4,006 research outputs found

    TactileGCN: A Graph Convolutional Network for Predicting Grasp Stability with Tactile Sensors

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    Tactile sensors provide useful contact data during the interaction with an object which can be used to accurately learn to determine the stability of a grasp. Most of the works in the literature represented tactile readings as plain feature vectors or matrix-like tactile images, using them to train machine learning models. In this work, we explore an alternative way of exploiting tactile information to predict grasp stability by leveraging graph-like representations of tactile data, which preserve the actual spatial arrangement of the sensor's taxels and their locality. In experimentation, we trained a Graph Neural Network to binary classify grasps as stable or slippery ones. To train such network and prove its predictive capabilities for the problem at hand, we captured a novel dataset of approximately 5000 three-fingered grasps across 41 objects for training and 1000 grasps with 10 unknown objects for testing. Our experiments prove that this novel approach can be effectively used to predict grasp stability

    Interactive 3D object recognition pipeline on mobile GPGPU computing platforms using low-cost RGB-D sensors

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    We propose the implementation of a 3D object recognition system which will be optimized to operate under demanding time constraints. The system must be robust so that objects can be recognized properly in poor light conditions and cluttered scenes with significant levels of occlusion. An important requirement must be met: The system must exhibit a reasonable performance running on a low power consumption mobile GPU computing platform (NVIDIA Jetson TK1) so that it can be integrated in mobile robotics systems, ambient intelligence or ambient-assisted living applications. The acquisition system is based on the use of color and depth (RGB-D) data streams provided by low-cost 3D sensors like Microsoft Kinect or PrimeSense Carmine. The resulting system is able to recognize objects in a scene in less than 7 seconds, offering an interactive frame rate and thus allowing its deployment on a mobile robotic platform. Because of that, the system has many possible applications, ranging from mobile robot navigation and semantic scene labeling to human–computer interaction systems based on visual information. A video showing the proposed system while performing online object recognition in various scenes is available on our project website (http://www.dtic.ua.es/~agarcia/3dobjrecog-jetsontk1/)

    Multi-sensor 3D object dataset for object recognition with fullpose estimation

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    A new dataset for 3D object recognition using the new high-resolution Kinect V2sensor and some other popular low-cost devices like Prime Sense Carmine. Since most already existing datasets for3D object recognition lack some features such as 3D pose information about objects in the scene, per pixel segmentation or level of occlusion, we propose a new one combining all this information in a single dataset that can be used to validate existing and new 3D object recognition algorithms. Moreover, with the advent of the new KinectV2 sensor we are able to provide high-resolution data for RGB and depth information using a single sensor, whereas other datasets had to combine multiple sensors. In addition, we will also provide semiautomatic segmentation and semantic labels about the different parts of the objects so that the dataset could be used for testing robot grasping and scene labeling systems as well as for object recognitionThis work was partially funded by the Spanish Government DPI2013-40534-R Grant. This work has also been funded by the grant ‘‘Ayudas para Estudios de Máster e Iniciación a la Investigación’’ from the University of Alicante

    3D Maps Representation Using GNG

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    Current RGB-D sensors provide a big amount of valuable information for mobile robotics tasks like 3D map reconstruction, but the storage and processing of the incremental data provided by the different sensors through time quickly become unmanageable. In this work, we focus on 3D maps representation and propose the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network as a model to represent 3D input data. GNG method is able to represent the input data with a desired amount of neurons or resolution while preserving the topology of the input space. Experiments show how GNG method yields a better input space adaptation than other state-of-the-art 3D map representation methods.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Government DPI2013-40534-R grant

    Geometric 3D point cloud compression

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    The use of 3D data in mobile robotics applications provides valuable information about the robot’s environment but usually the huge amount of 3D information is unmanageable by the robot storage and computing capabilities. A data compression is necessary to store and manage this information but preserving as much information as possible. In this paper, we propose a 3D lossy compression system based on plane extraction which represent the points of each scene plane as a Delaunay triangulation and a set of points/area information. The compression system can be customized to achieve different data compression or accuracy ratios. It also supports a color segmentation stage to preserve original scene color information and provides a realistic scene reconstruction. The design of the method provides a fast scene reconstruction useful for further visualization or processing tasks.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government DPI2013-40534-R grant

    A survey on deep learning techniques for image and video semantic segmentation

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    Image semantic segmentation is more and more being of interest for computer vision and machine learning researchers. Many applications on the rise need accurate and efficient segmentation mechanisms: autonomous driving, indoor navigation, and even virtual or augmented reality systems to name a few. This demand coincides with the rise of deep learning approaches in almost every field or application target related to computer vision, including semantic segmentation or scene understanding. This paper provides a review on deep learning methods for semantic segmentation applied to various application areas. Firstly, we formulate the semantic segmentation problem and define the terminology of this field as well as interesting background concepts. Next, the main datasets and challenges are exposed to help researchers decide which are the ones that best suit their needs and goals. Then, existing methods are reviewed, highlighting their contributions and their significance in the field. We also devote a part of the paper to review common loss functions and error metrics for this problem. Finally, quantitative results are given for the described methods and the datasets in which they were evaluated, following up with a discussion of the results. At last, we point out a set of promising future works and draw our own conclusions about the state of the art of semantic segmentation using deep learning techniques.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government TIN2016-76515-R funding for the COMBAHO project, supported with Feder funds. It has also been supported by a Spanish national grant for PhD studies FPU15/04516 (Alberto Garcia-Garcia). In addition, it was also funded by the grant Ayudas para Estudios de Master e Iniciacion a la Investigacion from the University of Alicante
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