59 research outputs found

    Gastroprotective Effects of Oral Glycosaminoglycans with Sodium Alginate in an Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Injury Model in Rats

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    The gastrointestinal (GI) mucosal barrier is often exposed to inflammatory and erosive insults, resulting in gastric lesions. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), such as hyaluronic acid (HA), chondroitin sulfate (CS), and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) have shown potential beneficial effects as GI protectants. This study aimed to evaluate the gastroprotective effects of oral GAGs in rats with indomethacin-induced GI lesions. Forty-five Sprague-Dawley rats (8-9 weeks-old, 228 ± 7 g) were included in the study, divided into five study groups, and given, administered orally, either sucralfate (positive control group; PC), NAG (G group), sodium alginate plus HA and CS (AHC group), sodium alginate plus HA, CS, and NAG (AHCG group), or no treatment (negative control group; NC). Animals were administered 12.5 mg/kg indomethacin orally 15 min after receiving the assigned treatment. After 4 h, stomach samples were obtained and used to perform a macroscopic evaluation of gastric lesions and to allow histological assessment of the gastric wall (via H/E staining) and mucous (via PAS staining). The AHCG group showed significant gastroprotective improvements compared to the NC group, and a similar efficacy to the PC group. This combination of sodium alginate with GAGs might, therefore, become a safe and effective alternative to prescription drugs for gastric lesions, such as sucralfate, and have potential usefulness in companion animals

    Effects of sphingolipid extracts on the morphological structure and lipid profile in an in vitro model of canine skin

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    Ceramides (CER) are essential sphingolipids of the stratum corneum (SC) that play an important role in maintaining cutaneous barrier function. Skin barrier defects occur in both human beings and dogs affected with atopic dermatitis, and have been associated with decreased CER concentrations and morphological alterations in the SC. The aim of the present study was to investigate the changes induced by three different sphingolipid extracts (SPE-1, SPE-2 and SPE-3) on the morphological structure and lipid composition of canine skin, using an in vitro model, whereby keratinocytes were seeded onto fibroblast-embedded collagen type I matrix at the air-liquid interface. Cell cultures were supplemented with SPE-1, SPE-2, SPE-3 or vehicle (control) for 14 days. The relative concentrations of lipids were determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The ultrastructural morphology of samples was examined by transmission electron microscopy. SPE-1 induced significant elevation in total CERs, CER[NS], CER[NDS], CER[NP], CER[AS], CER[AP], CER[EOS] and CER[EOP] subclasses, whereas SPE-2 induced a significant elevation in total CER, CER[AP] and CER[EOS] compared with control conditions. Ultrastructural analysis revealed an increase in lamellar-lipid structures in the SC of SPE-1-treated samples. The findings demonstrated that SPE-1 stimulates production of CERs, as shown by changes in lipid composition and ultrastructural morphology. Thus, SPE-1 contributes to the formation of a well-organised SC and represents a potential therapeutic target for improving skin barrier function in atopic dermatitis

    Evaluation of various biomarkers for kidney monitoring during canine leishmaniosis treatment

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    Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the evolution of the profile currently recommended by the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) (sCr, UPC and sSDMA) with a panel of other different kidney biomarkers during treatment for canine leishmaniosis. This panel included three urinary glomerular biomarkers (uIgG, uCRP and uferritin) and three urinary tubular biomarkers (uGGT, uNAG and uRBP). These biomarkers were measured in two groups of dogs with canine leishmaniosis at IRIS stage I. Group 1: dogs showing proteinuria (UPC > 0.5) before treatment which did not decrease after treatment; Group 2: dogs showing proteinuria before treatment which decreased after treatment. Results: Group 1 showed no significant changes in any biomarker after treatment. In group 2, among the biomarkers recommended by the IRIS, only UPC showed a significant decrease after treatment. However all biomarkers of glomerular damage showed a significant decrease after treatment, with uIgG/Cr and uCRP/Cr showing the greater decreases. In addition uRBP/Cr and uNAG/Cr showed significant decreases after treatment. Conclusions: In dogs with leishmaniosis at IRIS stage I that reduced UPC after treatment, there were no significant changes in serum creatinine and sSDMA. However, all the urine biomarkers evaluated with exception of uGGT showed a significant decrease. These decreases were more evident in those markers related with glomerular function, being uIgG/Cr the biomarker more associated with UPC. Further studies involving a larger number of animals and histological analysis of the kidney would be recommended to confirm these findings and evaluate the routine practical use of these urine biomarkers in canine leishmaniosis

    Inter-Accions: pràctiques col·lectives per a intervencions a l'espai urbà : reflexions d'artistes i arquitectes en un context pedagògic col·lectiu

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    Editat per Sergi Selvas i Marta CarrascoAquesta publicació recull les reflexions sorgides de la primera experiència del projecte «Inter-Accions. Metodologies Col·lectives per a Intervencions Urbanes» en forma d’articles breus dels seus participants. Inter-Accions és un projecte col·laborador interuniversitari d’estudiants i per als estudiants d’art i arquitectura, i es planteja davant la necessitat d’obrir espais autònoms i interdisciplinaris d’aprenentatge en la mateixa institució. L’objectiu principal és construir un espai d’experimentació col·lectiva on sigui possible l’intercanvi d’eines i coneixements que vagin més enllà de la mateixa disciplina. Des d’aquesta perspectiva crítica, i en un context acadèmic universitari, es proposa aquesta experiència perquè arquitectes i artistes comparteixin rols, i perquè, a partir del treball conjunt, estableixin noves metodologies útils, pràctiques i crítiques aplicables als camps de treball respectius per analitzar i treballar sobre les interaccions que es produeixen en l’espai social de la ciutat

    A Genetic Predictive Model for Canine Hip Dysplasia : Integration of Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) and Candidate Gene Approaches

