52 research outputs found

    A Strategic Impact Model for Latin American Business Schools

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    The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the evolution and different models of development of Latin American business schools. For this we analyze data from the AmericaEconomia MBA Rankings for the period 2015 to 2019 and build a panel with quantitative data and performance indicators. Using these data, we analyze the recent evolution of 26 business schools located in nine Latin American countries, which gives us a perspective of what is the current state of affairs in different countries of Latin America in terms of business education. We also perform a formal statistical procedure, applying a cluster analysis in order to group business schools in terms of a set of indicators. Using the results of our cluster analysis we propose a taxonomy for Latin American Business Schools. Finally, we put forward a business school strategic impact model, which includes three dimensions, namely: (i) BS Resources and Scope; (ii) BS Outputs and (iii) BS Value Perceptions. This strategic impact model is used as a benchmark to analyze the business school’s types identified in our taxonomy and to propose policy recommendations for business schools, rankings, and accreditations

    La cultura nacional y su impacto en los negocios: El caso chileno

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizarel impacto de la cultura nacional enlos negocios. Uno de los investigadoresmás destacados en el análisis dela cultura nacional es Geert Hofstede(1980). Él identificó cuatro dimensionesde la cultura nacional: distanciade poder, aversión a la incertidumbre,individualismo y masculinidad.Fernández et al. (1997) midieronestas cuatro dimensiones en Chile,caracterizando a los chilenos en esascuatro dimensiones. Revisando laevidencia empírica chilena, en esteartículo se analizan los principalesefectos que las dimensiones de Hofstedetienen en la administración, losrecursos humanos y el marketing.Este artículo ofrece varios ejemplosde cómo las dimensiones culturalesafectan las prácticas en las organizacionesy es un fuerte argumento parahacer consideraciones culturales en laplanificación estratégica.Cultura nacional, dimensiones culturales,distancia cultural, organizacioneschilenas

    La cultura nacional y su impacto en los negocios: el caso chileno

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    ResumenEl objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto de la cultura nacional en los negocios. Uno de los investigadores más destacados en el análisis de la cultura nacional es Geert Hofstede (1980). Él identificó cuatro dimensiones de la cultura nacional: distancia de poder, aversión a la incertidumbre, individualismo y masculinidad. Fernández et al. (1997) midieron estas cuatro dimensiones en Chile, caracterizando a los chilenos en esas cuatro dimensiones. Revisando la evidencia empírica chilena, en este artículo se analizan los principales efectos que las dimensiones de Hofstede tienen en la administración, los recursos humanos y el marketing. Este artículo ofrece varios ejemplos de cómo las dimensiones culturales afectan las prácticas en las organizaciones y es un fuerte argumento para hacer consideraciones culturales en la planificación estratégica.AbstractThe objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the national culture in the businesses. One of the most outstanding researchers in the analysis of the national culture is Geert Hofstede (1980). He identified four national cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity. Fernandez et al. (1997) measured the Hofstede's dimensions in Chile, characterizing to the Chileans in those four dimensions. Reviewing the Chilean empirical evidence, in this article the main effects that the Hofstede's dimensions have in the administration, human resources and marketing are analyzed. This article has offered many examples of the way in which cultural dimensions affect the practices of organizations and is a strong argument for making cultural considerations part of strategic planning

    Perception of hypotheticality in technology-based business ideas: effects on Opportunity Beliefs from a Construal Level Theory perspective

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    This research investigates how entrepreneurs perceive the hypothetical nature of technologies (based on situations that are often imagined or theoretical) as a foundation for entrepreneurial endeavors and how this perception influences the formation of business Opportunity Beliefs. Drawing on the Construal Level Theory, we explore the relationship between the perceived hypotheticality of technologies and Opportunity Beliefs. Two experimental studies are conducted to examine these relationships, with Study 1 (n = 177 entrepreneurs) focusing on the perception of innovative technologies as more distant or hypothetical, and Study 2 (n = 404 entrepreneurs) delving into how the perceived distance to technology influences Opportunity Beliefs. The results indicate that entrepreneurs view more innovative technologies as more hypothetical and that hypotheticality mediates the relationship between the perceived degree of innovation and Opportunity Beliefs. We find evidence that Entrepreneurs tend to view the feasibility and fit/alignment of business opportunities more favorably when they perceive the psychological distance (hypotheticality) of the opportunity as closer rather than more distant. However, the difference this difference is nonsignificant in how they evaluate the desirability of the opportunity in any psychological distance. These results provide insight into the cognitive processes of entrepreneurs and offer implications for understanding how entrepreneurs perceive and evaluate business opportunities

    Efecto de las características psicográficas en la intención de compra de marcas privadas en Chile

