93 research outputs found

    A vehicle routing model with split delivery and stop nodes

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    In this work, a new variant of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is presented where the vehicles cannot perform any route leg longer than a given length L (although the routes can be longer). Thus, once a route leg length is close to L, the vehicle must go to a stop node to end the leg or return to the depot. We introduce this condition in a variation of the CVRP, the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, where multiple visits to a customer by different vehicles are allowed. We present two formulations for this problem which we call Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Stop Nodes: a vehicle flow formulation and a commodity flow formulation. Because of the complexity of this problem, a heuristic approach is developed. We compare its performance with and without the stop nodesSplit delivery vehicle routing problem, Stop node, Granular neighborhood, Tabu search

    A vehicle routing model with split delivery and stop nodes

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    In this work, a new variant of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is presented where the vehicles cannot perform any route leg longer than a given length L (although the routes can be longer). Thus, once a route leg length is close to L, the vehicle must go to a stop node to end the leg or return to the depot. We introduce this condition in a variation of the CVRP, the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, where multiple visits to a customer by different vehicles are allowed. We present two formulations for this problem which we call Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Stop Nodes: a vehicle flow formulation and a commodity flow formulation. Because of the complexity of this problem, a heuristic approach is developed. We compare its performance with and without the stop node

    Characterization of growth, carcass, meat and intramuscular lipid profile quality of the Marismeña cattle breed

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    Existe una creciente preocupación por los productos cárnicos y su calidad, tanto en términos de la calidad nutricional como en la producción sostenible asociada al medio ambiente. Se han desarrollado marcas de calidad de diferentes productos cárnicos, muchas de ellas vinculadas a razas locales. La raza Marismeña se cría en condiciones asilvestradas dentro del Parque Nacional de Doñana (suroeste de España) y la calidad de su carne es tradicionalmente apreciada en el área de influencia. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar las curvas de crecimiento, la calidad de la canal y la carne, el perfil lipídico intramuscular y algunos polimorfismos de nucleótidos simples (SNP) mencionados en la literatura, por su posible asociación a genes candidatos. Se estudiaron un total de 30 animales (10 machos y 20 hembras) en condiciones asilvestradas y 24 (12 machos y 12 hembras) en condiciones de producción intensiva. La curva de crecimiento biológica solo se evaluó para los animales criados en su hábitat natural, utilizando registros de pesos desde el nacimiento hasta la edad adulta y testando el ajuste a modelos no lineales. Los mismos modelos fueron usados para comparar las denominadas curvas comerciales, tanto en el sistema asilvestrado como en el intensivo, las cuales estudian el crecimiento desde el nacimiento hasta la edad comercial de sacrificio. De acuerdo con los parámetros de la curva biológica, los machos y las hembras presentaron pesos asintóticos de 641,71 kg y 403,55 kg, respectivamente. Los resultados de la curva de crecimiento comercial difirieron de los de la curva biológica. La mayor ganancia de peso en el ganado asilvestrado se halló a los 7 y 10 meses para machos y hembras, respectivamente, mientras que los mejores rendimientos se alcanzaron a los 11 meses en los terneros criados en el sistema intensivo, lo que es relevante para la toma de decisiones en la gestión y el envío a matadero de los animales. Las canales provenientes del sistema asilvestrado mostraron menores pesos y rendimientos en comparación con el bovino criado en sistemas intensivos y proveniente de razas seleccionadas para la producción cárnica. La carne de los animales del sistema asilvestrado mostró algunas diferencias significativas en el color, la capacidad de retención de agua y la grasa intramuscular. La mayor proporción de ácidos grasos saturados y la menor proporción de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados en la carne de animales asilvestrados fue significativa en comparación con los de cebadero. El porcentaje de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados fue mayor para la carne del sistema asilvestrado, especialmente la proporción de n-3 que fue aproximadamente 8,5 veces mayor. Se hallaron relaciones de los genes CAPN y CAST con el engrasamiento de la canal y la fuerza de cizallamiento (Warner-Bratzler), respectivamente. Además, también se encontró relación del gen POMC con la pérdida de peso por cocción y los cortes de la categoría extra de la canal. Las relaciones de LEP y SCD se establecieron con algunos ácidos grasos y fueron semejantes a otras investigaciones. Este trabajo podría inferir un modelo para cuantificar los efectos del manejo humano, ya que las condiciones asilvestradas ofrecen una oportunidad única para estudiar el ganado doméstico sin la influencia humana. Nuestros resultados respaldan la diferenciación de la carne de raza Marismeña y sugieren un estudio más profundo de los SNPs, como punto de partida para su inclusión en un programa de mejoramiento en condiciones asilvestradas, mediante el uso de la selección asistida por marcadores/genes.There is a growing concern about meat products and their quality, both in terms of the nutritional quality and sustainable production associated with the environment. Beef quality labels have been developed and are related to different products, and many of them are linked to local breeds. Marismeña cattle is raised in feral conditions within the Doñana National Park (Southwest Spain) and its meat quality is traditionally appreciated in the area of influence. We aimed to study Marismeña growth curves, carcass and meat quality, the intramuscular lipid profile and some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mentioned in the literature as they may be associated to candidate genes. A total of 30 animals (10 males and 20 females) were studied under feral system conditions, and 24 (12 males and 12 females) under intensive system conditions respectively. The biological growth was only assessed for those animals in their natural habit, studying weight records from birth to adult age under feral conditions and testing the fitting of their biological curves to nonlinear models. Same models were used to compare feral vs intensive so-called commercial curves, which measure growth from birth to commercial slaughter age. According to the biological curve parameters, males and females presented asymptotic weights of 641.71 kg and 403.55 kg, respectively. The results of the commercial growth curve severely differed from those of the biological curve. Best performance in feral cattle was found at 7 and 10 months for males and females, respectively, while such best performances were reached at 11 months in intensive system-reared calves, what becomes relevant for management and slaughtering decision-making. Feral animal carcasses showed lower weights and poor yields when compared to those reared under intensive systems and in meat-selected breeds. Meat from feral system animals displayed some significant differences concerning its colour, water holding capacity and intramuscular fat. The higher saturated fatty acids proportion and lower monounsaturated fatty acids proportion in the meat from feral animals are remarkable when compared to those of feedlot meat respectively. Polyunsaturated fatty acids percentage was higher for feral meat, compared to that of feedlot meat, especially the proportion of n-3, which was about 8.5 times higher. The CAPN and CAST genes were found to be related to the fatness score and Warner–Bratzler shear force, respectively. Additionally, the relationship of POMC with cooking loss and carcass extra cuts was also found. The relationships of LEP and SCD were established with some fatty acids and those from certain studies. This research could infer a model to quantify the effects of human management, as feral resources offer unique opportunities to study domestic livestock without any human influence. Our results support the differentiation of Marismeña meat and allow a further study of SNPs as a starting point for their inclusion in the breeding programme in feral conditions by using marker/gene assisted selection

