Pedagogical Conditions of the Future Social Workers' Professional¬legal Competence Formation


У статті зазначені та розкриті педагогічні умови формування професійно- правової компетентності майбутніх соціальних працівників. З метою досягнення цілі дослідження використано такі дослідницькі методи: аналіз та узагальнення емпіричних і теоретичних положень, що містяться у фаховій літературі з різних наукових напрямів (педагогіки, психології, методики навчання тощо) у працях вітчизняних та зарубіжних дослідників. Перспективою в дослідженні буде подальше розкриття педагогічних умов в аспекті формування професійно-правової компетентності майбутніх соціальних працівників.In the article pedagogical conditions of the future social workers' professional-legal competence formation are stated and revealed: creation in future social workers of positive motivation for the formation of professional-legal competence as an integral structural composition, the need in their self-education and self-improvement; implementation of the system of knowledge about the essence and importance of professional-legal competence of the future social workers to the content of their training; realization in the educational process of the higher education institutions of the appropriate complex of traditional and innovative forms and methods for facilitating the formation of professional-legal competence of the future social workers; ensuring the readiness of teachers to the formation of professional-legal competence of the future social workers. With the aim of achieving the objectives of the study the following research methods are used: analysis and generalization of empirical and theoretical positions contained in the professional literature in different scientific fields (pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching, etc.) in the works of native and foreign researchers. Justifying the first pedagogical condition, we show the conceptual provisions of the theory of activity of A. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein (efficiency of activity is directly proportional to its motivation). In the context of our study is important the interpretation of motivation as a dynamic process of formation of the motive. Diagnosis of students' motivation to learning in universities has shown that the dominant in the future specialists is a motivation for graduation, while the acquisition of knowledge and mastery of the profession was observed only in a small number of students. Justifying the second pedagogical condition, we note that the system combines two kinds of knowledge: scientific-theoretical and practical. Actualization of the third pedagogical condition of our study is due to the basic provisions of the psychological-pedagogical thought (V. Davydov, O. Leontiev) that this activity is a universal form of functioning of the individual and that the effective formation of the personality is possible only under condition of its inclusion in a variety of forms and activities. The definition of the fourth pedagogical condition of the study is due to the conceptual provisions of the psychological-pedagogical science about the leading role of the personality of the teacher in the educational process. Perspective of the further study will be the disclosure of the pedagogical conditions in the aspect of the future social workers' professional-legal competence forming.

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