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    Private Labels are steadily but slowly included in Chileans´ consumption baskets. However, they have not reached the market share and penetration levels of European countries. The main objective of this article is to study how customers` psychographics affect private labels buying intentions. A shopping center intercept study was conducted, interviewing 300 female shoppers, regarding 14 psychographic variables and private labels purchase intentions. Nine product categories were used, in order to improve the generalizability of findings. Using discriminant analysis, the relative importance of each psychographic variable to explain private labels´ purchasing intentions was assessed, in order to help retailers and manufacturers optimize their marketing efforts of private labels.Las marcas privadas se han incorporado estable, pero lentamente en las canastas de compra de los chilenos. Sin embargo, ellas no han alcanzado los niveles de participación de mercado y penetración que se observan en países europeos. El principal objetivo de este artículo es estudiar cómo las características psicográficas de los consumidores pueden afectar la intención de compra de las marcas privadas. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta de intercepción de mall a 300 compradoras, en relación a 14 variables psicográficas y a la intención de compra de marcas privadas. Se usaron nueve categorías de productos como una manera de aumentar la posibilidad de generalización de los resultados. Utilizando la técnica de análisis discriminante, se estableció la importancia de cada variable para explicar las intenciones de compra de marcas privadas y así orientar de mejor forma los esfuerzos de marketing de marcas privadas por parte de detallistas y fabricantes

    Using single impact metrics to assess research in business and economics: why institutions should use multi-criteria systems for assessing research

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    Purpose: Despite the general recommendation of using a combination of multiple criteria for research assessment and faculty promotion decisions, the raise of quantitative indicators is generating an emerging trend in Business Schools to use single journal impact factors (IFs) as key (unique) drivers for those relevant school decisions. This paper aims to investigate the effects of using single Web of Science (WoS)-based journal impact metrics when assessing research from two related disciplines: Business and Economics, and its potential impact for the strategic sustainability of a Business School. Design/methodology/approach: This study collected impact indicators data for Business and Economics journals from the Clarivate Web of Science database. We concentrated on the IF indicators, the Eigenfactor and the article influence score (AIS). This study examined the correlations between these indicators and then ranked disciplines and journals using these different impact metrics. Findings: Consistent with previous findings, this study finds positive correlations among these metrics. Then this study ranks the disciplines and journals using each impact metric, finding relevant and substantial differences, depending on the metric used. It is found that using AIS instead of the IF raises the relative ranking of Economics, while Business remains basically with the same rank. Research limitations/implications: This study contributes to the research assessment literature by adding substantial evidence that given the sensitivity of journal rankings to particular indicators, the selection of a single impact metric for assessing research and hiring/promotion and tenure decisions is risky and too simplistic. This research shows that biases may be larger when assessment involves researchers from related disciplines ? like Business and Economics ? but with different research foundations and traditions. Practical implications: Consistent with the literature, given the sensibility of journal rankings to particular indicators, the selection of a single impact metric for assessing research, assigning research funds and hiring/promotion and tenure decisions is risky and simplistic. However, this research shows that risks and biases may be larger when assessment involves researchers from related disciplines ? like Business and Economics ? but with different research foundations and trajectories. The use of multiple criteria is advised for such purposes. Originality/value: This is an applied work using real data from WoS that addresses a practical case of comparing the use of different journal IFs to rank-related disciplines like Business and Economics, with important implications for faculty tenure and promotion committees and for research funds granting institutions and decision-makers


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    ABSTRACT This article presents the results of a study on the perception of quality of Latin American business journals based on the judgment of relevant experts - senior professors with knowledge of Latin American research and journals. Forty-five journals were included in the study. The highest perceived quality scores were given to Academia (CLADEA - Uniandes), RAE (Fundação Getulio Vargas), and Innovar (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). When perceived quality was weighted by awareness, Academia, LABR-Latin American Business Review (University of San Diego - Coppead), and Innovar had the highest scores. Results complement a recent study by Ruiz-Torres, Penkova, and Villafane (2012) that focused on management journals published in Spanish. Analysis of results suggests that language and branding have an effect on the perception of journal quality. Implications for editors/publishers, tenure, promotion, research grant committees, and authors are provided

    Un enfoque coevolutivo del aprendizaje organizacional y la competencia en los mercados

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    This article seeks to integrate the ideas of organizational learning literature within a more global model, where learning emerges from a dynamic and evolutionary competitive process. This process also explains the existence of firm heterogeneity in terms of patterns and performance. The model considers firms as systems that learn from competition in the market, which is seen not only as a resource allocator, but also as a scenario for experimentation and learning. Some implications for future research and management practice are offered.Este artículo busca elaborar las ideas presentes en la literatura del aprendizaje organizacional, integrándolas dentro de un modelo más global, donde el aprendizaje emerge de un proceso de competencia dinámica o evolutiva en los mercados, y en el que se explica la observable heterogeneidad en formas y rendimientos de las empresas. Los elementos centrales del modelo se orientan a considerar a la empresa como ente que aprende a través de la competencia en el mercado, el que además de dispensador de recursos es visto como un escenario de experimentación y aprendizaje. Además, se presentan algunas implicancias para la práctica e investigación en administración