education, mental health education, benefits education as an immunity-enhancing material, distribution of masks and handsanitizers for the community. This activity runs smoothly and provides benefits for the community so that it needs to be maintained the continuity of activities to educate the community in accordance with needs

    Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Pengemasan Produk Hasil Peternakan

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    Proses pengolahan hasil peternakan dilakukan dengan cara pengemasan untuk mengawetkan dan memperpanjang umur dari produk-produk pangan atau makanan yang terkandung di dalamnya


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    Targets of President Joko Widodo related  to taxation is striking a tax ratio of 16% in 2019. But it is still impeded because there are indications that the company is still trying to commit acts of aggression taxes. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of the influence of CSR, profitability, inventory intensity, capital intensity and aggressiveness leverage on taxes. This research used non-probability sampling method, and using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used descriptive  and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study the variables of profitability and capital intensity positive effect on the aggressiveness of corporate tax, while variable leverage CSR disclosure and negative effect on the aggressiveness of corporate tax, and inventory variable intensity had no effect on the aggressiveness of the tax
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