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    Canine hip dysplasia is one of the most prevalent developmental orthopedic diseases in dogs worldwide. Unfortunately, the success of eradication programs against this disease based on radiographic diagnosis is low. Adding the use of diagnostic genetic tools to the current phenotype-based approach might be beneficial. The aim of this study was to develop a genetic prognostic test for early diagnosis of hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. To develop our DNA test, 775 Labrador Retrievers were recruited. For each dog, a blood sample and a ventrodorsal hip radiograph were taken. Dogs were divided into two groups according to their FCI hip score: control (A/B) and case (D/E). C dogs were not included in the sample. Genetic characterization combining a GWAS and a candidate gene strategy using SNPs allowed a case-control population association study. A mathematical model which included 7 SNPs was developed using logistic regression. The model showed a good accuracy (Area under the ROC curve = 0.85) and was validated in an independent population of 114 dogs. This prognostic genetic test represents a useful tool for choosing the most appropriate therapeutic approach once genetic predisposition to hip dysplasia is known. Therefore, it allows a more individualized management of the disease. It is also applicable during genetic selection processes, since breeders can benefit from the information given by this test as soon as a blood sample can be collected, and act accordingly. In the authors' opinion, a shift towards genomic screening might importantly contribute to reducing canine hip dysplasia in the future. In conclusion, based on genetic and radiographic information from Labrador Retrievers with hip dysplasia, we developed an accurate predictive genetic test for early diagnosis of hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. However, further research is warranted in order to evaluate the validity of this genetic test in other dog breeds

    A dose-escalation ex vivo study on the effects of intracameral benzalkonium chloride in rabbits

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    Rabbits are currently not a good model for studying diseases of the corneal endothelium because their corneal endothelial cells (CECs) maintain a high proliferative capacity throughout almost all their life. Addressing this particular feature might allow the use of this species for such a purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the corneal endothelial injury after intracameral benzalkonium chloride (BAC) injection into rabbit eyes ex vivo, and to establish the most suitable starting dose for an in vivo study aimed at developing an animal model of corneal endothelial disease. Forty rabbit eyes obtained postmortem by transconjunctival enucleation were divided into 8 groups according to the injected compound: Control (no injection), BSS, and increasing BAC concentrations (0.005%, 0.01%, 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2%). At 0, 6, 24 and 48 h, ophthalmologic examination of the anterior segment, pachymetry and specular microscopy were performed, and corneas were finally vital-stained and observed under the light microscope to assess the CECs morphology and mortality rate. When compared to BSS, CECs density started to decrease significantly at 0.025% BAC concentration, while mean cell area, corneal edema and corneal thickness began to increase significantly at 0.05%, 0.005% and 0.1% BAC concentrations, respectively. Concentrations of 0.05% BAC and above caused significant increases in CECs pleomorphism (decreased hexagonality) and mortality, compared to control and BSS. Ex vivo intracameral BAC injection induces corneal endothelial toxicity in rabbits. However, confirmatory in vivo studies are required to develop the desired model, with 0.05% BAC being a suggested starting point

    Synaptic activity-induced glycolysis facilitates membrane lipid provision and neurite outgrowth

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    The formation of neurites is an important process affecting the cognitive abilities of an organism. Neurite growth requires the addition of new membranes, but the metabolic remodeling necessary to supply lipids for membrane expansion is poorly understood. Here, we show that synaptic activity, one of the most important inducers of neurite growth, transcriptionally regulates the expression of neuronal glucose transporter Glut3 and rate-limiting enzymes of glycolysis, resulting in enhanced glucose uptake and metabolism that is partly used for lipid synthesis. Mechanistically, CREB regulates the expression of Glut3 and Siah2, the latter and LDH activity promoting the normoxic stabilization of HIF-1 alpha that regulates the expression of rate-limiting genes of glycolysis. The expression of dominant-negative HIF-1 alpha or Glut3 knockdown blocks activity-dependent neurite growth in vitro while pharmacological inhibition of the glycolysis and specific ablation of HIF-1 alpha in early postnatal mice impairs the neurite architecture. These results suggest that the manipulation of neuronal glucose metabolism could be used to treat some brain developmental disorders

    Knee osteoarthritis and periarticular structure quantified by ultrasound. A case-control study

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    Background Assessment of pain and physical function is complex in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), as standard criteria are lacking.A previous study examining correlations between functional capacity and pain (WOMAC) and anthropometric characteristics and periarticular knee structure (quantified by ultrasound imaging) in females with knee OA found increased quadriceps muscle density was associated with higher functional disability and pain scores, suggesting that not only joint wear and symptom severity are involved and more objective measures are necessary..

    Mfn2 localization in the ER is necessary for its bioenergetic function and neuritic development

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    Mfn2 is a mitochondrial fusion protein with bioenergetic functionsimplicated in the pathophysiology of neuronal and metabolicdisorders. Understanding the bioenergetic mechanism of Mfn2may aid in designing therapeutic approaches for these disorders.Here we show using endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or mitochondria-targeted Mfn2 that Mfn2 stimulation of the mitochondrial meta-bolism requires its localization in the ER, which is independent ofits fusion function. ER-located Mfn2 interacts with mitochondrialMfn1/2 to tether the ER and mitochondria together, allowing Ca2+transfer from the ER to mitochondria to enhance mitochondrialbioenergetics. The physiological relevance of these findings isshown during neurite outgrowth, when there is an increase inMfn2-dependent ER-mitochondria contact that is necessary forcorrect neuronal arbor growth. Reduced neuritic growth in Mfn2KO neurons is recovered by the expression of ER-targeted Mfn2 oran artificial ER-mitochondria tether, indicating that manipulationof ER-mitochondria contacts could be used to treat pathologicconditions involving Mfn2
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