6 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Design of the Content of Professional Training of Teachers of General Technical Disciplines and Methods of Teaching Technology

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    Professional training of masters in higher education institutions, its effectiveness is largely determined by the level of pedagogical design of the training content of future teachers of general technical disciplines and teaching methods of technology, since it is the content that is designed to ensure the formation of a personality that has not only a system of special knowledge and professional actions, but also differs in formation professionally important competencies, the appropriate level of qualifications, taking into account world and European quality standards while maintaining national achievements and priorities, as well as capable of fruitful teaching activities in modern conditions. According to the results of the study it can be stated: when designing the content of training masters of technological education it is necessary to take into account the general principles of building the content of education and the principles of updating the content of training to the requirements of time; designing the content component of integrated modules of psychological-pedagogical and special-subject training involves determining their goals and objectives, selection of innovative content for each topic of the content module, selection of forms, methods and technologies of its implementation, determination of evaluation criteria and system of diagnostics of success of undergraduates; the content component of professional training of masters of technological education must contain knowledge and experience of innovative psychological-pedagogical and technical-technological activity of a teacher in the system of higher educational institution; the effectiveness of the content of professional training of future teachers of general technical disciplines and methods of teaching technology is determined by the effectiveness of professional activity, which can be characterized as the formation of professional and pedagogical competence, ability to professional and pedagogical self-development and self-improvement.</p

    Pedagogical Conditions of the Future Social Workers' Professional¬legal Competence Formation

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    У статті зазначені та розкриті педагогічні умови формування професійно- правової компетентності майбутніх соціальних працівників. З метою досягнення цілі дослідження використано такі дослідницькі методи: аналіз та узагальнення емпіричних і теоретичних положень, що містяться у фаховій літературі з різних наукових напрямів (педагогіки, психології, методики навчання тощо) у працях вітчизняних та зарубіжних дослідників. Перспективою в дослідженні буде подальше розкриття педагогічних умов в аспекті формування професійно-правової компетентності майбутніх соціальних працівників.In the article pedagogical conditions of the future social workers' professional-legal competence formation are stated and revealed: creation in future social workers of positive motivation for the formation of professional-legal competence as an integral structural composition, the need in their self-education and self-improvement; implementation of the system of knowledge about the essence and importance of professional-legal competence of the future social workers to the content of their training; realization in the educational process of the higher education institutions of the appropriate complex of traditional and innovative forms and methods for facilitating the formation of professional-legal competence of the future social workers; ensuring the readiness of teachers to the formation of professional-legal competence of the future social workers. With the aim of achieving the objectives of the study the following research methods are used: analysis and generalization of empirical and theoretical positions contained in the professional literature in different scientific fields (pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching, etc.) in the works of native and foreign researchers. Justifying the first pedagogical condition, we show the conceptual provisions of the theory of activity of A. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein (efficiency of activity is directly proportional to its motivation). In the context of our study is important the interpretation of motivation as a dynamic process of formation of the motive. Diagnosis of students' motivation to learning in universities has shown that the dominant in the future specialists is a motivation for graduation, while the acquisition of knowledge and mastery of the profession was observed only in a small number of students. Justifying the second pedagogical condition, we note that the system combines two kinds of knowledge: scientific-theoretical and practical. Actualization of the third pedagogical condition of our study is due to the basic provisions of the psychological-pedagogical thought (V. Davydov, O. Leontiev) that this activity is a universal form of functioning of the individual and that the effective formation of the personality is possible only under condition of its inclusion in a variety of forms and activities. The definition of the fourth pedagogical condition of the study is due to the conceptual provisions of the psychological-pedagogical science about the leading role of the personality of the teacher in the educational process. Perspective of the further study will be the disclosure of the pedagogical conditions in the aspect of the future social workers' professional-legal competence forming.