    Different peach cultivars and their suitability for minimal processing

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    El consumo de frutas mínimamente procesadas se ha incrementado recientemente debido principalmente a su carácter de calidad fresco. Una de las principales alteraciones que limitan la vida útil de estos productos es el dorado causado por la actividad de polifenol oxidasa (PPO) sobre los compuestos fenólicos. Se seleccionaron seis cultivares de melocotón de color amarillo, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, Ruby Rich, Summer Rich, Ryan Sun y O'Henry. Los melocotones fueron higienizados y luego las muestras fueron procesadas en una habitación limpia. Las rebanadas se lavaron en agua fría del grifo, se secaron, se envasaron en atmósfera modificada y se almacenaron a 4ºC durante 9 días; se estudiaron sus parámetros de calidad y los fisicoquímicos. Se realizó el Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA) y el estudio de correlación para evaluar la relación entre variables y cultivares. En conclusión, las variedades Spring Lady, Royal Glory y Ruby Rich fueron los cultivos que ofrecieron las frutas más adecuadas para el procesamiento de corte fresco, principalmente debido a su baja actividad BP y PPO.Consumption of minimally processed fruits has been increased lately mainly due to their fresh-like quality character¬istics. One of the major alterations that limit the shelf-life of these products is browning caused by polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity on phenolic compounds. Six yellow-flesh peach cultivars, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, Ruby Rich, Summer Rich, Ryan Sun, and O’Henry, were selected. Peaches were hygienised and then samples were processed in a clean room. Slices were washed in cold tap water, dried, packaged in modified atmosphere, and stored at 4°C during 9 days; physicochemical and other quality parameters were studied. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation study were carried out in order to evaluate the relation between variables and cultivars. In conclusion, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, and Ruby Rich cultivars were the cultivars that offered the most suitable fruits for fresh-cut processing, mainly due to their low BP and PPO activity.Proyecto RITECA, Red de Investigación Transfronteriza de Extremadura, Centro Alentejo, cofinanciado por Fondos FEDER y el Programa Operativo de Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal Gobierno de Extremadura. Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación y Fondo Social Europeo. POCTEC 2007-2013. Proyecto RITECA 4_E. GR10006peerReviewe

