2,822 research outputs found

    Fast Quantum Methods for Optimization

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    Discrete combinatorial optimization consists in finding the optimal configuration that minimizes a given discrete objective function. An interpretation of such a function as the energy of a classical system allows us to reduce the optimization problem into the preparation of a low-temperature thermal state of the system. Motivated by the quantum annealing method, we present three strategies to prepare the low-temperature state that exploit quantum mechanics in remarkable ways. We focus on implementations without uncontrolled errors induced by the environment. This allows us to rigorously prove a quantum advantage. The first strategy uses a classical-to-quantum mapping, where the equilibrium properties of a classical system in dd spatial dimensions can be determined from the ground state properties of a quantum system also in dd spatial dimensions. We show how such a ground state can be prepared by means of quantum annealing, including quantum adiabatic evolutions. This mapping also allows us to unveil some fundamental relations between simulated and quantum annealing. The second strategy builds upon the first one and introduces a technique called spectral gap amplification to reduce the time required to prepare the same quantum state adiabatically. If implemented on a quantum device that exploits quantum coherence, this strategy leads to a quadratic improvement in complexity over the well-known bound of the classical simulated annealing method. The third strategy is not purely adiabatic; instead, it exploits diabatic processes between the low-energy states of the corresponding quantum system. For some problems it results in an exponential speedup (in the oracle model) over the best classical algorithms.Comment: 15 pages (2 figures

    Data driven problems in elasticity

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    We consider a new class of problems in elasticity, referred to as Data-Driven problems, defined on the space of strain-stress field pairs, or phase space. The problem consists of minimizing the distance between a given material data set and the subspace of compatible strain fields and stress fields in equilibrium. We find that the classical solutions are recovered in the case of linear elasticity. We identify conditions for convergence of Data-Driven solutions corresponding to sequences of ap- proximating material data sets. Specialization to constant material data set sequences in turn establishes an appropriate notion of relaxation. We find that relaxation within this Data-Driven framework is fundamentally different from the classical relaxation of energy functions. For instance, we show that in the Data-Driven framework the relaxation of a bistable material leads to material data sets that are not graphs.Comment: Result now covers the two well problem in full generality. Proof simplified. New Figure 9 illustrates geometry of separatio

    Concurrent Multiscale Computing of Deformation Microstructure by Relaxation and Local Enrichment with Application to Single-Crystal Plasticity

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    This paper is concerned with the effective modeling of deformation microstructures within a concurrent multiscale computing framework. We present a rigorous formulation of concurrent multiscale computing based on relaxation; we establish the connection between concurrent multiscale computing and enhanced-strain elements; and we illustrate the approach in an important area of application, namely, single-crystal plasticity, for which the explicit relaxation of the problem is derived analytically. This example demonstrates the vast effect of microstructure formation on the macroscopic behavior of the sample, e.g., on the force/travel curve of a rigid indentor. Thus, whereas the unrelaxed model results in an overly stiff response, the relaxed model exhibits a proper limit load, as expected. Our numerical examples additionally illustrate that ad hoc element enhancements, e.g., based on polynomial, trigonometric, or similar representations, are unlikely to result in any significant relaxation in general

    Micromamíferos del Holoceno tardío del sitio arqueológico ?El Shincal de Quimivil?, provincia de Catamarca, Argentina

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan las asociaciones de micromamíferos registradas en el sitio arqueológico El Shincal de Quimivil, provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. El yacimiento Representa tres períodos de ocupación humana, abarcando un intervalo entre los siglos XIV y XVII. La alta frecuencia de elementos vertebrales e incisivos aislados junto con la ausencia de claras marcas de disolución sugiere que el conjunto no sería producto de la actividad de depredadores, sino que estaría relacionada con causas eto-ecológicas de las especies registradas. La muestra, dominada por Calomys cf. C. musculinus, está integrada además por un didelfimorfio (Thylamys cf. T. pallidior), tres especies de roedores Sigmodontinos (Akodon cf. A. dolores, Graomys griseoflavus y Phyllotis xanthopygus) y dos de roedores caviomorfos (Ctenomys sp., y Microcavia australis). La composición taxonómica cuantitativa y cualitativa de la muestra de tiempos históricos, con la dominancia de Calomys cf., C. musculinus sobre otros pequeños mamíferos, sugiere modificaciones respecto al ambiente original, probablemente relacionada al establecimiento de agroecosistemas incipientes. La ausencia de Eligmodontia , un género cuyas especies habitan ambientes áridos con escasa vegetación y suelos desnudos arenosos o pedregosos, puede vincularse a condiciones locales de mayor humedad que en el presente y/o al aprovechamiento de este sector a través de prácticas de riego por parte de los pobladores. El escaso conocimiento de las asociaciones de pequeños mamíferos para tiempos pre-hispánicos, históricos y modernos en este sector del Monte impide una comparación adecuada de la muestra estudiada y la reconstrucción de un esquema ambiental a partir del registro arqueofaunístico. El Microambiente particularmente húmedo por el establecimiento de áreas agrícolas constituye un factor adicional que dificulta su comparación con muestras adicionales provenientes de áreas circundantes. Fil: Agnolin, Federico L.. Universidad Maimónides. Area de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Biotecnológicas. Centro de Estudios Biomédicos, Biotecnológicos, Ambientales y Diagnósticos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Ortiz, Pablo E.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET- Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Bogan, Sergio. Universidad Maimónides. Area de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Biotecnológicas. Centro de Estudios Biomédicos, Biotecnológicos, Ambientales y Diagnósticos; ArgentinaFil: Lucero, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados. Seccion de Mastozoologia; Argentin