    Methods of Detection and Assessment of Legal Capacity

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    In order to determine the initial level of formation of professional and legal competence of the future social workers were used methods adapted by the author “Motivation of professional activity” by Zamfyr (Рамендик, 2013, p. 123) (in modification of Rean), which gave us the opportunity to diagnose the students‟ motivation for professional activity. It is based on the concept of internal and external motivation. We can talk about the internal type of motivation if the activity in itself is significant for the individual. And if in the basis of professional activity motivation lies the aspiration to satisfy other needs (in particular, reasons of social prestige, salary, etc.), in this case we can talk about the external motivation. External motives differentiated on external positive and external negative

    "Прогресивна техніка, технологія та інженерна освіта", XXI Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція

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    У статті представлені передумови розвитку алгоритмізації синтезу конструктивних елементів у процесі проектування проектних та технологічних рішень в машинобудуванні на основі класичних методів з використанням нейронної мережі. У роботі розглядаються існуючі методи пошуку інженерних рішень та представлений аналіз застосування нейронних мереж. У статті пропонується вирішити проблему оптимізації синтезу функціональних підрозділів машинобудівних конструкцій, що скоротить час їх проектування та забезпечить технічне рішення алгоритмічних розрахунків з елементами інтуїції та досвіду досвідчених інженерів.The article presents the prerequisites for the development of algorithmization of the synthesis of structural elements in the process of design and technological solutions in mechanical engineering on the basis of classical methods using a neural network. The paper considers the existing methods of searching for engineering solutions and presents an analysis of the application of neural networks. The article proposes a solution to the problem of optimizing the synthesis of functional units of mechanical engineering structures, which will reduce the time of their design and provide a technical solution of algorithmic calculations with elements of intuition and experience engineers

    Prerequisites for the use of neural networks in the synthesis of structures in mechanical engineering

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    Abstract. The article presents the prerequisites for the development of algorithmization of the synthesis of structural elements in the process of design and technological solutions in mechanical engineering on the basis of classical methods using a neural network. The paper considers the existing methods of searching for engineering solutions and presents an analysis of the application of neural networks. The article proposes a solution to the problem of optimizing the synthesis of functional units of mechanical engineering structures, which will reduce the time of their design and provide a technical solution of algorithmic calculations with elements of intuition and experience engineers

    Enhancing the Motivation of Future Physical Education Teachers in the Field of Ecotourism

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    Мотивувати учня може тільки той викладач, екологічні компетентності й особистісні властивості якого виглядають природними та фоновими стосовно власне дидактичної діяльності. Екстремумами екологічної активності виступають тільки пограничні або когнітивно-дисонансні моменти, інакше студент, який рефлексивно сприймаю фізичні та психологічні виміри, може побачити «фальш» або навмисну доцільність у діях педагога. Мотивація студентів до екологічної активності, діяльності та самовдосконалення містить в основі ціннісні (аксіологічні) імперативи і мотиви. Мета статті полягає в теоретичному обґрунтуванні ефективності активізації мотивації майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання і спорту в сфері екологічного туризму.Only the university teacher whose ecological competences and personal qualities may appear to be natural and background regarding didactic activities can motivate the student. The turning points of ecological activities are only borderline or cognitively dissonant moments, otherwise, the student who reflexively perceives physical and psychological dimensions may see “falsehood” or intentional expediency in the actions of the university teacher. Students’ motivation towards ecological activities and self-improvement is based on axiological imperatives and motives. The article aims to theoretically justify the effectiveness of enhancing the motivation of future physical education teachers in the field of eco-tourism. Research methods include the following: theoretical methods – analysis and synthesis of literary sources, comparison, systematization, generalization, abstraction, hypothetical method, deduction, individualization, classification, analogies, modelling, forecasting to study conceptual provisions to substantiate the author’s concept. The process of enhancing the motivation of the EG students and university teachers was based on such author’s methodologies as “The Questionnaire for Teachers to Study Their Ecological Health”, “The Questionnaire to Study Students’ Attitude towards Eco-Tourism”, “The Questionnaire to Study Teacher and Students’ Readiness towards Development of Eco-Tourism”, “The Questionnaire to Identify the Formation Level of the Axiological and Motivational Component of Eco-Tourism Development”, “Methods for Determining the Role of Health-Related Values in the Hierarchy of Students’ Vital Values”, “The Text of the Questionnaire for Revealing Students’ Awareness of Ecological Health”, “The Diagnostics of Volitional Self-Control (A. Zverkov and E. Eidman’s Questionnaire)”, etc. The following methods were used to develop ecological competences in future teachers: writing essays, analyzing and selecting topics for instructional design within the interdisciplinary project “Ecology and Health”. The affirmation of behavior is tactically more valid and effective, which, unlike the patterns (habitual reflexive forms of reaction and behavior in typical situations) allows the participant in the educational process to gradually and uniformly modify the first reaction, activity and, subsequently, behavior, actions, mindset, etc