    A comparison of the growth performance between cattle reared in conventional systems and in feral condition

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    Feral and conventional growth performances were compared using Marismeña cattle as a model. Marismeña calves are commonly reared under feral conditions in one of the most important reserves of Europe (Doñana National Park, Spain). Data recording in these natural conditions faces compromises as animals are only handled once per year. This fact has to be saved to obtain efficient estimations for the biological growth curve of cattle reared under feral conditions. On the one hand, we assessed the inference of the theoretical influence of human management on cattle growth. On the other hand, we studied the fitness of the best growth curve, in both feral and conventional systems to use the physiological meaning of the parameters obtained from their study as selection criteria related to the adaptability of potential breeding males and females. Fitting of Brody's, von Bertalanffy, Verhulst, logistic, Gompertz and Richards’ models was tested as these models are the most representative ones for cattle growth. In general, Brody's and Richards’ models presented the best fitting values for the biological curve. According to the biological curve parameters, males and females presented asymptotic weights of 641.71 kg and 403.55 kg, respectively. As expected, the results of the commercial growth curve severely differed from those of the biological curve. The best fitting biological curve was not representative for cattle reared under commercial conditions. The logistic model was the best fitting one for feral females, Gompertz model for feral males, and Verhulst for intensive males and females, respectively. Seasonal oscillations in feeding may be responsible for the earlier achievement of the best performance in feral cattle (7 and 10 months for males and females, respectively), while such best performances were reached at 11 months in intensive calves, what becomes relevant for management and slaughtering decision-making. The study of the biological curve in Marismeña feral breed is very illustrative as this is the first time that feral cattle's growth is approached. Knowledge on the biological growth curve parameters could be used to interpret the strong relation between feral animals and their environment. This research could infer a model to quantify the effects of human management on livestock development, as feral resources offer unique opportunities to study domestic livestock without any human influence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Different peach cultivars and their suitability for minimal processing

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    El consumo de frutas mínimamente procesadas se ha incrementado recientemente debido principalmente a su carácter de calidad fresco. Una de las principales alteraciones que limitan la vida útil de estos productos es el dorado causado por la actividad de polifenol oxidasa (PPO) sobre los compuestos fenólicos. Se seleccionaron seis cultivares de melocotón de color amarillo, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, Ruby Rich, Summer Rich, Ryan Sun y O'Henry. Los melocotones fueron higienizados y luego las muestras fueron procesadas en una habitación limpia. Las rebanadas se lavaron en agua fría del grifo, se secaron, se envasaron en atmósfera modificada y se almacenaron a 4ºC durante 9 días; se estudiaron sus parámetros de calidad y los fisicoquímicos. Se realizó el Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA) y el estudio de correlación para evaluar la relación entre variables y cultivares. En conclusión, las variedades Spring Lady, Royal Glory y Ruby Rich fueron los cultivos que ofrecieron las frutas más adecuadas para el procesamiento de corte fresco, principalmente debido a su baja actividad BP y PPO.Consumption of minimally processed fruits has been increased lately mainly due to their fresh-like quality character¬istics. One of the major alterations that limit the shelf-life of these products is browning caused by polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity on phenolic compounds. Six yellow-flesh peach cultivars, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, Ruby Rich, Summer Rich, Ryan Sun, and O’Henry, were selected. Peaches were hygienised and then samples were processed in a clean room. Slices were washed in cold tap water, dried, packaged in modified atmosphere, and stored at 4°C during 9 days; physicochemical and other quality parameters were studied. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation study were carried out in order to evaluate the relation between variables and cultivars. In conclusion, Spring Lady, Royal Glory, and Ruby Rich cultivars were the cultivars that offered the most suitable fruits for fresh-cut processing, mainly due to their low BP and PPO activity.Proyecto RITECA, Red de Investigación Transfronteriza de Extremadura, Centro Alentejo, cofinanciado por Fondos FEDER y el Programa Operativo de Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal Gobierno de Extremadura. Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación y Fondo Social Europeo. POCTEC 2007-2013. Proyecto RITECA 4_E. GR10006peerReviewe

    Camel Genetic Resources Conservation through Tourism: A Key Sociocultural Approach of Camelback Leisure Riding