    La infoxicación de los grupos de poder en las publicaciones de moda. Análisis de calidad de contenidos en las revistas especializadas de moda: De Vogue América a Telva España

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    La moda no podría entenderse sin la comunicación. Las revistas especializadas viven un momento de infoxicación motivado por las presiones ejercidas desde los grupos de poder. La hipótesis de la investigación define la moda, su comunicación y difusión como actividad intoxicada y vinculada a los fines de superestructuras y holdings empresariales. Las revistas especializadas son un producto en los que la labor de editores, productores, estilistas, fotógrafos y periodistas expertos en moda viene determinada por presiones y pactos y son sus firmantes los que deciden quién, qué y sobre todo cuánto. Nuestro grupo de investigación Estudio de Medios para un Periodismo de Calidad ha rescatado un instrumento de medición de la calidad de los textos periodísticos mediante la aplicación del Método VAP o Valor Agregado Periodístico que permite analizar el tratamiento de los textos periodísticos. El objetivo global del proyecto es averiguar cuáles son los niveles de calidad. Los resultados de la primera fase del estudio y las propuestas para próximos avances serán también objeto de la investigación.Fashion can’t be understood without communication. The journalism is living a moment of intoxication motivated by pressures from powerful groups. The research hypothesis defines fashion, communication and dissemination as intoxicated and linked to the ends of superstructures and business holdings activity. The journals are a product in which the work of editors, producers , stylists , photographers and journalists fashion experts is determined by pressure and covenants and are signatories who decide who, what and especially how much. Our research group Media Study for Quality Journalism has rescued an instrument for measuring the quality of the articles through the application of VAP or Value Added Journalistic Method for analyzing the treatment of the articles. The overall objective of the project is to find out what levels of quality. The results of the first phase of the study and proposals for future developments will also be under investigation

    La infoxicación de los grupos de poder en las publicaciones de moda : análisis de la contaminación de grandes empresas en los medios de comunicación

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    La moda no podría entenderse sin la comunicación. Las revistas especializadas viven un momento de infoxicación motivado por las presiones ejercidas desde los grupos de poder. Las publicaciones de moda son algo más que un manual de estilo. La portada y la cobertura informativa de cada noticia hablan de vinculaciones con la política y la economía. El grueso social percibe la moda a través de los medios de comunicación como algo original. Sin embargo, es un producto infoxicado. Mediante una ficha de análisis se mide la calidad de los contenidos publicados en las revistas especializadas.Fashion can`t be understood without communication. The magazines live a moment of intoxication motivated by pressures from powerful groups. The fashion magazines are more than a style manual. The cover and the coverage of each news ties to speak of politics and economics. 937 The society perceived fashion product through the media as something original. However, it is a product intoxicated. Through an analysis card measures the quality of content published in specialized journals

    Female empowerment in the fashion magazines. Reality or aspiration?

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    Las revistas especializadas en moda nacen como instrumentos de difusión de contenidos especialmente dirigidos a las mujeres. Desde el desarrollo de la prensa femenina hasta la actualidad, las mujeres han ocupado cargos en la edición y dirección de los medios de comunicación consagrándose un liderazgo continuado. Sin embargo, la presencia de la mujer en la dirección de medios concretos no ha sido suficiente para incluir una transformación respecto a los contenidos temáticos más habituales (amor, familia, moda y belleza). En esta investigación se analizan tres publicaciones (Telva, Voguey Elle) dirigidas por mujeres. La elección de estas publicaciones responde a criterios contrastados como son la permanencia en el tiempo (Telva es la decana del periodismo femenino en España) y edición de ejemplares (según datos del Estudio General de Medios). El análisis de contenido de las publicaciones determina en qué medida las unidades temáticas en torno a los medios de comunicación para mujeres presentan pocas innovaciones contribuyendo a generar patrones de conducta estereotipadosFashion magazines were born like instruments for disseminating content especially aimed at women. From the development of the women's press to the present, women have held positions in the editing and direction of the media, establishing a continued leadership. However, the presence of women in the direction of specific media has not been enough to include a transformation with respect to the most common thematic contents (fashion, family, beauty and affectivity). This research analyzes three fashion magazines (Telva, Vogue and Elle) directed by women. The choice of these publications responds to contrasted criteria such as the permanence in time (Telva is the dean of female journalism in Spain) and edition of copies (according to the General Media Study). The content analysis of the publications determines to what extent the thematic units around the media for women present few innovations contributing to generate stereotyped patterns of behavio

    Fashion and Communication Training for A Quality Information

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    Our research group Media Studio for quality journalism by the excellence project “Quality Journalism to new digital journalistic formats” has rescued a tool to measure the quality of the contents and to analyze treatment of specialized contents. The overall project objective is to find out what are the parameters that determine how journalistic work can be considered of quality. Furthermore, it will be necessary to establish the relationship between journalistic quality and profile of the profession and if that quality should be or not linked to the professional figure. We consider that the method value added journalistic developed at the Catholic University of Chile and Argentina is a real find for an objective assessment of quality journalism. This methodology evaluates the newspaper articles, focusing on two stages: the selection of the news (Gatekeeping) and the process of creating it (News making), based on the application analysis sheet. The second stage of the project will be to study the formation of specialized journalists in different national and international universities. The method assigned to each research is the analysis of content and interviews with specialized sources, respectively. After making both investigations we will notice if it exists an equivalence relation between quantity and quality of published information on fashion at the national and international media and the professional profile that configures the information. The comparative analysis shows on the one hand that quantity does not equal quality of information. Moreover, it is important to see what is the relationship between the training provided by prestigious universities and the quality of the articles published on the media. Is now a reality the media need to have specialized fashion journalists because is increasing the fashion information. Until now, it was limited to magazines and special supplements with a high level of technical language