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    Camels are exotic elements, which can be comprised within adventure travel companies promoting ecotourism activities. Such recreations contribute to sustainable livelihoods for local communities and educational empowerment towards nature and its conservation. At present, some local camel breeds’ survival reduces to this animal-based leisure industry and its reliability to perform and promote customized services accurately. By conducting an on-site questionnaire to customers participating in camelback riding tours, we assessed the motivational factors affecting participation, satisfaction, and loyalty in this tourism segment that may have made it socially differentiated. The sixfold combination of staff performance, culture geography, diverse and humane close interaction, camel behavior and performance, sociotemporal context, and positive previous experience involves the elemental dimensions that explain customer satisfaction and return intention probability within this entertainment business. Customer knowledge is essential for stakeholders to build personalized riding experiences and align profits with environmental sustainability and biodiversity mainstream concerns into their everyday operations. In turn, domestic camel tourist rides could be managed as a viable path to nature conservation by helping endangered local breeds to avoid their functional devaluation and potential extinction

    Zaragoza, ciudad de congresos: análisis de la evolución de los eventos celebrados en la capital aragonesa en la última década

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    Zaragoza se vende como una ciudad óptima para la celebración de eventos como congresos, jornadas, convenciones o reuniones. La Exposición Internacional de 2008 marcó un hito muy importante para este sector al poner a Zaragoza en el mapa turístico nacional e internacional y todavía hoy siguen organizándose eventos que crecieron al albur de ella o gracias a la visibilidad que la ciudad obtuvo a nivel nacional e internacional en este sector. En el presente trabajo se pretende demostrar que la celebración de la Expo impulsó la celebración de eventos como el Congreso Web, el Congreso Mundial sobre la Energía del Hidrógeno y las XI Jornadas Españolas de Documentación que organizó FESABID en el año 2009. Es preciso destacar que aunque llevan el nombre de jornadas desde la organización las consideran como un congreso. Se realizará además una comparativa entre ellos para conocer las principales similitudes y diferencias entre sí

    The Study of Growth and Performance in Local Chicken Breeds and Varieties: A Review of Methods and Scientific Transference

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    A review of the scientific advances in the study of the growth and performance in native chicken breeds and varieties over the past 20 years was performed. Understanding the growth patterns of native breeds can only be achieved if the constraints characterizing these populations are considered and treated accordingly. Contextually, the determination of researchers to use the same research methods and study designs applied in international commercial poultry populations conditions the accuracy of the model, variability capturing ability, and the observational or predictive performance when the data of the local population are fitted. Highly skewed sex ratios favouring females, an inappropriate census imbalance compensation and a lack of population structure render models that are regularly deemed effective as invalid to issue solid and sound conclusions. The wider the breed diversity is in a country, the higher the scientific attention paid to these populations. A detailed discussion of the most appropriate models and underlying reasons for their suitability and the reasons preventing the use of others in these populations is provided. Furthermore, the factors conditioning the scientific reception and impact of related publications used to transfer these results to the broad scientific public were evaluated to serve as guidance for the maximization of the success and dissemination of local breed information

    Analysis of pelletizing of granulometric separation powder from cork industries

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    Las industrias del corcho generan una cantidad considerable de residuos sólidos durante su procesamiento. Su gestión implica un problema para las empresas que deben reconsiderar su reutilización para otros fines. En este trabajo se estudia el proceso de granulación de polvo de separación granulométrico, que es uno de los principales residuos de la industria del corcho y que presenta propiedades adecuadas (como materia prima) para su uso térmico. Sin embargo, su heterogeneidad característica, junto con su baja densidad aparente (lo que dificulta su almacenamiento y transporte) son factores restrictivos para su uso energético. Por lo tanto, su forma densificada es una alternativa real para hacer el producto uniforme y garantizar su uso adecuado en los sistemas de calderas. Por lo tanto, los gránulos de corcho (a partir de polvo de separación granulométrica) del estudio cumplieron, excepto las especificaciones de contenido de ceniza, las especificaciones de la norma europea estándar EN-Plus (B) para su aplicación como combustible para uso doméstico.Cork industries generate a considerable amount of solid waste during their processing. Its management implies a problem for companies that should reconsider its reuse for other purposes. In this work, an analysis of pelletizing of granulometric separation powder, which is one of the major wastes in cork industries and which presents suitable properties (as an raw material) for its thermal use, is studied. However, its characteristic heterogeneity, along with its low bulk density (which makes its storage and transportation difficult) are restrictive factors for its energy use. Therefore, its densified form is a real alternative in order to make the product uniform and guarantee its proper use in boiler systems. Thus, the cork pellets (from granulometric separation powder) in the study met, except for ash content specification, the specifications in standard European Norm EN-Plus (B) for its application as fuel for domestic use.• Gobierno de Extremadura, proyectos para la cooperación en sectores estratégicos entre grupos de investigación y empresas : PCJ100502 y PCJ100603 • Gobierno de Extremadura, apoyo a grupos de investigación : GR10151peerReviewe